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Their Now and Forever (Book III) (The Allen Trilogy 3)

Page 14

by Chevelle Allen

  It had been years since he aided her in training new Doms or Subs. He’d only done it two or three times and he was no longer comfortable with the idea. In this instance, it was even more challenging for him to conceive because the couple had been described as 24/7. It suggested they were in love, married or deeply committed to their roles choosing to do it all the time. For all intents and purposes, he and Janine were a 24/7. But their play roles were reserved for sex, even though he still tended to her needs being ever mindful of what she wanted.

  “What do you need from me?”

  “Help him master her.”

  “That’s your job.”

  “Like I said, these two are special.”

  She turned walking away from him towards the door on the opposite side. Opening it she said, “Come in. It’s time.”

  The man led the way. Michael didn’t recognize him at all. But the woman, he knew. She’d once belonged to him. Son of a bitch!

  “M, this is Master Ryan. And you know his Darling Nikita.”

  “I’m sorry I can’t help you.” He turned to leave.

  “Before you leave, you need to understand they requested you.”

  “I don’t care. I’m not doing this.”

  “I know who you are, M,” Ryan said.

  “Then you understand why I can’t.”

  “You got feelings for her that I don’t know about?”

  Michael looked at Nikita who was as lovely as ever. None of this made sense to him. She was a highly skilled Sub who had the ability to challenge her Doms and bring them to new levels of understanding and engagement in play. He couldn’t understand why she even needed Spectra, let alone him. He felt like he was being set up and nothing pissed him off more than feeling manipulated.

  “She’s clearly told you everything.”

  “Then there’s no problem. Right?”

  “Spectra, can I talk to you outside?”

  “Of course.”

  Once they were in the corridor he said, “What the fuck do you think you’re doing? I don’t want any part of this shit!”

  “Calm down and listen. Ryan’s a bit awkward and very tentative to let go with her. He knows Nikita’s a pain slut, but he can’t bring himself to go there with her. Given that you’re married, I thought perhaps you could help them cross that threshold.”

  “So you suggested me?”

  “No, Nikita did that. I refused initially, but then he asked. He wants to please her. And he seems like a good man with a lot of potential to be exactly what she needs. More important, they’re in love.”

  “I don’t give a shit! You didn’t have the decency to tell me when we talked or to fucking ask me if I’d do it. Instead you put me on the spot and you know it, Josephine!”

  “Beyond the fact she was your Sub a few years ago, I don’t see where there’s a problem? Or is there something else…like Ryan said?”

  He didn’t answer.



  “Then what is the issue?”

  “I don’t play with anyone but my wife.”

  “I didn’t ask you to play. I asked you to teach. Direct him. Tell him secrets about her. Frankly, he’s not intuitive enough to figure it out.”

  “That’s why she needs to tell him.”

  “Do you honestly think Nikita has any difficulty telling him what she needs? That is not the issue.”

  “I don’t care!”

  “He loves her and he can’t reconcile that with giving her the pain she craves.”

  “Then they need to work that out.”

  “Don’t you think she deserves to be happy just like you are?”

  He took a deep breath and just stared at her, reconciling the logical argument before him. Teach not play. He knew he was being manipulated, but everything she said made perfect sense. It seemed simple enough. But it was still tricky. It was Nikita. And it was Spectra doing the asking and she didn’t do it often.

  “I’ll do this once, but don’t fucking ask me again. Are we clear?”


  Stepping back into the chamber, Spectra said, “Ryan, you may begin.”

  Michael stood next to her with his arms folded across his chest. He watched as Ryan ran his hands across Nikita’s plump ass and bountiful breasts. Taking the ropes, he bound her wrists and formed a loop with the ends. He’d clearly practiced knots and tying. Though not as tight as he would have done, it was sufficient for what came next. Reaching overhead, Ryan pulled down the hook and slipped the rope knot over it. Using the crank and pulley mounted to the wall, he carefully lifted her arms overhead until she was suspended, almost standing on her toes.

  Next, he placed a gag in her mouth and blindfolded her. As far as he could tell, Ryan’s technique was pretty good. Spectra had taught him well. He was carefully checking each step of the way to make sure Nikita wasn’t in any real distress caused by improper mounting and binding. He was talking to her while preparing her for the discipline she craved.

  “You ready, Boo?”

  She nodded.

  Michael watched quietly as Ryan moved his hands over her body concentrating on her luscious ass before reaching for a wide paddle. He struck her as she dangled suspended by the hook. She barely moved. Even though the sound was loud, the strike was moderate. Striking her again, her response remained limited. He glided the paddle across her belly before tapping her breasts with it. She winced a little, but again her responses were a far cry from what Michael was accustomed to seeing when he played with her. Returning to her ass Ryan swatted her a little harder. In a split second, Michael saw what Spectra tried to tell him. Ryan was tentative.



  “May I?”

  Ryan extended the paddle for him to take it, but he refused.

  “No. She belongs to you. Look at her for a minute and tell me what you see.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Look her face…her body and tell me what you see.”

  Ryan stepped back. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to be seeing.”

  “Then let’s start at the top. Look at her hands. Notice they’re not clenched or entwined at all. It suggests she’s relaxed. She trusts you but you haven’t done anything that challenges her. Do you see it?”


  “Now look at her wrists.”

  “They’re a little red.”

  “Right. You may need to adjust her. The ropes aren’t tight enough to stay in place if she dangles too much. It’ll cause chaffing and leave pretty nasty marks.”

  “What should I do?”

  “First you need to ask her if she wants those kinds of marks. But you’d do that before suspending her. No marks, means silk-lined cuffs—not rope. Or if you want ropes, don’t keep her up there too long or too high.”

  Ryan whispered to Nikita, “Bae, you want me to let you down a little bit?”

  She simply nodded. Ryan loosened the crank easing her back down until both feet were firmly on the ground.

  “Good. Now keep going and tell me what else you see.”

  “She dropped her head down a little.”

  “What do you think that means?”

  “I don’t…I don’t know.”

  “You love this woman. When she drops head what’s usually going on?”

  “She’s thinking, like she’s trying to figure something out.”

  “Right, she’s in her head. Your job is to get her out of it. You want her to bring her head up and back. That’s a sign of pleasure even if it goes back down again. When you deliver pleasure or pain, she’ll need to think about it…but not for long. Now look at her chest. Not her breasts, but her chest. Monitor her breathing. The more aroused she becomes her breathing will change. You know Nikita. Just because you’re playing with her doesn’t mean everything you’ve learned or love about her changes. Do you understand?”

  “Yeah, yeah, I think so.”

  “Now keep going.”r />
  It was surreal teaching him how to read Nikita’s body—but he did-from her head to her feet. Michael listened as Ryan spoke, describing in better detail and finally catching the nuances found. As they talked, Michael noticed her breath deepening. She was aroused by their exchanges but he didn’t tell Ryan that. Watching them both, he began to understand why they needed his help. In some twisted way, Nikita wanted Ryan to feel confident he could deliver for her. And his ego didn’t want M’s shadow over their relationship.

  “Now, strike her again and watch what happens. Adjust or change your device until you get the response you both want. She belongs to you. Make her remember that.”

  Ryan took a deep breath and with significantly more force than before, struck her with the flogger. For the first time, she grunted. Michael stepped away and stood next to Spectra watching them. Ryan was more confident with each strike and approving moan. Michael could see her nipples hardening as her ass took on a reddish hue indicating it was warming as blood rushed to it. Over and over he struck her interspersing his strikes with kisses or fingering until finally, she cried out and her body trembled with a powerful orgasm. Ryan stood behind her running his hands across her waist and down her belly to her pussy inserting his fingers. Squatting in front of her, Ryan licked her pussy. Michael knew she’d be dripping wet by now because he knew all too well exactly what she liked.

  He was transfixed watching them, but his own memories began to invade what should have been a sacred space between them. Ryan was fully erect when he began kissing her and it was clear what he had in mind next.

  Michael whispered to Spectra, “I think they’re good. I’m gonna head out.”

  “Let them finish before you leave.”

  “No. They’ve found their space. Let them have it.”

  Smiling, she whispered back, “I forgot how good you are at this, M.”

  “Good night, Spectra.”

  He left the room certain she was going to let them to fuck in her chamber. But he wouldn’t be there to watch it.


  Getting home a little after midnight, he quietly entered the house certain Janine was asleep upstairs. Pouring a glass of bourbon before going up to join her, he wanted to settle his thoughts about what happened in the club. He also needed to come to grips with how seeing Nikita like that made him feel. He certainly wasn’t jealous, but he definitely missed the way it felt to be with her. Theirs was a primal exploration of their darker sides. Play and sex with her took on new dimensions that could be totally uninhibited-almost touching on the dangerous, but always with a modicum of control.

  What he had with Janine was so much more and he wasn’t prepared to risk losing her again to unleash that part of himself. He thought he could ease her into, but every time they began, he retreated to the familiar. The truth was he was terrified she couldn’t handle it even though she’d asked to experience it, almost begging. But he was also growing concerned he couldn’t contain his desire for it.

  Sipping on the bourbon he thought of all the things he’d shared with Janine. She was his heart and soul. With her he felt a peace and fullness he’d never experienced with any other woman. She entered his world willingly with curiosity and passion. But she had her limits, both physically and emotionally. Pushing her into something else could be problematic if he didn’t give her the space she needed to process it all. As gregarious and open as she was, she also needed freedom to retreat into her thoughts and find her way on the other side of whatever the issue was. One thing was certain, she trusted him. He realized he had to do the same. He had to trust her with this part of himself.

  Gulping down the last of his drink, he went upstairs. When he didn’t hear her light snoring, he flipped on the light and saw she wasn’t there. He called out to her, thinking she might be in her office but there was no answer. It didn’t occur to him that she’d still be out because she rarely stayed out this late. When he got home he simply assumed she’d parked in the garage instead of the driveway like he did. The last time he spoke to her, she’d safely arrived in New York and was walking to the restaurant to meet Kelly. He hadn’t heard from her since. That was almost twelve hours ago.

  Reaching for his phone, he heard the front door open downstairs. He went to the top of the stairs as she came in.

  “Oh, hi Sweetie!” she said cheerfully. “I’m surprised you’re here.”

  “I was getting ready to call you. Are you just getting back from New York?” he asked walking down to greet her.

  “Yes. Kelly talked me into staying for dinner…and more wine. I didn’t think it was a good idea to get on the road until I was a bit more sober.”

  “I’m glad you had a good time. How’s she doing?

  “They’re both good. Their kids are growing like little weeds. Did you go out?”


  “I’m sorry I didn’t call. I assumed you’d still be out.”

  “I’m just glad you’re okay.” He hugged and kissed her as she reached the top of the stairs.

  “You’ve been drinking too.”

  “I just finished a bourbon.”

  “Really?” Drinking after a night at the club wasn’t what normally happened. If he drank at all it was after work or during an evening out together. There was something in his demeanor letting her know he was unsettled by something. “How’s it going over there?”

  “Business is still slow but the crowd was decent, I guess.”

  “Hmmm. Well, I’m gonna go shower before bed. You coming?”

  “I’ll join you in a minute.”


  He had a lot on his mind and she could feel it. Since he wasn’t forthcoming, she could only imagine what happened. As much as she wanted to know, she wasn’t prepared to ask assuming whatever it was once again dealt with Spectra. For the life of her she couldn’t understand their relationship, in fact she was growing to resent it. After showering she put on a camisole and shorts before crawling into bed. He still hadn’t come up so she turned on the TV with the volume low and waited for him. Eventually she heard him walking up the stairs.

  He seemed pensive even as he gazed upon her, but he said nothing. Stopping short at the door, he stood there eventually resting his forearm against the jamb watching as she climbed out of bed. She came in close embracing him while kissing his neck, shoulder blades, chest and finally his lips. Her soft touches were welcomed and soothing. Yet even as she touched him, his mind flashed to what happened earlier in the chamber.

  “Tell me what you need,” she whispered.

  “You’re all I need.”

  “Then tell me what you want.”

  On the surface it was such a simple question with an equally simple answer. He wanted her and what they were building together. It’s all he ever wanted. Yet somewhere along his journey he’d filled the emptiness without her with exploits so extreme, the high of it all was hard to let go. That world and the feelings he experienced within it were familiar. Everything felt with her was ironically new even though he’d loved her years. He was still discovering things with and about her. But another urge had been unleashed.

  In what seemed like a split second, he grabbed her shoulders, spun her around and pressed her firmly against the wall. Pushing the weight of his body against hers, he roughly placed her arms overhead. He was surprised she didn’t resist at all, but instead relaxed into the position he’d placed her. Familiar urges began building and scrambling his thoughts. He was at odds with himself trying desperately to reconcile what he craved, but he hadn’t prepared her for any of this...darkness.

  Pressing into her, she felt his hardening penis on her lower back and ass as he grinded against her. She closed her eyes, concentrating on his breath, which had become heavy and slow. She felt its warmth on her neck and the tops of her shoulders. The stench of his bourbon was evident. His grip loosened on her arms, so she lowered her hand to grab his ass, but he pinned it behind her back creating an uncomfortable ache in her arm and shou

  As if by instinct, pressing her free hand against the wall to provide additional leverage, she pushed hard forcing him back. She turned around seeing intensity in his face that she didn’t recognize right away. He immediately took hold of her throat forcing her back into the wall. His grip was tight as he came in to kiss her. But she turned her face away only to look back with her own fierceness displayed. She watched him trying to glean what role she needed to play in all this. He leaned in again kissing her harder while forcing his tongue into her mouth.

  His body felt hot as he pushed against her with a penis now beyond rigid. Foreplay and sexing on the wall was an act they’d done more times than she could recall. But this was something else. This wasn’t their standard play or his need for release. His demeanor was vastly different. It felt disjointed and much rougher than anything she’d experienced with him before. In a flash she realized it wasn’t Dominance he was displaying, but rather the need to dominate. This was the beginning of something much darker. Something she’d asked for but was now unsure what to do with.

  As much as he’d tried, she now understood why he couldn’t explain this to her. Processing everything happening between them, it became clear he was less controlled, almost primal. In the past, whenever they did something new or different, they discussed it prior to exploring. He always prepared her by talking her through it, checking on her, and rewarding her with instruction, discipline and enticement. Through it all ultimately caring for her as any good Dom should. But now he wasn’t. They had become adversaries in this new game and test of wills. She could sense he wanted her to resist him—to fight back-but she had no idea to what extent.

  Still pinning her, he now groped and squeezed her breasts before pulling and biting at her nipples through her camisole. Each bite was becoming harder and far more painful. She lowered her head to his ears and licked before biting his lobe with the same intensity he’d done to her. He seemed stunned yet eerily aroused as a sinister-like grin formed.

  “Get into position, Janine.”

  He wasn’t asking. He was stern and the intensity displayed was far greater than she’d seen in a very long time. His eyes deepened as he focused in on hers. The pace of his breathing became rapid and he seemed a bit flushed. In that moment, she took a risk not sure exactly where it would take them. All she could hope was that her safe phrase would stop all of this if she needed to use it-if this became too much.


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