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Their Now and Forever (Book III) (The Allen Trilogy 3)

Page 10

by Chevelle Allen

  “Mr. Ramsey seems good. He’s very thorough.”

  “Yes he is.”

  “Thank you, M. For everything.”

  “Josephine, you can call me Michael.”

  In all the years they’d known each other, she’d always refer to him either as Mr. Josey or by his fetish name, “M.” In turn, he called her Mistress, Spectra or Mrs. Rainey. Their formality with one another wasn’t due to lack of intimacy but rather a sign of mutual respect.

  “Before we sit down with Jack, I have to ask you a few questions.”

  “All right.”

  “What really happened in the club with Macintosh and his wife?”

  “You of all people know I can’t tell you that.”

  “You have to tell me.”

  “Is Mr. Ramsey going to ask me about it?”

  “Probably. But let me hear it first. Did you arrange anything for them?”

  “They met their Dom the same way you met Miss Nikita.”

  “They met her at a party?”

  “No party, but I arranged private meetings for them. They picked their Mistress and the rest was between them.”

  “Did they pay her?”


  “Through the club?”

  “Of course, but the arrangement was a bit different.”

  “How so?”

  “They were cherries when they first came to me. I couldn’t take on new clients, so I hired out. I discovered later they were meeting her outside of the club. I have no idea what they did on their own.”

  “How many times did they do that?”

  “Enough to become a nuisance. I’d get a payment whenever they met with her in the club. Aside from their dues and tab, the rest went to her- minus my processing charge.”

  “Your what?”

  “I told her repeatedly any business she conducted with them outside the club was none of my concern. But she kept trying process her payments through the club, so I charged her an additional ten percent every time she did it. Eventually she stopped.”

  “How long did that go on?”

  “Four or five months I suppose. Once my fee went to forty percent, she got the message.”

  “When was the last time he was there?”

  “Well over a year ago. You advised me to terminate his membership along with the other politicians. I haven’t seen him or his wife since.”

  The receptionist let them know Jack was ready to see them. They were led through a security door to a suite of offices. Jack greeted them warmly and invited them to sit at the table in his office.

  “So let’s get down to business. Whispers at the DOJ say Macintosh may have used campaign funds to pay for his little adventures in your club. Other birdies allege you arranged a Dominatrix for him. Word is he was having regular sex with her and you got a cut. Any of this sounding familiar?”

  She looked at Michael. “That’s not how it happened.”

  “Was he or was he not paying this woman for sex?”

  “I don’t know. She was paid to teach them about BDSM, their role as Submissives and the protocols for safe play. As far as them having sex, I can’t say.”

  “But isn’t that what people do in your club? Have sex?”

  “Of course not!”

  “They just blow their wads in there—same thing.”

  Michael knew exactly what he was doing. He was trying to rattle her and get a baseline for her responses under pressure. But he had to stop it.

  “Jack, let’s take a step back here.”

  “Bottom line is if the evidence is there, it’s all in how you weave the story. You know that Josey. So I need to hear her story again. Good news is we got time to make sure ours is the best one.”

  “Are you expecting an arrest warrant to be issued?”

  “I couldn’t get a handle on that. But it’s all in how they want to spin her role in all this. But one thing is certain. The prosecutors are going to want to meet with you, Mrs. Rainey. I suggest we’re more than cooperative—give them whatever else they want. That way, no charges are filed against you.”


  “I don’t mean to scare you. But my job is to protect and prepare you to get through all of this. So I need to remind you if you don’t tell me the absolute truth, or hide anything or let me get caught with my drawers down in a courtroom-assuming it goes that far—I drop you. Plain and simple.”

  She steadied herself and said, “I completely understand. What do you need to know?”

  “Let’s start with what’s in those files they took away from your place.”

  For the next three hours, Ramsey fired question after question to Josephine. She was articulate, providing details even Michael didn’t know. The more she talked, the more he learned about what lengths she took to maintain her clients and members anonymity. It was impressive. By the time their business concluded, Jack seemed impressed as well.

  “Well, that’s plenty for today. Thanks for coming in. I’ve got some work to do. I’m going to try to put an end to all this as quickly as we can. It won’t be easy, but I feel good about what we’ve got so far. I’m willing to press the US Attorney’s office to release your files and get you out of Macintosh’s mess. Best case, they use your files against him and you’re not indicted. You may get a subpoena to testify, but otherwise, I don’t see a problem. We can explain and back up your claim that the fees were for training sessions. How he paid for it wasn’t your issue. There’s no way you could know, especially with that little system of yours.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “As sure as I can be without having your files in front of me. But you need to get those back up files from the club to me later today. Can you do that?”


  “You’re one smart lady, you know that?”

  “Thank you, Mr. Ramsey.”

  “Thank your attorney here. He’s the one who told me you’d be worth representing. He was right. Have a good afternoon. I’ll be in touch.”

  For the first time in hours, she smiled. It seemed as if a considerable weight had been lifted off her as they left the office. But Michael knew it wasn’t over yet. Not by a long shot. In fact, Jack’s plan to go to the DOJ was the longest shot of all. They very rarely dropped something like this unless there was an arrangement on the front end. It was still too soon to know for sure.

  The good news was, Spectra kept separate backups of everything on the computers. The surveillance tapes they seized only captured what happened in the parking lot and entry points. The only outstanding issue was whether or not the deleted files from years before of activities in the dungeons were still on the hard drives. Based on what she said, it was highly unlikely.

  “I don’t think ‘thank you’ is enough, M.”

  “We’re not done yet. Not even close. We’ll stay on this and I’ll keep you posted if Jack wants you to come back in. Get those files and we’ll talk later.”

  “I will.” She smiled at him and asked, “May I?”

  He wasn’t sure what she was asking for, but whatever it was he was comfortable saying, “Yes.”

  She came in close kissing him lightly on the cheek. “Who knew you’d be such an important part of my life. When I met you twenty years ago, I knew you were special. You had such a spirit… such power and self-control for such a young Dom—and young man. What an interesting turn fate has played in our lives.”

  He took her hand and kissed it saying, “It’s been my pleasure.”

  He made his way back to his fairly quiet office feeling considerably better. He knew Lacy had taken the day off and the others were either in court or meeting with clients. Ricardo was busy at the reception desk sorting the afternoon mail when he walked in. Handing Michael a few messages, he gave him a brief update on office activities.

  “Is Janine here?” Michael asked.

  “Yes, she got here about an hour ago. I think she’s her office. I’ve also set up the conference room for your video chat. Your
four o’clock is also set as requested.”


  “Did you get something to eat or do you need me to order in for you?”

  “Just order a box lunch from Maxie’s for me.”

  “Will do.”

  He headed down the hall to see her. The office she used was at the opposite end of the corridor from his.

  He tapped on her doorjamb, “Hey.”

  “How’d it go?”

  “Better than expected.”

  “I’m glad to hear it. How’s she doing?”

  “As good as she can be, I guess.”

  “Are you still free at three for the video chat?”

  “Yes. I’ll meet you in the conference room.”


  Turning to leave he asked, “Are you sure we have to do this?”

  “We have to do this,” she grinned.


  “Thank you for making time for this, Janine.”

  “Thank you, Pastor. I know you don’t usually have sessions like this. We really appreciate it.”

  “Well, it’s not preferred, but your mother told me how busy you both were. Where’s your groom-to-be?”

  “He should be here shortly. I believe he was finishing up with a client.” Her answer was more an assumption than a statement of fact.

  Michael was rarely late to anything, which made her more nervous. In fact, her stomach was agitated and she felt a little warm. She’d participated in video conference calls hundreds of times but staring at the pastor on the large wall- mounted monitor was strangely imposing. Then again, this was clearly different. Over the next forty-five minutes or so, this man would determine whether or not she could be married in her family’s church. It was important to her mother and grandparents see her go down that aisle with the love of her life by her side. Being truly honest with herself-it was important to her too.

  It was only a few minutes past three, but she was relieved when Michael walked through the conference room door and sat in the chair beside her.

  “Forgive me for being late,” he said as he touched her hand.

  “Michael, this is Pastor Monroe.”

  “Hello, Michael.”

  “Hello, Reverend.”

  “I know our time together is relatively short, so why don’t we just get started.”

  “Sounds good,” he replied.

  “First let me say thank you for completing the evaluations. I’ve had a chance to review your responses, so we’ll start there.”

  “Okay,” she said.

  “Then I’d like to ask a few questions. Is that agreeable?”

  “Of course.” She fidgeted in her seat a little and took a small breath.


  “Whatever you need.”

  He started by explaining the purpose of the evaluations and being a licensed therapist, his clinical expertise using them. One by one, the pastor went through their individual answers. He pointed out areas where there was agreement about roles, duties and responsibilities in their household. It was no surprise to either of them that there was considerable alignment around their expectations of their married life together. Living together for the past few months, they both saw behaviors neither remembered from their earlier years together, but for the most part, they compromised realizing none of their differences were material.

  Being a minister, he also used the opportunity to speak to them about Biblical expectations and scriptural references. He complimented them several times on their views regarding conflict resolution and the importance of making time for one another. Then he shifted to his questions.

  “I’d like to know how you two met. Michael, why don’t you start?”

  “I met her in law school. We shared a few classes together and became friends. Then more.”

  “What attracted you to her?”

  Squeezing her hand, he looked at her smiling. “She’s highly intelligent, witty, beautiful, and just…an amazing human being.”

  “Janine, what attracted you to him?”

  “He’s brilliant and there was something about him that felt…right.”

  “And how long did the relationship last?”

  “Almost three years.”

  “According to your evaluations, you’ve known each other for fifteen years. Have you been friendly since the break up?”

  “Not exactly.”

  “What does that mean? And I’d like Michael to answer now.”

  “She started her career and got married. We didn’t see to each other for several years.”

  “Why did your relationship end?”

  “There’s no simple answer to that.”

  “Was the break up mutual?”


  “Who initiated it?”

  “She did.”

  “Do you remember what she told you?”

  “I’m not sure why it’s relevant. Our relationship ended. Period.”

  Janine could tell Michael was becoming a little agitated so she interrupted. “Pastor, I ended it because I wasn’t ready for the level of commitment he wanted at the time. And I know he was very hurt to learn that I got married two years later to someone I’d known for less than a year.”

  “But you felt ready when the other young man proposed.”

  She hesitated before answering, “Yes.”

  “Janine, your marriage ended because you didn’t know him as well as you thought. Correct?”


  “But you feel you know Michael?”

  “I do know him and I love him with all my soul.”

  “Your soul belongs to God. Neither of you should lose sight of that. Giving your heart to one another is fulfilling His grace.”

  Surprised by how deferential she was being, it took every ounce of control to temper his growing irritation with Rev. Monroe. He also sensed Janine’s discomfort, and he was having a difficult time keeping his promise to her. She’d begged him to put up with whatever happened so they could marry in the church. However, he wasn’t sure how much more of it he was going to tolerate.

  “So you reconnected with Michael before or after your divorce?”


  “How did that come about?”

  “We saw each other at a friend’s wedding.”

  “Did you start dating again?”


  “But you were intimate.”

  “We’ve always had a special intimacy.”

  “Specifically you had sex with him. Correct?”


  “Michael, when did you see her again?“

  “A few years later at a conference.”

  “Did you have sex with her again?”

  “We made love, yes.”

  “And why did that end?”

  “Navigating the distance was tough.”

  “So how many times over the past, oh five to ten years have you reconnected like that?”

  “Just those two times,” she answered.

  “So you’d get together, have sex, chat for a few months and go on with your lives. Is that about right?”

  They looked at each other knowing where the line of questions was headed.

  “Excuse me, I don’t mean any disrespect, but if you want to know what makes us believe we’re ready for this commitment, then ask. The fact that we’re talking to you about very private things should tell you.”

  “Michael…” she started.

  “No.” Determination and protectiveness was all over his face. With one look, he wanted to convey to her that enough was enough. Turning back to the screen he said, “Reverend, I love her. Plain and simple. I always have. This is important to her and her family. And because it’s important to her, it’s important to me. But we’re adults and I don’t appreciate being talked to as if we weren’t. Now I’m going to marry her whether it’s in your church or not.”

  “There’s no reason for either of you to get upset. My concern is that the couples co
ming to me understand the gravity of the commitment they’re making. Marriage should not be entered into lightly.”

  “Believe me, we’re not doing this lightly.”

  “Are you a religious man?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Are you a religious man?”

  “I absolutely believe in God. Churches? Not so much.”

  “Janine, is it your intent to align with a church at some point knowing your future husband clearly has no interest in it? What about your children? Will you raise them in the church?”

  She sat quiet for a moment before looking lovingly at Michael and then said, “Pastor, doesn’t the Bible say where two are gathered in my name, there I am also?”


  “Then it doesn’t matter what building we’re in. Does it?”

  Michael couldn’t have loved her more in that moment. The tensions he felt eased away.

  Pastor Monroe leaned back in his chair. “I can see why you’ve had such a stellar career. All right, let me say this. I have concerns, but I see nothing that will prevent this wedding. However, I do insist on the traditional wedding liturgy. That means I’ll say, ‘Do you take this man to be your husband? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer ‘til death to you part? Do you understand?”




  “Good. I often find women today more opposed to the next phrase. ‘Do you promise to love, honor and obey him?’”

  She looked at Michael as a sly grin crept on his face. She could barely contain the flush spreading across hers. “Yes.”

  “I assure you, she has no problem being submissive to me.”

  Having no clue what he meant, the pastor continued, “Good, because she becomes one flesh with you. ‘Do you promise to love, honor and cherish her?’”

  Looking only at her he said, “I will until my dying breath.”

  “Well, then, I’ll see you both in a few weeks. Congratulations.”

  “Thank you so much! We really appreciate this!” Janine beamed.


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