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Mile High -Book 1 of the Men in Motion Series

Page 10

by GA Hauser


  Taylor stopped to talk to the receptionist at the main entrance’s information desk. “I’m here to see Owen Braydon, the accountant?”

  “Okay.” She smiled sweetly.

  “Sixth floor?” he asked.


  Nodding, he pushed the button on the elevator, checking his watch. Riding up to the correct floor, Taylor looked around the names on the office doors for the right one. The floor was crammed with cubicles, all surrounding computers and chairs, now empty for the day. Finding Owen’s name on a glass door, and the words “Certified Public Accountant” under them, he rapped lightly first, then opened it. Owen waved him in while talking on the phone.

  Closing the door quietly, Taylor had a look around the large, impressive office space, moving to read the degrees and certificates in frames on the walls. A bookcase was full of tax reference books, as well as photos of Owen’s daughter. Standing in front of the case, Taylor picked up a tiny picture of Leah in a baseball uniform ready to swing a bat. Smiling at her cherub-like face, Taylor set it back in its spot, moving on to nose around the other objects in the room.


  “Yes…I wouldn’t worry, Barry. Your accounts are all legal. Yes, of course I can. No. Don’t worry about that, either. You are allowed those exemptions.” Owen split his attention from his call to that incredible tight set of buns wandering around his office. “Yes. No, you can have me there at the time. Yes. I would be happy to. I will. Just let me know when you are scheduled to meet with them.” Owen started licking his lips as Taylor crossed the room again, picking up a small knickknack from a shelf. Oh, yes. Taylor should already be naked from the waist down if I had my way; strolling around this office, his lovely rounded bottom exposed, that large cock dangling down over his heavy balls. Owen imagined crawling around on his knees, playing tag with him with his mouth and tongue. Taylor would back away teasingly every time Owen drew near enough for a taste. That deep laugh of Taylor’s would fill the room at his amusement with the game.

  “Yes, Barry. Please don’t lose sleep over this. I’ve done hundreds of audits with my clients. Will you trust me?” Owen made eye contact with the beautiful male stud in his office. Rolling his eyes comically, Owen shook his head to say his client was a putz.

  “I’ve got to go, Barry. Just call me and I’ll be there. Yes. Bye.” Owen pulled off the headset and tossed it on the desk, brushing his hand back through his hair to fix it if the headset messed it up. “Some people,” Owen made a sheesh noise as if to emphasize his plight.

  “Nice office. Reminds me of something my dad would have given me if I had stayed in Texas.”

  “Spoiled!” Owen wagged his finger at him, standing up from his desk.

  “Yeah, maybe a little,” Taylor answered sheepishly.

  “Come here, big fella.” Owen reached out to him.

  When they connected in a hug, Owen felt tingles rushing all over him. “How was your day?”

  “All right. The usual.” Taylor leaned back to see his face, then kissed him.

  Owen closed his eyes and opened his mouth, searching for that tongue. And finding it inside his own mouth, Owen knew if he asked, Taylor would take off his pants and allow Owen his little fantasy. But in reality, they had all night, in a house, alone.

  Parting, holding Owen’s hips, Taylor smiled dreamily. “I can’t get enough of you.”

  “Christ, Taylor, you make me so horny.”

  “Let’s get home where I can make love to you properly.”

  When Taylor released him, Owen packed his briefcase, shut down his computer and then his light. He followed Taylor out of his office and down the hall.

  “Your daughter? Leah?”


  “She’s a cutie.”

  “I know.” Owen blushed, pushing the down button on the elevator.

  “Takes after her dad.”

  “Aw, golly gee.” Owen nudged Taylor.

  Once they were standing alone inside the elevator, Taylor whispered, “You tying me to the bed tonight, good lookin’?”

  Instantly Owen’s cock was at attention and the sweat broke out on his face.

  “Huh? Are you?” Taylor leaned against Owen’s side.

  The door opened and Owen stepped out of the elevator, said goodbye to the receptionist, and headed to the parking garage.

  Owen was so excited, it wasn’t until he was inside the car with Taylor that he could answer. Finally closed into the compartment, Owen shouted, “Can I?”

  “You know you can do anything your heart desires.” Taylor took Owen’s hand and held it tight.

  “Wow.” Owen never had anyone say that to him and didn’t know what he would do with that powerful a gift. “Even if I said we should bungee jump connected at the hips?”

  Taylor blinked at him curiously. “What? Bungee jump?”

  “Just kidding.” Owen started the car. “Can’t stand heights.”

  “You don’t mind planes,” Taylor replied.

  “That’s not the same as jumping from a bridge.”

  “No. It isn’t.” Taylor relaxed in the seat as they drove. “And I’m not bungee jumping, not even for you.”

  “Well, that won’t be a problem. Don’t worry.”


  Back inside his house, Owen began removing his suit and tie as Taylor stripped off his work clothes to get in the shower. Hearing the water running in the bathroom, Owen finished changing into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, wondering what they should do for dinner. When the phone rang, Owen picked up the cordless in the kitchen. “Hello?”

  “Hi, Daddy.”

  “Hiya, Leah. Look, I’m so sorry I forgot to call you last night when I got home. Will you forgive me?”

  “What happened? Where were you? I called and left a message.”

  “I know. I didn’t see the message light flashing until early this morning, sweetie. I’m so mad at myself. I never forget.”

  “Mom said it’s because you have a girlfriend.”

  “Look, Leah, even if I do have someone in my life, you come first. It was very wrong of me.”

  “So, do you? Have a girlfriend?”

  Owen’s mouth opened to say something. Could a ten year old understand what a gay man was? “Uh…”

  “Will I get to meet her? Is she nice?”

  “Uh…” Owen’s consciousness vanished into his dark gray matter once more. Thoughts bombarded him from all angles; from sitting down in the den in his ex-wife’s house in Denver quietly explaining how daddy has a boyfriend, not a girlfriend, to Jenna screaming profanities about not tainting the poor girl’s mind at such an impressionable age, to actually inviting Taylor for dinner out with Leah so they could become friends, all the while his little girl was asking, “Dad? Can I meet her?”



  Taylor wrapped a towel around his hips. Stepping out of the steamy bathroom, he searched for Owen. Hearing his voice, Taylor approached the kitchen and stood in the doorway when he found him on the telephone. “Should I go?” Taylor pointed back at the bedroom.

  “No,” Owen whispered quickly, then said into the phone, “Leah, when I come there this Friday we’ll have a chat about it all. Okay? I think it’s really hard talking about such an important thing over the phone. Do you understand?”

  Immediately, Taylor realized what the conversation was about. Leaving father and daughter to work things out, Taylor returned to the bedroom. He found the rubbers and lubrication, setting them on the nightstand, returning to the bathroom to finish shaving and washing up.


  “I will. Okay, sweetie? I promise.”

  “What’s her name?”

  “Her name?” Owen wished this hadn’t happened so fast. “It’s Taylor.”

  “That’s a pretty name.”

  “Yes. Yes, it is, Leah. Okay. Let me go now, and I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “Okay. Or you can text or email me.”

  “Okay. I will.
” Owen hung up and stood to think for a minute. Moving back to the bedroom to talk to Taylor about it, he stopped short when he found Taylor standing naked at the bathroom door. In Taylor’s hand was a bottle of baby oil.

  “Oh…oh, oh, oh…” Owen felt his insides set on fire.

  “I do believe you’ll be needin’ this.”

  “Oh my, oh my…Taylor Austin Madison, you are my living fantasy.”

  “That’s the idea.” Taylor strut to the bed, set the oil near the rest of the items they needed, then lay back on the bed, spread eagle. “What do you have to tie me up with?”

  The sound of Leah’s voice blowing out of his head as quickly as if a tornado had hit him, Owen only had eyes and ears for one thing at the moment. A man from Denver who couldn’t shake his Texas accent. “Uh, I could find something. You sure you want to do this?”

  “Hell yeah!” Taylor shouted.

  “Wow!” Owen raced to his dresser and dug around in his drawers. “Rope…rope, string…scarf!” Owen found one of his long winter scarves, tossed it on the bed, then went in search of more things to use.




  Owen turned around. “Yes?”

  “Forget the ropes. I’ll just pretend I’m tied up.”

  “Oh.” Owen felt slightly deflated. “I know you. You’ll cheat.”

  “I will not!” Taylor replied, indignant.

  “Will, too!”

  “Will not!”

  Beginning to laugh, Owen stood over Taylor and shouted, “Will, too!”

  Sitting up, grabbing Owen around the waist to drag him down on the bed, Taylor growled, “Shut the fuck up and get over here.”

  Owen was pinned back to the bed by a very strong man. “Will, too,” he chuckled.

  Taylor released Owen’s wrists, yanking Owen’s t-shirt over his head and Owen’s jeans down his legs. Once he had stripped Owen of his garments, Taylor grabbed the bottle of baby oil and poured a thin stream of it onto Owen’s chest.

  “Whose fantasy was this again?” Owen laughed.

  “Mine! Yours takes too long. Go buy some rope, Owen, be prepared.”

  “Yes, sir!” Owen saluted him.

  Once a good slathering of oil was pooled on Owen’s chest, Taylor set the bottle aside, and with both his hands he began massaging the grease around Owen’s torso.

  “Nice…I pay a woman good money to do this to me on occasion. Sixty-five bucks an hour.” Owen closed his eyes.

  “Does she do this?” Taylor used his slick hands to pump Owen’s cock a few times.

  “No. Should I find out if she will?”

  “Wiseass.” Taylor sat on Owen’s thighs as he continued to spread oil all over Owen’s genitals and abdomen.

  “Mmm, that feels so nice. So, let me get this fantasy straight. You’re supposed to be the one tied to the bed so I can have my way with you.”

  “You missed your chance when you began your hunt for the elusive rope.” Taylor gripped Owen’s cock again, obviously enjoying squeezing it through his slippery palms.

  “You keep that up and you’ll have sperm in your eye.” Owen’s body tensed as he began to close in on a climax.

  “You think you’re that good a shot?” Taylor teased, continuing to pass Owen’s cock from palm to slippery palm.

  “Wait and see, cowboy.” Owen closed his eyes tighter and felt the first sensation of his cock going rock hard and throbbing, pre-climax. Gasping as Taylor dove down on him, Owen shot out come, directly into Taylor’s mouth. “Nice catch,” Owen laughed, struggling to breathe.

  “I wasn’t going to miss that one.” Taylor sat back, continuing to stroke Owen, but more slowly now that he’d come.

  “And I was supposed to coat you in oil. Isn’t that ironic?” Owen giggled.

  “You still can.” Taylor dropped against Owen’s chest and slithered around, sharing the grease. “Oh, that feels so wonderful.” Taylor moaned, writhing all over Owen’s body as if he were an ice-skating rink and Taylor was the Zamboni.

  “Christ, that is so awesome,” Owen wriggled under him.

  “My turn.” Taylor held onto Owen tightly, spinning around, taking Owen with him, until Owen was on top.

  Sitting up over Taylor’s thighs, like Taylor had done to him, Owen found the bottle of oil and dripped it on Taylor’s chest. Once enough had been applied, he set the bottle down and saturated his hands with it. Learning from the master, Owen duplicated Taylor’s technique of slipping his cock from one slippery palm to the next, until he had a nice rhythm and Taylor began shivering and tensing his muscles.

  “You going to catch it, Owen?” Taylor asked sarcastically.

  “You ready to come already?”

  “Any minute, darlin’.”

  “Okay, fire when ready.” Owen lowered down to Taylor’s waist.

  The moment Taylor climaxed, the phone rang. Owen turned his head and was splattered on the cheek and neck. Taylor roared with laughter.

  Owen ignored the mess, and with greasy hands, he managed to answer the phone on his nightstand. “Hello?”


  “Yes, Jenna?” Owen sat back down on the bed and tried to wipe his hands on Taylor’s legs, getting some of the grease off.

  “What on earth did you tell Leah? That you have a girlfriend?”

  “Uh, can we talk about this later? Like maybe tomorrow?” Owen looked down at Taylor. Taylor had covered his mouth, seemingly holding back a tidal wave of hilarity.

  “No! I want to discuss this now.”

  “Of course you do,” Owen replied, then used his shoulder to hold the phone and wiped his hands on his own legs to rid the slimy oil. Fuck you, Jenna, fuck you, Jenna. And just to prove he didn’t care about this woman in the least, defiantly, Owen went back to playing with Taylor’s cock gently with one hand, caressing it as it softened and relaxed, holding the phone with his other hand. As he spoke to his ex, he found Taylor trying to signal something to him. Owen shook his head. Taylor kept nodding, insisting he look at something. Taylor still had his hand over his mouth, as if Taylor knew if he removed it, he would go into a laughing fit.

  Owen touched the place on his cheek that Taylor was pointing to frantically. “Ew,” Owen said as he felt sticky goo there.

  “What?” Jenna asked. “Ew?”

  “Jenna, can I call you back?”


  “Right back. I’ll call you right back.” Owen hung up, giving Taylor a pained look.

  “You missed!” Taylor exploded with laughter. “I told you you would miss.”

  Standing up off the bed, Owen walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. “I’ve got your spunk on my face!”

  “I know. I love it!”

  Owen washed it off in the sink, then couldn’t help but see the humor. When the phone rang, Owen moaned, “Oh, come on!” Bringing the towel with him to dry his face and hands as he went, Owen sat next to Taylor on the bed and picked up the telephone again, saying, “I said I would call you back, Jenna.”

  “Owen, what’s going on? Do you have Taylor with you?”

  Owen gulped and panicked. “What?”

  “Leah said your new girlfriend’s name is Taylor.”

  “Oh.” Owen’s panic subsided slightly. “Look, Jenna, like I said to Leah, this isn’t something I want to talk about on the phone. Can’t this wait until Friday night?”

  “I don’t understand you, Owen. What on earth is so difficult about speaking on the phone?”


  Seeing Owen’s stress elevate as the conversation continued, Taylor’s humor quickly vanished. Sitting up, rubbing Owen’s back in comfort, Taylor knew exactly what was going on and didn’t wish that conversation on anyone.

  “Jenna, please. I know you normally win our arguments and run over me constantly, but this time I’m going to have to put my foot down. I won’t have this conversation over the phone. Period.”

  Taylor frowned involuntarily. Hatin
g being the cause of any aggravation for Owen, he hung his head and knew all he could do was try and be supportive. That was it.

  “No. I mean it, Jenna. Don’t call back. No? Fine! Fine! You want to know why, Jenna? I’m gay, okay? I’m gay, and Taylor is a man!”

  Taylor flinched, closing his eyes.

  “Yes! Are you happy now?” Owen’s voice grew louder. “Oh, no! Go ahead and tell Leah, Jenna. You won’t wait for me to. Go ahead. Destroy my daughter’s feelings for me. It’s what you want to do anyway.”

  Taylor climbed out of the bed, headed to the bathroom. There, he relieved himself, then looked at himself in the mirror. He’d been there. Taylor had been exactly where Owen was at the moment, but for Taylor it had been with his father. He had to leave Texas. His father said he was sick of the sight of him. At least he gave him the branch office in Denver. It could have been worse. His mother had passed away. So all Taylor had was a strained telephone relationship with his six siblings and a working relationship with his dad.

  In the mirror Taylor noticed his blue eyes get watery. He felt miserable for Owen. It had to be worse with a kid. Had to be.

  Using a washcloth to wipe off the remaining oil, Taylor heard Owen’s voice calming down.

  “Yes. Thank you, Jenna. I know it’s a lot to ask.”

  Taylor stood at the doorway of the bathroom staring at Owen as he slumped over, the phone to his ear.

  “Yes. I will explain it to her. Yes. Thanks for understanding, Jenna. I will. Okay. Bye.” When Owen hung up Taylor entered the room. As he moved around the bed to where Owen sat, Taylor found Owen dabbing at his eyes.

  “Oh, baby,” Taylor sighed sympathetically.

  “I’m okay. She’s going to let me tell Leah next weekend.”

  “That’s nice of her.” Taylor caressed Owen’s hair gently.

  “Yes. It’s better than I expected. She’s usually so spiteful. She was actually pretty cool.”

  “Good. Look, are you hungry? I can order us a pizza.”

  “Yes. Okay.” Owen stood off the bed and wiped at his nose.


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