Damaged (Bound & Tied Book 1)

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Damaged (Bound & Tied Book 1) Page 9

by Lucy Rinaldi

  “You’re so wet for me” Oh, fuck! Hearing him enjoy me makes my body build to the point of explosion.

  “Blake, please. I want you so badly. I want you inside me. Please,” I sound so desperate even to my own ears, but I need him like I’ve never needed anyone before. He gets to his feet, pulling off his shoes and throwing them on the floor, he then pulls his shirt over his head. Oh wow, that a body! His muscles gleam in the dim light as he takes off his jeans in quick time. Jesus fucking Christ! He has the most amazing physique I’ve seen on a man in a long time. He grabs the back of my knees, pushing me further onto the bed, he then climbs in between my legs, leaning on top of me. His cocks right at the tip of my opening, teasing me and my body’s screaming out for him. “Please, please, I need you” I grab hold of his thick upper arms and wrap my legs around his waist. My hips tip up against him until he finds me and slides just the tip of his cock into me. I gasp at the feeling, in and out slowly, then a little more with each tiny thrust until he fills me. Oh. My. God, he’s so big it hurts! Fuck! What a feeling. I’ve never been with a man this big before, he’s gonna rip me apart!

  “God, you feel so good around me” Oh god, his voice alone makes me so wet, wetter than I already am. “Jeez, you’ll need a new mattress at this rate, you’re soaking everywhere!” I can’t listen to the voice in my head right now. This is too intense, how can he make me feel this good? He doesn’t move at first he just lays there allowing my body to adjust to the feeling of him inside me. My body’s so high, every muscle tightens with desperation and anticipation, as I try to adjust to this massive man and his even bigger cock inside me.

  “Blake, god, please move. Please, this is too much” He answers my plea and boy does he move. Wow! I’ve never had sex like this before, he’s so gentle moving in and out of me, so slowly but so hard at the same time. I run my fingernails down his back, he gasps and thrusts harder into me. “Oh, fuck!” I throw my head back, arching my back, my body’s so high. He grabs my hands pinning them either side of my head as he kisses my neck so softly that I almost burst, it burns so bad inside me. The feeling inside me is so intense I want to scream, but I don’t want it to end, I want him inside me for as long I can keep him there. I tip my hips up against him, meeting his every thrust. His breath in my ears and the sound of his moans and gasps push me so high, my breathings out of control, and I just can’t hold on as much as want to. I need to come so badly. I have never wanted to come so hard in my life! “Blake,” My voice is barely a whisper. “Please” He lifts onto his elbows and looks down at me, watching me enjoy him making love to me, god he feels so good inside me but I need to come now! I dig my heels into his thighs, begging him to let me come, until finally he answers my plea.

  “Come for me, baby” His words are like magic, and just like that I come so hard around him. I scream his name as my orgasm takes over me, and it just goes on and on making every limb thud. The fact he just called me baby, fuck I’ve dreamed of him calling me that for weeks! “Fuck yes. Sadie... Fuuuck!” I can’t help but smile as he says my name. I feel him come deep inside me, his cock pulsating as he stills and falls against me, his head resting on my chest, and our breathing erratic. “Are you okay?” He asks after a few minutes, while he pulls out of me, making me gasp to myself. He lays down next to me, as our breathing slowly returns to normal. I’m lying on my back with a stupid smile on my face. I feel so light, and so happy right now.

  “Yes, I’m okay. You?”

  “I’m more than okay” Oh, he’s got a stupid smile on his face too. “I wasn’t expecting that to happen” We look at each other and laugh; he pulls me against his chest and holds me, while kissing my head. I glance at the clock it’s, 2am and I’m starving and I need a drink. I lift up and kiss his lips. “Where are you going?”

  “I’m thirsty” I smile and grab my shirt from the floor and pull it over my head. My panties are half way across the room, but I bend from the knees to pick them up and pull them on. I walk over to my bag, which I notice by the door and open it pulling out my dressing gown. I pull it tightly around me. I notice him looking at me and I throw him a shy smile. “Would you like to join me, Dr. Benedict? You have awoken my appetite”

  “Well, in that case,” He smiles and jumps off the bed still naked. I can’t help but look at him as he walks over to me, his body is so beautifully sculpted. He kisses me, while pulling me hard against him. God, he’s so hot! He quickly releases me and grabs his jeans from the floor pulling them on. “Come on, beautiful” He smiles as he puts his arms around my waist from behind. We’re giggling like a couple of school kids as we walk out of my bedroom like that, my back to his chest, while he kisses the side of my neck as we walk.

  “What the fuck is this?” I stop dead in my tracks, and he lets go of me like we’re teenagers who just got caught doing something we shouldn’t.

  “Sam. Eh, hi. Um, this is nothing” This is all I need right now another one of her lectures.

  “Don’t give me that I heard you! Hell, everyone heard you!” My face could not get any darker! I’m bright red, my face is on fire I can feel it “You! What do you think you’re doing with my best friend? How dare you take advantage of her like that, you’re her Doctor you asshole!”

  “Look, Sam”

  “Don’t “Look, Sam” me, Blake. How fucking dare you?!”

  “Hey! Don’t fucking talk to me that way, okay?! I haven’t done anything wrong. She means a lot to me. I would never hurt her, not for anything in this world... I love her. You were the one who fucking told me to go for it!”


  When the hell did this happen, what the actual fuck? “You love her? Oh my god, this just gets better and better. How the fuck can you love her you don’t even know her?! I told you to go for it, I didn’t fucking mean take advantage of her. I meant take her to fucking dinner or something” What the hell is wrong with him loving me? Okay, she’s right we don’t really know each other, but, oh, I don’t know now I’m confused.

  “I’m not taking advantage, and I know enough about her, Sam. Look at her she’s beautiful. Everything about her amazes me, how can I not love her?” Oh my god, he’s serious?

  “Yes and I know literally everything about her! She is the most beautiful person I have ever known, and I’m tired of watching men hurt her, and I will be damned if I sit back and watch you hurt her as well!”

  “I’m not gonna hurt her!” I watch Sam looking at Blake as if she’s about to kill him, right before she turns her attention to me.

  “And you, how do you feel? Do you love him? Well, do you?!”

  “Sam, please, I don’t know. I just” Why does she have to put me on the spot like that? I don’t know what to do; I just turn and run without looking at any of them. I run back to the room and slam the door, locking it behind me. I slide down it, my knees finding my chest and my head finding my knees. I want to hide but I can’t. I was so happy a minute ago. For the first time in I don’t even know how long I actually felt happy. Now I’m back to wishing I never came here.

  “Sadie, open the door. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to be so harsh, I’m just worried about you” She taps the door with her knuckles but I don’t want to talk to her. I felt great for a few minutes, but she’s reminded me I’m not loveable, and she’s right, who is really ever going to love me now? He wanted sex with me, he’s not the first man and I doubt he’ll be the last. But it would have been nice to believe I meant something to him for more than a moment! I shouldn’t be here; I should have stayed at her apartment away from everyone like I wanted to.

  “Go away Sam; just leave me alone. You’re right, why would he love me? He just wanted one thing, right? It’s all I’ve ever been good for”

  “Sadie, please that’s not true, I was worried that’s all. I didn’t want him to hurt you. I don’t want him to hurt you. I couldn’t bear it if anything else happened to you... Please, open the door”

  “Sam, I love you, I do, but you can’t tell people they can’t
love me it’s not fair. He won’t hurt me, I know that, I trust him. He makes me feel like I’m somebody worth something. He makes me forget these things on my body for a while. Tonight when he touched me, I forgot everything. And now, now I just feel like shit! Like I’m nothing all over again” I can hear the sadness in my own voice. God, why did she have to spoil it for me? Does she really think so little of me?

  “Do you love him?”

  I don’t say anything for a few moments, because I don’t know what to say. “I don’t feel for him what I felt for Elijah, I feel something more with Blake. For the past few weeks he’s the first person I think about when I wake up in the morning, and the last person I think about when I go to bed. I miss him when he’s not around, and when you tell me he’s on his way I can’t wait until he arrives because I just want to be near him. Sometimes I wake up early in the morning and I hope he’ll be asleep on the couch, which he often is, just so I can sit and watch him sleeping, even though I know that I shouldn’t” I giggle to myself because I do find it strange that he’d rather sleep on the couch than in a bed. “When he helps me at night change these things, I get butterflies so bad that I feel sick. When his fingertips touch me by accident, I wish he’d touch me more, and somewhere in my mind, I hope those precious few moments don’t end, because when they do I feel grief stricken and I don’t know why. I never thought he’d feel anything other than friendship for me, and if I’m honest somewhere in my mind I thought maybe he wanted to fuck me like most men do. But the way he touched me tonight, God, no one has ever touched me like that before, Sam”

  “Wow, you have got it bad, haven’t you?”


  “You love him, Sadie, you all but said those three words” Wait, what? Oh god, I did, but no, it’s not love, maybe love of some kind, I don’t know I need to sit myself down and give myself a good talking to. I really hope he didn’t hear all of that, I won’t know what to say to him if he did. “Please come out, babe. I’m sorry,” I sigh and drag myself to my feet. I don’t want her to suffer any more than she has to. I unlock the door and open it slowly to a red eyed Sam. I move aside and let her in before closing the door again. I didn’t see Blake, thank God, maybe he went to Alex’s room I don’t know. “Forgive me?” Her voice cracks on her a little as she opens her arms. I can’t stay mad at her. I wrap my arms around her tightly.

  “You’re forgiven,” I throw her a smile and wink, making us both giggle. I tuck my messed up hair behind my ears as she rubs my arms and smiles.

  “You have awful sex hair” She giggles and I can’t help but laugh. “You’re not nothing, Sadie, you’ve never been nothing” I smile at her sweetly. “So, what about the good Doctor, huh?” She winks but I don’t understand what she means. “Come on I’m your best friend. Spill”

  “Spill what?”

  She grabs my hand and drags me over to the bed to sit down, she rolls her eyes at me as if I should know what she’s talking about. “Don’t act dumb, Sadie. How was he in bed?”

  “Oh my god” I can’t help the nervous laugh that’s just escaped my throat, she’s so damn blunt. “I can’t believe you’re asking me that you noise bitch”

  “Yes, I am... Now tell me, did it feel good? Was he gentle?”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down” It feels good talking like this with her I feel normal for a change. It feels like it used to years ago when we’d talk like this, telling each other all about our sexual conquests. “Yes he was gentle, yes, it felt good, well more than good, it was A-ma-zing” I think my face is about to split from the massive smile that’s now spread across it.

  “Did he make you come? Wait, what am I saying, of course he did, I heard it” She laughs loudly.

  “You are a complete bitch!”

  “And you’re smitten”

  “Piss off, Sam” I slap her arm in a playful shut-up manner, she just laughs and fakes being wounded.

  “Okay. Okay, jeez chill, that hurt you mean bitch. But seriously, what are you going to do now? Are you going to be with him?”

  “I don’t know, Sam, I’m too tired to think”

  “Is that your way of telling me to leave?”

  “Um, well...”

  “Okay, I get it, but this isn’t finished Moretti” Smiling, she gets up kisses my cheek and goes to leave, but turns back to me as she reaches the door. “Should I tell Blake to sleep in his own room tonight? Or would you like a rematch?”

  I grab the pillow from the bed and throw it at her. “Get out” I laugh. “Wait, Sam, did everyone really hear us?”

  “No, just me, and I must say it sounded hot!”

  “Go! You Whore” I laugh as she runs out of the room, closing the door behind her. I’m so tired I could sleep for a week! I look at the clock, damn 3.15am. I climb into bed, but I don’t turn out the night light, I can’t sleep in the dark, if I wake up and it’s dark I panic. My hunger seems to have subsided and I don’t feel thirsty anymore. I close my eyes and within seconds I’m asleep.

  ~ ~ ~

  Chapter Nine.

  I wake and stretch out my legs and arms, I feel good! I giggle to myself while remembering last night and what I did with Dr. Blake. I look at the clock; shit, 10.55am! How could they let me sleep so long? I throw the duvet back and jump out of bed, and head to the bathroom. I really need to shower. I tie my hair into a ponytail, I won’t bother washing my hair I don’t have time, I’ve missed so much of the day already!

  Jumping into the hot water I wash myself in super quick time. As soon as I’m done, I grab the towel that’s been left out for me, I’m guessing, I wrap it round me, and walk back into the bedroom. I need my toothbrush and something to wear. When Alex said it was cold here I didn’t think he meant freezing. Jesus, and I didn’t bring anything very warm with me! Well, I guess I’ll just have to make do with what I’ve got. I grab my panties and bra from my case and pull them on as fast as I can, the cold air creeps up my body giving me Goosebumps. I decided on jeans and a long sleeve T-shirt and my thick socks. Once I’m dressed I ran back to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Looking at myself in the mirror, I have the weirdest urge to laugh and I can’t stop, and when I do stop I have the urge to cry. Christ, what’s wrong with me? “Pull yourself together, Mercedes,” I chastise myself, then smile at my reflection. “That’s better, isn’t it?” I’m going crazy talking to myself. I giggle, then leave the bathroom. Grabbing my hair brush from my case I run it through my hair quickly then drop it back down. I grab my pills from my bag and slip one into my mouth. I don’t want to slip into craziness, and I in no way ever want Blake to find out what’s wrong with me. I know he won't want to be with me in any way if he knows I have a mental illness of any kind. That’s probably wrong of me to think that, not all men are shallow. But I really like him, I like more than I could say, and I don’t want to risk him running away from me just yet. I look at the clock, 11.10am not bad, huh?

  “Here she is. Miss sleepy head” Alex is cooking breakfast with Sam in the kitchen area, and there’s people here, people I don’t know! An older man and a woman, a guy who looks maybe twenty five, and a young woman who looks around eighteen years old, with beautiful long blonde hair, and a gorgeous figure from what I can see. Um, who the heck are they? And I don’t see Blake anywhere! I feel a pang of disappointment deep inside.

  “Hey, Alex. Morning, Sam” I take a seat at the breakfast bar, trying to ignore the eyes that are on me.

  “Hello bestie. Are you hungry?”

  “Yeah, I guess so. Who are these people?” I whisper to her so no one else can hear me.

  “Oh. That’s Blake and Alex’s mom and dad, their little brother and his wife,” What the hell, no one told me they’d be here. I knew it was their cabin, but no one mentioned they would be joining us. Thank God Sam was joking about them hearing me last night, or this would be so embarrassing!


  “Don’t worry, babe” She chuckles as she dishes out the bacon and scrambled egg she’s just made
for everyone, while Alex flips the pancakes. They look ever the happy couple. He puts his arm around her waist as she leans back to kiss him. I’m actually really jealous of them, but happy for them at the same time. It’s about time Sam found someone to tame her.

  “Um, where’s Blake?” I know my face has gone red.

  “Missing him are you?” Sam winks at me and I shoot her a fuckoff! Look.

  “He went out a couple of hours ago while everyone was still asleep; I stayed here and waited for everyone to get up. We all had a very late night last night. Blake figured everyone should catch up on sleep while he was gone” I wonder where he would have gone so early in the morning, and alone?

  “Oh, okay. Thanks, Alex”

  “Isn’t anyone going to introduce us?” Oh shit, his mother. What the hell am I supposed to say to her? “Hi there, sorry you might have heard your son making me come like a steam train last night” God, I wouldn’t have known where to put my face if she had heard us at it.

  “Yes, mother, of course. I’m sorry how rude of me” Alex comes around the kitchen counter and puts his arm around my shoulder. I catch Sam’s snicker behind me, the bitch! “This is Mercedes, she’s Sam’s best friend and now one of mine as well” I’m one of his new best friends? Hmm, I can live with that. “And she’s Blake’s special friend” He winks at me. Oh my god, Sam fucking told him! Can this be any more embarrassing? And why the fuck did he have to say it like that the bastard?!

  “Pleased to meet you, Mercedes” Oh, she seems very polite. I take her outstretched hand and shake it. “My names Faith, and this is my husband Simon” She points at her husband, he smiles and nods my way. “This is my youngest son, Logan, and his wife, Lauren” Lauren looks a bit stuck up to me, like she’s the kind of woman who thinks she’s better than everyone else, with her long blonde hair and amazingly slim figure and perfect breasts. I have to admit she’s freaking hot! I could seriously do some bad things to her body given half a chance. She looks at me and gives me a fake smile. Logan looks just like Alex, light brown hair, tall and handsome. I’ve come to the conclusion that all three boys have their mother’s beautiful eyes and their father’s amazing smile. I can see where Blake gets his looks from; his father is a little too handsome for someone of his age. “So, you and my son, is it serious?” What do I say to her? I have no idea what the hell Blake and I are yet, we haven't even spoken about it!


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