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Moosehill Militia (Book 1): INFECTED

Page 30

by Paul Christian

  Mike knew right then he had to put it down. He lined up on the beach.

  "Everybody buckle in where doing an emergency landing on a beach. Jake stay on that radio calling out a mayday. Give our location as North Scituate or Minot beach."

  Thank God it was low tide Mike thought, at high tide this beach disappears as the waves come right up to the seawall. He came in just over the rocks on the south end of the beach and touched down with hardly a bump. Minot beach was around three quarters of a mile long and close to a hundred yards wide at low tide. They were lucky today, he thought as he killed the engines and coasted to a stop near the main entrance to the beach, an incline small boat ramp.

  "Jake did you get out to anyone." Mike asked.

  "I'm not sure sir. I think I did. Someone was trying to call us back. Once we were lower I lost them all together."

  "Okay, everyone out grab your packs, Jake help me with these extra packs." He directed the men in gathering the survival packs kept in every plane they included medical kits, food, extra ammo and rescue radios.

  Mike directed his people up the concrete stairs a little further down the beach.

  "Don't show yourselves above the stairs." He told Private Joe Vibenius, with Bo right behind him.

  "See anything, Joe?” Mike asked from third in line down the stairs.

  “Yes sir, There’s a thin tall man standing here looking at me with a Hawaiian shirt and swim trunks and sandals looking back at me.” Jose said.

  “What? Is he infected?”

  “I don’t think so he’s smiling.” He said.

  “Well don’t just stand there like an idiot get up and say Hi.” Mike said while standing up. They all came up the stairs and sure enough a late fifties age man was standing with a tall glass of clear liquid in his hand wearing what Joe said he was.

  “Hi, looks like you had a little problem. Nice parking job though” The man indicated pointing with his finger sticking out from the glass, to the plane on the beach. “What year is that?” he added.

  “Yes we have we were lucky to land here. Can I ask you your name sir? I’m Mike Mohan from Leicester Mass.”

  “Sure you can, I’m Bill, Bill Brown. You boys need a refreshing drink or something? I live in the second house down on the left.” Bill told them.

  “Sure Bill, are you the only one here?” Mike asked him.

  He replied. “God no, how boring would that be. Most people stayed in there house with the troubles and all.” Bill said while taking a drink. Mike suspected that it wasn’t water he was drinking.

  “Bill are there any Infected around here?” Mike asked.

  “There were a few a week ago or so, we took care of that by cutting the bridges with dynamite at the bridges on Border Street going into Cohasset harbor, Gannett road and Hatherly road essentially making us an Island. One of the residents owns a large contracting company and brought all his equipment over before it became too crazy, he blew up the roads. The only spot that could give us trouble would be the beach connecting over to Egypt Beach, his excavator has been down there tearing down the sea wall and digging up the beach to make that difficult for any of those unfortunate people.”

  As they talked they walked down along Collier Ave to the second house on the left a quaint cottage style that has seen lots of care and renovation. Bill invited them to sit on his screened in porch while he got some refreshment.

  “Hellooo.” Mike heard from across the street, where a little tanned elderly women wearing a white blouse and flowing skirt walked across the road from another large unique house. This elderly women appeared in her eight’s if he had to guess. “I’m Theresa, Bill has guest and didn’t tell me. Now who are you boys? Did Bill invite you to dinner this evening, I’ll have to make a blueberry pie, the blueberry's come out early down her on the south shore you know.” Just then Bill came back out with a tray of tall glasses with a clear liquid.

  “Enjoy Gentlemen. Now I sent one of the neighbor’s boys running around to let everyone know where having a meeting at the Country Club in a few hours. I’m not a member, I think that’s a waste of money quite frankly, but they let me in anyway.” Bill raised his glass with a wink, waiting for us to take a drink.

  Mike looked at Jake and the two privates and gave them the go ahead with a nod and he took a drink himself. He almost spit it out. He shouldn’t have been surprised, it was what he expected. Vodka and Pellegrino water with a splash of lime. Quite refreshing actually, he took another drink. It looks like we’re stuck here for a while anyway. Theresa had run across the street to start a Blueberry Pie, Mike assumed.

  “Bill how long do we have before the tides in and washes away our plane?” Mike asked Bill.

  “Hmmm, I’d say about five hours the tide is still going out another hour and it will turn around. Sounds like you know the area Mike?” Bill inquired.

  “I use to rent a house here in the summer one street over about ten or twelve years ago for a few years, always loved this beach and neighborhood.”

  “Me too I came here twenty eight years ago and I’m still considered the new guy by some of the old families.” Bill told them. They ate dinner forty minutes later, homemade burgers on the grill, the four guests enjoyed that meal tremendously. Theresa showed back up with a blueberry pie. Mike and his escort were never treated so well.

  An hour later at six p.m. they were at the country club with around a hundred people or so. Mike fielded general question on the state of the world and what he knew about it. He offered to transport any and all to Moosehill if any of the people of Minot desired it, after they were rescued.

  None expressed interest in leaving. The more Mike thought about it and idea was forming.

  “Listen everybody, I can tell you all love this place, I like it too. I propose a deal. As long as you can keep your area isolated and clear of Infected we can provide at least a weekly flight or helicopter supply run to keep everyone fed. Your part would be to help any and all who come here temporarily, most I’m sure we can relocate, and I’d like to use this beach for rest and relaxation for my people, no more than you can handle that is. I’m sure some houses that are empty could be set up as sort of a bed and breakfast type of establishment. Also we could post rotating platoons to help with your security. My construction crew could put up a barracks in an out of the way area if no housing could be found for them.” Mike communicated to the crowd.

  Most liked the idea right away. Mike and his men were asked to step outside for a bit, so they could take a vote. A few minutes later the Moosehill men were invited back in and told they have a deal.

  Rest and relaxation for a regular supply of food and help with security. Mike asked some of the particulars, there were estimated to be twelve hundred people on their Island. They were already planting, even on the golf course in the rough areas.

  Mike watched a kid come running in, “Mr. Mike there’s a plane flying around yours on the beach. We waved at them and then came here to get you.

  Mike his escort and Bill all jumped on borrowed bicycles and peddled up back to Bills house, Mike grabbed the short range radio and was shortly talking to Mac in the plane.

  “Hey Boss I’m glad you made it. Mac said. We received your message but nothing else after that. I assumed when you lost altitude you lost range on the radio also. We have a heavy lift helicopter and a Blackhawk on the way and will be here in thirty minutes.” He told Mike.

  “That’s about it, we had to make an emergency landing on the beach. Otherwise we’ve had a great time being hosted by some very friendly people who I have made a deal with. Tell you later.

  That’s great because while looking for you we went as far north as Nantasket Beach area and found a whole town that survived, Hull of all places. They cut two bridges and barricaded Atlantic Ave near the south side of Long Pond between the pond and the ocean was less than a hundred yards wide at that point. There’s about twelve thousand people out there. We can discuss their situating later too.” Mac told him.

>   “I know about Hull already, they had a representative at the meeting.” Mike replied.

  “What’s going on down there where did all those people come from?” Mac asked sounding a little befuddled.

  “Shangri-La Mac, Shangri-La. I know where Mary and I are spending our summer vacation!

  Continued in book two


  Moosehill Militia Book 2

  June 2016

  Day +Four weeks

  Linda woke to a low rumbling almost outside of auditory range. Getting out of bed felt difficult to her. Her son Johnny, her precious seven year old boy was still asleep in the bed. Linda’s husband went to work about a month ago and never returned, the day the power went out. The rumbling was growing, she could feel the low frequency of it, in her chest. Vern her husband of ten years was forced into overtime due to the medical emergency dealing with this horrible virus the day before the Sun Flare hit.

  She and Johnny have been trapped in this house ever since, too afraid to go out or even show their faces. She watched a neighbor eaten by a dozen of the sick people the day of the Flare. Linda didn't know if the virus and the sun flare were related somehow, she didn't see how. Johnny stirred waking up. The deep rumbling woke him up. Looking at his mother he whispered, "Mom what is that."

  "I don't know honey, but I'm hoping something good." As she peeked out the space between the pulled down shade and the windowsill of her second story bedroom. She watched a half dozen virus victims staggering down Maple Street toward Main Street near Brookfield center just as the noise they heard manifested itself as a steel boxy military vehicle on treads as it came to a stop on the side of Main Street near the front of the Brookfield Elementary School. Linda watched as some soldiers came out the back of the vehicle, spreading out and advancing up her road nearing the virus people.

  Johnny jumped! She did too, as the soldiers opened fire, shooting the sick in the head multiple times. We are saved, crying for the first time in a while. "Come Johnny, time to leave." She grabbed two backpacks that she prepared, as they walked out of the house. Nearing the soldiers they stopped holding their hands up till the men were convinced they weren't infected. One soldier escorted the two down Maple Street to Main Street.

  The soldier, Linda and Johnny waited by the side of the road as armored vehicle after armored vehicle drove past heading west. Linda noticed an insignia on each vehicle. "Soldier what's that picture of? I don't recognize it." She asked. "You wouldn't its new, stands for Moosehill Militia." Showing her the patch on his left shoulder. Mike Mohan started the Mohan Group, he had the resources, personnel and foresight to be prepared and organized the Moosehill Base and Militia, where you'll be going. It’s relatively safe for several miles around the base now and where moving people back into neighborhoods around the base. Here come the buses, board the first one to stop and when there's enough people for a small convoy it gets send back with security." He told her.

  Major Jack Majors newly promoted to commander of First Battalion of the Moosehill Militia while still retaining command of Alpha Company for now had pulled over in his APC while first Alpha Company followed by Bravo, Charlie and Delta Companies moved through Brookfield Massachusetts. Bravo Company was the old Echo Company. The original Bravo Company went with Dave Maddox Commanding the newly formed Second Battalion, giving him some highly experienced Troops.

  Other significant changes to the individual company's TOE, table of organization are the platoons now have three M113A2's and one M2 Bradley armored personnel carrier giving the platoons a heavier punch with its 30mm chain gun turret on top. The fourth platoon of each company now instead of having hummers, used General Dynamics Land Systems MRAP Cougars providing better protection and capacity total of ten Troops, two crew and eight Troops.

  Jacks Major’s reformatted First Battalion consisting of his own Alpha Company, Captain Paul Epps of Bravo Company formerly Echo, Sean Thornton of Charlie Company the steady older hand, and Captain Larry Evans of Delta Company former State Police Investigator. All experienced leaders of men, especially after the last month Jack judged, as he watched the company's pass by in their armored vehicles.

  Over the last week, the newly formed Second Battalion under Dave Maddox gained a lot of experience clearing Route 9 from Klem’s on the East Brookfield and Spencer town line area to the flats in East Brookfield up to the area of the Old Carmella’s restaurant. Klem's was one of the stores that Mike and the MHM cleared out early on, taking a lot of garden supplies and a dozen medium size tractors for the farms they are going to need to grow lots of food this summer. Jack contemplated.

  “Major, I suggest we give the Battalion a half hour to go through town and search for survivors and eliminate Infected.” Captain Sean Thornton advised Major Major’s.

  “Sean how many times do I need to tell you to call me Jack, no need to be so formal. I feel like my Dad calling me sir or something.” He said shaking his head. Okay give the orders Alpha Company keeps moving west on Route 9 or Post Road, holding at Route 9 and West Brookfield Road that splits off to the north… Send Bravo Company to the north of Post Road and Delta and your Charlie Company to the south of Post Road. Looking at this map there’s a larger neighborhood to the south. Take charge on the south, before you leave have the two U.S. Marine Companies push through and fall in behind Alpha Company then push past them going no further then clearing the Route 9 and Ridge Road area, a small neighborhood right off Route 9 should be easy enough to clear without to many hassles. We regroup at that point before moving into West Brookfield.” Jack gave out to Sean and his radioman, who immediately starting issuing the orders over the tactical net to the company’s.

  “Major, you know I can’t go around calling you by your first name and such, what kind of example do you think that sets with the Troops, now that we’ve taken on the traditional trappings of military units.” Sean chastised the Major with a grin.

  “Okay, I know, it just feels funny, you should be in charge not me.” Jack said to Sean. “Now, Now, I’m happy where I am leading a company of good men, I don’t need all that responsibility weighing me down. I’ll leave that for you younger men. Besides it’s a lot more fun just advising like I am.” Sean laughed.

  “Get out of here old man take charge of the south side of town.” Jack waved him off.

  Both the Alpha and Bravo U.S. Marine Companies under Captain Dylan Deneke and Dong Yee fought alongside Moosehill Militia several times already and proved themselves to be top notch Marines. There was mutual respect between them and the Moosehill Troops.

  While Jack waited at the center of Brookfield for the Marines to come up, he mused about the last month, it felt like years have gone by in that time. First the virus, which they are still not sure how it happened. The consensus is around ninety percent of the world’s population either died or turned into the Infected. That would leave around thirty two million people spread around the United States in enclaves like Moosehill, Cape Cod or Portland Maine. Seems like a lot until considering California had fifty million people before the virus attack. Spread those thirty two million out across the United States, and it becomes a much lonelier place. Then in the middle of that, the Solar Flare hits knocking out any unprotected electronics and the power grid.

  In that time The Moosehill Militia has led the fight in Central Massachusetts against the Infected and trying to bring some normalcy to the survivors in their area, which now number somewhere around thirty five thousand or so. Most of the adults in that number labor at supporting the cottage industry of farming, manufacturing, building the local infrastructure back up and supporting the Moosehill Militia directly as soldiers or support personnel. The Moosehill Complex with the airport is the main facility with the Spencer Abby and Becker College in Leicester the two satellite bases. Many people have moved back into houses around those bases also relieving overcrowding.

  “Major, here comes Captain Deneke and Yee.” His radioman informed him bringing him back from considering the last few
months. Captain’s Deneke and Yee’s companies have been a major asset working with the Moosehill Militia this last month The U.S. Marines and Moosehill Troops have become friends with mutual respect for each other’s abilities.

  “Dylan, Dong, you got the word, I take it.” Both Men nodded. “Your companies are to push through Charlie Company when they stop at their objective here at Route 9 and West Brookfield Road. You two are to keeping pushing forward clearing the immediate route and going no further then Route 9 and the Ridge Road area, there’s a small neighborhood that you can clear until we regroup there.”

  “Understood Major, are you sending some buses up with us? There’s a chance we will find some survivors, who will probably need medical attention.” Captain Dylan Deneke asked Jack.

  “Yes, a dozen buses with a doctor and half a dozen nurses. Any survivors we see at this point could be suffering from malnutrition, dehydration or other maladies. If we need more we can bring them up. Dylan thinking about it, if you clear the Ridge Road neighborhood quickly you can move further west, there’s an apple orchard right before you enter West Brookfield. The population is pretty sparse until that point, which would make a good jumping off point for entering West Brookfield town proper.” Jack told them both. “Oh, who’s senior between you two?” he asked.

  “He is.” Dong pointed at Dylan.

  “Okay, you’re in charge then, any problems contact me. Good Luck.”


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