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Gender Swapped and Dominated

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by Vicky Innes

  Swapped and Dominated!

  Copyright 2014 Vicky Innes

  All Rights Reserved

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. It may not be re-sold or copied in

  any way. Thank you for respecting the work of this author. This story is a work of fiction and

  any resemblance to any person, place, or event is coincidental.


  Sneak Peek!

  What the fuck?! Christian leaped off the couch. That hadn’t been his voice that came out

  of his mouth. What was happening to him? He ran over to the mirror and gasped. What he saw

  shocked him. His entire facial structure had changed. His cheekbones were higher and naturally

  rosy. His lips were getting plumper by the second. And his hair! Oh my god, his hair. It had

  somehow become blonde. That bitch Lindsay must’ve dyed it or something. How had she

  done that without him noticing? But as he watched, he saw his hair was actually getting longer

  and blonder before his eyes.

  The stranger in the mirror let out an inaudible, “no”. He didn’t believe it. He held his hands

  up and watched them shrink as his fingers elongated and thinned into a perfectly lady like form.

  He moved them through his still growing hair. It was women’s hair. There was no doubt about

  that, it was silky and beautiful. But it wasn’t his. He was a man! Christian didn’t have ladylike

  fingers and flowing blonde hair! He was a strong, independent man. This was all wrong.

  Overcome with shock, Christian emitted a high pitched shriek, and turned back to Lindsay.

  “What have you done to me, you crazy bitch!” Christian grabbed Lindsay on the wrists.

  “Watch it, sis.” Lindsay twisted Christian’s arms and pushed him down to the ground.

  There was nothing Christian could’ve done. All of his muscles were gone and he was left with

  puny little arms. He looked on helplessly as Lindsay towered over him.

  “I’ve just done something to teach you a lesson,” Lindsay said as she kicked her husband

  in the ribs, causing him to squirm around on the ground. “Besides, you’re actually pretty hot,

  you little slut. You should be thanking me,” Lindsay couldn’t hold back her stifled laughter.

  “Th…thank you? You’re crazy! I’m gonna sue you! You fucking bitch! You can’t do this!”

  Christian squealed from the floor.

  Lindsay knelt down before her rapidly transforming husband and slapped him across his

  rosy cheeks. “Let’s be very clear about this, shall we? You are going to do precisely what I tell

  you to do, or you will never be a man again. Do you understand? But that’s not even half of

  it… I’ll have you declared a missing person. I’ll take every cent you ever owned and you’ll be

  left with nothing but some pretty looks. Just like your little college sluts that you were cheating

  on me with. Do you understand?”

  Christian gulped. He still couldn’t believe it, but he didn’t know what else he could do but

  submit. “Yes” he said meekly. “Good,” Lindsay grinned and stepped the heel of her shoe into

  Christian’s cock, causing him to yelp out in pain. His cock! Oh god, what had happened to his

  cock? Christian felt his crotch area, but had to do a double take to find his dick. No! His

  strong, reliable member was disappearing as he held it in his hand. This was cruel and unusual

  punishment. He didn’t deserve this! But there was nothing he could do to stop it. He withered

  on the floor for some time, grasping on to his rapidly receding cock. His manhood, his identity

  as a person, was being replaced by a sleek nothingness. How could he function without it?

  After enjoying his agony, Lindsay pulled her husband up to his feet and trotted him to the

  front of the mirror. Fuck, he actually was hot. All of the wrinkles on his face were gone. His

  skin was clear and smooth, like an eighteen year old. In fact, he looked exactly like one of his


  sultry college girls: young, hot, and tight. He was exactly the kind of girl that he would’ve loved

  to fuck and abuse emotionally.

  --- End of sneak peek ---


  Swapped and Dominated!

  Sniiff! Augggh “Oh fuck yeah!” Christian weezed as he inhaled a massive line of cocaine

  through a crisp dollar bill. Looking up to see his slut du jour, he laughed and smacked her ass.

  Haha, he could barely believe himself. All though his life he had never slept with beautiful,

  amazing woman. But now that he was in his fifties, they just seemed to flock to him. And the

  younger the better! This particular girl was a 5’ 5” stunning brunette. She said she was on her

  college’s cheerleading team or some shit like that? Whatever. All Christian knew was that she

  was a total babe, and had been eating out of his hand all night. And his cock, for that matter.

  Ever since he had scored a new, high paying job a couple of months ago, he seemed to

  have a new lease on life. And also a literal new lease on a German sports car. The thing was a

  chick magnet! All he had to do was take a couple of spins through the nearby college town and

  the girls would practically be begging for his dick. And who was he to refuse them? Back when

  he was in college, he hadn’t been so good with woman. But now even the sauciest of co-eds

  loving looking up to him as their older man.

  The drugs helped too, he was sure. College girls love a good party, and what kind of a party

  doesn’t have drugs? Christian smiled, aroused at the thought of fucking this girl again while

  high. Fuckin –eh! He didn’t remember the last time life was this good. For years he had been

  working the shithole 9-5 job, slaving away while he only grew older. Screw all that! Now he

  had fresh young pussy, money, and drugs! Life was definitely good.


  For some reason his wife’s opinion differed. Lindsay had always been a kind, sweet person.

  In fact, her compassion was what drove Christian to him in the first place. As a wife, she doted

  on her husband and never questioned his decisions. Lindsay cooked, cleaned, and sucked her

  husband off regularly, which she considered her duty as a wife. So she simply couldn’t

  understand what she was hearing when a friend told her that her husband had been cheating on


  Her ears were still ringing as her friend snapped her fingers in front of Lindsay’s frozen

  face. The nail salon attendant turned away to give the two women a moment alone, but

  Lindsay didn’t notice. Her world was shattered. That asshole! Sure, she had mostly loved him

  for the money and prestige, but she still loved him. To find out that he’d been cheating on her

  was… unthinkable! How could Christian have done this to her? She’d been nothing but a

  perfect wife… there was no way that she deserved this.

  Lindsay found the words to thank her friend for the tip, and rushed out of the salon without

  getting her nails done. That would have to wait. Now, she had more important things to do, like

  finding out the truth about her relationship. Was her husband a drug addict? How long had he

  be whoring around? God, she felt sick just thinking about him. She was supposed to have his

ren! Well that certainly wouldn’t be happening now. What the fuck was going on!

  Lindsay’s entire world was upside down. Someone had to pay for this.



  When Christian entered the house, he could tell that something was wrong. Everything

  seemed neat and tidy, but his wife was nowhere to be found. That was odd, usually she was

  home by now. He stretched out on the couch and settled in to watch some good old fashioned

  sports news on the TV. At least it was quiet without Lindsay there. She was always going on

  and on, badgering him about one thing or the other. Now he could finally watch his sports in


  And he truly was at peace. Goddamn, how could he not be, after the great fucking he just

  had? College girls really know how to do it. And if they don’t, their enthusiasm certainly makes

  up for it, he chuckled to himself. Fuck, their pussies were so tight, just like their perfectly

  smooth skin. And they were always so adventures, eager to fuck their way through learning.

  Sex with Lindsay had been the opposite lately. Well, it was still good, but sometimes it felt like

  they were both going through the motions. Fuck that! Fresh pussy was well worth the


  “What the FUCK is the meaning of this?” Lindsay appeared in the hallway, startling


  “Uh… I’m watching sports. What does it look like?” Christian didn’t move from his spot

  on the couch.

  “You smell like a stripper peed on you! Did you fucking cheat on me?” Lindsay crossed her


  “Uhhh… no?” Christian looked bewildered as he realized the gravity of the situation.

  Lindsay stormed off, crying. Fuck, that was not good, thought Christian. Surely she would

  come around, but she did seem pretty upset. She didn’t have to be such a bitch about it though.

  What had crawled up her ass and died? Still partially drunk, Christian turned his attention back

  to the sports game at hand. He had more important things to worry about than his marriage.

  Like college girls and TV. Fuck yes. He loved weekends. He drifted off into a deep sleep on the



  Christian jolted awake; his heart racing. He had been having some pretty messed up

  dreams. He sat up, disoriented, and looked out the window. A hard rain pelted the flat roof but

  it sounded like it was pounding right down on him. His head ached. He closed his eyes and

  tried to find some peace. Christian hadn’t drank that much, but he was way out of it. The only

  that could help him now was more sleep.

  “Well aren’t we looking cute?” Christian opened his eyes to see Lindsay standing over him

  with her arms crossed.

  “What?” Christian said groggily, but the voice that came out of his mouth wasn’t his. It was

  all high pitched and girly.

  “I said, aren’t we looking soo cute!” a smile crept over Lindsay’s face.

  What the fuck?! Christian leaped off the couch. That hadn’t been his voice that came out

  of his mouth. What was happening to him? He ran over to the mirror and gasped. What he saw

  shocked him. His entire facial structure had changed. His cheekbones were higher and naturally

  rosy. His lips were getting plumper by the second. And his hair! Oh my god, his hair. It had

  somehow become blonde. That bitch Lindsay must’ve dyed it or something. How had she

  done that without him noticing? But as he watched he saw his hair was actually getting longer


  and longer before his eyes.

  The stranger in the mirror let out an inaudible, “no”. He didn’t believe it. He held his hands

  up and watched them shrink as his fingers elongated and thinned into perfectly lady like fingers.

  He moved them through his still growing hair. It was women’s hair. There was no doubt about

  that, it was silky and long. But it wasn’t his. He was a man! Christian didn’t need ladylike

  fingers and flowing blonde hair! He was a strong, independent man. This was all wrong.

  Overcome with shock, Christian shrieked like a real woman, and turned back to Lindsay.

  “What have you done to me, you crazy bitch!” Christian grabbed Lindsay on the wrists.

  “Watch it, sister.” Lindsay twisted Christian’s arms and pushed him down to the ground.

  There was nothing Christian could’ve done. All of his muscles were gone and he was left with

  puny little arms. He looked on helplessly as Lindsay towered over him.

  “I’ve just done a little something to teach you a lesson,” Lindsay kicked her husband in the

  side, causing him to squirm on the ground. “Besides, you’re actually pretty hot, you little slut.

  You should be thanking me,” Lindsay couldn’t hold back her stifled laughter.

  “Th…thank you? You’re crazy! I’m gonna sue you! You fucking bitch! You can’t do this!”

  Christian squealed from the floor.

  Lindsay knelt down before her rapidly transforming husband and slapped him across his

  rosy cheeks. “Let’s be very clear about this, shall we? You are going to do precisely what I tell

  you to do, or you will never be a man again. Do you understand? But that’s not even half of

  it… I’ll have you declared a missing person. I’ll take every cent you ever owned and you’ll be

  left with nothing but some pretty looks. Just like your little college sluts. Do you understand?”

  Christian gulped. He still couldn’t believe it, but he didn’t know what else he could do but

  submit. “Yes” he said meekly. “Good,” Lindsay grinned and stepped the heel of her shoe into

  Christian’s cock, causing him to yelp out in pain. His cock! Oh god, what had happened to his

  cock? Christian felt his crotch, but had to do a double take to find his dick. No! His strong,

  reliable member was disappearing as he held it in his hand. This was cruel and unusual

  punishment. He didn’t deserve this treatment! But there was nothing he could do to stop it. He

  withered on the floor for some time, grasping on to his rapidly receding cock. His manhood, his

  identity as a person, was gone. How could he function without it?

  After enjoying his agonizing, Lindsay pulled her husband up to his feet and trotted him to

  the front of the mirror. Fuck, he actually was hot. All of the wrinkles on his face were gone.

  His skin was clear and smooth, like an eighteen year old. In fact, he looked exactly like one of

  his college girls: young, hot, and tight. He was exactly the kind of girl that he would’ve loved to

  fuck, and abuse emotionally.

  His flowing blonde hair was down to his breasts now. Oh my, his breasts. They were firm

  and round, but not too big. They weighed on him heavily. He felt them up, in awe. They were

  so sensitive, more than he ever could have imagined. It was such an unusual sensation, but in a

  good way. He didn’t know what to make of it. His transformation was still so much to take in.

  Lindsay observed his discomfort and procured a bra. “I’m not totally sure, but this should

  fit you.” She handed the pink, lacey bra to her husband. Christian took it in disbelief. He

  needed some support for his breasts, but goddamn him if he was going to wear a bra. He knew

  deep down that he wasn’t a girl, and he didn’t need this shit.

  “Do you ever want to be a man again?” Lindsay urged the bra to him once more.

  Christian’s eyes widened. It seemed like he was going to have to do everything that his wife


  wanted. With resent, he took the bra from her and struggled to do it up. He finally got it in

  place, but it seemed a little bit too small. His girls spilled out over the top of his feminine

  brassier. He bit his lip worriedly and stared in the mirror. This was his reality now.

  Lindsay left again and re-appeared with a smile on her face and a pink mini-skirt. She could

  tell right away that her husband was less enthused with her idea than she was.

  “I am not wearing that,” Christian said sassily

  “Oh I think you are,” Lindsay cooed. “You’re a sweet little college girl, and you need to

  dress like one.”

  It was true. Whatever magic Lindsay had worked on Christian to transform him into a girl

  had also made him appear much younger than he was as a man. And more than anything, he

  wanted to re-gain his manhood. If that meant playing dress up with his wife, then so be it. If

  that entertained her sick, twisted mind, then he was okay with it. It was only temporary, after

  all. There was no way she could’ve changed him into a girl for good.

  He put on the pink mini dress and the simple, low cut top that his wife had picked out. He

  took his own breath away when he looked in the mirror. He knew he looked good, but now

  that he had clothes on he could really see the shape to his body. He batted his eyelashes and

  smacked his lips together, almost instinctually, as he inspected himself. His teeth had

  straightened, and his ass had changed shape in all of the right places. Goddamn, he looked


  “When you’re finished admiring yourself, put these on” Lindsay teased as she handed him

  a pair of bubblegum pink heels.

  “But… I don’t know how to walk in those!” Christian pouted. He looked adorable, really.

  “And, hey, what do you mean put these on? I’m not going anywhere!” he proclaimed as he put

  his hands on his hips saucily.

  “Of course you are dear, we’ve got an appointment at the salon. Can’t be late! Here, I’ll

  grab your purse.” Lindsay said as she scooted off to the bedroom.

  Christian felt anger at first, but the sexy long heels in his hand seemed to have an effect on

  him. He could cry like a defeated little girl, or he could put on the shoes and place his wife’s

  little game. In a heartbeat, he was down on the floor tightening up his fresh pink stilettos. They


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