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Deadly Encounter

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by K. L. Humphreys

  Deadly Encounter


  K.L. Humphreys


  For Jessica, I wouldn’t be where I am today if you hadn’t been with me every step of the way.

  P.S. Ryder’s yours.


  Deadly Encounter

  First Edition published in 2018

  Text Copyright © K L Humphreys

  All rights reserved.

  The moral right of the author has been asserted.

  Editing by Danni (Ellie) Williams.

  Cover Design by Lee Ching of Undercover Designs.

  Formatter Maria Lazarou of Obsessed By Books Designs.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise), nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published without the prior written permission of the author. Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

  All characters in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  Other Books by the author:

  The Deadly Series:

  Deadly Hunt

  Deadly Obsession

  Deadly Past

  The Working Girls Series:

  The Secrets Of Life

  The Hitman Series: (Co-write with Pavan Kaur)


  The Beauty and The Geek Series (Co-write with Rachel M Storm)

  One Night



  “Thank God that’s over with. All I want to do now is shower, eat, and relax. Maybe even go to the casino.” Ryder and I have just finished a consultant job here at the casino. Who would have thought that when we started Smithy International, we would actually be going international? Although Vegas isn't international, but Sam will be travelling to London soon.

  “Yeah, sounds good.” Is his limited reply!

  I should be used to this by now, he’s our boss at Smithy International, but we are all co-owners, it just made sense him being the head honcho as he was our Sergeant while we were in the Army. We’ve come a long way since our Army days. Some of those days are dark, but we all stick together, and we come out the other side.

  I go to my hotel room; this place is amazing I’m on the thirtieth floor, and this view is one in a million. I can’t believe that I have never been to Vegas before. I suppose I never had the money. This right here, watching this view, it’s what dreams are made off. I have a quick shower, get dressed in my LBD, because I’m in Vegas and they have fancy restaurants.

  Once I’m ready, I send Ryder a text telling him I’ll meet him in the bar. I need a drink badly; this week has been a killer, trying to get the hotel security to even listen to me was a freaking job on its own. I hate the sexist views men have when it comes to stuff like that. They think they’re a lot stronger than women and therefore women shouldn’t have an input in security and safety. The jackasses.

  Ryder is waiting for me as I enter the bar. He spots me as soon as I walk in, he looks so good. I hate that I’m still in love with him, I have been for the past six years, and nothing I do makes me stop loving him. I guess I’ll just have to be one of those women who fall in love with someone but are lonely for the rest of their lives. I’ll probably become a cat lady.

  He’s wearing black slacks and a casual black shirt, the shirt is pulled tight against his muscles, and I would give anything to run my hands over his perfectly chiseled body.

  “You look nice.” Nice? He tells me I look nice? You’re freaking grandmother looks nice. Damn, I really need to get over him. “Do you want something to drink?” He asks looking over the menu, not even looking at me.

  “Yeah,” I call the waiter over and order Tequila, ignoring the shocked look on Ryder’s face. But the cute waiter is giving me a sexy smile which I happily return.

  “A beer.” Ryder dismisses the waiter with one look, and it’s highly rude.

  We drink in silence, and when the food comes, I order Tequila once again. I’m pretty sure I have five before we leave the bar. That is the last thing I remember.

  The light shining in from the window wakes me up along with the pressing need to pee. I hear breathing next to me. What the hell happened last night? I look to my left, and I almost squeal, what the hell is Ryder doing in my bed? And why the hell am I naked?

  I run towards the bathroom, scooping my dress up off the floor as I do. I lock myself in the safety of the bathroom and sit on the toilet seat, Geez, how much did I have to drink last night? I can’t believe this happened. I quickly relieve myself as I try my hardest to remember what happened. I’m coming up short; I remember nothing after the bar.

  I decide to have a shower and hope that Ryder will be back in his room by the time I’m finished. I let the water cascade down on me, trying to see if it will lift the blankness in my mind, as I start to wash my hair, I start getting a glimpse of what happened.

  Ryder’s strong, calloused hands are touching the softness of my legs, moving his way up my legs to the top of my thighs. The feeling of his warm breath on my face as he leans in for a hot and lust filled kiss, me losing my inhibitions as he enters me, crying out in pleasure as we both cum.

  Shit! Was that real? Or am I imagining my ultimate fantasy? There’s only one way to find out, face Ryder. I get out of the shower and already miss the warmth of the water. I quickly get dried and wrap the towel around me and enter the lion’s den.

  He’s still here; he’s dressed and sitting on the edge of the bed. He looks bored, and I hate that look, it’s as if he doesn’t give a damn. “So last night.” He starts off, and it’s that tone, the one where they say it was fun, but we can’t do it again.

  “What about last night?” My tone is defensive and has a slightly bitchy tone to it.

  “Well, we’re married.” That’s his response?

  “MARRIED?? How the hell did that happen? And why the hell are you so calm about it?” I can’t believe this, how was I even allowed to get married in my drunken state?

  “Well, we went to see Elvis and got married. Why wouldn’t I be calm about it? There’s no use in getting emotional and angry, it’s done, and it can’t be undone.” The cheeky bastard, just sitting there with a smug look on his face.

  “The hell it can’t be changed. We’ll get an annulment. What else happened last night? Did we have sex?” I must know, if I don’t it will just kill me, constantly thinking about it.

  “Yes, we did have sex, but it was a mistake and one that can’t happen again.” No emotion whatsoever when he said that. Great, my heart splits in two, and he’s just fine. “And we won’t be getting an annulment.”

  “I’m sorry, say what now?” I must have water in my ears or something; surely, I misheard what he just said.

  He gets off the bed and stands; he’s looming over me. “We will not be getting an annulment.”

  “Well, we’re hardly going to be a couple as you quite adamantly said ‘it was a mistake and one that can’t happen again’ so tell me, big guy, what the hell are we going to do?” It’s quite simple to me. We get the annulment and forget this ever happened.

  “We’re not going to do anything; we’re going to carry on as normal and return home tomorrow.” He starts walking towards the door, intent on leaving.

  “What? You don’t want to have a relationship with me is that what you’re
saying?” I must get this right; I just can’t fathom what the hell is going on.

  “Yes Skye, we won’t be in a relationship, and we certainly won’t be having sex, and no we won’t be having an annulment.” With that, he leaves my hotel room.

  I sit on the bed contemplating what I should do next, and only one thing comes to mind. So, I pack up my things and get on the first flight to Maui. Hopefully, Winter will help me, and I can find out how to get out of this situation.

  Chapter One


  It’s been over two months since I was stupid and got so drunk I got married. Since then I have only seen my beloved husband twice, and both times I ran away like the coward I am. I can’t bring myself to face him, what am I meant to say? Hi husband, how are you? Yeah didn’t think so. I do the only thing I can. I hide from him that is until I can find a way out of this situation.

  I’m not the only one that’s mad at him, Sophia, Winter and Hailey agree with me. Sophia is my friend, and she works with me at Smithy International, Winter is her best friend and lives full time in Maui, she was raped a few years ago, and he turned into her stalker. The asshole kidnapped her and killed a friend. He’s dead now, and she’s happier for it – she’s living with her boyfriend and our colleague Sam. Hailey is their former best friend’s little sister and works at Sophia’s husband’s business P.I.G.S; it’s a bodyguard and Private Investigator firm.

  So here I am, in the Airport waiting to catch my flight to London. A client of ours needs their security checked and upgraded, Sam was meant to go, but after everything that happened with Winter, he doesn’t feel safe leaving her alone. So, I volunteered after the Vegas debacle, I just need to get away. I haven’t been myself since Vegas; I’m constantly sick, I’ve lost at least ten if not fifteen pounds and all I want to do is sleep. I have never felt so drained in my life, getting up in the mornings is a chore now.

  My flight is called, and we’re ready for boarding, I’m thankful that Oscar, Smithy International’s computer expert booked me in first class, the flight is seven and a half hours, and I’m just going to rest and watch a movie. I find my seat and sink into the luscious leather seat. I feel so much better already, knowing that I’m not going to be anywhere near Ryder for the next week at the very least.

  “Skye? Is that you?” That voice is familiar, and I turn to the woman standing in the aisle, and I’m as shocked as I could be. “Oh my god! Skye, I haven’t seen you in so long,” My sister Addison screeches as she leans in and hugs me. “My God Skye, I can’t believe that you’re here! I’ve wanted to see you for such a long time, but I didn’t think you would want to see me.” She hasn’t changed at all; she still talks a mile a minute. She takes her seat across from me, and she’s just staring at me in wonder.

  “Of course, I want to see you. It’s just Mom and Dad that I can’t see. I told you that the last time we bumped into each other.” Even thinking about them now gets my blood boiling. I made the biggest mistake of my life, and my parents kicked me out because of it.

  “Mom and Dad, they regret what they did. Hell, I made sure they’ve regretted it ever since.” She’s so confident in herself, and I wish that at the age of twenty-three I was even half as confident. Hell, I wish that I was half as confident now at twenty-eight. “Look, they know that you made a mistake and that the person they should have been angry at was Mr. Turner. He was thirty- eight, and you were only seventeen. Hell, the man was married and having an affair with his secretary.” She’s sweet for having my back.

  “Addison, I knew that it was wrong. I shouldn’t have slept with him, but you’re right Mom and Dad we’re awful, and they should have had my back just like you have.” I don’t know if I’ll ever get over the hurt that they caused by kicking me out, so they could still attend all their fancy parties. I was the disgraceful child, the hell-raiser and Addison was the one they brought to cello and piano lessons every week.

  “Look, Skye, they regret it. They stopped going to those ridiculous parties and started spending every night at home.” She smiles at me, and I’m glad that she had different parents than the ones I had. “Anyway, Helen has missed you so much. She talks nonstop about the things you used to do together. It was great listening to them as it made me feel closer to you.” Her smile turns a little sad, and her eyes get glassy as she talks about our house cleaner.

  I decide to change the subject from our fucked-up family life, “So, what are you going to London for?” I shouldn’t be surprised that she’s flying first class, our parents paid for it.

  “Oh, my friend Gloria, I met her while she was here on a work visa, she’s absolutely adorable. Anyway, she’s invited me to stay with her for a month. I’m so excited, I’ve never been to England before, and it’s going to be epic. What about you? How did you manage to get this swanky deal?” She’s practically jumping up and down in her seat. She quickly scrambles to put her seat belt on as the seat belt sign comes on.

  “Work, I co-own a Security Intelligence firm, and I’m on my way to London on a consulting job. What are you doing in New York?” It sounds boring as hell, but I love it.

  “Oh wow, that is amazing, I go to fine art school here, and I’m in my final year. Trying to get my masters, I’m having so much fun; I love my course. I’m hoping to become a Curator.” Her eyes are glowing with happiness as she describes what she does and what she wants to become. “It’ll take a while as you’ll need at least four years’ experience in museums, I’ve been volunteering during school breaks. Gloria has set it up, so I’m volunteering at the Victoria and Albert Museum while I’m there. I still can’t believe it, it’s one of the most prestigious museums in the world, and I get to be working there.”

  “That is really amazing Addi; you have your head screwed on that’s for sure.” I can’t keep the proudness out of my voice. We start to take off and my mind's full of thoughts, what’s going to happen with Ryder and me? Will we ever get to a stage where we can move on from this? Will we stay married or will we get divorced?

  “Earth to Skye?” The sound of Addison’s voice pulls me from my inner turmoil; I look at her and see that she has a worried look on her face. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m okay; just have a lot on my mind,” I tell her, and my mind starts to spin again.

  “Anything you want to share?” The worry is in her voice now as well as being in her eyes.

  “Just work stuff. So what else have you been up to?” I ask hoping to get her to forget about me and my love life or lack off.

  “Nothing much, I've just been busy with school and voluntary work. You know I looked for you once when I was nineteen. I thought I found you once but the house I went to nobody was there, and I went back for six weeks and nothing.” She shrugs it off as though it didn't mean anything, yet by the look on her face, and the disappointment in her eyes tells me a completely different story.

  I ask her when and where this was, and it turns out she did really find me. “That was my house, but I was deployed at the time. I’m sorry, I missed you.”

  “You were in the Military?” She whisper-shouts at me; the surprise is evident on her face.

  The shock in her voice is something I'm accustomed too. People see my 5"4 petite frame and think I’m either lying or that I was sat behind a desk. “Yeah, I was in the Army.” It comes out snappier than I intended but I’m just annoyed at this stage, women and men of all shapes and sizes shouldn't be questioned about their jobs.

  “I think that's pretty amazing. Thank you for serving our country.” Her eyes are glassy, but she has a big smile on her face.

  I smile back at her and cover my mouth as I yawn. “Sorry, I haven't been sleeping very well lately. It seems to be catching up with me.”

  “That's okay. We’ve five hours left on this flight, so we should get some rest. We’ll be arriving in London at six am. We’ll need all the rest we can get.” She slinks down in her seat and rests her head as she prepares to get some rest.
/>   The sound of the doorbell has my dad throwing his knife and fork onto the table and going to the front door, dad hates being interrupted while we’re having dinner. I hear raised voices, and I look to the dining room door just in time to watch Mrs. Turner walk in, she looks mad, and I know this isn’t going to be good. My heart starts to pound, and my body starts to shake.

  “Miriam, what are you doing here?” My mom doesn’t sound that shocked that she’s here.

  “You tramp!” She shouts at me as she points her finger at me, shit, how did she find out?

  “Miriam, what the hell?” Dad says confused, Miriam is their friend and she’s usually so placid.

  “That tramp.” She points at me again before breaking down into tears, “She’s been sleeping with my Pete.” She starts to sob as I hear mom and dad take a sharp intake of breath.

  “Skye, what have you done?” Mom says disgust in her tone, and I turn to face her, “Miriam, we are so sorry. We’ll be dealing with Skye.”

  “Hmm,” Mrs. Turner says as she stands. “Everyone will know that you have taught your daughter to be a tramp!” She storms out of the house, mom hot on her heels trying to calm her down and I’m under no illusion that she’s doing it for my benefit. She’s doing it, so she still has a standing in this community, we are one of the wealthiest families, second to the Turners.

  “What the hell have you done Skye?” Mom screams as she comes back into the dining room, Addison who has been silent up until this point lets out a sigh and starts to quickly finish her diner.

  “Skye, please tell me that this isn’t true!” Dad pleads with me.


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