The Marriage Prescription

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The Marriage Prescription Page 20

by Debra Webb

  ON WEDNESDAY Zach brought his mother home. She was happy to be free of what she called hell in a ten by twelve cell, and even happier to learn that he and Beth were getting married. By that same afternoon Colleen and Helen were already making wedding plans and arguing over who would get to keep the baby first.

  Zach left them with their bickering and went to the cottage in search of Beth. She was fast asleep on the couch. The urge to kiss her was almost overwhelming, but he restrained himself. She’d worked late at the hospital last night and he knew she needed her rest.

  He went to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of orange juice. He might as well give Victoria an update. She’d told him not to call until after his mother was home from the hospital. As much as the head of the Colby Agency missed him she didn’t want him hurrying back to Chicago.

  Victoria would really be surprised when he told her he wasn’t returning alone. His love-’em-and-leave-’em reputation was history.

  When Mildred told him that Ethan, one of their top investigators, was in the office with Victoria, Zach offered to call back later. Mildred informed him in her matter of fact way that Victoria had left explicit instructions that Zach was to be patched through no matter who was in her office. That brought a grin to Zach’s face. No one, not even Mildred, and she’d been with the agency since its inception, went against Victoria’s wishes.

  “Zach, I hope this call means that your mother is doing well?” his boss said by way of a greeting.

  “That she is. I brought her home today. She’s already planning her next big celebration.”

  “I’m glad to hear it. When are you anticipating returning to the city?”

  “I’ve booked an early flight for Friday morning.”

  “Excellent. We have a new case that requires your expertise.”

  Zach grinned as that old adrenaline began to flow. “Give me a few details.”

  “I’ll put you on speaker and Ethan can fill you in.”

  “Hey, Zach-man, hope you’ve had enough of the good life because I’ve got a hot one here.”

  Ethan’s laid-back, easygoing attitude and casual appearance were most effective in earning people’s trust. Little did they know that the man was a former Special Forces member whose marksmanship skills were still renowned in the units he’d served. His hostage retrieval skills were the first to draw Victoria’s attention. But it was the combination of good old boy presentation and unparalleled cunning that had cinched his position at the agency.

  Leaning one hip against the counter, Zach listened, commenting occasionally, for the next few minutes as Ethan laid out his latest case.

  “Sounds like you’ve got it nailed down,” Zach offered. “That’s the route I would take.”

  “Thanks. That’s what I wanted to hear,” Ethan said.

  “We’re looking forward to having you back in the office,” Victoria added, then paused. “You mentioned that your mother was already planning her next celebration. Christmas?”

  Zach grinned. He’d waited for this moment. “No, no. Christmas is still almost three months away.”

  “Don’t keep us in suspense,” Victoria prodded.

  “She’s helping plan my wedding, which is taking place next month.”

  “Your wedding?”

  “Whoa! Zach-man. I can’t believe it! Wait until I tell Ian and the guys.”

  “I expect a top-notch bachelor party,” he informed Ethan.

  “Consider it done, buddy.”

  “Oh, I see now,” Victoria said knowingly. “So you went back home and fell in love with the girl next door all over again, did you?”

  Happiness swelled in Zach’s chest. “Yeah. I did.” She’s a doctor, Zach didn’t add. And she had just the prescription he needed.

  The rest of the conversation was lost on Zach, because that good girl who’d lived next door to him for the first half of his life came into the room and kissed him soundly on the lips. He eventually managed a goodbye and hung up the phone.

  Beth nipped his chin, then laved it with the tip of her tongue. “I thought we could make up for lost time since I was on duty last night.”

  “I hope you know I’ll expect this treatment every time you work late,” he murmured against her soft cheek.

  “You can count on it,” she whispered back. “I don’t want to waste a single moment.”

  “They’ll all be special,” he promised as he kissed her nose, then her sweet lips. “Every moment of every day for the rest of our lives.”


  Early morning sunlight poured in through the rich stained glass windows. The priest’s words echoed through the lofty cathedral in a way that only added to the spiritual ambiance. Beth blinked rapidly to hold back her tears of joy. Her heart was overflowing.

  “I christen thee Charles Zacharius Ashton the third,” the priest said as he dabbed the holy water on the baby’s forehead. Little Zach wailed in protest.

  Beth smiled down at her beautiful baby boy and then up at his handsome father. She loved them both so very much. She thanked God every day for their precious life together. This moment only exemplified all that she had to be grateful for.

  Zach’s gaze met hers and she saw in those blue eyes the same emotions she felt. He was just as happy as she was. She couldn’t ask for anything more.

  The priest presented Zach with his son and Beth’s heart leapt. Zach placed a tender kiss on his son’s forehead then offered him to Beth. Tears blurring her vision, Beth took her child in her arms and kissed him the same way his father had.

  The family and friends gathered in the cathedral stood and moved forward to congratulate them. Victoria Colby and several of Zach’s co-workers were there, including Alex Preston Hayden and her good-looking husband. Ethan Delaney, Ian Michaels and his lovely wife were there as well. Jenny Ellroy, Laurie and her new husband were present also. The bone marrow transplant had been a success and Laurie was doing amazingly well. Another prayer answered.

  Where were their mothers? Beth frowned as she scanned the faces gathering around them for the two most important ones.

  “Get out of my way, you old battle-ax!”

  Beth’s gaze collided with Zach’s at the sound of her mother’s heated words.

  “I told you I was going to hold him first after the christening,” Colleen snapped. “Now get out of my way or I’ll run you over.”

  Colleen burst through the crowd, paused briefly to compose herself, then pasted a smile in place. Helen came up right behind her, annoyance marring her brow.

  Zach leaned toward Beth and whispered, “Maybe we should have another one soon so they’ll both have something to do.”

  Beth chewed her lower lip. “Well,” she began, “I think that can be arranged a couple of months down the road.”

  His gaze sought hers, and the love she saw there filled her heart to overflowing. “That’s a date.” He leaned down and kissed her cheek. “Thank you,” he murmured.

  She arched a skeptical brow. “For penciling you in on my calendar?”

  He shook his head. “For making me the happiest man alive.”

  I would like to thank a very special friend of mine by dedicating this book to her. She helps me keep my feet planted firmly on the ground. She makes me laugh and I enjoy her company, and her writing advice, immensely. Knowing this fabulous lady has truly added a new value and depth to my life. Martha Krieger, this one is for you.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-7158-0


  Copyright © 2002 by Debra Webb.

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s in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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