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Mile High -Book 1 of the Men in Motion Series

Page 2

by GA Hauser

  When Taylor’s hands cupped Owen’s face, Owen felt his skin burst into chills. Those lips were approaching. I’m going to kiss a man! I’m about to kiss a man! “Holy crap!” he said out loud before he realized it.

  Taylor stopped right before their mouths connected and met Owen’s eyes. “You don’t want to do this, do you?”

  Did he? Owen’s heart was pounding like he’d just run a marathon, his skin was covered in goose pimples, and most importantly, his cock was throbbing so much it was painful. “I must want to because I’m so hard I could spurt.”

  Taylor’s eyes lit up, and he broke up with laughter. Owen laughed with him at the same time as he was trying to shush him. It took a moment for them to calm down. “Oh, forget it. You only live once. Get over here.”

  “Over where? I haven’t gone anywhere.” Taylor kept laughing, pointing to the cramped space.

  “I mean go ahead and kiss me.” Owen stood nose to nose with Taylor, daring him.

  Once again, Taylor cupped Owen’s jaw gently, drawing Owen to his mouth.

  The thoughts that passed through Owen’s head were so numerous it made him dizzy. From the idea that no one in the world would believe he had done this, to the amount he was turned on, to the impulse of telling someone, or never telling someone, and reliving it when he was lying in his bed alone at night.

  Clicking back to the present, absorbing the fact that a man, yes, a man, was kissing him, his tongue entering his mouth, Owen was so excited he wondered why he didn’t act on that bi-curiosity previously. Of course, he had been married and wasn’t the type to stray. So that answered that question.

  Owen returned the favor by moving his tongue into Taylor’s mouth. Shaking himself out of his stupid thoughts to actually enjoy the kissing, Owen boldly reached into Taylor’s thick dark hair and drew him even closer, letting him know he was doing okay and all systems were go.

  The plane’s soft listing had them rocking side to side to keep their balance.

  When Owen felt Taylor’s hands go for the front of his jeans again, he parted from the kiss and looked down to watch.

  “Okay?” Taylor asked.

  “Okay… Ah, what are you going to do?”

  “What do you want me to do?”

  Owen looked back at the closed door. “How long you think they’ll go before knocking and making sure nothing’s going on?”

  “Don’t worry. They won’t do anything until we get closer to Denver and have to return to our seats.”

  “You sure?” Owen had no idea why Taylor was so confident if he hadn’t done this before.

  Taylor stopped opening Owen’s zipper. “You’re too nervous. It’s okay. I understand.”

  In the tight space the plane shifted again and Owen fell against Taylor’s chest. Taylor set him upright.

  “What were you going to do, you know, if I hadn’t stopped you?” Owen didn’t refasten his jeans, dying to know what was on offer.

  “Suck it.”

  “Yeah?” Owen’s heart skipped a beat. Jenna never did it. The prude. He’d heard every excuse in the book. “I don’t want to, do I have to? You’re so demanding! Can’t we just do it nice?…waa waa…”

  Owen wasn’t going to miss an opportunity like this. Get my dick sucked? Are you kidding me? He’d have to pay a hooker hundreds of dollars for that, or worse, go to a bar and take home some drunken harlot. Oh, no. He much preferred this Hollywood model to do it for free. He opened his zipper, bracing himself on the close walls.

  A wry smile found Taylor’s face again. Sitting down on the closed commode, which was making some horrifying sucking sound on a constant basis that could bring a person to panic attacks, Taylor reached into Owen’s briefs and exposed him. As if taking a moment to admire him, Taylor then opened his mouth.

  Owen choked in astonishment. It was a dare! He didn’t think Taylor would really do it! “Oh, holy shit…that feels so fucking good!” He heard a stifled chuckle. Looking down at Taylor, Owen couldn’t quite believe what he was seeing, doing, or feeling. His brain went into overdrive. Not only was this his first blowjob in over a decade, it was from a man! A man!

  “Uh, Taylor, you may want to back off, I’m getting close.” Waiting, holding back for the poor guy, Owen was surprised when it seemed to excite Taylor even more. The pace quickened, the sucking grew stronger. Under his breath Owen warned, “I’m coming, I’m coming…” Then, knowing there was no turning back, Owen climaxed, pushing against the thin walls of the toilet, closing his eyes in a swoon. After a moment Owen opened them again, looking down at Taylor’s bright, sparkling gaze. “Holy shit…that was unbelievable. I can’t remember the last time someone did that to me.”

  “You’re kidding? Oh, come on. You don’t get your cocked sucked? Why the hell not? You’re so fucking good looking.”

  Owen stared at Taylor while he stood back up, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand casually. Suddenly, Owen felt a strong attraction for Taylor that dug under the superficial layer of stranger sex. There was a warmth to him he was beginning to admire. His words were sincere and good-hearted. And even though he was amazing, Taylor didn’t seem to own the conceit that men who looked like him usually did. “Your turn?” Owen asked bravely.

  Smiling knowingly, Taylor replied, “I don’t know if you’re up for it. I’ve been with guys. I’m not a newbie.”

  “Look, I want to return the favor. I’m a fair-dealer, Taylor.”

  “It’s okay.”

  “No. It isn’t.” Owen went for Taylor’s tight jeans, pulling open the button and zipper.

  Taylor looked down at Owen’s hands pensively. “You…you want to just jerk me off?”

  Owen stared at Taylor’s face, then his body. No, that’s not a fair deal. I can do this. I will do this. “I’ll suck you.”

  “You sure? You don’t have to just because—”

  In the cramped space, Owen held onto Taylor’s hips, and inch-by-inch, they traded places. Owen sat down on the closed seat, which was still gurgling and hissing loudly, and exposed Taylor’s cock. It was huge. “Wow. I’m jealous.”

  “You have nothing to be jealous of. You have a fantastic body.”

  “Not like this. Man…you must be very proud of it.”

  “Change your mind?”

  “Nope. I’m going for it. Wish me luck.”

  Taylor cracked up with laughter. “Good luck.”

  Licking his lips, staring at the engorged head of Taylor’s penis, Owen knew it was a once in a lifetime chance, and he’d already decided on the you only live once principle. Besides, he’d gone this far already. Why turn back now? He opened his mouth and touched Taylor’s cock to his lips. It was soft and spongy. A small sound of encouragement came from Taylor. Owen looked up at him for reassurance, then he shoved Taylor’s cock passed his lips. As the size of it filled his mouth, Owen closed his eyes and held it tightly with his lips covering his teeth, trying not to scratch him. The plane listed and forced him to move forward, making the cock go deeper into his mouth. Once he found his balance again, Owen moved up and down its length, trying to decide if it was horrible or wonderful or someplace between the two.


  Taylor was amazed at how bold Owen was, knowing damn well this was his first gay experience. Owen took Taylor’s entire cock into his mouth, experimenting with his tongue. Taylor was impressed at the effort and soon forgot it was Owen’s maiden foray into man on man loving and felt himself rising. “I’m getting close.” Waiting for Owen to back off and finish the rest of the job with his hand, Taylor held back. But no move was made to disconnect. Shrugging, knowing he’d given fair warning, Taylor came, shivering down to his boots and closing his eyes. When he opened them and looked down, Owen was smiling at him proudly. “I did it. Ha!”

  “Nice job!” Taylor fastened his jeans.

  “I did it! I even swallowed. How cool is that?”

  “Did you enjoy it?”

  After a pause, Owen nodded. “Yes. I did.”

“Good.” Taylor checked himself out in the mirror, then asked, “You ready?” Owen nodded. “You go first. I’ll be right there.”

  Nodding again, Owen opened the door, peeked out, and left.

  Taylor stared at his reflection in the mirror and whispered to it, “Oh, Owen, I know this is a one-time deal, but it sure would be cool to get to know you better.”


  Trying not to catch anyone’s eye, Owen returned to his seat. The minute he was buckled in, the air-hostess leaned over to whisper something to him. About to hold up his hands and deny any claim that he was a pervert and should be thrown in jail, she asked, “Would you like your meal served now?”

  “Oh.” Seeing everyone else had their food and was digging in hungrily into the foil-covered trays, Owen, stuttered for a moment for an answer, when big beautiful Taylor appeared. The hostess moved aside, allowing Taylor back into the seat next to Owen.

  Owen watched her eyes linger on Taylor’s exquisite face, then Owen whispered, “She wants to know if she could feed us now.”

  “Oh, yes. That’d be fine.” Taylor refastened his seatbelt and set his tray table down.

  The woman nodded and left.

  Owen said softly, “I wonder where she thinks we were.”

  “Giving each other head in the head.”

  Meeting Taylor’s eyes, seeing his humor, Owen began laughing. “Christ, you are something else, you know that?”

  “Yeah? You like me?” Taylor reached under the trays for a touch of Owen’s hand.

  Staring at that brilliant smile, Owen wondered how someone could not like this adorable creature.

  Before Owen could reply, two plastic trays were set down on their tables. “Can I get you anything else to drink?”

  “Yes.” Owen went for his wallet, gave her two fives, and said, “A beer for Mr. Madison, and how about another bottle of white wine for me?”

  “Coming up.”

  When she left, Taylor began opening his foil tray top. “You remembered my last name. I’m impressed.”

  “It’s one thing I pride myself in. My memory.”

  “I suck. Particularly with names.”

  Owen finished folding back the foil from his hot meal and replied, “You forget mine already?” He smiled. “I just had oral sex with ‘what’s his name’?”

  Stifling a roaring laugh, Taylor wiped at his eyes, taking the plastic utensils out of the wrapper. “What’s his name? Yeah, that’s it. Man, you are hilarious.”

  Owen paused, twisted in his seat and asked, “Okay, then, Mr. Taylor Madison. What’s my damn name?”

  “Uh, Max? Wilbur?”

  “Come on,” Owen chided, sniffing at his food curiously.

  “It’s Owen. Okay? Owen. I don’t remember your last name, though. Sorry.”

  “Braydon.” Owen tasted the chicken.

  “Braydon, right.” Taylor nibbled the meal, then shrugged. “It’s not bad.”

  “No. United has decent food. It’s the airline I usually use.” Owen began devouring the tiny meal.

  The hostess brought them their drinks. Trying to fit them onto the trays, they managed to get everything in place, continuing to eat.

  Owen raised his plastic glass up to a toast, “To my first gay experience.”

  Taylor elevated his beer. “And your last?”

  That made Owen smile. “Oh, no. This is just the beginning.”

  “Really?” Taylor drank his beer from his bottle. “Going to start frequenting the gay scene now?”

  Scowling, Owen shook his head. “Uh no. I don’t think that’s my style.”

  “Then what? You expect Mr. Right to come up to your front door?”

  Finishing eating his carrots and peas, Owen thought hard about that line. He knew Taylor had more experience on that front, and well, you had to be active to get dates and find a mate, didn’t you? Even if you were a heterosexual. Owen didn’t answer, chewing on his roll and sipping his wine as he pondered that sad point.


  Taylor felt badly for bursting Owen’s bubble, but he knew better than most how challenging it was to find a decent partner. Men were men, after all. They had high sex drives, they cheated, they loved a good battle, and they hated commitment. Not all, but most. Gay men being no exception. “Look, sorry, Owen. You’ll meet someone. I didn’t mean it the way it came out.”

  Continuing to eat, Owen seemed to be ignoring the comments. Taylor didn’t know him well enough to gauge either way what he was thinking.


  The food debris removed, the trays pushed upright, Owen relaxed with that open magazine on his lap of gadgets and trinkets while Taylor rested with his seat as far back as it could go, closing his eyes for the last half hour of the trip. Peeking at Taylor’s crotch and slender legs, Owen wanted that blanket back over them again, so he could play some more. Wondering if that would be against some protocol of one-time flings, he sat quietly, inventing scenarios in his head, loving his fantasy life. Let’s see…we disembark, Taylor hands me his business card, tells me where he’s staying. After Leah is asleep, I drive my rented convertible to that fancy five-star hotel. We meet, strip, and get to see exactly what each other looks like naked. Maybe some soft romantic music will be playing, I don’t know, how about some sizzling jazz, or even better, Beth Orton or some other crooning female singer. We sway softly, uh, he kisses my neck. We move to the bed. Uh…shit? What comes after that? Anal sex?

  “You okay?”

  Owen blinked and looked over at Taylor who was staring at him with concern.

  “Yes. Why?” Owen wondered if Taylor was not only good looking, but clairvoyant as well.

  “You seem a little let down. Is it about where you’re going? You know, seeing your daughter?”

  Leah? Was he supposed to be thinking about Leah? Bad Owen, bad daddy! “No. Actually, my daughter and I have come to terms with the visits. During the week we text, send emails, talk on the phone…it’s not too bad.”

  “How old is she?”


  “Was the divorce hard on her?”

  “Yes. You know how it is. Kids blame themselves.” Owen wondered how they got on this topic. He couldn’t imagine it was something Taylor would be interested in and knew it was most likely boring him to death.

  “Poor thing.”

  “She’s all right. Like I said, she’s had a year to get used to it. It’s not that bad.”

  Taylor touched Owen’s leg, as if comforting him. Owen had a quick look around them, spreading the fuzzy blue blanket across both their laps. Hearing Taylor’s low chuckle, Owen moved his hand under the cover and cupped Taylor’s crotch.

  “Last feel?” Taylor whispered in his ear seductively.

  “I wish it didn’t have to be the last. But I know how this kind of shit goes.”

  Taylor sat up and turned in his chair to face him. “Yeah?”

  Blinking curiously, Owen replied, “Yeah, what?”

  “Yeah, you don’t want this to be the last?”

  A tiny flicker of excitement dazzled through Owen’s chest. “You…you…”

  “Me, me? Yes, me. You want to try and get together somehow?”

  Owen’s throat tightened. Get together? While he was in Denver visiting his daughter? Leave after she was in bed? Go out at midnight and suffer the inquisition from Jenna?

  When Owen didn’t answer, Taylor reclined in the seat, looking straight ahead. “I’ll be really busy anyway. I have to be back in LA by Monday. Back on the job site.”

  Nodding, speechless, Owen didn’t know what the hell to say or do. How could you make a decision on a relationship and dating when you had only a plane ride to form your opinion on? Not to mention…it was a GAY relationship! GAY! Was the mild-mannered tax accountant ready for that? “So, you live here in Denver and work in LA?”


  “Oh. I do the opposite. I live in LA and visit here on weekends. That’s not very compatible for anything, is it?”


  The approaching landing was announced. Tray tables and seat backs moved upright, garbage was being collected, and Owen and Taylor were silent.

  It’s an on-board fling. A way to pass the time in a very exciting and daring way. It isn’t the beginning of a new lifestyle and romance, is it?


  Taylor wasn’t ready for the amount of disappointment he felt. Initially, he just wanted someone to play with through a dull flight. When he met eyes with Owen and found some mutual attraction there, he thought, “Yeah, okay, why not?” But he liked Owen. There was a desire there to move past the surface and get deeper into the guy who lived inside that fit, tall body and dwelled in the soul and mind of Owen Braydon. But if Owen wasn’t willing, then that was that.

  Landing with a bounce, the plane decelerating quickly, they slowed to a crawl and taxied to the gate. In silence, Taylor couldn’t help but sink as he envisioned the long drive home. There would be no one there to greet him at the door. His friends knew he would be back for the weekend then gone again for the week. He did it every time the company had a major construction job anywhere in the States. That’s what he got paid for. Going to sites and managing them.

  The plane came to a halt and that familiar beep-beep sound alerted everyone it was safe to stand. Taylor did, moving to the aisle and waiting to get off the claustrophobic plane.


  Owen stood behind Taylor, hoping the luggage would be unloaded quickly and picturing Leah’s excitement when she met him in the arrival area. Jenna would bicker with him, whine, complain, but at least he’d have some time with his daughter.

  The line finally began moving. As dully as they boarded, they exited the plane. The repetitive “bye-bye” from the hostesses was annoying as Owen drew closer to the ramp. Taylor was in front of him, his strong, long stride making him hard to keep up with. Owen tried to get closer, just to say goodbye, thanks, or something similar, but the body-language Taylor expressed was distant and cold. It was just a stupid fling. That was all.

  Meeting up with him again at the conveyer-belt. Owen wanted to tap him on the shoulder, to wish him a good life, to do something. But he didn’t have the courage for some reason, and it seemed grossly out of place to thank someone for sex on a plane. No one expected something like that to be anything more than what it was. Sex on a plane! You don’t have ties, love letters, emails. It was what it was.


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