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The Court of Souls?_Volume 2_Agent of the Realm?

Page 6

by Andur

  “I already brought Adea home, once. I didn't forget,” he answers solemnly. I pat his head. “You turn out to be surprisingly useful, good job!”

  A single tear runs down his cheek. “That's the first time you've praised me.”

  Adea clings to the door-handle as Jimmy takes us into a sharp curve, causing some cars to veer to the sides. “If I wasn't so frightened for Mom, I would insist on learning to know the relationship between you two!”

  As we quickly near our destination, we advance faster because all the traffic is trying to get away from the battle zone. Some hastily assembled DF units are also making their way there, but they simply fly with levitation magic and don't waste their time with us.

  The neat and tidy city looks more and more like a warzone. It is clear that the DF already fought the spirits and drove them back. The ground is covered with the corpses of civilians, soldiers and spirits.

  It is a massacre. The remnants of a fought battle. But there is no guarantee that they got all of the spirits. Some rogue elements might have been left behind.

  I notice that Adea's face took on a green shade upon seeing the destruction and the corpses, so I hurry to lower the window next to her seat. If she has to puke, she may as well do it out the window.

  “There is no point in driving any further. If Adea's mother is so deep inside the battle zone I doubt that she is still alive. Adea, where would your mother most likely go in case of an attack?” I ask.

  Adea is clearly not herself and as pale as a ghost. “She always said to run down the main street towards down-town when something happens.”

  I nod towards Jimmy and he complies, speeding up as we arrive on the indicated street. He manoeuvres around the wreckage like a professional and it doesn't take long until we encounter five spirits who are gathered around a manhole. One of them is desperately trying to get into the much too small opening.

  Jimmy hits the break and the tires screech as we come to a halt. “Too many. Too many.” He puts the car into reverse, but I open the door before he can turn the car.

  “Get whoever is hiding down there. I'll draw their attention.” I get out and pull my left crystal-bracer out from under my clothes. It looks more like a piece of jewellery to be honest.

  “Don't! Those are lycans!” Adea calls out, but Jimmy locks the doors and manoeuvres the car to the side.

  I concentrate on the bracer and form it into a featureless mask. No time to be gaudy. Then I place it on my face and release my aura, drawing the spirits' attention. They are vaguely humanoid with wolf-like features. All of them bare their teeth upon looking at me.

  Walking forward, I let go of my control and spread my wings. It feels good to have them back! Next are my horns and the tail.

  Then I spread my hands to embrace the first spirit who jumps at me. It wrestles with my strength, but my inner mana manipulation is stronger than it. It sinks its jaw into my shoulder, but the teeth don't penetrate my skin. Its limbs flail helplessly as I increase the pressure and with a howl of pain its spine yields.

  I drop the corpse and raise my finger to taunt the remaining spirits. They are nothing more than foot soldiers. Maybe on the level of a mid in Dedessia's ranking system.

  Finally they manage to break their frozen state and surge forward. I jump to meet them, using my wings as shields against the ones who come from the side.

  Using one of my father's spells, I send a spark of chaos energy at the one in front of me. It howls and chars to a crisp. The one who went in from below twists in mid air and grabs my leg. I feel myself being flung around and into the nearby wreck of a car.

  Cursing, I get up and dig my fingers into the wreck's metal, sending my mana into it. Using gravitation magic, I lift the car and club the first incoming spirit with it. The poor thing lets out a single 'yelp' as it is crushed under my improvised weapon.

  Then Jimmy hits the pedal to the metal and runs one of the spirits over to get to the manhole.

  The last one turns his attention to Jimmy's car and I use the chance to flash step into reach. As its head swivels back towards me, I strike out. Hitting its forehead, I send a burst of mana into its third eye, the eye to the soul.

  Every soul has spirit connections to connect to its physical body. The third eye is the most important one of them. My death magic forcibly disconnects the spirit's soul from its body and the ugly thing drops dead.

  Without its twisted body, the spirit's soul simply shatters and fragments.

  I turn my attention to the manhole where Jimmy is helping a group of people out of their hiding spot. Adea is holding the hands of a woman who is lying on the ground, a ghastly wound on her stomach. From the colour of her hair I guess that it is her mother. The wound looks really bad.

  Geez. Why did I have to play the wishing game? But once I set them, I stick to my rules. Adea wished for me to save her mother. It wouldn't count if she dies now.

  Upon looking around, I find that the spirit who was run over is still alive. It's just a little broken, but its life force is still strong and pulses in my vision as a bright light. It tries to crawl away, but I can't let it do that. Walking forward, I plunge my left shadow wing into its back. It howls, but can't do much as I lift it like a skewered piece of meat.

  Dragging it with me, I approach the group with Adea's Mom. Most of the people back off. Some even run away.

  I ignore them and touch the mother's open belly with a wing of light. Then I start draining the life force from the spirit and channel it through me into Adea's mother. The wound closes quickly as the spirit stops struggling and shrivels to a dry husk. If there were some plants around, I could do this without a sacrifice. But the city in this area has just stone and earth to offer.

  Once she is out of danger, I retreat my wing of light and toss the dead spirit away. “Get her into the car and out of here. I'll follow later,” I whisper to Jimmy and he nods, picking up Adea's mother.

  Not a second too late. The two incoming auras are almost here.

  I flash step away from the group of civilians, barely avoiding the axe-chop as Perseus's mana covered hand parts the air where I was just a second ago. He instantly returns to a fighting stance as Marc appears in front of the civilians to shield them from me. Or should I call him Marcus?

  Perseus squints his eyes at me. “I hoped that you didn't disappear. Now I'll get my rematch!”

  I close my eyes and block his hand as he appears in front of me. The shockwave flattens the house behind me and I reach out to slap him. He senses that there is no force behind my attack and doesn't even bother to block. We exchange blows like this seven times, each time another house has to pay for Perseus's idiocy.

  Finally he stops his attacks and spits on the ground. “What the fuck are you!”

  Marcus, who shielded the civilians, steps in. “Don't you get it? It... she is a divine level! You would have to lay waste to the city if you want to get through her defence.”

  Being called an 'it' hurts a little, but I have to admit that my spirit form looks more monstrous than others.

  “Then what can we do to stop it!?” Perseus asks, still in a fighting stance.

  Marcus purses his lips, thinking. “Lure her out of the city? Though I don't get why she isn't attacking like the others...”

  “Back at the mana storm it attacked with lethal force. Don't get lured in, it is just waiting for a chance. Must be one of the intelligent ones. Maybe she even is the one who opened the portal to get their forces into the city,” Perseus answers.

  I use their bickering to bend down and pick up a pebble, then I wave my hand to get their attention. Both of them freeze like sheep caught in the headlights. Probably that's their first time to meet such a strangely behaving spirit. Pointing at my cheek, I pat it seven times.

  “Maybe she wants to tell us something?” Perseus speaks his thoughts aloud.

  “She slapped you seven times. Are-” Marcus doesn't get to finish his sentence.

  Perseus reaches for his cheek and
I flick my fingers, activating the delayed force-spell which I placed there, amplifying it with each slap. The force of my first slap is amplified and doubled for each slap I managed to land. That's seven times to be precise.

  His head snaps sideways as the force is applied directly to his body. Spit, blood and a set of back teeth spray from his mouth as he tumbles over and over, landing in a mountain of rubble.

  I throw the pebble at the group of civilians. My estimation of Marcus's reaction is spot on. Instead of helping his brother or stopping me, he moves to intercept the pebble. Which is just that, a pebble. Though he doesn't know that.

  It draws enough of his attention for me to get away. I flash step, teleport, flash step, teleport, each time choosing a new direction and distance. The fourth time I conceal my aura and hurry to return to my human form. From then on I run, hurrying to leave the battle zone.

  Adea and Jimmy have to be safe. I doubt that Marcus would simply leave their side after showing such protective behaviour.

  I just have to hope that Adea won't snitch on me. Jimmy can't talk, even if he wanted to.

  8. ~Search.~

  “How events are perceived lies in the eye of the beholder.”

  The Journey to the Afterlife

  Kingdom Newerth, Capital City


  I sit in my office with my feet placed on the table, rubbing both my temples. “Why is this happening to me!” Taking the empty tea cup from the table, I throw it at the chalkboard which is covering the wall. The glass shatters and sprays onto the floor.

  On the chalkboard are two mindmaps, representing the two different cases which are causing the royal family no end of trouble.

  The first one is the spirit invasion and the four winged spirit which is apparently roaming unchecked around the city. We still don't know how she pulls off her disappearances and how she is hiding herself. I study the mindmap.

  Mana storm – three dead, one abducted

  Abducted found – not lucid, doesn't know what happened! Raped?

  No further deaths, Fourwings disappeared

  Portal opened in Tandeen district – cellar, three summoners of low rank, research, dead

  Fourwings reappeared – at fault? Connection to summoners? Didn't attack, no deaths! Fled!?

  This spirit is a loony one. I want the old times back. Spirits who are obviously sane enough to have plans of their own and hold back their instincts freak me out. And we don't really know anything about it... her... why do I keep calling it a her?

  But we always suspected that there must be spirits with some sort of intelligence. How else would they connect to a portal to start their invasion? The theory is that they first send their trash through the portal, then some big ones and then... we never allowed it to go that far.

  My mind keeps returning to yesterday's encounter. That pebble! She knew exactly what I would do and played me like a musical instrument! My brother keeps saying that it is just another spirit who has to be dealt with, but she is clearly intelligent. Why doesn't he admit that?

  My eyes keep flipping to the second mindmap and I groan, remembering that one night. Why did I let her go!? Stupid! And especially running out of the hotel in hope to catch her on the street. I acted like a lovestruck teenager. Then I spent the day running around the campus and asking students about her. There was no better way to start the rumour mill!

  My parents chewed me out for half a day when they learned about it. I don't get why they are giving me so much stress about one wonderful night. My brother is the one who whores around. Can't I fall for a woman once in a while?

  At least I regained some sense and secured the registration sphere later on. There was not a single noble at the ball whose picture matched Seria. And I looked through all of them. The only anomaly was an aura which wasn't registered as a known noble. And that's impossible. All nobles are registered. So this one aura has to be Seria's. But a colour coded aura with a forename attached to it doesn't get me anywhere! And we can't force the whole population to have their aura recorded.

  Is she a rogue? A spiritualist who... somehow... slipped through the system?

  I want to strangle the guy who was in charge of the ball's security. But then again, who would attack a public event with the nation's strongest fighters? There are some criminal elements, but they would never lay a hand on us. We are running raids every few years to keep the organized crime syndicates down. They won't risk our ire.

  And it was just a simple school ball. Not some consecrated event with the king and queen at the head of the table.

  Our country was at peace and thriving for generations. Other than the spirits there are no big internal or external threats. Which country would be stupid enough to start a war with their neighbours if at any time, any place a portal could open to spit out an army of crazed monsters. All it takes is one idiot who plays with inter-dimensional travel. Those times are gone, why don't they see it?

  And the spirits don't do spying, at least they didn't until recently. Maybe we have to put much more effort into our security. I have to tell Father once I see him.

  I stop massaging my temples and close my eyes. Every time I close them, I see those bouncing... and her smile. Gods, how am I supposed to think logically when I can't have her in my arms. This is the first time something like this has happened to me.

  I take a deep and long breath. This will be solved. It's public, and she is on the DF's wanted list. Nobody beds nobility without having his or her credentials checked. They will find her once they are through the memories of the people who agreed to a memory check. It's just a matter of time. The stupid guard was useless since almost none of the faces he looked at stuck. His only concern was ripping the invitations. But someone must have seen her entering the building or associating with someone.

  A knock from the door draws my attention. “Enter!”

  Another teacher enters the room, Trebor. He is ranked as a demigod and very proud of it. Too proud in my opinion. As far as I am concerned, he is an asshole. But I never told him that. Instead I try to stop him from abusing the weaker students by staying on his good side.

  He may not be a divine rank like me, but he is smart. If he gets pissed and puts his mind to it, he can cause some serious trouble. I don't fear him, but I assume that he will vent his rage on those beneath him. I can't be everywhere.

  “Teacher Marcus. I am coming to you with a very serious issue regarding the rogue!” Trebor starts the conversation.

  Rogue? A picture of Seria flashes through my mind, her arms around my neck as we dance at the ball. Damn. Is that everything I will ever have of her? Some nice memories?

  Seeing that Trebor won't continue on his own, I decide to urge him on. “Rogue?”

  “Ah, Adea Milowies! She is refusing to answer my questions truthfully, so I am coming to you. I am sure that someone of your status has ways to force her,” Trebor replies.

  I let my eyes wander to the ceiling. “Adea Milowies, yes.” Such a coincidence. I totally forgot that the talented girl is also a rogue, but one who was recognized by the system. She is proof that there are more than enough nobles who would rather keep their mouths shut and risk innocent lives than to report their... slippery adventures. A single divine who slips through the system could cause untold damage if they aren't educated properly. Such tight restrictions are sad, but how else should a society deal with persons who are walking nukes?

  It's interesting that I recently had a long and nice chat with Adea. She ran off to rescue her Mom when the spirits attacked. She even encountered our mystery spirit and the story she and her friend had to tell us was unbelievable. Apparently the strange spirit saved them, even fighting her own comrades. And she even healed a lethal wound on Adea's mother. I still have to add that point to my mindmap. Strange behaviour indeed.

  “I am afraid that you have to elaborate,” I gesture for Trebor to go on.

  “That little shit was always a bottom feeder. Her muddy blood doesn't allow for mo
re. But recently she improved drastically. She is keeping up with the top students and she managed to get transferred to the advanced lessons. She even laid her hands on your little brother. Did you know that?

  Some of her techniques weren't taught at the academy. She is clearly being taught by someone else and that's not acceptable. It's law that young divines have to be guided carefully to their awakening. There is no place for illegal tutoring!” Trebor huffs.

  Everyone teaches their children, you moron! It might be a law, but one which isn't followed by anyone and most certainly one that isn't enforced. Trebor must know that the law is intended for something entirely different. Pure home tutoring of offspring with divine potential isn't allowed. It guarantees that no family can hide away their children and gather people of unknown power in their house.

  This bastard is simply pissed that someone with enough time at hand is tutoring Adea. She slipped into the advanced classes, so he can't pester her any more. Something which the poor girl certainly deserves. “And which question is she refusing to answer?”

  “I just wanted to know who is teaching her. But either she avoids the question, outright lies, or doesn't answer at all,” Trebor answers enraged.

  Ok, that's strange. Why doesn't she want to give away her tutor's identity? Is it someone who is afraid of persecution because he is teaching a social outcast? My eyes wander to the chalkboard. Or is it someone who is afraid of being found out? Like another rogue?

  Like her.

  And from whom did Seria get the invitation to the ball? She registered normally, so she must have had one. We interviewed all the students on who got their invitation, but nobody admitted that they gave it to someone outside their family.

  And now we learn that Adea is hiding something. Or better... someone. I smile.

  “Maybe we should follow the girl for a while. Just to make certain of who her friends are. I am concerned about her surroundings. If everyone treats her like dirt, she may follow the wrong path. And we don't want a potential divine following the wrong path.”

  I squint my eyes at Trebor. “Do you understand my meaning?”


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