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The Scenery of the Lake and the Mountain

Page 9

by Zhou Daxin

  “Hmm, you think so?” said Kaitian with his face brighten up. “And what shall we do about it?”

  “The most important thing at the moment is accommodation for those visitors. It is already difficult for us to receive four guests with us, so we must find a way to build a new house. Otherwise we won’t be able to take more than five next time. If we send them to a neighbour’s place, we will miss the money they are willing to pay.”

  “Right, right. But we need extra land for the construction. Our house occupies all that we’ve got: three rooms, a kitchen, a warehouse, a pigsty and a nest of chicken. Where can we build another house?”

  “Go talk to the leader, Zhan Shideng. All you need is his consent to build any house you like. There is a big space unoccupied in front of our house. Mom said it was only empty because we did not build things on it, so the land is still ours. Moreover, the village committee hasn’t given us Dangen’s share of land after his birth.” Nuannuan was reluctant to talk about Zhan Shideng. She felt nauseous even thinking of his face. But it was impossible to work things out without him.

  Kaitian did not want to go to Zhan Shideng, either. He asked again in hesitation: “Must I go see the leader?”

  Nuannuan sighed: “Only when he stops being the Leader can we stop asking him for favours. Yet it is impossible at the moment, right? He is the Leader and we have to beg him for help.”

  Chapter 20

  Kaitian had several mooncakes he bought for Dangen in his left hand, and a jar of yellow rice wine in his right hand. He was walking in full reluctance towards Zhan Shideng’s house. He heard that the leader liked yellow rice wine, so he was going to offer the only jar brewed in the house to him.

  He knew that his marriage with Nuannuan had greatly displeased the leader and it would not be easy to ask him for help. The moon, almost in its full grace, was rendering a bright light of reflection on the Red Lake, and Kaitian could see Zhan Shideng’s new house clearly. It was the first time he saw the house after the leader built his new home. Kaitian thought to himself: that mother-fucking house sure is an exhibition! With a house that big, I can take in as many guests as I want! He entered the yard with the presents. The dog saw him and started barking. Zhan Shideng was sitting in the main hall, having dinner. He turned his head and seemed quite surprised to see Kaitian. He obviously did not expect Kaitian visiting his house. He put up a rare hospitality and stood up in courtesy: “Hey, Kaitian, Come on in.”

  Kaitian, looking awkward, put the mooncakes and the jar of wine on the dinner table and spoke in a forced easiness: “The Moon Festival is coming, so I brought some mooncakes for your children, I see them as my own nieces and nephews; we brewed this wine ourselves and it tastes really good, I hope Mr. Leader will like it.”

  “Wow, I can’t possibly take them,” answered the Leader politely as he offered Kaitian a seat. “Anything I can help you with?”

  Kaitian could not wait and told him about his intention of building another house. Of course he kept his motivation to himself and only talked about making place for his relatives that would come over to look after his father. Zhan Shideng did not answer immediately. It took him a while to answer: “Kaitian, my brother, you never asked me for anything before. And I shouldn’t reject you if you do. However, you should understand this: the policy of land ownership is very strict and the town office forbids us to increase anyone’s without a good reason. Also, there are many others in the village that want the same thing. If I agree with your plan, everyone else will want their wishes granted, too! Let’s say I don’t give you an answer today, and I’ll think of something later.”

  Kaitian knew he was just making an excuse to turn him down, but he had to keep smiling and said: “Mr. Leader, you are capable of doing anything you like, please do see this through! I trust you on this!”

  “OK, OK, I’ll think of something. You can start by preparing materials you need for the construction. But do not start building anything without news from me.”

  According to Zhan Shideng’s words, Kaitian started preparing wood planks, bricks, tiles, sand and cement the next day. Kaitian had cut down a dozen trees in his yard in the past several years and piled the wood up in the house to dry out. So he did not need to pay for the wood planks. He had no need of buying sand, either: he went to collect sand by the lakeside every day at sunset and had gathered a lot in a few days. He did need to pay for bricks and tiles and he did not have enough money. So he went to beg the owner of the kiln in the neighbouring village. Eventually the owner agreed to sell him on credit and the payment would be due after the autumn harvest. The owner had Kaitian sign the bill; he trusted Kaitian because he still had a house to his own. If things got bad, he could at least take his house. Kaitian used his money majorly on the cement and put down an order with the plasterers and carpenters in the village. After that, the only thing he needed to do was wait for Zhan Shideng to grant his land ownership.

  Kaitian and Nuannuan spent the time on finishing work in the fields. However, after a long time of waiting, not even a word came from Zhan Shideng. Autumn was about to come and they could not wait until the next Spring to expand the house. Kaitian was anxious. One day, a postman from the town brought him a registered letter from Beijing. It was a curious incident for the Kuangs, because they never had any business with the post office, since none of them were working outside the village. Kaitian, quite baffled, opened the letter and found out that it was from Uncle Tan in Beijing. Uncle Tan wrote to Kaitian about his plan to bring up to eight students to see the Great Wall of Chu during the winter vacation, and he wanted Kaitian and Nuannuan to offer them accommodation. Kaitian was apparently very happy about it: another opportunity to earn money. However, he became even more anxious because he had to send Uncle Tan’s group to another’s house if they could not build the new house as soon as possible. Kaitian went to Zhan Shideng’s house that very afternoon. Before he could speak, Zhan Shideng smiled and said: “Kaitian, you must have come for the business about your land! I was about to pay you a visit first! I went to the town office about it, but it’s so difficult!”

  “How difficult?” Kaitian’s heart sank.

  “The government won’t approve an increase to your land ownership! They told me that you have already used your quota, and they are very strict about new constructions these days.” said Zhan Shideng with a kind, sincere smile on his face.

  Kaitian was not pleased. He eagerly answered: “If they won’t approve, I’ll build it on the empty land in front of my place.”

  “I’m afraid you can’t do that. I may bring people over to tear it down if you do!” answered Zhan Shideng coldly, resuming the authority in his voice.

  Kaitian dared not say anything else, as he knew it would be his loss if he looked for trouble with the Leader.

  Kaitian arrived home with a forced smile and a heart full of anger. Nuannuan knew what happened simply by looking at his face. She did not ask anything and fed Dangen in silence. She had predicted the result. Yet she still held hope for Zhan Shideng’s compassion and gratitude to the mooncakes and wine. As it turned out, she was wrong.

  Nuannuan suddenly spoke out: “I’ll go beg him again.”

  “Can you make it work?” said Kaitian as he looked at Nuannuan. “I’m afraid he’s still bitter about our marriage.”

  “I’ll try.” answered Nuannuan, pretending to be calm. She knew Zhan Shideng deliberately delayed the consent because he was waiting for her to beg him. She thought to herself: I will belittle myself and beg him again, but only once more. What if he wants the same dirty business? I bet he dares not ask me that with his family watching. I must go there when they are all eating together …

  Nuannuan picked breakfast time the next morning. She thought he could not really try anything on her with his wife and children at home. She forced herself on the road with dozens of salty duck eggs in her hand. She forced herself again to knock on Zhan Shideng’s door. As she had anticipated, Zhan Shideng only spoke to her politely
about how she should not bring the eggs over. He even asked about why they needed more land and how they had prepared the documents, as well as the intended date of construction. In the end he said: “The town office required formal procedure in everything, and you will have to fill in a form for the land ownership. Wait here, I’ll go bring you the form from the committee office.”

  Nuannuan agreed. She sat down and chatted with his wife as he went out. However, it took Zhan Shideng a long time to come back. He did not enter the house until it was time for everyone in the village to start farm work. Zhan Shideng claimed that it took longer was because he had other affairs to look after in the office. At that moment, his children had already left for school, and his wife was about to leave for the magnolia forest to work with a basket in her hand. Though quite scared, Nuannuan knew she could not leave: it was her only opportunity to have him grant them the land. She became quite nervous on seeing Zhan Shideng’s wife leave. She asked: “Where is the form?”

  Zhan Shideng smiled and took a piece of paper out of his pocket. He pointed at the table and said: “Sit there and write down the reason for the construction. Write down the number of the rooms and houses, and the time you want to start the construction. I will stamp my seal on it once you finish. I’ll be in the yard when you fill it. Call me when you finish.”

  “What form is this?” asked Nuannuan as she found out that it was a blank piece of paper.

  “This is the form.”

  Nuannuan hesitated and sat in front of the table. Zhan Shideng walked out.

  Relieved, Nuannuan picked up the pen on the table and started thinking about what to write down. She was frowning, deep in thought when a small door leading to the room next door opened. Zhan Shideng walked in from the door. Nuannuan turned her head in shock. Before she could react, Zhan Shideng had already locked her in his arms with great force. It was by then that she realized she had not been cautious enough. She tried her best to resist and opened her mouth to call for help. But Zhan Shideng covered her mouth with his forceful hand. As she lost her strength to fight and dropped on the floor, she called out in her mind: “Kaitian —”

  Silently, tears dripped down her face.

  Nuannuan forced herself to look as if nothing had happened and walked home. Kaitian hastened towards her as she entered: “How did it go? Has he agreed?”

  Nuannuan answered in a plain voice: “Let’s build on the land in front of the house. Build whatever we like.”

  “Really?” Kaitian looked very happy.

  “Do you think I’m lying to you?” Nuannuan sounded angry.

  “Great, great! … Why are your eyes red?”

  “I rubbed them too hard, I’ve got some dust in them. Dangen, come to your mom and let her give you a kiss.” Nuannuan had to change the topic, as she felt incapable of holding back her tears. To her luck Kaitian did not ask anything else: he had gone out with great satisfaction to find the plasterer.

  Nuannuan did not step out of her room on the day that Kaitian started the construction …

  Chapter 21

  Kaitian was fully occupied by the construction. Building a house is serious for any family in the village, especially for Kaitian. He put in everything he had into the construction, not to mention the bricks and tiles he bought on credit. To his satisfaction, the construction went very well. The plasters, carpenters and painters all strived to their best efforts so the work was quite neatly done. After the job was finished, Kaitian felt a bliss, though he could not find anything other than a small amount of food around his house. He raised his son Dangen over his shoulder and laughed: “A serious job well done by the Kuangs!”

  Nuannuan did not say anything. She turned her face and wiped her tears.

  People in Chu Wang Village could not understand why Kaitian would build another house: his original house was enough for the family, his father is sick, he’s got a big debt, yet he built a new house. What a silly ass, he can’t afford to live like that.

  Some who bought weedkiller from him walked in front of Kaitian’s new house and said: “Kaitian, the house is proof that you have money. Why didn’t you pay me first?”

  Kaitian would fold his hands and answer in full respect: “I will! I will pay you as soon as I have more money!”

  Winter came soon after the house was built. Kaitian made eight single beds with the timber left and put four in each new bedroom; he then prepared eight sorghum stalk for the mats and borrowed money from his cousin for eight bed sheets. And also eight quilts were prepared by Nuannuan and his mother. After all the work was done, Kaitian and Nuannuan started waiting for Uncle Tan’s news in anxiety.

  To their relief, Uncle Tan kept his word. One afternoon after a light snow, Kaitian was feeding the sheep with the haystack in his yard when he heard Uncle Tan’s voice: “Kaitian, Nuannuan, are you home?”

  Kaitian jumped up in excitement and ran out. It was such a great scene: he brought a team of students with him. Kaitian counted and saw 11 people including Uncle Tan: four women and seven men. Uncle Tan smiled happily: “I wrote no more than eight in the letter, but I had to bring more. I’m afraid you cannot let us all stay in your house!”

  “We can, we can!” Nuannuan smiled, too. She had not smiled for a long time. She had Kaitian lead the eight students, four men and four women, in the new house, and had Uncle Tan stay in his old room in the warehouse. The two men left would stay in the couple’s room whilst she would sleep with Kaitian and Dangen in the kitchen. Uncle Tan saw the new house and could not stop complimenting their work. He said: “Wonderful! I thought you found us accommodation in your neighbour’s house and our team would have to split up. This is better! We can still gather together during the night for discussions. This new house makes your place look like a hostel. How about I name this place for you?”

  “Yes, yes!” Kaitian laughed happily.

  Uncle Tan turned to one of his students: “When we left I asked you to bring several writing brushes and some red paint for marking the site. Do you have it with you?”

  The student took out the brushes and paint from his bag. Uncle Tan took a brush and dipped it in the paint. He wrote three characters on top of the gate: Chu Di Ju (Home in the State of Chu). The students clapped their hands in agreement. Kaitian and Nuannuan did not understand the name’s literal value, but they clapped as well. After everyone settled down, Nuannuan asked the question of her biggest concern: “Uncle Tan, can you give me the number you’d like to pay? We’ll prepare things according to that!”

  “Nothing is a problem between us. I’ll give you a number, and if you feel like more, just let me know. I say 100 yuan per person including accommodation, food and guidance from one of you two.”

  “Sure, sure!” Kaitian dared not let out his happy laughter. 1,100 yuan a day! He had not even dreamt of earning that much!

  “I’ll pay you for the first six days so that you can use the money for rice, flour, vegetables and meat. You should also buy 11 pillows. Since we are in the guest house of Chu Di Ju, every guest deserves a pillow.” Uncle Tan counted 6,600 yuan in cash and gave it to Kaitian. Kaitian’s hands trembled. He had never held that much money in his whole life. He went into the kitchen and showed Nuannuan the money. Then he put 200 yuan in his pocket and gave the rest to Nuannuan: one note by another, he carefully put the money into the pocket on Nuannuan’s chest, which made her breasts look larger. Nuannuan followed to prepare dinner for the guests as Kaitian rode the old bike he borrowed from Spotty Laosi and rushed to Juxiang Street for some pork, lamb, chicken and green vegetables, as well as a bottle of Chinese liquor worth 3.60 yuan. He stopped by his father-in-law’s on his way home and asked Hehe to come over and help her sister the next day. He made the promise to pay Hehe a wage of 6 yuan every day. His father-in-law was unpleased to hear: “What wage? When you need help just ask her, families don’t ask for money from each other!”

  That evening they had dinner in the living room in the new house. They did not have a table big enough for
11 people, so Kaitian tore down the two door planks of the kitchen laid them on the floor to serve the dishes. Nuannuan made a big welcoming dinner for the guests, she cut the meat in large chunks so that people could enjoy the chewing. She poured the Chinese liquor into two big bowls and make people take turns to drink. Uncle Tan and his students had never experienced that in the city and they felt very excited in curiosity. Children in the village, also driven by curiosity, swarmed to their door to watch, as they had never seen that many people from the city. The next day during breakfast, Hehe came over. Kaitian said: “Your sister was exhausted from steaming buns overnight yesterday so that we can eat them on the hill. I hope you don’t mind taking up more work today so that she can take a rest.”

  Nuannuan waved her hand to urge him off: “Don’t worry about things at home.”

  Kaitian then left to take Uncle Tan’s team up the hill.

  As expected, the students were amazed to see the Great Wall of Chu. Kaitian saw a young man take a machine out of a small trunk. Facing the wall, the machine made a small noise. He was curious and asked about it. The young man answered him: “It’s a video camera, we use it to tape videos. You’ve watched TV, right? Things on TV are all made by this.”

  Kaitian stepped up to touch the machine and found it unreal. He asked: “Can you put the Great Wall of Chu on TV?”

  The young man laughed and nodded: “Of course we can.”

  At that moment, a young woman started talking seriously in front of the camera with a corn-shaped microphone in her hand: “I am now standing on top of the hill behind Chu Wang Village, a village on the west bank of the Red Lake. This stone wall behind me is a remaining part of the Great Wall build by the State of Chu, according to Mr. Tan Wenbo’s research …”

  Kaitian looked at the young woman. He found her voice quite agreeable. As he was thinking about her voice, the camera, with its small noise, suddenly turned towards him. He was surprised and called out to Uncle Tan, who was making some measurements close by: “Uncle, take a look at this. Why is the camera facing me?”


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