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The Lost Girls

Page 38

by D. J. Taylor

Bag O’Nails club, London 26

  Baker, Josephine 88

  Bakewell, Jean see Connolly, Jean

  Balfour, Angela see Culme-Seymour, Angela

  Balfour, Patrick (later, Lord Kinross) 27–8, 48, 66, 130–1, 132, 149, 171, 181, 295

  The Ruthless Innocent 295–8

  Banting, John 331

  Barbellion, W.N.P., The Journal of a Disappointed Man 23

  Baron (Sterling Henry Nahum) 260

  Barthes, Roland 240

  Bauchant, André 67

  BBC 68, 194

  Beaton, Cecil 35, 56, 69, 71, 125, 133, 142, 210

  Bedford Square, London 1–7, 8, 75, 76, 97, 98, 123, 153, 164, 218, 223, 226

  Bell, Clive 116, 215

  Bell, Graham 116, 117

  Bell, Vanessa 118

  Bennett, Alan 323

  Bergery, Luba 91

  Berkeley Hotel, London 26, 190–1

  Berryman, John 217

  Betjeman, John 37, 69, 269

  Blair, Eric see Orwell, George

  Blair, Richard 230, 231, 232, 250, 253

  Bloomsbury 3, 47, 198

  Blue Ball Yard, London 181

  Bluth, Dr Karl 161, 162, 326

  bohemian style 9–10, 23, 27, 186–7

  Boot, PC 90, 102, 170, 172, 260, 267

  Boris, Georges 91

  Bowen, Elizabeth 58, 147, 153

  The Death of the Heart 28–9

  Bowra, Maurice 105, 131

  Bradbury, Malcolm, Eating People is Wrong 83

  Braine, Revd W.H. 248

  Brenan, Gerald 42, 45, 46, 47, 125, 129

  Bright Young People 27–8, 198, 273, 295

  Brown, Ivor 76

  Brownell, Beatrice 112, 113, 115

  Brownell, Sonia see Orwell, Sonia

  Buchan, John 36

  Burrows, Bernard 177

  Burrows, Henry 128, 129

  Café Royal, London 8, 20, 30, 92, 95–6, 109, 120, 141, 191

  Cagnes-sur-Mer 258, 259, 260

  Cairo 149–50, 167–77, 181

  Calder, John 195

  Calder-Marshall, Arthur 151

  Campbell, Robin and Mary 200–1, 215, 270

  Canfield, Cass 217, 219, 220–1

  Cardigan, Cedric Brudenell-Bruce, Earl of 106–7, 108

  Cardigan, Countess of see Dyson Taylor, Joyce

  Carrington, Dora 156, 213

  Cassis 38, 50, 53

  Cecil, David 58

  Chaplin, Sid 68, 81–2

  Chatellus, Angela de see Culme-Seymour, Angela

  Chatellus, René de 130, 324

  Chelsea Old Church 181

  Churchill, Angela see Culme-Seymour, Angela

  Churchill, Johnny 45, 130

  Churchill, Winston 110

  cocaine 226

  Coldstream, William 110, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 253–4

  Compton-Burnett, Ivy 320

  Conga club, London 91

  Connolly, Barbara, see Skelton, Barbara

  Connolly, Cressida 323–4, 332

  Connolly, Cyril x, 2–3, 4–5, 8–9, 31–8, 277–85, 332–3

  Anna Kavan and 33, 162

  Anne Dunn and 218–19, 222

  Anthony Powell on 1, 69–70

  background and early life 34–6

  Barbara Skelton and 16, 31, 85, 86, 98, 200, 261–5, 266, 267–71, 310–11, 321–2, 322, 323, 326, 332–3

  ‘Boots’ nickname 31

  capriciousness 32, 339, 343

  charm 33

  children 332

  death of 333

  Deirdre Craig and 332

  desertion complex 222

  Diana Witherby and 31, 32–3, 38, 58, 66, 70, 71–2, 196, 197, 277, 278, 279, 280–2, 342, 343

  dilettante quality 204

  double standards and hypocrisy 33, 38, 281–2

  Enemies of Promise 8, 34, 35, 37, 82, 141

  The Evening Colonnade 332

  female coterie 6–7, 8–9, 17, 31, 203–4, 277–85

  in fiction 288–92

  friendship with Peter Watson 56–8, 209–11, 216, 222, 235, 262, 331

  ‘Happy Deathbeds’ 123

  homogenous circle 80–1

  Horizon editorship see Horizon

  Hundred Key Books of the Modern Movement 332

  ill health 217–18

  intellectual gifts 31, 36

  ‘The Ivory Shelter’ 64

  Janetta Parladé and 31, 50–3, 58–9, 98, 141, 146, 152–3, 155, 157, 158, 199, 338, 339–44

  Jean Bakewell and 37, 38, 50–1, 52, 55, 57, 58, 66, 70, 77, 211, 264, 279

  Joan Rayner and 31, 180, 181, 219–20, 221, 263, 270, 326, 340

  loyalty to 32, 203, 263

  Lys Lubbock and 16, 31, 72–8, 77, 85, 123, 124, 153, 189, 192, 199–200, 207–8, 211–12, 215–16, 217–18, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 234–5, 249, 255, 261, 262, 263, 264, 267, 268, 269, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283–4, 314, 315

  marriages see Connolly, Deidre; Connolly, Jean; Skelton, Barbara

  mother-fixation 34

  New Statesman reviewer 36, 39, 79

  Observer literary editor 76

  physical appearance 3, 34–5

  power play 32, 83, 284, 342

  Previous Convictions 332

  The Rock Pool 37

  self-absorption 33, 269, 295, 339, 340–1

  self-destructiveness 281

  self-propagandising mystique 31, 32, 34, 37, 38, 122, 181, 339

  Sonia Orwell and 18, 109, 110, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 196, 234–5, 236, 246, 247, 254, 263, 277, 278, 279, 332

  sulkiness 1, 71, 210, 263–4, 343

  Sunday Times reviewer 261, 332

  Sussex Place home 207–8, 262–3, 268, 269, 270, 271

  tactlessness 263, 264, 280, 281, 283

  The Unquiet Grave 51, 76, 77–8, 124, 343

  vacillation and procrastination 77, 220, 234, 283

  Connolly, Deidre (née Craig) 332

  Connolly, Jean (née Bakewell) 37, 38, 50–1, 52, 55, 57, 58, 66, 70, 77, 211, 279

  death of 264

  Connolly, Lys see Koch, Lys

  Connolly, Matthew 34, 332

  Cooke, Samuel 325

  Coombes, B.L. 68, 81

  Cooper, Artemis 163, 168–9

  Cooper, Lady Diana 78, 216

  Cooper, Douglas 210

  Coq d’Or, London 91, 190

  Cornhill Magazine 176, 256

  Cotterill, Anthony 92

  Coward, Noël 170

  Craxton, John 212

  Crick, Bernard 320–1

  Criterion 57, 67

  Culme-Seymour, Angela (then Churchill, then Balfour, then de Chatellus, then Rauf) x, 18, 19, 45, 48, 125–35, 180, 188–9, 215, 324–5

  abortion 133

  Ali Bulent Rauf and 324

  background and early life 43, 127

  beauty and allure 125–6, 129

  children 130, 134, 135, 195

  death of 325

  debutante 128, 129

  Derek Jackson and 317, 324

  in fiction 295–8

  financial insecurity 135, 190

  Johnny Churchill and 45, 130

  as Lady Kinross 131–2

  Patrick Balfour and 48, 130–2

  and Robert Hewer-Hewett 133–4, 135, 324

  war work 133

  waywardness 126, 127, 132

  Culme-Seymour, George 43, 127

  Culme-Seymour, Mark 43, 127, 129, 130, 257

  Curwen Press 144

  Curzon Street Sherry Bar, London 91, 190

  Daily Express 179, 180

  Daily Mail 176, 256, 266

  Dalton, Robin 260

  Davenport, John 258

  d’Avigdor Goldsmid, Sir Harry 333

  Dean Paul, Brenda 27, 28

  Devonshire, Andrew Cavendish, Duke of 317

  Dickens, Monica, The Fancy 18

  Dickson, Dorothy 170

  Dior New Look 186

  Dixon, Geoffrey 112

  Dixon, Michael 1

  Donat, Robert 105

  Dorset Street, London 143

  Doubleday 269, 314

  Drayton Gardens, London 73, 74, 75, 142

  Driberg, Tom 132, 180, 181

  drugs 27, 161, 162, 226, 326–7, 329

  Dunlap, General Edward 63

  Dunlap, Edward 63–4

  Dunlap, Lys see Koch, Lys

  Dunn, Anne 218–19, 222

  Durrell, Lawrence 67, 169

  Dyson Taylor, John 107–8, 325

  Dyson Taylor, Joyce (Glur) (née Warwick-Evans, then Quennell, then Brudenell-Bruce) x, 15, 52, 53, 93, 103–8, 180, 189, 191, 196, 325–6

  acting ambitions 105

  background and early life 103, 104

  beauty 103

  children 106, 108, 325

  as Countess of Cardigan 106–7

  death of 326

  John Dyson Taylor and 107–8, 325

  manic depression 105

  modelling 104

  Peter Quennell and 15, 52, 53, 93, 103–6, 107, 325

  Roman Catholic convert 325–6

  self-pitying 105

  Ecu de France, London 91, 190

  Edinburgh, Philip, Duke of 328

  Edinburgh Festival 319

  Edmonds, Stuart 160

  Eliot, T.S. 24, 57, 66, 207

  Four Quartets 79

  Epstein, Jacob 92

  Eton 35–6, 81

  Euston Road Art School 116, 122

  Evening Standard 130

  Ewart, Gavin 61–2, 63

  Eyres-Monsell, Joan see Leigh Fermor, Joan

  Farouk, King of Egypt xii, 87, 169–70, 173–5, 177–8, 265–7, 330–1

  Barbara Skelton and 173–5, 177–8, 265–7, 330–1

  death of 330

  in exile 330

  female emancipation 21–2, 23–4, 25, 28

  see also Lost Girls

  Ferguson, Donald 160

  First World War 24–5

  Fitzgerald, Penelope 193–4

  Human Voices 194

  flappers 22–3

  Flood Street, London 105, 106

  Foot, Michael 80

  Forster, E.M. 66

  Fortnum and Mason 90

  ‘43 club, London 26

  400 club, London 191

  Fouts, Denham 57

  Fowler, Norman 331

  Frank, Bernard 323

  Fraser, J.G. 22

  French Club, London 191

  French literary life 238–9

  Freud, Lucian xi, 6, 8, 20, 62, 63, 132, 141, 147, 219, 238, 250, 281, 311, 317, 330

  death of 330

  Lys Lubbock and 63

  Fyvel, T.R. 186

  Gargoyle Club, London 95, 191, 260

  Garnett, David 42

  Gathorne-Hardy, Eddie 181, 205

  Gathorne-Hardy, Jonathan 332

  Gayford, Martin 116

  gentleman-amateur figure 204–5

  George Orwell Productions 320

  Gielgud, John 170

  Glenconner, Elizabeth 340

  Glur, Werner 104

  Gowing, Lawrence 116–17

  Green, David 118

  Green, Henry 162

  Greene, Graham 323

  Grigson, Geoffrey 57

  Groddeck, Georg 67

  Haigh-Wood, Vivienne 24

  Ham Spray, Wiltshire 47, 48, 50, 141, 145, 149, 151, 152, 154, 156, 157, 158, 192, 213, 331

  Hamilton, Patrick 113

  Hamish Hamilton 77, 217, 219, 220–1, 269

  Hamnett, Nina 191

  Hansen, Waldemar 222, 237, 238, 245

  Harington, Charles 46

  Hartnell, Norman 18, 88, 90, 104

  Hastings, Selina 328

  Hay, Ian, Pip: A Romance of Youth 22–3

  Heber-Percy, Robert 269

  Henderson, Nicko 154

  ‘Herbivore’ culture 68

  Hewer-Hewett, Robert (Brasco) 133–4, 135, 324

  High Bohemia 198

  Hill, Heywood 48

  History Today 327

  Hofmannsthal, Lady Elizabeth von 311

  Home Guard 139–40

  Hope-Nicholson, Felix 106

  Hope-Nicholson, Jaqueline 197, 83

  Horizon 5, 8, 9, 27, 30, 31, 39, 64–9, 71, 74, 79, 80, 109–10, 118, 119, 140, 158, 161–2, 181, 185–6, 189, 198, 204, 208–9, 218, 230, 233–7, 288

  American Horizon 216, 217

  Bedford Square office 218, 223, 226

  ‘bugger incident’ 143–4

  Connolly’s clique of contributors 68, 80–1

  debut 66–7

  decline and closure of 216–17, 222–3, 313

  in fiction 292–3

  The Golden Horizon 9, 67

  Lansdowne Terrace office 30, 68, 71, 72, 207, 218, 226

  office routines 225–8

  Howard, Brian xi, 4, 5, 28, 36, 81, 82, 83, 105, 106, 120, 197, 204, 221, 329, 331

  Howard, Elizabeth Jane 332

  Hugo, Lauretta 313

  Huxley, Aldous 162

  Hyndman, Tony 72

  Isherwood, Christopher 105, 119

  Jackson, Derek 20, 264, 316, 317, 323, 324, 337

  Jamboree club, London 91, 191

  Jarvis, Ralph 129

  Jessel, Edward 36

  John, Augustus 67, 86, 92, 191

  John, Poppet 258, 259

  Judah, Cynthia 329

  Jura 232, 240–1

  Kahane, Jack 37

  Kavan, Anna x, 159–62, 192, 326–7

  Asylum Piece 161

  background and early life 159–60

  A Bright Green Field 326

  A Charmed Circle 160

  Cyril Connolly and 33, 162

  death of 327

  Donald Ferguson and 160

  Eagles’ Nest 326

  heroin addiction 161, 162, 326–7

  Horizon and 161–2, 225, 226, 228

  ‘I Am Lazarus’ 161

  Ice 327

  Let Me Alone 160, 161

  A Scarcity of Love 326

  Sleep Has His House 326

  son 160, 161

  Stuart Edmonds and 160

  suicidal behaviour 160, 161

  Kee, Robert xii, 154, 155, 156, 212–13, 214, 215, 248, 264, 270, 316, 329

  1939: The World We Left Behind 329

  1945: The World We Fought For 329

  Cynthia Judah and 329

  death of 329

  Janetta and 154, 155, 156, 212–13, 214, 215, 264, 316

  Kenmare, Lady 219

  Killearn, Lord 168

  King’s Road, London 37, 38

  Kinsey Report 235

  Koch, Lys (née Dunlap, then Lubbock, then Connolly) ix, x, 6, 7, 61–78, 122, 172, 175

  background and early life 19, 63–4

  beauty and allure 42, 73, 186

  changes name to Connolly 211–12

  characteristics 73, 199–200

  Cyril Connolly and 16, 31, 72–8, 77, 85, 123, 124, 153, 189, 192, 199–200, 207–8, 211–12, 215–16, 217–18, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 234–5, 249, 255, 261, 262, 263, 264, 267, 268, 269, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283–4, 314, 315

  death of 316

  Evelyn Waugh on vi, 75, 78, 198, 293

  family, relationship with 273

  financial insecurity 190

  Gavin Ewart and 61, 62

  hopes to marry Connolly 77

  and Horizon 185, 186, 223, 225, 226, 227

  Ian Lubbock and 62–3, 64, 72, 77, 93

  modelling 64

  moves to America 269–70, 313, 314

  organisational skills 73–4, 77, 207–8, 218

  post-war life 313–16

  Sigmund Koch and 314–15

  war work 77

  Koch, Sigmund 314–15

  Koestler, Arthur 20, 75, 233, 238, 247, 317

  Konovalov, Serge 115–16, 118

  Lambert, Constant 132

  Lancaster, Marie-Jaqueline see Hope-Nicholson, Jaqueline

  Lancaster, Osbert 181

  Langford-Hinde, Charles 89–90

  Lansdowne Terrace, London 71, 143, 218, 226

  Larkin, Philip 31

  Laski, Harold, Faith, Reason and Civilisation 306

  Leavis, Q.D. 69, 82

  Lees-Milne, James 125, 126, 131, 132, 180, 318–19

  Lehmann, John 68, 81, 122, 222

  Leigh, Vivien 112, 170

  Leigh Fermor, Joan (née Eyres-Monsell, then Rayner) x, 13, 179–81

  background and early life 179

  in Cairo 181

  Cyril Connolly and 31, 180, 181, 219–20, 221, 263, 270, 326, 340

  death of 326

  in Greece 181

  John Rayner and 179, 180, 181

  Patrick Leigh Fermor and 219, 220, 264, 326

  photographer 180, 181, 219

  war work 181

  Leigh Fermor, Patrick 42, 219, 220, 264, 317, 326

  Leon, Sonia 328

  Les Temps modernes 238

  Lewis, Jeremy 200, 274–5

  Lillie, Beatrice 170

  Litvin, Natasha (then, Spender) 72, 74, 147, 226

  London Mercury 67

  Lost Girls

  beauty 18

  bohemianism 9–10, 23, 186–7

  boredom, dislike of 205, 265, 338

  boyfriends, pool of 20

  characteristics and style 9–10, 17, 18–21, 28, 185–201

  Cyril Connolly, collective obsession with 203–4, 277–85

  daily round 190, 193, 225–6

  desire to have men in their lives 196

  dress 186–8

  etymology of 22

  families, relationships with 17, 19, 20, 273–5

  fatalism 20–1

  father figures 20

  in fiction 287–306

  financial insecurity 190

  hairstyles 187

  home range 190

  intellect 18–19, 204

  legacy of 333–4

  leisure occupations 190–1

  ‘living for the moment’ 194–5

  naivety 19

  peripatetic lifestyle 189–90

  rural retreats 192

  sexual behaviour 194–6

  social landscape 197–8

  spoken mannerisms 188–9

  value systems 203–5

  Loutit, Nicolette (Nicky) 149, 152, 153, 156, 157, 158, 199, 212–13, 214, 223–4, 249, 274, 317–18, 332

  Lubbock, Ian 62–3, 64, 72, 77, 93

  Lubbock, Lys see Koch, Lys

  Lygon, Lady Dorothy 75, 180

  McBean, Angus 103

  McCarthy, Mary 235, 319

  Maclaren-Ross, Julian xii, 6, 8, 226, 238, 239, 301, 329–30

  ‘A Bit of a Smash in Madras’ 30

  death of 330

  ‘Five Finger Exercises’ 29–30

  Memoirs of the Forties 330

  obsession with Sonia Orwell 329–30

  Of Love and Hunger 329

  ‘This Mortal Coil’ 143–4

  MacNeice, Louis 67, 82

  magazine publishing in the 1930s 57

  Mailer, Norman 319

  Makins, Bill 74, 234

  Mallarmé, Stéphane 232

  Manchester Evening News 80

  Mann, Erika 120

  Mann, Liza 74

  Manning, Olivia, The Levant Trilogy 169


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