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Page 15

by I. T. Lucas

  Sylvia was his salvation. Much more than a lover, she was his only friend.

  “Knock, knock.” A woman sauntered into the room. “I’m Ingrid, the housing fairy.” She offered her hand to Roni.

  He shook it, painfully aware of how pitifully weak his grip was, while the foxy lady in charge of housing arrangements could smash the bones in his hand if she so wished. “Nice to meet you in person.”

  They’d spoken on the phone earlier. Ingrid had promised to check the available inventory and then come talk to him.

  “I assume you know Sylvia.”

  Ingrid put her hand on Sylvia’s shoulder. “Of course I do. Roni tells me that the two of you are going to share the apartment.”

  Fuck. He hadn’t asked Sylvia about it. But Ingrid had made it clear that there weren’t enough vacant apartments and that he would have to share. Roni didn’t want to room with some strange guy. He wanted to be with Sylvia and only Sylvia.

  “I can’t. I wish I could. I’m going to spend as much time with you as I can, but I can’t move in with you. I’m sorry.”

  “Why not?”

  Sylvia sighed. “My mother. She is clingy. She’d be devastated if I left. I have to get her used to the idea over a long period of time. Maybe in the new place, she’ll have more company and won’t feel as lonely.”

  Ingrid shook her head. “I got you your own apartment under the assumption that Sylvia would be moving in with you. So until I run out of options and have to stick you with a roommate, you can enjoy your solitude.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Here are the keys.” She handed him two plastic cards like the ones used in hotels. “The apartment number is on the sticker attached to each key. First two numbers indicate the floor it’s on. Welcome to the keep, Roni.”

  When Ingrid left, Sylvia leaned and kissed him again. “I’m sorry, baby. I told you about my mom. I thought you figured out that I’m stuck with her.”

  “Being with you was the most compelling reason for me to leave my old life behind. I can’t help feeling disappointed.”

  “It will happen. Just not right away.” She hopped off the bed. “Come on. Get dressed and let’s get out of here.”

  “What about my equipment?” Roni pointed at the monitor stand.

  “I’ll ask someone to bring it up.”

  A few minutes later, dressed in his new clothes and with socks on his feet, Roni got out of the bathroom holding a new toothbrush and a disposable razor.

  Sylvia noticed the items and pulled out her phone. “I forgot those too. I’ll get them when I go for the other things.” She typed on the small screen, adding to her shopping list.

  Roni threw them in the plastic bag and lifted it off the bed, pretending it wasn’t a huge effort to hold the thing up.

  “Give me that.” Sylvia snatched the bag away from him.

  He was too weak to fight her for it. “Way to make me feel like a man, baby.”

  Holding the bag in one hand as if it weighed nothing, Sylvia wrapped her arm around his waist and propped him up. “You’re a man who is weakened by pneumonia. Once you’re back on your feet, I’ll let you carry all the heavy things. Deal?”

  “Deal. And also let me pay you back.”

  “Nope. I don’t want to hear another word about it.”

  The arguing continued all the way up to the apartment.

  “I’ll tell you what.” Sylvia inserted the keycard into the lock and pushed the door open. “When you get your first paycheck, I’ll order a bunch of stuff for myself, and you’ll pay for it. A present from you to me for being an awesome girlfriend.”

  That sounded reasonable, and it gave him an idea. He didn’t need to wait for a paycheck to buy his girlfriend things, or for himself. As one of the best hackers in the States, he could get her anything without paying for it, and no one would ever find out. There were two problems with that. One was the delivery, he didn’t know if he was allowed to have things delivered to him in the keep. The other problem would be keeping it a secret from Sylvia. She wouldn’t accept stolen gifts.

  “Okay?” She put her hands on her hips.

  “It’s a deal.”

  Sylvia’s face lit up. “Wonderful. Now let’s take a look around.”

  She took his hand and tugged, urging him to follow her to the bank of windows. “Look at this view!”

  Roni glanced at the high-rises across the street. It was a better view than the one he’d had before, but nothing spectacular. What interested him more was the big television screen hanging over the low fake fireplace and the comfortable couch facing it.

  “The sofa looks comfortable.” He tugged on Sylvia’s hand.

  “Let’s check it out.”

  They plopped down at the same time, bouncing up from the springy cushions. Roni leaned back. “Now, that’s what I call a sofa. Every couch potato's dream come true.”

  Sylvia cast him a smirk. “How about we check out the bed for bounciness?”

  “Most important system check. Lead on, captain.” Roni imitated Star Trek Scotty’s accent.

  Sylvia tugged her T-shirt down and straightened her back. “So I’m the captain?”

  “Who do you want to be?”

  “Commander Deanna Troi, of course.”

  “Not the same Star Trek. Troi is from the Next Generation. Scotty is from the old one.”

  “Then you can be Geordi.”

  “I don’t want to be Geordi. How about Worf? I always wanted to be a Klingon.”

  Sylvia chuckled. “Works for me. Deanna and Worf had a fling.”

  “In a hallucination. It wasn’t real.”

  Sadly, in his current state, all Roni could do was hallucinate.


  “See you tomorrow, Jerry.” Shawn passed his fellow salesman on the lot.

  Jerry glanced at his watch. “You’re leaving early today. What gives?”

  “I have a thing, and I’m late for it.” Shawn hurried up his steps.

  He wasn’t late, in fact, he was leaving an hour earlier than needed, but it was none of Jerry’s fucking business where he was going.

  If word got out about Shawn joining a support group for jilted men, he would become the laughing stock of the dealership. It would be like admitting that he’d gotten his dick cut off and had grown a pussy.

  Deciding to check it out had surprised him too. Something in that Facebook ad had resonated with him, touched a sore spot, and the only way he could think of getting rid of that soreness was to go there and make a mockery out of all the sad saps who showed up.

  In the end, the joke was on him. A few of the guys were obvious losers, but the majority were other angry men like him. Shawn had felt right at home. He wasn’t the only one who felt like a ticking bomb. There were others like him.

  The coolest part was the shrink. That dude not only understood Shawn and the other guys, but he also approved of their anger and their right to vengeance.

  There was none of the hippie-dippie nonsense about forgiving and forgetting and moving on. The guy got it that it was not going to happen until revenge had been exacted.

  Today was the second meeting, and Shawn couldn’t wait for another session. He only hoped that none of the pussies came back.

  His trip to Aussie was the first step in tracking his wife. He didn’t give a shit about the divorce papers. Callie belonged to him. He owned her and her whoring cunt. She would learn that the hard way.

  Her phone was still at the restaurant. The battery was long dead, but he knew where she’d left it. One of the waitresses called asking if she was coming back to work and if not if it was okay to clear her locker. Which meant she hadn’t told her coworkers about her plans.

  He’d told Kati, or whatever the cunt’s name was, that Callie had had an emergency back home, something about her father, and that she’d had to leave unexpectedly, but that he would come to collect her things.

  A perfect excuse to question the other cunts working there.

nbsp; As he entered the restaurant, he stopped by the hostess.

  “How many in your party?” She flipped her hair back as she smiled at him.

  The cunt was fuckable, and he would’ve gladly done her if not for the charade he needed to keep up. Callie’s devoted husband wouldn’t fuck her coworker.

  “I’m here for my wife’s things. Callie. Is there anyone who can help me with that?”

  Her smile turned into concern. “What happened to her? Nothing bad, I hope?”

  Not yet, but something bad was going to happen to her soon.

  “Callie is fine. It’s her father. She had to go home, and she has no idea when she’d be able to come back.”

  The hostess shook her head. “It must be really bad if she didn’t even call to let us know she wasn’t coming in for her shift.”

  Shawn plastered on an apologetic expression. “You know how it is when a family crisis hits and they need you. Everything else gets forgotten.”

  “Yes, of course. I understand. Let me get Kati for you. She can help you.”

  “Thank you. Your help is much appreciated.”

  “Of course.” The chick hurried to get the other one.

  A few moments later, she came back with another hot piece of ass. He should’ve come here when Callie had asked him to. She’d failed to mention how hot some of her coworkers were. Apparently, she’d failed to mention a lot of things. Like the guys she’d been screwing on the side.

  “I’m Kati. You’re Callie’s husband?” The hottie offered her hand.


  “Nice to meet you. Follow me.” She kept talking while leading him to wherever Callie’s things were. “So weird the way she took off and forgot her phone. Who forgets her phone?”

  “It was probably out of charge. Callie never remembers to charge it.” Shawn wondered if his affectionate tone was fooling the waitress. She looked smart, smarter than his fucking wife.

  At the employee room, she pointed at an open cardboard box sitting on top of one of the tables. “It’s only her phone and a couple of Aussie T-shirts. We all keep spares just in case. People are so clumsy. Someone can bump into you while you’re carrying a tray, and boom, you’re covered in BBQ sauce.”

  Shawn shook his head in fake commiseration. “Tell me about it. I also work with customers. What a nightmare.”

  “What do you do?”

  He was glad that Callie hadn’t told them anything about him. The question was why? Had she been ashamed of him?

  Nah. He was handsome and made good money. Any other woman would’ve been bragging about what a catch she’d landed.

  “I sell luxury vehicles.”

  Kati put her hand on her hip. “Rich people are the worst, treating everyone as if they are beneath them, and they don’t tip well. Unless they are celebrities. Those are the best tippers because they still remember being poor, just like us.”

  The waitress was talkative, which was good, but Shawn didn’t know how to steer the conversation to Callie and whoever she’d been meeting at Aussie.

  After mulling over it for days, he decided there was no other place she could’ve managed a secret affair. He’d known where she was every minute of the day, and she’d never spent long at the supermarket or even clothes shopping. She hadn’t gone to nail salons or gotten facials either, and she’d had her haircuts at Supercuts. She must’ve been meeting her lovers at Aussie.

  “Who was your best tipper? Anyone famous?”

  “I’m not sure he was a celebrity, but he left a huge tip. In cash. He looked like a rock star, with long blond hair and a body to die for. You should know him. Callie said he was her cousin from Scotland.”

  “Right. That cousin. I think he plays in a band.” Shawn was putting on the best performance of his life. He deserved a fucking Oscar for keeping his murderous rage bottled up and smiling like an idiot. “I keep forgetting his name. Do you remember it?”

  Kati scratched her scalp. “Nope. Nothing comes up. It’s like a black hole in there. Let me ask Susan. Maybe she remembers.”

  “Much appreciated. It’s so embarrassing. Callie must’ve told me his name at least ten times and I still keep forgetting it.”

  As Kati walked out, Shawn paced the small room, counting numbers to keep himself from exploding. His face felt hot.

  A few minutes later Kati came back. “Sorry, Shawn, Susan doesn't remember his name either. She doesn't even remember what he looks like, which is really strange because a guy looking like that sticks in a woman’s memory.” She winked. “But she remembered something about him that I forgot. Susan says he sounds like a robot or a computer. Flat.”

  Something about a guy who sounded like that tugged at Shawn’s memory. But when he tried to focus, it felt as if needles were being shoved into his brain. Shaking his head, he tried again, but again lost the thread and the headache got worse.

  “Anything else I can help you with?” Kati asked.

  “Thank you. You were most helpful. I’ll just take the box.”

  “Tell Callie we miss her and to come say hi when she’s back. Also, that I pray for her father’s health.”

  “I will. You’re a good friend.”


  Thank God it was the middle of the week, and the club was closing at two in the morning. Callie was counting the minutes until Franco turned on the lights and called it a night.

  After their dinner at Gino’s, Brundar had brought her home just in time for her to change into her uniform, then dropped her at the club and headed for his night rotation. Which meant that tonight he was free and could walk her home. Or drive her. But she preferred the walk even though her feet were killing her after seven hours of running around taking orders and delivering drinks.

  Breathing the fresh air and enjoying the quiet was calming. It helped her sleep better, but not always. Some nights she was plagued by nightmares about Shawn finding her; others, she kept tossing and turning because of wet dreams about Brundar doing all kinds of wicked things to her.

  “What are you still doing here?” Miri asked on her way out.

  “Waiting for Brad.”

  “What’s the matter, Donnie can’t take you?”

  The barmaid still wasn’t convinced nothing was going on between Callie and the bouncer, and Callie didn’t have the heart to tell her that Donnie had his eyes on someone else.

  “I’m sure he can, but I want Brad to take me tonight.” In more ways than one. At the end of their walk, Callie intended to invite Brundar up to her apartment and have her way with him.

  Miri shook her head as if Callie was deluding herself. “Goodnight. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Goodnight to you too.”

  To pass the time and not look like she was waiting to catch him, which she was, Callie got busy helping the busboys clear the tables.

  A few minutes later, Donnie walked in. “What’s up, Callie?”

  Crap. She should have told him he didn’t need to wait for her and could go home. “Sorry. I forgot to tell you that I’m waiting for Brad tonight.”

  Donnie lifted a brow. “Does he know that you’re waiting for him?”

  “Nope. But he is going to find out.”

  “What if he can’t take you?”

  “He will have to if you’re gone. Don’t worry. I’ll tell him I sent you home.”

  Donnie plopped down on a bar stool and crossed his arms over his chest. “I’ll wait.”

  Stubborn man. “Why?”

  “First of all because I don’t want to lose my job. No offense, but Brad is my boss, not you. And secondly, Miri is outside, lying in wait for me. I told her I need to take you home. I hope she gets tired of waiting and drives off.”

  Poor Miri. Callie knew all about pining for a guy who wasn’t interested. But at least Brundar was attracted to her. He just didn’t want a relationship. Donnie didn’t find Miri attractive.

  “Just tell her you’re not interested.”

  Donnie grimaced. “I can�
�t say it straight out like that. I don’t want to hurt her feelings. Besides, she is scary. I don’t want to go on her shit list.”

  Callie chuckled. “I know what you mean. That’s one more reason why you should go after Fran. When Miri sees you with someone else, she’ll give up.”

  “It’s happening this weekend.”

  “Good for you.” Callie patted his shoulder.

  “What’s happening at the weekend?” Brundar asked, startling both her and Donnie.

  Hand on her racing heart, she turned around. “Could you please make more noise when you walk? You scared the bejesus out of me.”

  There was no amusement in his tone as he stared daggers at the bouncer. “Donnie?”

  The guy looked so extremely uncomfortable that Callie decided to come to his rescue.

  “Donnie is going to ask someone out.”

  “Is it someone who works here?” Brundar was still staring at Donnie who seemed to be shrinking under that intense scrutiny.

  “Yeah. It’s Fran,” he finally admitted.

  Brundar relaxed. “Good luck with that. Just remember to keep your hands and other body parts to yourself on club grounds. Anywhere else it’s none of my business.”

  “Yes, boss.”

  Callie rolled her eyes. First of all, considering what went on down in the basement, telling Donnie to keep his hands to himself was hypocritical. And secondly, Fran hadn’t said yes yet. She might prove to be a snooty little bitch and turn sweet Donnie down.

  “Are you taking me home?” She turned to Brundar. “Donnie waited to make sure I have an escort.”


  “Good.” She turned to Donnie. “Thank you for waiting. I hope the coast is clear.”

  The bouncer pushed to his feet. “Me too.”

  “What was that about?” Brundar asked after Donnie left.

  Forgetting his aversion to touch, Callie threaded her arm through his, but surprisingly he didn’t pull away.


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