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You Needed Me III: A Love Story

Page 15

by Shvonne Latrice

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure. I know him very well. Despite his rough exterior and personality, he’s a sweet boy, he always has been. He’s just very passionate, which people mistake for him being crazy. Just tell him and I’m sure he will be okay with it.”

  “Just don’t tell him anything, let me do it.”

  “Fine, but let me know when you do.”

  I sure hoped she was right, because Rhys was no joke. I knew he loved me as much as I loved him, but I didn’t want him to think I lied. I didn’t lie, I was taking it. But being in love, and spending time with him, sometimes it would slip my mind.

  I wanted to take Mrs. Quinton’s advice, but I wasn’t sure about that just yet. My life was always so complicated.

  Chapter Nine: Britain

  I had to go to New York to handle some business, and like last time, my shorty wanted to come with me. She’d completed her internship, and while she was waiting to see if they offered her permanent employment, she didn’t have much to do. I hated when Tekeya used to be up under me like that, but with Goldie it was different. And seeing her belly grow more and more was pretty interesting to watch. My kid would be here in just four months, and I was excited to say the least.

  I made it up to her condo door, and slipped my key in before entering. When I got in, I heard female voices, but none of them sounded like Goldie. I recognized that one belonged to her sister, but the other wasn’t familiar. Making myself known, I walked into the large kitchen to see who the fuck else was in my shorty’s crib. I told her ass about just letting every bitch she knew come through here.

  “Oh, Britain, this is Hope.” Goldie’s sister Chenaye introduced me.

  Hope was definitely a looker, with blemish free dark skin, short curly hair, and long sexy legs. If I didn’t have Goldie, she would definitely be someone I’d smash, but I wasn’t on that shit anymore. I prided myself on the fact that even though my track record was terrible, I hadn’t cheated on Goldie. I just didn’t have the urge to. I didn’t know why, but I wasn’t interested in finding out.

  “What’s good? Where is Goldie?”

  “She’s in the shower. But she’s already packed and stuff, so don’t worry. She told me to tell you that if you showed up before she got out.”

  “Oh, okay.” I walked out of the kitchen, still feeling some type of way about Chenaye being here. It’d been almost two months since that incident with Ethan, and I didn’t see her looking too much.

  “You want a drink?” Hope walked out of the kitchen and into the living room where I was, with Chenaye hot on her heels.

  “No, I’m good.”

  “What about some food? It’s a long flight you’ll be on.” She smiled.

  “To New York?” I raised a brow. “You need to Google a map or something, shorty,” I scoffed as they both giggled like some hyenas.

  “Oh yeah, I thought y’all were going to Florida or something like that.” She moved from where she was and sat closer to me. “How long have you been with Goldie?” She pushed her chest out towards me. Damn.

  “Long enough.”

  “What happened to that other girl you were dating for a minute? What was her name? Tekeya?”

  “She moved to Illinois.” I scooted over a bit because my dick was getting harder and harder every time I watched her full lips move.

  “She’s a fool. I would’ve never left something as fine as you back here in Boston. I would be dedicated to you all day.”

  “Shorty back up a little bit.” I noticed Chenaye watching us with devious eyes as she held onto whatever was in her glass. Whatever Hope was doing, Chenaye oddly wanted it to happen.

  “Am I bothering you, Britain? I just want to get to know you better. Take my number down, and if anything happens between you and G, let me know.”

  “How the fuck you gon’ be on my girl’s couch flirting with me and shit? You up in her crib, drinking her shit, and trying to fuck her nigga,” I seethed. That shit had me hot. I didn’t like the way she was probably smiling in my shorty’s face, and then on her Eartha Kitt shit with me.

  “Damn, I see how it is,” she chuckled. “I just thought you and I could be cool, but I guess not. Or maybe I should wait it out. When she drops that baby, you may need something extra to help you out during that healing period.” She touched my leg.

  “Baby, give me like ten minutes.” Goldie’s voice almost made me jump out of my damn skin.

  “Aight.” I smacked Hope’s hand off of me, and hopped up to go into Goldie’s room while she got dressed. That Hope bitch had me feeling some type of way. Closing Goldie’s bedroom door behind me I asked, “Why do you have Chenaye here still? She needs to be looking for somewhere else to stay.”

  “I know, Britain. She’s looking and she will be gone soon I promise. I don’t want her here either.”

  “And you need to stop letting her bring random people over here. I bought you this place so you could be safer and still have your own shit, but if you gon’ be running some whorehouse, I will be moving you into my spot.”

  “Okay, baby, relax.” She flashed her pretty smile as she pulled on some tights.

  “Look at your belly, baby, it’s so fucking round.”

  “Yep, and I feel fatter everyday.” She pouted before pulling on a white t-shirt.

  “No you look perfect like always.” I rose to my feet, and pulled her small body into my chest before leaning down to kiss her gently.

  Letting her go, I helped her get her things, and we both walked right past them two hoes in the living room. They said bye, but I didn’t speak, and I didn’t give Goldie a chance to either.

  Once I put Goldie’s bags into my car, I placed a call to have cameras installed in her condo while we were gone. I wanted them hoes to know we were watching their asses.

  I got to the port in no time, and Primo, TQ’s pilot, helped us load the plane. He made sure to have all the snacks I told him Goldie and I liked, along with some small meals. The flight would be short as fuck, but Goldie stayed hungry and when she was, she turned into a mean ass crybaby.

  Only a little over an hour later, we made it to New York, and were driven to the hotel so we could check in and she could take a nap. While she did that, I changed clothes so I could go handle some business.

  The driver I used whenever I was in New York didn’t mind that he was no longer working for Stony. In fact, a lot of the people affiliated with QCF didn’t mind. I think people actually preferred that it be ran by my siblings and myself, versus one nigga who was drunk with power.

  Truthfully I didn’t expect such a positive response, I just knew we’d have to go to war and kill a bunch of niggas. Some we did have to take out, but for the most part no one really liked my dad, they were just scared of him. As far as my brothers, sister, and I, niggas weren’t necessarily scared, they more so respected us. Don’t get me wrong, they knew none of us played any games, but they weren’t frightened to sit and have conversation with us like they were with my father.

  “Thanks, man,” I said to my driver, Daniel, once he pulled up. It was already pretty late, which was perfect because no one was outside. It was a weekday too, and I’d chosen this day purposely.

  “No problem, Mr. Quinton.”

  “Wait here, this will be quick. I’m gonna handle my business, and run back to the car. When I get back in, you just drive off slowly like it’s nothing. Do not speed down the street, okay? That will bring attention.”

  “Got it.”

  I pulled my black skull mask down before getting out of the car. Taking the safety off my gun, I tightened the silencer onto the front and made my way up the porch steps. Banging on the door, I waited for that muthafucka to answer so I could blow his head open.

  “Chto ty khochesh’? (What do you want?)” he questioned lowly in an irritated fashion. I don’t think he meant for me to hear, but I was gonna respond anyway.

  “Mr. Smirnov, I’ve come to collect the money,” I yelled through the door, and liste
ned to him sigh.

  “I call Stony, and he said it’s fine,” he replied in his thick Russian accent from behind the door.

  “Funny, because he sent me to talk to you,” I lied like his ass. He blew out hot air again, and began unlocking the door. Pulling it open, he saw my mask and tried to close the door on me but barged in. Backing away with his hands up, he was about to turn to run for it but I yoked him up by his collar. “Stony can’t say much from the grave.” His eyes almost rolled out of his head upon hearing that my dad was dead. That was most people’s reaction these days.

  “Please, Britain! I have some things that are going to get me big money! Give me three days! Three days, that is all!”

  “Danil, what is going on?” His wife came walking out.

  “Times up, nigga.”


  “Ahhhhh!!” His wife stood there screaming as I dropped him to the floor. His head had exploded and gotten all over her, the walls, and the floor.

  I came walking out, closing their front door behind me, and then got into the backseat of the vehicle before removing my mask. Daniel did as he was told, and drove off calmly, taking me to the New York warehouse so he could switch cars, and I could burn my clothes and gun. He then drove me back to the hotel, where I found my shorty in bed watching some scary shit and eating pasta.

  “Where did you get pasta?” I began undressing so I could shower.

  “I ordered it from downstairs.”

  “Room service. What about me?”

  “I got you one, too. Hurry and eat it because I already know I’m still gonna be hungry after this.” She kept her eyes on the TV.

  “Come here,” I turned her to face me by her chin. “I love you.”

  She bucked her eyes and looked into mine for a few seconds, surprised.

  “I love you, too.”

  “Are you sure?” I grinned and pushed my sweats and boxers down.

  “Yeah you just surprised me when you said it that’s all.”

  I nodded and then turned around to go into the shower. Killing Danil suddenly caused me to smile. I’d been wanting to put his ass six feet under for the longest, and now I finally had.


  TQ and I had just come from visiting Saya’s boo, Pharaoh, in the little room they had him in. It was so weird to see him laid up in there like it was a real hospital. But they had all the staff and amenities needed, so I guess it was a hospital.

  He was getting better, even though he lost a lot of blood, and Saya had been staying with him the whole time. I’d never seen her look worried or bothered before, so her feelings for this guy must’ve been strong. TQ told me they had a little something before he got put away, so I guess it was rekindled when he came out. I’m sure Aries’ creepy ass is turning over in his grave.

  Now TQ and I were going to the mall because Baby Tarenz was gonna take some pictures. I had him in the cutest little outfit, and I couldn’t wait to get these pictures and have them in frames. I was hoping to even get a large one to have on the wall. If so, I would get one for our other babies we had in the future, too. I smiled as I thought about it.

  TQ parked the car, and after he got Baby Tarenz out, he opened the door for me. I got the stroller from the trunk, and once my son was in it, we were on our way into the mall.

  “How long do you think this shit is gonna take?” He frowned as we walked into the picture place.

  “It shouldn’t be long, Tarenz, we have an appointment.”

  I checked in with the lady up front, and then took a seat to wait. I could see from where I was that another baby was getting her picture taken, and she was so adorable. She was laughing and stuff, and I just hoped Baby Tarenz was easy like that. About fifteen minutes later, that baby was done, and was being brought out by its mother.

  “She’s so pretty.” I smiled.

  “Thank you. She was crying at first, but once they brought out the toys she was good.” The lady smiled.

  “He will probably need the same.” I pointed to Baby Tarenz.

  “He’s adorable. Well, have fun.” She walked out.

  “Quinton!” the lady called, prompting me to stand up quickly.

  I pushed my baby to the back, with TQ following behind me. Removing him from the stroller, I sat him in the little chair that they wanted him in so they could take pictures. He was calm at first, but once the lady touched him he started crying and screaming. I picked him up and rocked him for a little bit, before he finally calmed down. I kissed his fat face, straightened his clothes, and then placed him back into the chair. The photographer pulled out some stuffed animals and began talking for them and doing weird stuff, and like clockwork Baby Tarenz began laughing and smiling, which in turn made me smile.

  “He’s so cute.” I looked to TQ.

  “He is.” He nodded and kissed the side of my face.

  The photographer continued snapping pictures as my son laughed and giggled the whole time. I was anxious as hell to see these prints. When I turned to say something to TQ, I noticed he wasn’t by me. I scanned the area with my eyes, and they landed on him standing in the lobby of the mall right outside of the picture place. By him was that bitch, Amikka, and they were having a conversation. My blood immediately began to boil upon seeing him converse with that bitch while his wife and son were here, and when he was supposed to be engaging in what we were doing.

  “Mrs. Quinton, Mrs. Quinton.” The photographer got my attention.

  “Yes, I’m sorry.”

  “He’s all finished. He did great. Just give me about an hour to have them ready for you. You can eat in the mall to pass time, or wait, I don’t mind.”

  “I will go eat, thank you.”

  I picked Baby Tarenz up, and placed him in his stroller. Walking out of the spot, I kept going right past TQ and that bitch. I was over fighting and going off on bitches because it was all in vain if he was gonna continue to be friendly with them. What the fuck do I look like going ape shit 24/7 just for him to still be cool with them in the end? Fuck that. I felt his eyes on me as I passed him and the bitch, and I knew he was surprised that I didn’t stop.

  “Kimberlyn!” he called after me.

  “Yes?” I turned to him with a raised eyebrow.

  “He’s done?”

  “Yes, he’s done. I’m going to get food until the prints are ready.”

  “Okay hold up and—”

  “No, stay here with your friend. You guys look like you have a lot to talk about. I will take my baby to get some food, and you can continue doing whatever you want with this slut ass bitch.”

  “Hold up, who are you calling a slut ass bitch?” she placed her hand on her wide hip.

  “I’m pointing to you, so I’m talking about you, bitch.”

  “Okay y’all need to—”

  “I don’t need to do shit! Fuck you, Tarenz! And you’re lucky I’m not interested in throwing hands over this nigga at the moment, because otherwise I would be dragging yo’ ass all over this mall floor.” I turned around and headed towards the food court.

  “Kimberlyn! Kimberlyn!” I heard TQ yelling after me. I walked past a group of guys and ignored them trying to get at me, as he continued to yell my name. He finally caught up with me, and grabbed my waist from behind. “Why did you do that? I told you to wait.”

  “Get off me, nigga. And I didn’t want to wait on you. You got me fucked up if you think you’re about to be friendly with all these bitches that you’ve fucked. I don’t know what the hell you thought this was, TQ, but in case you need for me to tell you, here it is. I am your wife, and this is your son. We need to always come first no matter what. So you know what that means? That means keeping your ass put while your baby takes his first pictures, and not walking out into the mall to converse with some hoe that I told you has disrespected me not once, but twice. If you want the freedom to be able to have friendships with the women that you’ve stuck your dick in, then we need to divorce. It will be them, or me, but it will not be both.”
  “Kimberlyn, I can’t talk to the girl?”

  “For what?! What the fuck do you need to talk to that bitch for, Tarenz?!” I hollered. I didn’t give a fuck about what these people in the mall thought.

  “Calm yo’ ass down!” he hissed.

  “I ain’t calming shit! Get the fuck out of my face with that bullshit, nigga! If you wanna go have tea and crumpets with that skank then go, but you will not be climbing into bed with me at night while making friends out of your old bed buddies by day!”

  I could see in his eyes that he wanted to kill me. His face was calm, but angry. It wasn’t twisted up, but I could see how furious he was at my behavior through his blue eyes. I was livid, so I didn’t care how mad he or anyone else was.

  “You do too fucking much,” he stated calmly and walked away. A part of me wanted to call after him, but it was only a very small part. I wasn’t wrong, he was, and if he was gonna wait for me to apologize, he’d be waiting forever.

  I continued on to get my food, and ate it in the court. By the time I was finished, it’d been a little over an hour since I left the picture studio. I didn’t know where TQ was, and I didn’t care; I could find a ride home from someone else. Making my way back, I spotted him sitting inside of the studio texting on his phone. I went in and walked right past his ass to the front counter.

  “Here you go, Mrs. Quinton. They’re so beautiful.” The photographer passed me the big envelope holding the pictures, and pulled one out to show me.

  “Thank you, they really are.”

  I paid her the money, and on my way out, TQ got up. I followed him out to the parking lot, and once I took Baby Tarenz out of the stroller, he put it up. I buckled my son in, and then got in on the passenger side. He slid in on his side, and then cranked the car to drive me home.

  For the rest of the day, we said nothing to one another, and I slept in the room with my baby.


  “Mr. Quinton, what if I work in your home?” Dominika questioned. I swear every time I looked up this girl was looking for a new employer. I was tired of seeing her face at this point. But because of her dad, and because of an obligation I felt I needed to fulfill, I couldn’t turn her away.


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