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Billionaire Biker's Secret Baby_A Bad Boy Romantic Suspense

Page 23

by Weston Parker

  I’m as careful as can be, heading away from the Hampstead place. My heart is beating hard until I make it back to the saloon. I push through the heavy doors and head toward the restroom at the back, nodding at Ricky as I pass.

  As I wash my hands, my mind is cataloging what I learned. Three strangers, former military, in town on a mercenary mission. There’s only one person in Cape Craven that would have the means and connections to hire a group of ex-armed forces, and only one person with the motivation.

  The knowledge that my brother has once again plotted my demise leaves a cold feeling in the pit of my stomach. I return to the bar and straddle a stool, instructing Ricky to pour me a glass of whatever’s strongest.

  He smirks, pours a golden brown liquid in a glass, and slides it over to me. I nod and sip it, enjoying the burn.

  Brent offered me ten million to leave town. I should have realized how serious he was then before he paid to have me run off the road. I guess I’m a slow learner.

  “Well, look who it is,” a feminine voice purrs behind me. I turn around and see an attractive female strutting my way. If I were interested, her brunette waves and trim physique might make me want to buy her a drink.

  But I’m not interested.

  I nod my head at her and return to my glass. Apparently, she’s not the type to give up easily as she claims the stool beside me.

  “We went to high school together,” she says with a wide white smile. “I was on the cheerleading team. Maybe you remember me?”

  I eye her up and down, then shake my head. I was interested in only one girl in high school, and it wasn’t this former cheerleader.

  “Samantha,” she says, a thread of impatience edging into her voice. “Samantha Sitwell?”

  Samantha Sitwell isn’t the type that expects being forgotten either. That’s clear from the expression on her face.

  “Sorry,” I shrug. “That was a long time ago.”

  “Ten years isn’t that long,” she replies. “Although I suppose being locked up for half of them could make it feel longer.”

  Now Little Miss Sitwell has my attention. Her smile turns sharp as I pin her with my gaze. Suddenly her expression becomes sweet. “Must be tough,” she says, then motions to Ricky. “Let me buy you a drink.”

  “I have a drink,” I say, swallowing down the rest of it and standing. I toss a bill on the bar and start to walk away.

  “Wait,” she says, hustling after me as I push through the heavy wooden doors. “I think we got off on the wrong foot.”

  I sigh, reminding myself that I have enough enemies in Cape Craven already. It wouldn’t hurt to do a little positive PR. I stop, turning back to the female. “Nothing to worry about. You’re good.”

  “I’m very good,” she purrs, moving closer and putting her hand on my arm. “I’d love a chance to show you how good I can be.”

  I grit my teeth. It’s been a while since a woman threw herself at me, but it doesn’t feel like anything more than an annoyance. The sun is starting to set, and I scan the horizon, then the street. And then I freeze.

  Sabrina is coming out of the general store and she’s frozen in place. My eyes meet hers, and she flinches as if caught, then drops her head and starts walking away from the store.


  “Thanks for the offer,” I say, pulling away. “But now’s not a good time.”

  “When is?” she says, following at my heels like an eager puppy.

  “Half past never,” I bite out, no longer willing to play the game with her. I figure if I speed up, I can catch Sabrina. I’m drawn to her like iron to a magnet. But before I can get away, Little Miss Sitwell says something that stops me in my tracks.

  “Still chasing after her, I see. Just like in high school. I would have thought you’d gotten over her by now. Especially after Sabrina lied to you like that about her daughter.”

  “She didn’t lie,” I ground out. “And it’s none of your business.”

  Samantha shrugs. “Okay. I get it. You’d rather believe that Alexa is your daughter than believe the truth. That’s fine.”

  I’m on the woman in a second, my face inches from hers. “What did you say?”

  Her eyes widen, but so does her smile. “She told you Alexa is yours, right?”

  “You’re saying she isn’t?”

  “I’m just saying you weren’t the only guy she was fooling around with in high school. Isn’t it convenient that she pins this on you now? Why keep it a secret? You would have claimed the child if she’d told you back then, am I right?”

  I don’t dignify her words with a response, but she’s got the wheels in my head turning. “And she wouldn’t have wanted me to claim Alexa?”

  “Not if you found out it wasn’t your baby. After you left, she kept on with Alexa’s father for another year or so, but he left her for a girl from the next county. She got a little crazy after that, bringing home all sorts of men, and now she’s got a bit of a reputation, you know.”

  I didn’t know. How could I? I was gone for a decade.

  “Anyway, it isn’t my place to speak,” Samantha says, adopting an innocent demeanor. “I just don’t like to see a good man get blindsided by a manipulative woman.”

  She sidles closer to me again, running her finger along my arm. “Want to come to my place and talk about it?”

  “I have another engagement,” I say, then turn on my heel and walk away without another word. My world has shrunk to the size of a pinpoint, my brain screaming one thing at me over and over.

  Confront her. Confront Sabrina. Do it now.

  I kick Delilah started and speed out of the lot, knowing it won’t take much to catch Sabrina who’s on foot.



  We can’t seem to keep enough bologna in the house, which is the reason for my walk to the general store. Lex eats the stuff like it’s going out of style, which it probably should be. But since I’m still in the doghouse, I decide to stock the stuff in another gesture of reconciliation.

  So far Lex has ignored my gestures, and my existence, but I’m determined to have my daughter talking to me again. I leave the store with a bag full of the pink circles, humming the song about my bologna’s first name, and then freeze when I see what’s going on at the saloon.

  Ax is standing out front next to Miss Samantha. Her hand is on his arm, and she’s smiling up into his face like he invented hot yoga. I can’t help myself, I stare at them, until Ax turns and sees me.


  I head away from the store at a quick walk, my feelings a jumbled mess. What were they talking about? It’s hard not to feel betrayed after what I shared about the woman. Even though she’s an evil bitch, I’d still like to give Ax the benefit of the doubt. But Lex’s teacher sure does run hot and cold. She called Ax a convict the other night, and now she wants to hold his hand?

  Still, I basically told him there wasn’t room in our lives for him. Can I blame him if he wants to move on?

  Yes. A hundred times yes if it’s with that bitch.

  I push away the bitter voice in my head and focus on the road. If I hustle, I can get home in a few minutes and retreat to the tub for a little bit of peace.

  Then I hear the distinctive sound of a familiar motor coming toward me. I pray to the Lord that it keeps going, but it doesn’t. In fact, it pulls up right in front of me.

  Ax is there, his face like a summer thundercloud. “Get on.” He takes off his helmet and holds it out toward me.

  I’m confused. Why is he pissed at me? Does he think I’m stalking him or something equally ridiculous?

  “Hey, Ax,” I say, pushing down the nervous feeling in my stomach. “I’m glad to see you out and about, and on Delilah again.”

  “Get on,” he repeats, forcing the words through gritted teeth.

  “I’m—I’m sorry,” I mumble, holding up a plastic bag. “I’ve got to get these home.”

  Ax climbs off the bike and walks toward me. Instinctually, I pull away.
“Another time,” I say, my steps quickening.

  “Now,” he growls, then lunges forward, grabbing me around the waist and picking me up. What in the holy heck is going on?

  “Ax, put me down,” I shout, slapping at his arm. I might as well be smacking a brick wall for all the good it does. He ignores my escape attempt and places me on the bike, pushing the helmet onto my head.

  Ax climbs on in front of me and gets the bike started. “Hold on,” he grumbles, then speeds off down the street.

  “Ax, take me home,” I shout over the wind, but he shakes his head, his hair flowing out behind him in the wind.

  We make it to the cabin in record time, and for once Ax doesn’t bother to lock Delilah in the shed. He grabs my arm and marches me up the steps to his cabin, unlocking the door and shoving me inside.

  “What is this all about?” I ask, my curiosity overriding my desire to avoid the confrontation. The last exchange we had was at the hospital, and things had been tame then. What has gotten Ax all riled up?

  He enters and slams the door behind him. Stalking forward, he growls, “Who is he?”

  I furrow my brow, not knowing what the heck he means. “Who’s who?”

  “The man who got between those perfect thighs after me. The one you’ve conveniently failed to mention. Who is he?”

  I shake my head, bemused. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  His eyes narrow to golden slits. “Stop fucking playing with me, Sabrina. I’m beginning to think every word that comes out of your mouth is a lie.”

  I recoil as if slapped. I thought we’d come to some kind of peace about my keeping Lex a secret from him. So where is this coming from?

  He’s furious, anger emanating from his huge body. As he takes a step toward me, I take a step back. Still hoping to defuse the situation, I lift my hands, palm out. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Ax.”

  “Tell me who he was,” he says, his face turning to stone. “Tell me who else got to enjoy that perfect little body of yours.”

  I realize that reasoning with him isn’t going to work. With Ax, appeals to logic only have a 50-50 chance of success. His powerful body stalking toward me is too dangerous, and not because I fear violence. It’s the attachment that worries me, the jealousy he’s radiating.

  But what does he have to be jealous of? Doesn’t he know he’s the only one?

  “Ax, take me home right now,” I say, stiffening my spine.

  He shakes his head, his smile feral. “You’re going to answer my questions.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Frustration edges into my voice. “I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but I’m not having it today. Take me home. Right now!”

  He lunges for me, but I skip backward, hustling to put the table between us. “You’re just prolonging the inevitable,” he says as he pursues. “You’re going to talk.”

  “I don’t have anything to say,” I retort, faking him out with a shift to the right, then rushing past him on the left, sprinting for the door.

  He catches me as I turn the knob, shoving the door shut and pinning me to it. Ax presses his hard body against my back, molding it to me, whispering in my ear. “I know all about your little lie. And it’s time for you to confess.”

  “I told you my secret days ago! There’s nothing left to say. Now let me go!”

  He laughs, and it’s a cruel sound. “Not a chance, sweetheart.” His breath is warm against my neck. “There’s no use denying it. I know you had someone else after I enlisted.”

  What? “Ax, that’s—”

  “The truth? Something you kept hidden? Something you didn’t bother to mention when I came back to Cape Craven?”

  “No,” I say, my anger filling me. I use all my strength to shove off against the door, pushing him back and causing him to stumble. I take the opportunity to whip open the door and run down the steps.

  I no longer know what the fuck is happening. Ax thinks I was with another man after he left? Who? And why is he bringing this up now?

  I’m livid, but I’m also scared. If he drags me back into the cabin, I know he’ll continue this mockery of an interrogation. And since he’s such a stubborn asshole, my chances of convincing him of my innocence are less than the chances of a pig being elected Pope.

  I flee, afraid that he’ll catch me, afraid that he’ll rip open the wounds that are still so fresh. I spend my nights trying to convince myself that life without Ax is better than life with him, but even I don’t consider myself trustworthy enough to believe it. Still, I run with everything I’ve got, the tree line beckoning in front of me.

  I’m halfway to the woods when he tackles me. I hit the ground, my breath whooshing out of me. Ax flips me over, straddling me in the grass. “You can’t run from me, Sabrina. And you can’t run from the truth.”

  “You’re a dick,” I wheeze, and his cruel smile turns my blood to ice.

  “Then you should love me, from what I hear.”

  My eyes widen, interpreting his words. “Let. Me. Up.” I ground out, starting to struggle.

  “No wonder you were so concerned about your reputation. Clearly, you already have one. One that you were trying like hell to keep hidden from me.” His eyes burn into mine, and in that second, I hate him.

  I hate him for his accusations. I hate him for his stubbornness.

  Most of all, I hate him because even as he berates me in the dirt, I still want him.

  “Tell me his name.”

  I shake my head, wishing this would all just go away.

  “Who was he,” he growls, “this man who got access to your body?” Ax runs a finger down the front of my sundress. He detours to cross my nipples, the finger then continuing on its path lower and lower.

  “Did he know how much you liked to be touched right here?” he asks, his hand creeping under my dress, spreading my thighs and rubbing my slit through my underwear. “I bet he didn’t make you this wet.” Ax pushes a finger around my panties and buries it inside of me.

  “There was no one!” I yell, resenting the effect he has on me but trying to stop things before he goes any further.

  “Come on, Sabrina,” he whispers, his head dipping to nip at my neck. “We both know what a passionate woman you are. You want me to believe that you’ve denied your desires all this time?”

  His finger slides in and out of me, the ancient rhythm forcing me to hold still, to keep my hips from rising. But Ax isn’t willing to let me feign disinterest. He lowers his head to lick at my nipples through the thin material of the sundress and the lacy bra beneath it. When he starts to suck, I can’t help but cry out.

  “That’s it,” he says. “That’s the Sabrina I know.” Ax pushes another finger inside me, then positions his thumb on my clit, slowly rubbing.

  I try to fight my response, but I’m too weak. We’re in his front yard, under the open sky, and I can’t control the way he makes me feel, the way he arouses me. He tilts my head back and starts to assault my neck with his tongue and lips. I can feel my legs start to shake. “Please, Ax,” I whimper, not knowing whether I’m asking for a physical release or a sensual one.

  “Show me how pretty you are when you come,” he growls, and the words go straight to my core. When he bites my neck I climax, my pussy clenching tight around his fingers. I can’t help myself. He knows how to command my body like a perverted puppet, always wanting more of him.

  I come down, breathing heavily. I expect Ax to release me, now that I’ve given him his tribute, but I should know better than to make assumptions where he is concerned. Ax stands, but he reaches down for me, lifts me up and hikes me over his shoulder again.

  “We aren’t even close to finished,” he says as he carries me into the cabin, slamming the door behind us.

  “Ax, please,” I say, still out of breath. “I don’t know where you’ve gotten this idea from, but I’m not lying to you. I haven’t been with anybody since you.”

  I’m mortified t
o admit that, embarrassed and ashamed. I’m afraid Ax will think I’ve been saving myself for him all this time. And even if he doesn’t, it’s still sad to hear the words out loud. I’ve been celibate for ten years, ever since he left.

  As if his ego needs another reason to swell out of proportion.

  “That’s bullshit,” he says, carrying me into his room and tossing me onto the bed. “And I’m going to make you admit it.”

  “There’s nothing to admit,” I say, getting angry again. I rise up to my knees, my hands on my hips. “So stop pushing me around. I already told you everything.”

  Ax leans in, his features dark. “You should know the dangers of keeping secrets from me. I let you off too easily with the last one, but this one I won’t. I’m going to punish you for lying to me, Sabrina.”

  “I’m not lying! And I don’t have any more secrets!”

  “Then tell me who he is! Tell me the name of Alexa’s father! Tell me who you replaced me with after I left, then tried to pass his child off as mine. Tell me, goddammit!”



  Sabrina stiffens, her face a mask of shock. Then she slaps me. Hard.

  Her hand swings back to hit me again, and I grab it and twist it behind her back. I move onto my knees on the bed, holding her body against mine. “Did you think I wouldn’t find out? Did you think you could keep that hidden from me too? Well, I got bad news for you, Sabrina. You’re secret is out.”

  “Let me go right now, Alexander, or I swear before God and all of his angels that I’ll—”

  “That you’ll what? You’re not the one in charge here. Besides, I don’t think God will be sending his angels for someone who’s done what you have.”

  Her expression tightens. I know what I’m saying is harsh, but I’m near the end of my control. Every time I think I’ve reached an acceptance of what Sabrina has done, something else crops up to show me that she can’t be trusted. “Tell me his name.”


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