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Moosehill Militia (Book 1): INFECTED

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by Paul Christian

  “Pete, let’s go low and slow a few hundred feet up and keep the speed down so we can see how things are. I’ll do the looking, along with the gunners. You keep a look out for wires and such.” Mike reminded Pete.

  “Sure thing Boss.” Pete replied.

  The Huey flew along the Pike eastbound checking out vehicles. Mike thought that there had to be some survivors down there hiding out in some of those vehicles. All they saw were Infected roaming the highway and bodies on the road every so often. A white van caught his eye in the Framingham area in the westbound lane where there’s two reservoirs on either side of the Highway.

  “Pete bring us over to the west side lanes, I want to check out that white van with the dish on top.” He told Pete.

  “No problem, I’ll circle around and come up behind it where there is a cleared piece of road. That van is the last vehicle in that pileup.” Pete reckoned. Observing the multi-vehicle accident.

  The Huey circled around and came in from the east side. Coming in they couldn’t see any Infected in the immediate area so Pete brought the Huey in about fifty yards behind the white van with the dish antenna on the roof. He touched down and kept the power up just in case they had to leave quickly.

  Mike and one of the door gunners jumped out. Mike had his Mollie gear on, a helmet and his M4 rifle along with his Glock 21 a .45 caliber with seven thirty round magazines for the rifle and four thirteen round magazines for the 45, what he considered his normal battle gear.

  He ran up to the van covering one side while the door gunner similarly armed ran up the other side. He could see the logo and his stomach was up in his throat. God he thought, let it not be. The logo on the side of the van read Channel 3 News in black lettering.

  He couldn't see anything through the front windows, there was a blackout curtain separating the front driver’s area from the back of the van.

  Mike hand signed for the gunner to come over to his side and cover him while he opened the side sliding door. He took a deep breath and yanked the door open quick and jumped back raising his rifle and covering the interior.

  Laying on the floor were two bodies, one moved slowly pulling down the blanket covering itself.

  “Oh my God, Charly it’s me Mike, are you hurt? What happened?” Never mind tell me later. “We have to get off the road.”

  She asked in a hoarse voice, “Water.” Mike quickly helped her drink from his water bladder in his pack using the drinking tube on his vest. The other person was moving now and it was Chuck her camera man. He had a good gash on his head and it looked like his nose was broken, probably from the accident Mike thought.

  “Let’s get you two on the chopper and back to base.” Just then his helmet radio announced in his ear. “Company Boss, coming around the side of that tractor trailer rig, looks like at least several dozen Infected, get back her now.” Pete’s voice in his ear urging them to hurry.

  Mike didn’t bother replying, he told the gunner to grab Chuck and help him to the Huey. He put Charly’s arm around his shoulder and started moving at the fastest walk they could manage back toward the helicopter. “There closing on you Mike, pick it up or you’re going to be lunch.” Pete announced.

  The second door gunner couldn’t use his M60 without hitting Mike the gunner and the two they were half carrying. So he hopped out and moved off on a tangent from them so he had a clear line of sight. Armed with his M4 rifle he took a knee and started servicing the Infected. One round to the head would take one down. Shot to the body and they still came on.

  Mike could hear the gunner shooting from his front left as they struggled to carry these two to the Huey, the hair on his neck was standing up, and he could almost feel the cold hands on the back of his neck. He reached down and picked Charly up and threw her over his shoulder, he could move faster this way. Mike moved past the gunner carrying Chuck. He tossed Charly into the open bay of the helicopter turned and ran back, stopping at the two struggling to make it too the chopper and started shooting at the nearest Infected dropping ten or twelve, giving them a little breathing room. The other gunner moved into line with Mike and they continued to drop the Infected.

  “Mike, those two are in.” Pete informed him through the radio. Mike tapped the gunner and pointed to the Huey. He took off running back while Mike shot till his magazine went empty then he turned and sprinted for the Huey diving in just as Pete powered up and the skids left the ground. They had about fifteen feet to spare and were airborne heading west at one hundred knots.

  “Pete take us straight to the Moosehill base and radio in that we have two that need medical attention. There had to be a better way to make a living he theorized looking out on a partly cloudy day. He could see several locations that had large fires burning in the distance, probably from when the plans fell from the sky. Traveling back to Moosehill Base he thought back to how this all began three years ago…


  Day, -1095

  Two days ago Mike’s life changed irreversibly for the better. Mary's mother Amy his wife, died 8 years ago when Mary was an infant. Mike together with Mary lived modesty but comfortably. He worked as a police officer for over ten years now and they had a live-in nanny that helped when Mary was young. He also had help from family members that live close by, mainly his sister Karen who had young ones about the same age and it was no problem for her to watch another.

  Before becoming a police officer Mike spent several years in the Navy Special Operations Units which he loved. Mike Mohan left the Navy by virtue of a questionable knee and family obligations. Sometimes he missed the service, but it's that way with everything in life as you move on, missing the old can't be helped.

  Mary is exceptional child. Two days ago she gave him six numbers and a bonus number for the lottery out of the blue and told her father to play them. Mike laughed and asked her when did She become such an expert on the lottery, she was very persistent even crying until he drove down to the local variety store and purchased a lottery ticket with the numbers she told him too. Mike arrived back home and she never mentioned it again. Mary asking to have a friend over to play with her dolls, like it never happened.

  Mike was on his days off doing some work around the house and forgot all about the lottery ticket. Two days later in the morning he was up at 5:30 arriving at work for 6:45 a.m., changed into his uniform with a bulletproof vest under his shirt, then the leather Gun belt, last thing he did before walking into the squad room was holster his Glock 21 a 45 caliber semi-automatic pistol. Over the years all these police departments have tried different caliber guns and ammunition, all with the aim of duplicating the 45’s knockdown superiority. It was quite simple in Mikes mind just carry 45 caliber and forget the rest.


  At roll call Sergeant Mac, short for McDermott, called assignments, "Mike you have the Lottery detail at the Cumberland Farms plaza this morning keep the news crews out of the way of paying customers." Mike must have had a baffled look. Mac was looking at him. "What, haven't you heard?" Mac said. "Heard what, I've been on my days off working around the house spending time with Mary." Mike remarked.

  Mac scrutinized him with a sigh. "Two days ago Cumberland Farms sold the winning ticket on the Powerball’s 1.5 billion dollar jackpot. While everyone's waiting for the winning idiot to come forward, every major news network is camped out next door in the vacant lot next to Cumberland Farms. We had several complaints about news crews pestering customers going in and out. I want you to hang out down there and use that ugly mug of yours to keep them in line." Mac told him.

  "OK Sarge, Wow that's great! Someone local won big time. I'll keep the peace down there." In the back of Mike’s mind he wondered if Charly Smith from Channel 3 News would be on the scene, he always thought she was super classy. A cross between Sophia what's her name the Latin bombshell and that female English actress who is in the vampire series of movies. All the voluptuous form with professionalism of a news anchor. Okay, get a hold of yourself, Mike contemplated as he left
the station and walked across the parking lot to his usual cruiser, a Ford explorer with the Pursuit Package.

  After conducting a cruiser check to make sure all his vital equipment was in working order and securing his duty bag in the passenger seat, he pulled out of the police parking lot and headed west on Main Street passing the Keep restaurant and climbed Route 9 heading toward Spencer the neighboring town to the West. Arriving in the parking lot, right away Mike noticed several news vans with satellite dishes on the roofs. The vans were parked off to the right of the store not blocking the entrance area, to Mike’s satisfaction.

  He spotted her over by the van, Charly Smith what a plain name he viewed, for such an exquisite beauty. Mike walked over to Channel 3’s van where most of the reporters were convened. “Good morning ladies and gentlemen, I’m just here to remind you not to block the entrance to the Cumberland Farms and we will get along just fine. Does anyone have an idea who’s the winner? There’s a good chance that I know them if there local.” Mike expressed to the gathered Media.

  Charly Smith from Channel 3 news stepped forward with a smile. “No Officer…..” “Mike Mohan” Mike supplied his name to her. “Officer Mike Mohan, we’re hoping you could have told us something new, it’s been two days and not a word yet of who the lucky person is. There is a lot of interest in this jackpot, being the largest in United States history and also the first tax free Lottery jackpot since the new law came into effect.” Charly eye’s traveled down to his shined boots and back up to his face as she spoke, displaying a slight grin and interest too. She was slightly forward from the other media persons so they didn’t see her flirt with Office Mohan. Mike noticeably swallowed and said, “Sorry Miss, I know as much as you at this point.” Mike replied with a smile of his own and gave her the once over, then turned around and walked back to his cruiser. As Mike walked away he wondered if she was still looking at him. He can’t believe she flirted with him. Was she flirting with him? If Mike had turned around he would have seen Charly Smith watching him with a contemplative look while he walked away. The rest of the day was uneventful for Mike. The news crews did several live broadcasts on location at around Noon time. There were the usual townies and assorted other persons buying gas or getting something from the store. Mike sat in his cruiser most of the time, got out and took a walk around the parking lot and store every half hour or so. It was a long afternoon.


  Mike left Cumberland farms near the end of his shift around 2:45 p.m. and headed back to the station. At 2:55 p.m. as he was pulling into the station parking lot. Dispatch came on the air. “All cruisers, report of an active shooter at Cumberland Farms on the west end of Main Street. I repeat active shooter at Cumberland Farms west end, that’s all I have, will update as more information becomes available.” “Shit.” Mike thought as he replied to Dispatch. “L41 received, in route.”

  Mike considered a quick checklist as he applied his blues and siren heading west, splitting the traffic down the middle at 70mph. Where to park for cover? Grab the bushmaster AR 15, and the two thirty round magazines in the glove box. Mike considered, in the past before the Columbine High School Massacre how the Police would show up at a shooting and stand around waiting for the S.W.A.T. team to show up and negotiate or assault the building, whatever was called for. Since then most police have gone through Active Shooter training, which calls for the first few officers to basically go in and hunt down the shooter and kill him.

  Mike was still going over a mental checklist as he pulled up to Cumberland's stopping around one hundred yards away on Main Street near the entrance. He left the car running hit the hidden unlock button for the long gun lock and took the Bushmaster and two magazines from the glove box. Mike peered out at the store and could see people laying on the ground either shot or just laying down to avoid attention. Suddenly his windshield spider webbed as two rifle rounds hit his car. “F&%^g shit” he hollered as he bailed out of the car on the driver’s side, he ran hunched over to the back of the cruiser for cover, while a few more rifle rounds hit his car. “Officer taking fire from a rifle.” Mike spoke into his radio. He knew he had to do something or people were going to die. Mike loaded a magazine into the magazine well, jacked a round into the chamber and activated the rifles EOTech optic sights. He peeked around the passenger rear side and heard two more shots and a scream. Damn, I got to move he thought. He didn’t see anyone near the front of the store and made a quick dash to the channel 3 news truck closer to the store and came to rest behind the vans rear right tire.

  Mike could see someone lying near the front entrance with what looked like a expanse of blood on the ground. About this time Mike noticed two more cruisers arrive, one on the west side on Main Street from the store, and another behind his cruiser. Both of those officers Jack and Dave friends of his, had there Long rifles out and were covering the store front. A quick excited conversation over the radio had Jack and Dave covering and spotting the front of the store, while Mike moved around the East side of the building where there were no windows.

  OK, Mike thought if I can get around to a back door and get in, with two officers out front distracting the shooter he might be able to take him out. Making it to the back door which was unlocked, he turned down his radio after letting Jack and Dave know he was in place.

  “Hey buddy, talk to me why you doing this.” Mike heard Jack from the front of the store. Mike made his move while hopefully the shooter was distracted to the front of the store. He eased the door open and slid in barrel first scanning side to side in the stock room he entered. There was a motionless man in Cumberland Farms uniform laying on the floor face down. By the amount of blood and the hole in his back, Mike assumed him to be dead. He looked at the next door, hoping that led into the store. While he advanced on that door he could still hear yelling out front but could not make out what was said.

  Mike knew he had to go through that door that was what he was paid for, he took a few deep breaths and eased the door open slowly with the barrel of his AR. Half way through the door it was suddenly jammed back at him, smashing into his left arm and gun, he heard a clap of thunder and pain blossomed in his left arm and side as he somersaulted forward dropping his rifle and reaching for his Glock 21, drawing it as he rolled over. He knew he was shot and didn’t have long to function before he’d be useless. Mike fired, double taping where he thought his assailant was behind the door. He felt a round pass his right ear and another loud report of gunfire.

  Now Mike’s head and eyesight cleared enough where he could see what he had shot at. Standing near the door leading into the stock room from where he came, was an average size Caucasian man in blue jeans a T-shirt with some kind of logo on his shirt wearing a ballistic vest raising an AK47 with his right arm. His left hung down with blood dripping from the fingers to the floor. All this flashed through Mikes mind, as he point shoulder shot from the ground. The Law Enforcement Ammunition a Winchester Ranger Controlled expansion, 230 Grain bullet entered the man’s left eye socket at 830 ft per second pulverizing his brain and blowing out the back of his head on an upward trajectory spraying blood and brains onto the ceiling and wall behind him. The man stood for a millisecond then collapsed at the speed of gravity.

  It hit Mike after a second or two. “Shit that hurts!” “L41 to L, shooter down, officer down, need help,” as he lay on the ground before blackness overwhelmed him.

  Outside Officers Jack Majors and Dave Maddox heard the shots and the radio announcing the shooter down and officer down. They advanced into the store yelling for everyone to stay down and found the shooter and Mike near the back of the store. Jack ran back out for the First Aid bag from his cruiser as numerous cruisers from surrounding towns and the State Police started arriving along with two ambulances from the town.

  Sergeant Mac arrived in this second wave of officers responding and quickly took charge having the police officers and ambulance crews assist the injured including Mike Mohan who was shot through the left arm and into his che
st on the left side. Mike and three other civilians that were shot were quickly stabilized and loaded onto the ambulances and transported away from the scene to the hospital.

  Sergeant Mac ran his hand over his short hair, and thought what a mess as he directed the local police, and acted as liaison officer with the State Police Detective Unit and District Attorney’s Office. He couldn’t believe this happened in their New England Town. Thank God he assigned Mike Mohan to watch over the reporters, he liked to tease Mike on a variety of issues but the truth is he was the best cop they had, especially under pressure. Two dead and several injured is bad, but he knew it could have been a lot worse he figured.

  “Sergeant McDermott,” Lieutenant Larry Evans spoke to get Mac’s attention. “When can I speak with Officer Mohan?” He requested. Mac looked at Evans and wondered what part of Officer Mahon is in critical condition, he didn’t understand. I’m on my way over to Umass Hospital in a few, you can tag along if you wish.” Mac told him. “Okay don’t mind if I do, I have a few questions for Mohan.” Mac looked at Evans and shook his head for a second or two then got in his car and headed to Umass with or without the Lieutenant, thinking about what he was going to tell Mary…


  A day later, twenty three hours to be exact, Sergeant Mac, Officers Jack Majors and Dave Maddox stood at the foot of Mike Mohan’s hospital bed in recovery. “Crap Mike you look like shit warmed over.” Majors told Mike. Mac and Dave Maddox looked at Jack with, what the hell looks.” Could you not insert your foot into mouth?” Dave said. Jack shrugged his shoulders, “What? What did I do?”


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