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A Most Unlikely Hero, Vol 4

Page 18

by Brandon Varnell

  That must be the freezing agent.

  He watched as more and more of her regular skin tone became visible, eventually culminating in letting him gaze upon her milky white skin—though it was currently covered in red blisters and third-degree burns.

  He moved the cloth down, traveling over her neck. It glided over her shoulders and arms, and when he reached her hands, he lifted them up and cleaned each individual finger. Dealing with her under arms was kind of embarrassing, but not too bad. The biggest problem came from when he reached her chest.


  Alex froze when his hand caressed her bare breasts. That noise, it hadn’t been a whimper of pain. It had been a moan. A soft, delicate sound breathed through slightly parted pink lips, which tenderly caressed the ear and caused him to become aroused. He gulped, and then began moving his hand again.


  Oh, no.

  His pants became tight when he felt her nipple stiffen under his touch. He bit his lip, trying not to think about how undeniably sexy that sound was, and how nice her breast felt in his hand. She was injured. She was injured, and he shouldn’t be thinking like this.

  “Oh, my. Oh, my. Oh, my. Oh, my. This is exciting.”

  Gritting his teeth, Alex did everything he could to ignore Voice Number One. Why hadn’t Voice Number Two come to shut her up yet?

  Nyx had a small chest. Her breasts were able to fill his hand, but not much else. That didn’t mean much, however, as Nyx was exceedingly beautiful. It was a different form of beauty from Gabrielle’s. Where the alien princess’ beauty lay in the combination of her innocence, killer body, and joy of inventing, Nyx’s beauty lay in her silent demeanor and doll-like appearance.


  “Listen to that moan! Isn’t it sexy? Don’t you just want to ravage her?”

  Shut up! Shut up, shut up, shut up! Leave me alone!

  “Leave you alone?!” The voice guffawed. “Now why would I do that?”

  Alex shuddered as he switched to her other breast. Once again, her nipple stiffened under his touch, hardening as he wiped it clean. His erection felt hard enough to slice through durasteel, and it became almost unbearable when the girl pushed her breast into his hand, as if silently asking him to keep on doing what he was doing.

  I’m so going to Hell for this.

  He felt sick. His stomach twisted into knots as guilt over his actions threatened to consume him. Nyx was injured to the point of unconscious, her nanomachines overheating, causing her body to practically melt, and her skin was blistered in some places and melted in others, yet here he was, enjoying touching her without permission. What sort of sick bastard was he?

  “Hu hu hu hu... your arousal and despair is finer than any wine I’ve ever had.”

  It was a fortunate thing that cleaning her chest only took a few seconds, otherwise the urge to throw up at his own disgusting actions may have overwhelmed him. He lowered his hand and began to wipe off her stomach. Flat and toned, Alex could feel the twitch of well-defined abdominals hidden underneath the softness of her skin. It was only natural, he supposed, that an assassin of her caliber would have a six-pack, even if he couldn’t see much more than a vague outline.

  Several parts of flesh had been burnt off, revealing the muscle tissue of her stomach. He clenched his eyes shut when Nyx’s delicate moans changed to agonized cries. The only good that came from her cries of pain was that he could no longer feel aroused. All he felt now was a deep ache in his chest.

  After cleaning her stomach, Alex wiped down her hips and legs. Much like her stomach and arms, her legs were defined by supple yet powerful muscles. He could feel them as he cleaned her off, and he could see them in the parts where her skin had been melted. Her thighs were strong, the muscles twitching as he touched them. Alex tried to avoid the places where the skin was gone. Better to save cleaning those for last.

  His breathing grew heavy as he heard another low moan, this time of pleasure instead of pain. The mixed signals he was getting from Nyx’s bodily reactions sent his mind into a tizzy. He clenched his eyes shut and tried to ignore the building case of hormones. Oddly enough, it became especially bad when he began cleaning her feet.

  “Oh ho! I think we’ve found her weak point!”


  Alex’s entire body became like ice when the loud cry reached him. Nyx squirmed more than usual when he started, but Alex just assumed it was because he was touching her feet and she didn’t like it. It soon became clear, however, that this was not the case.

  Is this turning her on?

  The idea his own mind proposed baffled him. Who the heck would get turned on by someone touching their feet? Feet were those gross things people walked on. There was nothing attractive about them, and yet, as he carefully wiped off her soles, arches, and cleaned her small toes, the pretty assassin moaned and clenched her toes, wiggling them around. As if to make matters worse, Alex felt an intense spike in his own arousal.

  God, this is so sick. I’m sick!

  “You really think so? I think what you’re feeling is quite natural.”

  The coppery taste of blood filled his mouth as he ground his teeth together. Oddly enough, it did help offset his arousal, but only a little.

  Voice Number One was having none of that.

  “Come on, boy. You want to let go. I know you wish you could have some fun with this pretty little thing.”

  S-shut up…

  “Wouldn’t it feel nice to take those feet and rub them against your long, hard—”

  I said shut up!

  “I agree,” Voice Number Two said. “It seems my other half’s arousal has empowered you. It caught me off guard, but I won’t let you continue corrupting him. I believe you should go back to your cage, daemon.”

  “Tch! Are you going to get in my way again, Sachiel? Don’t fuck with me!”

  “Please wash out that foul mouth. Return to your cage.”

  “Absolutely not! I refuse!”

  “If you refuse, then I shall make you return.”

  A battle seemed to take place inside of his head. Alex didn’t know what was going on, but he used that small reprieve to force down his shame. He finished cleaning Nyx’s feet, and then set them back down. By this point, the girl’s skin was flushed and sweaty, which made her burns and melted skin stand out all the more.

  “Ms. Ēostre,” he said softly, looking away. His shame wouldn’t let him look at Nyx.

  “All done? (U_U)” asked Ēostre, looking up from where she appeared to be making calibrations to the cylindrical tube device, which he could only guess was the healing tank.

  “I, uh, yes.”

  Ēostre raised an eyebrow and walked over to him. She studied Nyx for a moment, and then turned to him, a single eyebrow raised. “You forget one part.”

  Alex looked away. “I… I can’t clean her… there.”

  “Can’t? Or won’t? (-_-)” Alex clenched his fists, causing the woman to sigh. “You’re such a baby. This isn’t that big of a deal, you know.”

  Alex gawked at her. Not that big of a deal? It was a very big deal!

  “What the hell are you saying?! Of course it’s a big deal! Touching Nyx like that, in such a private place—and without her permission, no less! It’s wrong!”

  “Is it any more wrong than what you’ve already done?”


  Alex tried to mask his self-disgust, but he didn’t to do a good job. Ēostre’s irritable sigh let him know what she thought about his hang ups.

  “Oh, honestly, you are such a prude. DX<” She snatched the cloth away from him, dipping it in the cleaning agent before sitting down on the bed. “Is this how people turn out when they’re raised in human society? However do you people procreate?”

  “Procreation and touching someone without their consent are two different things,” Alex argued.

  “Oh, please. You aren’t doing this because you want to. You’re trying to save her life, in case you fo

  “That... but it still feels wrong...”

  “Whatever,” Ēostre muttered bitterly. “Just be quiet while I finish cleaning her off. Her body should be cool enough that I won’t get burned now anyway.”

  Alex grew silent, though his mind remained filled with defiant thoughts—and the ringing echo of whatever battle was happening inside of his head—at least, until Ēostre began cleaning the one place on Nyx that he refused to touch.

  “Damn it. Just look at this,” Ēostre complained. “You waited so long to clean this part that the coolant has seeped inside of her. Now it’s gonna be even harder to clean.”


  His eyes grew wide when Ēostre’s cloth covered hand became buried between Nyx’s thighs. The pretty assassin’s body began to writhe. Her hips jerked, and her stomach muscles tightened. He watched, shocked, as Nyx planted her feet on the bed and lifted her hips in response to Ēostre’s obviously skilled hand.

  Through it all, he suffered in silence. Every involuntary writhe, jerk, and thrust of Nyx’s body drove a stake through his heart. He felt like the world’s biggest freak. Nothing but a sick, disgusting pervert who got off on watching a woman twice his age bring an unconscious girl who looked two years younger than him to an orgasm. It was a vile, repulsive act, and yet, while his mind was repelled, his body responded, showing what it thought about the sight before him.

  “Ah! Ahn! AHN!”

  Alex closed his eyes, gritting his teeth at the unmistakable cries of a female experiencing an orgasm. He wanted to stab his ears, if only to block out the arousing cries coming from the assassin. Maybe he should even consider gouging his eyes out, too. It would be a fitting punishment for one such as him.

  “Oh-ho! That woman’s got some balls! I guess those nordiens aren’t prudes like you angelisians are! Honestly, Sachiel, why can’t you be more like—gyak!”

  “That is quite enough out of you, vile creature. Do not mistake what Ms. Ēostre is doing for what your kind do to others.”

  “He-he, so you say, but it looks like that Nyx is having an awful lot of fun—urk!”


  Alex winced as something hard pounded in his skull. It felt like a mighty forging hammer slamming into his head, breaking through it like an egg. He held a hand to his nose as blood dribbled out of his nostrils. Fortunately, the battle seemed to have concluded. His mind had become mercifully silent. Oddly enough, the moment the battle ended, his arousal went down as well.

  “There,” Ēostre declared, taking a step back. She looked satisfied—too satisfied for his tastes. “All done. It would have been much quicker if you’d just manned up and done it yourself, but I suppose I should have expected this. I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, eh? (>_<)” When all Alex did was stand there, glaring at her, Ēostre gave him an irritated look. “Something on your mind, boy? (>_<)”

  “... No.”

  “Then stop gawking and pick the girl up. I need you to set her in the healing tank. Make sure you position her body so that she is sitting in the tank and not just lying in it.”

  “... Right.”

  While Ēostre went back to the tank and began typing again, which caused the glass door to slide down, Alex scooped Nyx into his arms. He tried to ignore her nudity by looking at the ceiling. He also tried ignoring the way she unconsciously nuzzled his chest.

  It’s just her biological urge to cuddle after an orgasm. I hear humans who’ve had sex have the same desire.

  He set the girl down inside of the tank, positioning her on the chair. As he was about to lean back, he ended up staring at Nyx’s face. With her eyes closed, lips parted, and a light blush on her cheeks, her resemblance to a doll seemed magnified a hundredfold.

  “Don’t worry, Nyx,” Alex whispered as he reached out to cup her face. “You’re going to be alright.” He turned to the woman. “She will be okay, right?”

  “Of course. (^_^)” Ēostre waved a hand airily, warding off his question like she might a bug. “While I’ve never dealt with someone of Nyx’s specifications before, I am more than qualified and knowledgeable enough to fix her up. It shouldn’t take more than a day—two at most.”

  “I’ll hold you to that.”

  Alex took several steps back. The glass door slid closed, locking into place. Loud hissing erupted from the machine as slots inside opened up. A breathing mask from a hatch on the ceiling came down and attached itself to Nyx’s face. After that, liquid poured in from the other slots that had opened. Before long, the entire tube was filled with light green liquid that glowed brightly in the dark room.

  “There we go,” Ēostre said with a pleased smile. “X) I’ve set the biomonitor to her exact specifications, so the healing gel should fix her up quickly.”

  “You’ll contact me when she’s better, right?”

  “Of course. Just leave your comm line on the console, and I’ll call you the moment she’s healed. (^_^)”

  “Okay,” Alex said softly. He turned to the woman and studied her. Regardless of her apparent complete disregard for another person’s personal space and rights, she had helped him out. “I don’t know who you are, but thank you for your help.”

  “Oh, my. (^_^) Such a polite gentleman. It’s a shame you’re such a prude. XD” When Alex gritted his teeth, Ēostre giggled. “You’re welcome, Alex. Now then, you should probably head home. That angelisian princess of yours must be worried.”

  Alex knew she was right. Gabrielle was probably fretting with worry about why he hadn’t returned yet. Then again, she could have also busied herself with one of their inventions. There was no telling with that girl.

  It wasn’t until Alex was on a shuttle and nearly halfway home that he realized something strange about his meeting with Ēostre.

  Just how does she know that Gabrielle is a princess from Angelise?

  An unsettling feeling welled up inside of his stomach and refused to leave for the rest of the trip home.


  “Alex!” an excited Gabrielle shouted the moment he walked into the entrance.

  Alex barely had time to take his shoes off before the flying missile otherwise known as Gabrielle shot from the living room and launched herself at him. As it was, he managed to brace himself just in time to receive her hug. That didn’t stop his ribs from groaning as they were crushed courtesy of the girl’s strength.

  “Ugh… urk… h-hey, Gabrielle…”

  Gabrielle rubbed her face against his chest like an overly affectionate cat. “I’m so glad you’re okay. I was really worried about you.”

  If Alex wasn’t in the process of having his ribcage crushed by her overpowered hug, he would have probably been pleased to hear that. “Y-yeah, sorry to worry you.”

  Smiling, Gabrielle stopped hugging him and took a step back. “It’s okay. Even though I was worried, I knew you would be alright, because you’re Alex.”

  “Hehe, thanks.” Alex scratched the back of his neck, feeling just a little self-conscious. While he was pleased to know that there was someone who had so much faith in him, it was kind of embarrassing. “By the way, where’s Alice? Is she here? Oh, and what about Karen and Yumi?”

  “Alice went over to Jasmine’s, though she said they’d come over in a few hours for dinner.”

  “Figures. And Karen?”

  “I’m right here,” Karen said. Alex looked past Gabrielle’s shoulder to find Karen leaning against the doorframe to the living room. Standing behind her, Yumi was giving Alex a mild glare. Gulp. “You and I are going to have a long conversation, Alexander.”

  Double gulp.

  Everyone adjourned to the living room, and Alex tried not to let his nerves get the best of him as he sat on the couch. It proved difficult, however, as both Karen and Yumi were glaring at him. Gabrielle’s presence next to him and the feeling of her hand in his was a welcome gesture.

  Alex had offered the two some refreshments. Both had declined, throwing him off balance. He knew that they w
ere doing it on purpose, being difficult to keep him uncomfortable. It would make interrogating him easier, or so he’d learned during the academy’s interrogation class.

  “I hope you know how much trouble you’re in, Alexander.” Even while sitting in his living room, Karen presented an imposing image as she clasped her hands on her lap. “I have always been very lenient when it comes to you. However, deliberately interfering in the work of the police is something that not even I can forgive so easily.”

  Alex looked away, unable to meet her gaze. Gabrielle looked displeased by how Karen was berating him.

  “Now, hold on just a second! Alex wasn’t trying to interfere! He just wanted to—”

  “Silence girl.”


  Karen’s hard stare caused Gabrielle’s mouth to clamp shut. After several more seconds of intense staring, the hardcore police commander looked back at Alex.

  “For the past several years, I have managed to keep the higher ups from trying to enforce punishment on you, but what happened today was the last straw for them. Since the moment they found out about what happened, those in charge of the GDF have been demanding that I punish you, and I can’t really blame them, not after what you pulled.”

  Alex remained silent. He felt horrible, but he wasn’t going to apologize. Not for this.

  Karen seemed to take his silence as a sign of reluctance and sighed. “You are a very fortunate young man, you know. If anyone else had done what you did today, I would have had no choice but to imprison them for a minimum of ten years on charges of obstructing justice.”

  Alex gaped at her. Gabrielle’s eyes also widened.

  “But that’s—”



  Karen did not take her eyes off of the shocked Alex as she told Gabrielle to shut up.

  “However, because of your unique circumstances, namely, the fact that we can kiss our solar system goodbye if anything happens to you, I was able to lessen your sentence. You will be under house arrest for two months, charged a ten million credit fine, be forced to report bi-monthly to Caridna Tepes, and you will also have a permanent black mark on your record. You should consider yourself grateful.”


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