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Their Now and Forever (Book III) (The Allen Trilogy 3)

Page 25

by Chevelle Allen

  “Eager to get started again, huh? I thought you told your mom everything!”

  “Not that, smart ass!”

  “We’ll figure that out too…or just hold off until she’s gone. We can’t have sex for about four weeks after the birth anyway.”

  “What happened to my freaky man?” she toyed. “So cautious. So wimpy.”

  “Keeping a tab on all your little comments like that one so I can tear that ass up when the time is right!”

  “Mmmm. I can’t wait!” she giggled.

  “Oh Baby, but you will. You’ll be begging me for it,” he smiled before leaning over to kiss her. It didn’t take long before they were at it again.

  Nonetheless, within days of the conversation, Janine asked him to move the spanking bench and St. Andrew’s Cross to the attic in preparation for her mother’s visit. She quickly filled the empty spaces with large tropical plants. He hadn’t given much thought to how Donna’s impending arrival would change their household dynamic. He was merely grateful she’d be there because he didn’t want Janine alone in the house. The doctor made clear an early labor was highly possible. Donna was more than happy to take a leave of absence to help them and spend precious time with her first grandchild. She agreed to stay as long as she was needed.

  During the remaining weeks before Janine’s last day at the firm, Michael worked from home. With all the preparations for the foundation gala, Janine hadn’t done anything with the empty room they planned to use for the nursery. Wanting to surprise her, he’d leave the house as usual only to stealthy return to let the contractors in. The crew was meticulous cleaning up any traces before she got home each day. Since the door to it was kept closed most of the time, she didn’t suspect a thing.

  He deliberately had them delay painting so the surprise wouldn’t be ruined prematurely by the smell of fumes. When the furniture and other items were finally delivered, he was almost ready. All he needed was a few days to put the finishing touches on everything.

  Clearing out her office, Janine was busy putting her files and few personal effects in a box when Frank Reynolds peeked in her door.

  “You gotta minute?” he asked.

  “Sure. What’s up?”

  “I know this is your last day, but I was hoping to pick your brain one last time. New client.”

  “Um, sure…if you promise to carry this box to my car later.”

  “That I can do.”

  “So what’s the issue?”

  “Too complex to go into without the files. I’m working in conference room two with Marla and Tim. If you can join us, that’d be great.”

  “Sure. I’ll be right down.”

  Dammit! She thought. Of course they’d squeeze everything they can out of me knowing today’s my last day! She put the last items in the box and headed down the hall. Along the way, several assistants and paralegals extended “Congratulations,” “Good Luck with the baby,” and “We’ll miss you!” to her. She almost felt guilty about her earlier thought. These were really nice, dedicated and professional people. She simply didn’t share their passion for the work they devoted themselves to every day. Her passions were different and soon she’d be doing what she loved most for the people she loved most-her family.

  As she stepped into the conference room, she was met with a boisterous “Surprise!” from everyone gathered. Her colleagues planned a lovely baby shower and farewell party for her. In addition to the lovely cake, there were gifts large and small sitting in the corner. Each staff member present shared wonderful stories about her impact during her brief time at the firm. She’d become friendly with most of them, but continuing some of those relationships once she was gone seemed unlikely.

  “Your husband said you hadn’t done much shopping, so we thought we’d help you out!” Marla said.

  “Thank you so much! This is amazing!” Janine gushed.

  One by one she opened the gifts. Among them were everything from baby clothes to a high chair and stroller. Rather than an abundance of newborn items, they gave her wipes, diapers and clothing up to toddler sizes-all designed to keep her out of the store for at least a year. Or so she thought. She couldn’t imagine possibly needing anything else. As the festivities wound down, Ronald Clark approached her privately.

  “Janine, if you decide you want to come back to McKenzie Clark, there’s a place for you.”

  “Ronald, I appreciate my time here and everything you all have done to make me feel welcomed.”

  He nodded and excused himself while the others gathered the gifts and helped her to her car. When she pulled into the garage at home, she was delighted to see Michael was there. Greeting her with a peck on the cheek, he marveled at how much there was. One by one he brought the gifts into the house.

  “So where do you want to put all this stuff?” he asked.

  “We might as well put it all in the room. There’s nothing else in there. I can sort it all out later. With all the stuff from the family shower and today, honestly, I don’t think we need anything else.”

  “When are you going to get to it all?”

  “I’ll probably start working on it next week.”

  “Okay. Why don’t you sit down while I carry this stuff up?”

  “I’ll help you.”

  “No, you won’t. You’re not carrying anything up the stairs.”

  “Oh good Lord! I’ll be fine! I can certainly carry a gift bag with baby clothes in it!”

  “Janine, stop being hard-headed.”

  “Fine. I’ll start dinner. What do you want?”

  “Whatever you fix is fine.”

  Once everything was carefully placed in the room, he looked around quite pleased. He called down to her. “Baby, can you come up here for a minute?”

  “Oh, I can come up now?” she said sarcastically.

  “You know that goes on the list, right?” he yelled back.

  “Yes, Sirrrrrr! Right away, Sir!” she quipped as made her way carefully up the stairway.

  Meeting her at the landing with a wide grin he said, “That definitely goes on the list!”

  She walked past him down the hall with a smirk saying, “You and your damn list. Oooh…I’m scared!”

  Making sure she wouldn’t lose her balance, he came swiftly behind her, wrapped his arm around her upper chest and swatted her on the ass.


  “Seems like you need a little reminder to behave!”

  She smiled coquettishly. “Now I’m feeling all warm and fuzzy.”

  He shook his head choosing not to comment on her innuendo at that moment. “Will you just take a look? I want to make sure everything’s where you want it.”

  She opened the door and screamed. “When did you? Oh my God!”

  “You like it?”

  “It’s beautiful! I love it!”

  She couldn’t stop the tears if she wanted. She hugged him tightly before stepping into the beautifully decorated nursery. The room had been painted a bright shade of yellow with strong geometric strokes of primary colors. Near the window was a plush rocking chair with matching side table adorned with burping cloths, wipes, pads, and a small speaker softly playing lullabies.

  “I can’t believe you did this.” She turned to him laying her head on his shoulder and hugging him again. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you too.”


  “Hi Mom!”

  “Hi, Baby! It’s so good to see you! Hello, Michael. You takin’ care of my Baby?”

  “Of course! We’re glad you’re here.” He kissed her on the cheek as they walked towards baggage claim. She’d clearly taken her time since the flight landed at least twenty minutes prior to her coming through the secured area at Reagan Airport.

  “Oooh, chile! Look at you! I didn’t think you could get no bigger since I last saw you! You look like you gon’ pop any day! You sure you ain’t got more than one in there?”

  “It’s good to see you too, Mom.”

you sittin’ low, too. They say that’s a sure sign it’s a boy.”

  “That’s what they say, huh?”

  “Don’t make light of it. Womenfolk been knowing ‘bout these things long before men got in the middle of it!” she chuckled. “When’s your due date again?”

  “Six weeks to go.”

  “You ain’t gon make that, Honey.”

  “So how was your flight?” Michael asked trying to steer the conversation as much as he could.

  “It was just fine. Oh! There go my bags.

  Michael Honey, can you get those for me?”

  “That’s why I’m here!”

  “Is that all your brought with you?” Janine asked.

  “I have everything I need. I even brought a suit for that fancy gala of yours.”

  “Are you sure that’s going to be enough for the few months you’ll be here?”

  “You got a washer and dryer, right?


  “I’ve got enough clothes to last for about ten days. When I need to wash them, I will.”

  Michael listened chuckling occasionally at their banter as he carried the luggage to the curb.

  “I’ll get the car.”

  Once he was out of earshot, Donna asked, “How are you doing, Sweetie?”

  “I’m good.”

  “You look good.” Placing her hands on Janine’s belly she continued, “I can’t wait to meet this little piece of heaven. Do you need anything?”

  “No, I think we have everything we need. Wait ‘til you see the nursery.”

  “I couldn’t get over you how he surprised you with it. That’s a good man you got there.”

  “I know. He’s been amazing through all of this. But it was rough for a minute.”

  “That’s to be expected. With all the love in the world, you still two people who think different and do different. What’s important is you got through whatever it was.”

  “Yeah, we did.”

  “Do y’all feel stronger for it?”

  “I think so.”

  “There you go.”

  Pulling up to the curb, he got out and put the luggage in the trunk. He came around to open the doors for them. As Donna got in the backseat he asked, “Are you hungry, Donna?”

  “I could eat, but I’d rather just get settled at the house if that’s all right with you two.”

  “We can do that,” Janine replied.

  When they arrived at the house, they enjoyed light conversation while Michael prepared a lovely dinner. He’d nod and smile as they chatted away about everything and nothing. He was amused by how easily Janine slipped into her Carolina drawl whenever her mother was around. He heard phrases and terms he could only surmise their meaning. But watching the interaction between them was endearing. He was glad Donna was there.

  Over the next two weeks, Donna was dutiful preparing breakfast every morning. She’d do light housework even though a cleaning service came in once a week. Janine’s energy began to wane and her mood was more sporadic. It was clear she was getting tired of being pregnant. There were days when she stayed in bed or stretched out on the couch. During visits to the obstetrician, they were assured the cycles she experienced were normal and she could do whatever she felt up to.

  Michael watched Janine dress for the gala seriously doubting she’d be able to withstand the long evening planned.

  “I look like a whale!”

  “You look like a pregnant woman-a very pregnant woman! And you’re beautiful.”

  “You’re just saying that so I don’t turn into a blubbering mess!”

  “Baby, you turn into a blubbering mess watching sentimental commercials!” he joked.

  “Teasing me? Yeah, that’s the right thing to do!” she quipped as she turned back to the mirror. “Ugghhhh!”

  “Janine you really do look amazing. How do you feel?”

  “I’m okay. I had a good nap so I should be fine. Besides, this is a big night. We’ve worked hard to make it happen.”

  “Just promise me you won’t overdo it.”

  “I won’t. All I have to do is go to the podium, say a few words and go back to our table. Simple.”

  He knew better. With his mother’s penchant for flare and Janine’s attention to detail, he knew she’d want to check on every little thing. In addition to the recipients of inaugural gifts, the guest list included over three hundred. There were associates in the philanthropic community, a few politicians and leaders from various fields in medical research, the arts, community and social service agencies. For the evening’s entertainment, they booked an internationally acclaimed female A Cappella group known for their socially conscious musical creations. There was little doubt it would be an event people would talk about for weeks to come.

  Rather than greet guests with Carolyn and Ben near the entrance to the ballroom, Janine and Michael stayed at their table. He stood while she sat as people came over to say hello.

  “Michael, I can’t thank you and your family enough for the generous gift to the Sorenson House. I had no idea you had…”

  “Michelle, this is my wife Janine Powell. She’ll be running the Foundation.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you. Because of your husband, our organization is still here, stronger than ever! And I’m personally indebted to him.”

  “We’re so glad you could make it Michelle,” Janine said. “I’m looking forward to working with you.”

  Michelle soon left having spotted one of her board members.

  “I know you volunteer with them, but what was that other comment about saving them?”

  “They had some significant legal challenges when a major donor reneged on an eight-figure pledge. I was able to work it out. Not one of my prouder moments, but in the end they got what they needed.”

  “That sounds interesting.”

  “I’ll tell you about it later.”

  Soon others came over offering thanks and congratulations. Among them was Dr. Kate Ruger the mastermind behind an innovative project Janine worked with when she was heading the Remington Foundation. The Josey Family Foundation gift would expand on that project allowing the organization to take their collaborative model to other parts of Philadelphia.

  At the appointed time, Carolyn and Ben took to the podium officially welcoming everyone. They talked about how they had been blessed as a family and how giving back was an important part of their lives. Then, much to Janine’s surprise Ben said, “Among the greatest blessings to come into our lives, is our daughter-in-law Janine Powell.” He went on to talk about her accomplishments before announcing her as the head of the Foundation.

  Trying to contain the lump in her throat, Janine slowly walked to the stage as Michael escorted her up the few steps. As she waddled over to the microphone to join them, there were audible “ahs” and endearing laughter. She hugged and kissed them as they stepped aside for her to give her remarks. With grace and eloquence, she explained the purpose of the foundation before inviting other family members to join them on stage to announce the recipients of the inaugural gifts. The evening was an overwhelming success.

  In the few weeks that followed, the only times Janine left the house was for her doctor appointments. With everything still going well, she was disappointed there was no telltale signs that birth was imminent. She was physically uncomfortable and sleep was elusive. She’d spend her nights tossing and turning with little relief in sight.

  “Mom, I don’t know how much more of this I can take!”

  Donna just chuckled. “Sweetie Pie, this is what being pregnant is all about. But I promise, once this baby is born, you gon’ forget about all it.”

  She couldn’t imagine she’d ever forget about it. She just wanted it over. “Kelly said the same thing. I’m just so tired of not being able to do anything. Hell, I’m tired, period.”

  “I know. But it’ll all be worth it. Trust me.”

  Deep down, she knew that was true, but she also highly doubted she’d ever want to do it ag

  Surprisingly, a few days later, she woke feeling refreshed having gotten the best night sleep she’d had in weeks. After showering and dressing, she felt energetic and wanted to get out of the house.

  “Mom, I need to go to the grocery store.”

  “For what?”

  “We need a few things and I’ve got a taste for steak and eggs for breakfast.”

  “All right. I’ll go pick it up for you.”

  “I need to get out of the house, Mom. Will you drive?”

  “Of course.”

  Janine putzed from aisle to aisle, picking up things that caught her eye. Donna was thoroughly amused by what was certainly a major craving attack. Janine stopped for a moment and rubbed her side with a grimace on her face.

  “Are you all right, Baby?”

  “I’m fine. Just another Braxton.”

  “You sure?”

  “I feel these types of contractions all the time. More annoying than anything else.”

  When they got back home, Janine went straight to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. It didn’t take her long to finish the hearty meal and start in on the few dishes. She shuffled up the stairs heading towards the nursery. Donna soon joined her.

  “What in the world are you doing?”

  “I realized I haven’t washed any of these baby clothes! I’m just getting them all together so I can take care of that.”

  “I can do that. You gon’ wear yourself out!”

  “You’ve done more than enough. The basket’s not heavy. I can handle it.”

  With the basket on her hip, she headed down the hall to the laundry room determined to do it all herself. After the clothes were in the washer, she went to her closet. Half of these clothes I’ll never be able to wear again! I need to get some of this out of here. When Donna came back up to check on her, she was sitting on the bed amidst a pile of clothes, sorting and putting them in plastic bags to take to charity. She busied herself with one little task after another.

  By the time Michael got home, she was in the kitchen cooking far more food than any of them could eat. After greeting Janine with his usual kiss, Donna pulled him aside.

  “Michael do you have her hospital bag ready?”

  “Yeah. She did that a week or so ago. Why?”


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