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Rise of the Goddess (****All proceeds from the Rise of the Goddess anthology will go to benefit the Elliott Public Library**** Book 1)

Page 14

by Catherine Stovall

  “Moira McCain?” Mars asked.

  “Don’t tell me you haven’t heard of her, sir!” Campbell exclaimed.

  Mars glanced over at the young star-struck Sergeant and smiled. “Of course I’ve heard of her,” he confirmed as Amon began to massage his scalp. He always loved getting cuts at the bases in and around Afghanistan, there was always so much more to them than just a simple cut and style.

  Mars pondered over the starlet that had the Sergeant all agog. Even though he’d said he had, he really hadn’t heard of Moira McCain. He’d been too busy overseeing wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, watching over Korea and Syria to make sure negotiations went well, not to mention all of the bases and posts around the world, keeping track of who was doing what and where. He obviously could not stop all terrorist attacks, most were unpredictable and carried out by individuals and not military units. What he could do was give the men and women courage to fight the unjust people and the acts of cowardice that were perpetrated on a daily basis. It was rather exhausting and exhilarating all at once.

  Campbell smiled as another barber, Rafi, massaged his shoulders. “Well, you definitely don’t want to miss her performance, sir.”

  “No, I suppose I wouldn’t.”

  “There you are, sir,” Amon announced as he finished the soothing massage.

  “Excellent,” Mars replied as he admired his new look in the mirror. It wasn’t quite a ‘high and tight’, it was too long for that, but still shorter than he preferred. With a smile he tipped Amon and paid his tab. “Thank you, Amon.”

  “Anytime, sir!”

  Mars followed Campbell and the mass of soldiers leaving the Exchange, some almost running, toward a large tent structure. “Where are you all heading?”

  “To hear Moira McCain, Colonel!” several of the men called.

  “She’s taking the stage in less than five minutes, sir!” called another.

  “I’m sure there is a seat upfront for you, sir!”

  Mars nodded, but didn’t quicken his step. He was too old to be taken in by a pretty face with a nice voice. He’d go see what all of the hoopla was about, and then find the DFAC and have a good steak and drink a glass of beer. He’d relax as Minerva suggested and nothing more.

  Chapter Four

  “Please, help me welcome to Pete’s Place, the golden goddess of stage and screen…Moira McCain!”

  Moira glided out to the stage to catcalls and wild applause in a short, shimmery, silver dress. She picked up her guitar and smiled at the crowd of military men and women who were seated in rows going the length of the room. There was a small aisle through the center but the side aisles were filled with standing soldiers because the seats were all filled.

  “Thank you so much for such a warm welcome!” Moira said into the microphone. “It is my pleasure to be here, and if you do not mind, I’d like to start with a song I’ve been working on. A tribute for you all, one that has never been performed before this evening,” Moira said, feeling slightly nervous. She turned to the band behind her and handed them the music and then sat down on the stool before the microphone.

  As the band started the music, the crowd settled down to listen. Moira took a deep breath and began to sing. As she neared the bridge, her eyes connected with a handsome Colonel’s and she nearly stumbled over her next line. “In every country you see them, dressed in their uniforms. They stand for freedom and protect us all from harm. They are the soldiers, the warriors, the freedom fighters,-” Moira took a breath and continued, her heart fluttering faster in her chest. “The ones you send off to battle, the ones who bring liberty.” She waited a few beats and then sang, “They are the Brave, the truest of heart. They do it for God and Country; they do it for you and me. They watch over us from here to Galilee.” She continued to sing, her eyes never leaving the deep dark gaze of the Colonel who took a seat directly in front of the stage. “They are Courageous. They have the strength to fight Adversity. They are the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines. They are our Military. We love our Military!”

  As the band finished the last few notes, the men and women of the audience began to stand and applaud. Moira smiled, she felt her cheeks heat with the sound of their approval. “Thank you for all that you do for us!” Moira said as her gaze drifted back to the Colonel. He was close enough that she could read his name, Mars. She smiled at him and then turned her attention to the entire audience. “Now, who’s ready to party?”

  The men and women whistled and cheered as the band began one of her more popular songs.

  * * *

  Mars was taken in by the songstress; her words struck a chord within him. She was every bit as beautiful as everyone had claimed. He studied her as she sang, she had a sensual glow about her, almost ethereal. He took in her ruby lips, perfectly sculpted, the twin dimples in her cheeks, her adorable button nose, and the long golden tresses that skimmed her waist. If he didn’t know better, he’d swear she’d been goddess touched.

  “Isn’t she fantastic, Colonel Mars?”

  Mars glanced to his right and found Chief Master Sergeant Owens and Master Sergeant Campbell. “She is,” Mars agreed.

  “Have you met her yet, sir?” Owens asked.

  “No, I can’t say I have,” he replied.

  Owens grinned. “I’ll introduce you after the show. She’s just as sweet as can be.”

  Mars nodded. “I’m sure she is.”

  “You know tomorrow she’s going to premiere her new movie Dark Dreams for us here at Pete’s.”

  “I’ll have to check it out,” Mars replied as he looked up at the stage and met Moira’s beautiful gaze. He would swear that he could see little flecks of gold twinkling in her eyes. “Goddess touched,” he murmured.

  “What was that, sir?” Owens asked.

  “Nothing,” Mars replied, not breaking eye contact with Moira. She finally ended the song a few moments later and had to look away, but Mars felt as though she’d been just as captivated by him as he was with her.

  Chapter Five

  “Colonel Mars, may I introduce, Miss Moira McCain,” Owens said as Moira joined them after the performance and autographing session.

  Moira felt her heart speed up in her chest. She’d hoped that the handsome Colonel would approach her at some point and now, here he was. “It’s nice to meet you Colonel Mars,” she murmured, feeling her cheeks heat at the intense look he was giving her. She held out her hand for him and when he took it she felt a zing of recognition flitter between them. As if they were somehow connected.

  “The pleasure is mine, Miss McCain. It isn’t often that we get a songstress of your caliber to visit with us in a place like this. You must have much courage,” Mars said, still holding her hand.

  Moira felt her blush spread. “My agent claims it’s either courage or a case of being completely insane,” she said with a grin.

  Mars chuckled. “We’ll go with courage, though if you plan to leave the Transit Center and go exploring, I might have to reevaluate my words.”

  “I’m perfectly happy staying right here, Colonel,” Moira giggled. “Now, I do wonder if you gentlemen can direct me to a dining hall? I am famished!”

  Mars offered her his arm. “I’m headed to the DFAC myself. I’ve been looking forward to a steak dinner. Owens you better have steak.”

  “Yes, sir! I’m sure that there is a steak with your name on it at the DFAC.”

  “Excellent, lead the way, Owens.”

  Moira felt little tingles of pleasure shoot up the arm the Colonel held. He kept stroking her fingers, sending little lightning bolts pulsing through her. She almost couldn’t breathe she was in such a fluster.

  “Would you like a steak as well, Ms. McCain?” Mars asked.

  “Yes, a steak…would be…lovely,” Moira replied breathlessly.

  “Owens take care of it, would you?” Mars asked as he seated Moira at one of the cafeteria tables and then sat across from her.

  “Yes, sir! Lobster comes with those steaks, sir, do you want
them as well?”

  Mars looked at Moira, who nodded. “Yes, now do go away, Owens.”

  “Yes, sir,” Owens acquiesced as he hurried off to speak with the TCN’s in the kitchen.

  As soon as Owens had left and they were alone, Mars grabbed Moira’s hand, held it across the table and stared into her eyes, studying her. “You’re not quite human…” he murmured. “Who touched you, I wonder? Venus? Apollo?”

  Moira attempted to pull her hand back, slightly shocked at his words. Others had said similar things, but not quite in such a way. Most said she couldn’t be of earthly origins because she was too beautiful. But as far as Moira knew, she was as human as the next girl. “Don’t be ridiculous, Colonel, of course I’m human. What else would I be?” she said curiously.

  Mars frowned, studying her harder. “Could it be you don’t know?” he muttered. “Is that why Minerva was so insistent I visit Manas? Was it because you would be here?” he said more to himself than to her.

  “Forgive me, Colonel, but are you all right?” Moira asked.

  Mars blinked a few times as if coming out of a concentrated trance. “What? Oh, yes, yes. I’m fine. Sorry about that.”

  Moira smiled. “Tell me Colonel, where are you stationed? Are you here at Manas or did you just come in for the weekend?”

  “I’m just here for the weekend. I go back to work on Monday,” Mars said returning her smile as he drew a pattern on the back of her hand that she couldn’t quite make out. It seemed to be some sort of circle with an arrow, but she wasn’t sure what it meant, or if it meant anything.

  “And where is it that you work? Where are you stationed?” Moira pressed.

  Mars smiled and ignored the question as a TCN approached them with their meals. “Looks like our food has arrived.”

  Moira sighed and let her question go. “It smells divine. I’m sure it shall be delicious.”

  Mars chuckled. “It will do, but I doubt it will be five star quality, love.”

  Moira arched a golden brow at his endearment, but decided not to comment upon it. Colonel Mars was an interesting man who made her heart beat faster, she wanted to explore that further. “Tell me Colonel, are you married?”

  “You may call me Mars, and no, I’m not. No matter what mythology says, I’m not married.”

  “I beg your pardon?” Moira asked, feeling slightly confused and then she laughed. “Oh, you are joking. Because your last name is Mars, as in the god of war,” she said with a smile. “Of course Plautus claimed you were married to Nerio, and another said you fathered the Roman children Romulus and Remus with Rhea Silvia, oh!” Moira pretended to exclaim. “Then there was that fling with Venus…you have been busy.”

  Mars grinned. “I never married Nerio, she was a figment of Plautus’ imagination. The fling with Venus…well that happened, though it was short lived. And I did actually father Romulus and Remus with Rhea, but it was for a good cause, Rome you know. Rhea was quite the beauty, but she doesn’t even compare to you, love.”

  Moira laughed. “What an imagination you have!”

  Mars winked at her and she grinned. They ate their steaks and chatted about Roman mythology until they were interrupted once again.

  “Excuse me, sir, Ms. McCain?”

  Mars glanced up at the Airman before them. “Yes, Airman?”

  “Forgive me, sir, but Ms. McCain, there is a call for you at HQ.”

  Moira touched her napkin to her lips and smiled. “Thank you, Airman Dawson. Colonel Mars, it has indeed been a pleasure.”

  “Just Mars, remember, Ms. McCain?” Mars answered as he stood and helped her up as well.

  Moira blushed. “Mars. And of course you should call me Moira. Now if you will excuse me, Mars?”

  Mars took her hand and brought it to his lips and kissed her fingers. “It has indeed been a pleasure, Moira, love,” he murmured.

  Moira felt her blush deepen. “Goodbye, Mars,” she said as she followed Airman Dawson to HQ.

  Chapter Six

  As soon as Moira disappeared through the doors on her way to HQ, Mars found a dark spot to flash up to Olympus. He was determined to find Minerva and see what exactly she’d been playing at. He knew beyond a doubt that Moira was goddess touched. He just wasn’t sure exactly why he’d been sent to interact with her.

  “Minerva!” he shouted, his voice ringing like thunder through the sky.

  “You bellowed?” Minerva replied a moment later as she appeared at his side.

  “Moira McCain.”

  Minerva colored slightly. “You’ve met her then?”


  “Very well. Yes. She’s been touched. She’s special, Mars. She’s got our blood, on both sides of her family. She’s practically one of us!”

  “You know the humans call her the goddess of stage and screen! Minerva, how could you?” Mars demanded. “She’s human!”

  “She’s not! She’s part goddess! And we have enhanced her abilities, so she’s even more so,” Minerva replied.

  “We who? And does Jupiter know about this?” Mars questioned.

  “Venus, Apollo and me and yes, he is aware. He wasn’t too happy about it either.”

  “And for very good reason, Minerva! She’s not going to age, she’s going to look exactly as she is forever! She can’t continue to perform as she does now, the humans will start to suspect something eventually! How could you do that to her, Minerva?”

  “Why do you think I insisted you go down for a rest when I did, Mars?” Minerva asked. “I knew what you would see in her.”

  “And what exactly do you expect me to do about it?” he asked furiously.

  “I suppose when the time comes, I hoped you would arrange an accident, or intervene in some way. Not now of course, but later, when she has made her mark on the world,” Minerva replied, sounding almost bored.

  Too bored, Mars thought. Minerva was up to something, he just wasn’t sure what. “So you expect me to what…kill her off?”

  “If necessary,” Minerva replied, the bored tone getting stronger.

  She is definitely up to something, Mars thought with a frown. “Very well,” he replied. “I’ll arrange her plane to crash when she leaves Manas. No sense in waiting around for-”

  “What? No! You can’t! Haven’t you fallen for her? How can you just-”

  “I knew it!” Mars crowed. “And what makes you think I’ve fallen for her? I do not have time for women, Minerva. And look what happened when you meddled last time! Venus! The human poets and writers had a field day with that one!”

  “Well, you had so much in common,” Minerva explained. “It’s not my fault if the humans didn’t understand it. Anyway, Venus was definitely not right for you, but Moira is!”

  Mars frowned. “Stop meddling in my love life, Minerva. Do not make me go to Jupiter over this.”

  Minerva sighed. “Fine. What are you going to do then?”

  “None of your business,” Mars muttered as he flashed back down to Manas.

  * * *

  Mars took form just outside of HQ. He could hear Moira on the phone still, arguing with someone named Jake. He frowned as he listened.

  “Stop it, Jake. I really don’t care if the critics are panning your performance, it’s a good movie. And I will show it tomorrow, whether you like it or not,” Moira paused as Jake said something else. “No, I will not come back to LA just because you are pissed off. I’m not your girlfriend anymore, Jake, remember? You left me for that little bit of fluff you call Tiffani.”

  Moira paused again, her back to him and Mars could see she was getting upset by the set of her shoulders and the tone of her voice.

  “Maybe I have found someone interesting! It’s none of your business if I have!” she commented into the phone and paused once again. “It doesn’t matter what his name is… Fine! His name is Colonel Mars, happy?”

  Mars slammed his back against the wall, moving out of the way just as she turned around. His breathing quickened and he stood there
debating what to do as she continued to have it out with the Jake person on the phone.

  “Stop calling me, Jake! I’m not coming back to you ever! You are darn lucky I actually finished the film! After the stunt you pulled I could have dropped out, you know! Suck it up, and be a man. Your performance sucked eggs, as the Washington Gazette so sweetly put it, because you spent the whole film thinking with your dick and chancing after the extras! If you spent half as much time actually learning your lines and practicing, you wouldn’t have gotten such bad reviews! You can only get by on your looks for so long, Jake, eventually someone is going to realize you are not nearly as talented as you pretend to be!”

  Moira sighed, and Mars peeked around the corner again to see her sit down on the desk, her head in her hand.

  “I am not being ‘way harsh’. I’m not your therapist, Jake, and I no longer care. Goodbye, Jake. Don’t call me again,” she said as she dropped the phone in its cradle as he continued to scream at her.

  Mars stepped into the room and leaned against the doorframe, his left ankle crossed over his right. “You all right, Moira, love?” he murmured.

  Moira looked up at him, tears glistening in her gold speckled eyes and gave him a watery smile. “Of course,” she said softly, her shoulders shaking with the unshed tears.

  Mars opened his arms and she hopped off of the desk and went into his comforting embrace. He held her as she cried without saying anything, without judging. After a few minutes she wiped her eyes and stepped back from him. He only hesitated a moment before letting her go.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have broken down on you like that,” she said with a smile. “Everyone just expects me to be so perfect all of the time, sometimes it gets to be just a bit too much.”

  “We all have bad days,” Mar replied with a smile.

  “Even the god of war?” Moira asked with a grin.

  “Especially the god of war,” Mars replied with a chuckle. “Don’t get me started on the whole Ares persona…now those are bad days!”


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