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Saving Forever

Page 8

by Cary Hart

  “What are you doing here?” I’m pissed that she is here, but looking at her, I can see a broken version of the ruthless woman that she was just hours ago.

  “I just wanted to see my sister,” she cries, "but I can come back later."

  I should stop her, but I don’t. I’m an asshole who doesn’t give a damn about anyone or anything other than my girls.

  “Ferris?” Lillian pauses at the door, trying my patience. “Why Daisy? Why my sister?”

  “She showed me how to live.”



  I hear them, but I can’t see them. I try to speak, but nothing comes out. What’s wrong with me? My head hurts and my body feels beaten.



  The fall!

  The baby…oh my God…the baby.

  “Baby I’m here…wake up baby girl, I need you, our baby needs you.”

  I’m here. I can hear you.

  What is that? My belly. His hand is on my stomach, rubbing.

  “Hey there princess.”


  “I’m your daddy and your mom, who is the most beautiful angel, is asleep and I think it’s about time we wake her up…so, how about you wiggle around in there and wake your momma up?”

  Princess? He’s talking to our child. A girl? Am I having a girl? Wait! What was that? Did jellybean move?

  “What are you doing here?”

  Ferris, who’s here?

  “I just wanted to see my sister, but I can come back later.”


  “Ferris? Why Daisy? Why my sister?”

  Oh, Lilly.

  “She showed me how to live.”

  My perfect stranger.

  The sound of his voice and the touch of his hand is comforting. Calming my mind, lulling me in a deeper sleep.

  Goodnight, my loves.


  “Hey, sleepyhead. Wake up.” I bring my hand up, rubbing the newly formed shadow on his once closely shaven face.

  “Hmmm…” Ferris starts massaging my belly again, pulling my head further into the crook of his neck. “I’m not asleep. I’m waiting for Daisy.”

  “I’m right here,” I chuckle.

  “DAISY! OH MY GOD! DAISY!” He sits up, placing his hands on the sides of my face. “You’re awake.” His eyes roam my face. “Am I dreaming?” He showers me with kisses before I can answer then pulls back. “This is real? You’re awake?”

  “Yes, baby, I’m awake.” I pull him in closer, wrapping both arms around my strong man. Snaking my hand up, I run my fingers through his hair. “I heard you…last night…I heard everything you said.”

  “You scared me. I wasn’t sure if I would ever get to talk to you again.” He pulls back to look at me. “Don’t ever leave me. Me, you and this baby are forever.”

  “The baby? She’s fine?” I ask, hoping last night wasn’t my imagination.

  “She’s perfect!”

  “Wait…we are having a girl?”

  “Well, I’m not sure…but hang on.” He carefully climbs out of the bed and runs over to the table, grabbing an envelope. “Last night after they moved you to OB to monitor the baby overnight, they did an ultrasound. They said it was still a little early, but they may be able to tell.” He hands me the envelope.

  “What’s this?”

  “The results. Let’s do this,” he replies.

  “You waited for me?” I’m shocked that my impatient man waited.

  “Of course. We are a family.” He smiles.

  “Okay, when I pull it out, I’ll turn it over on the count of three. 1-2-3…”

  “GIRL!” we both say in unison.

  Rubbing my swollen belly, he leans in and kisses me long and slow. “Daisy, you asked me to save forever, but will you and this little princess spend forever living with me?” He reaches down kissing my hand. “I came to life the first night I saw you and I can’t imagine not feeling that way for the rest of my life… Daisy Daniels, will you marry me?”

  “Hell yeah! From now until forever, you are stuck with me.”


  8 months later


  Taking my time, I slowly step stone to stone as I walk up the path to the newly renovated beach shack, preparing myself for what is inside. It’s been eight months since I’ve seen my sister and her now husband.

  Seeing them in the hospital bed, her asleep and him curled protectively around her, made me feel something that no normal person should feel when her sister is lying in bed fighting for her life and the life of her unborn child.


  I couldn’t understand what Daisy had that I didn’t. Ferris and I met in college and instantly bonded but besides the one drunken kiss, he never even tried to lay a hand on me.

  Why wasn’t I enough?

  I tried to be everything he wanted. I dressed and acted the part. I went to all his functions and even helped him land the biggest deals, making him one of the top resort builders in the world.

  Reaching the pale yellow door, I bring my hand up to knock when the door opens.

  “Lilly!” Daisy comes barreling out, almost tackling me the ground. “It’s about time. I’ve missed you so much.”

  “I wasn’t gone that long,” I try to convince her and myself.

  “Eight months! You missed our wedding and Ruby’s birth…seriously, what was so important you missed all that?”

  “Sorry Daisy, I just had some stuff to work out, but I’m here now and I have gifts.” I hold out the bag of baby clothes and toys I got while I was in Italy.

  “Oh goody! I love presents.” She grabs my hand and pulls me inside behind her. “It’s such a nice day, we are out back on the patio.”

  “We?” I question as the voices become louder as we approach.

  “Ferris’ mom and a couple friends came over to celebrate Ruby’s birth. That is why I invited you over.”

  “Oh…I didn’t know.”

  “Well, now you do. Come on. I want to introduce you.”

  She announces my presence as opens the French doors, embarrassing me.

  “Guys! My sister is here!” She pulls me in front of her. “Everyone, this is Lilly. Lilly…” She points to the older lady to the left. “…this is Ferris’ mom, Babs, and that is Lexi, Marco, Jack, Abby and you know Brian”

  Oh shit…Brian.

  “Hi everyone!” I wave.

  A chorus of greetings follows.

  “And now, I would like you to meet the newest addition to our family, Ruby Rose Hampton.” She holds the baby out to me and I have no choice but to hold her.

  Looking down at this child, I can’t help but smile. She is looking at me, wide-eyed and cooing. Glancing up, I look around to see if anyone is watching. “Hey you. I’m your aunt Lilly and I’ll always have gum,” I quote Monica from “Friends.” Basically the only television show I could get while I was staying in Italy.

  “You look like a natural.” Babs walks over to play with her grandchild. A lump forming in my throat, I nod in response. “If you are planning to have any of your own, you better get a start on it. You’re not getting any younger.”

  Her words hurt. What’s even more upsetting is she doesn’t even know who I am. I have known Ferris for ten years and not once has he introduced me to any friends or family.

  Handing Ruby over to Babs, I turn and head to the table with the drinks. Downing a mimosa and grabbing another, I head toward the front of the house, hoping to escape the people and all my broken dreams.

  “Hey, where you running off to?” Brian steps out in front of me.

  “I can’t be here.” I reply truthfully for the first time.

  “Where do you want to be?” he dares me to answer.

  Looking him in the eyes. I take his dare. “Anywhere but here.”

  “Then let’s get out of here.” He grabs my hand, leading me to his car.

  “Brian?” I pull my arm back. “I can’t do forever, but
I can do now.”

  “Babe, after the day I just had, now can’t come soon enough.”


  Wow! I another book. I really can’t believe it. Marina… I DID IT! Without you, I never would have branched out and done this. Thank you for always encouraging me and for inviting me to explore your world. Many blessings to you.

  DMH Editing Services, Dani Hall, we did it again. I don’t know how, but we did. Thank you for lending me your craft to make my madness into something special.

  Special Thanks to my mom, who let me crash at her place, holed up in my childhood bedroom, so I could write in peace and quiet!

  To my hubby and two kiddos… everything I do, I do it for you. (I may have borrowed that line from Bryan Adams) because let’s get real… my brain is fried right now. HAHA


  An extra special thanks to all the SHVKW authors… you girls have been amazing and such an inspiration. Thank you for taking this newbie in and showing her the way.

  To Mel, thanks for the support. You are truly amazing. Oh and keep the hot guy pictures coming.


  For the Love of Books and Alcohol, you showed me love from the moment we met. Friends for life! Kelly, still love the voice texts! Red, love the shirt! (wink face)

  Mommy’s Naughty Playground, you guys rock! Glad we got to spend some time getting to know you last year.

  About The Author

  Cary Hart hails from the Midwest. A sassy, coffee drinking, sometimes sailor swearing (Shhh… don’t tell.), wine sipping, Spotify addict, lover of all things books!

  When not pushing women down the stairs in the fictional world, Cary has her hands full. She is blessed to be the sports mom of two wild and crazy, spoiled kiddos, and wife to the most supportive husband (took a few years to train). In addition to working full time, she bakes cookies on the side to fund her newly found love of writing and to keep her Sephora VIB Rouge status. The addiction is real, folks!

  Believe it or not, writing was never a dream for Cary. Reading was something she never enjoyed growing up. All it took was one friend, who went MIA for a weekend on a book binge, to share her passion and loan an ebook, lighting a fire inside her. Two years, and hundreds of ebooks later, she connected with one of her favorite authors, who patiently listened to her plot ideas. Her encouragement and saying those three little words “You write it!” changed everything!

  So, welcome! Hop on board, and enjoy the ride!


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