The Society
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Table Of Contents
Books By Jillian
Copyright (c) 2017 by Jillian Dodd
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, distributed, stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, without express permission of the author.
This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real locales are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author's imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Editor: Jovana Shirley, Unforeseen Editing,
Jillian Dodd Inc.
N. Redington Beach, FL
ISBN: 978-1-940652-83-2
The USA TODAY bestselling series,
The Keatyn Chronicles(r)
Stalk Me
Kiss Me
Date Me
Love Me
Adore Me
Hate Me
Get Me
Keatyn Unscripted
Hollywood Love Series
(A Keatyn Chronicles Spin off)
That Boy Series
That Boy
That Wedding
That Baby
The Love Series
Vegas Love
Broken Love
Spy Girl Series
The Prince
The Eagle
The Society
The Valiant
By Jillian Dodd and Kenzie Harp
Girl off the Grid
"The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie--deliberate, contrived, and dishonest--but the myth--persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic. Belief in myths allows the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."
--John F. Kennedy
The leader of Black X and The Ghost sit in a smoke-filled room, watching Ari and Huntley as they discover the truth about their birthdays.
"Are you suggesting that we are really brother and sister, like for real?" Huntley asks.
"Brother and sister? Huntley, if we share the same birthdate and are related, that would make us twins." Ari stares at Huntley for a beat and then says, "What the hell?"
Huntley looks equally confused but very quickly puts on a smile. "Twins, huh?" she says with a laugh, moving closer to him. "That's ridiculous. You're messing with me." She takes another step forward and runs her fingers through his hair. "I think you're just pretending not to be attracted to me because of our mission. But you don't need to. I can handle it." She gives him the kind of seductive smile that would bring a man to his knees.
"But--" Ari says.
"No buts," she says, taking him by the hand and leading him out of the kitchen.
"Oh my God," The Ghost says. "We have to tell them. Can you imagine if they--"
The leader shakes his head and flashes a proud smile. "She's good."
"Good at what? Seducing her brother?"
"She knows we're watching her. She took all the devices out of her room."
"I'm glad about that. I don't need to know about her sex life." He pauses. "Although I don't understand why you haven't put them back. We need to know what she's doing."
"What she's doing, my friend, is good spy craft. Ten bucks says, she leads him to the vault where she knows there are no bugs and not to her bedroom."
The Ghost presses a few buttons on the computer, pulling up a screen full of views from different areas of the Montrovian villa.
"Damn, you're right," he says, pulling a bill out of his wallet and tossing it on the table.
The leader grins again. "Pretty impressive, don't you think? She even fooled you."
"Yeah, yeah," he says. He can't help but grin himself. He's proud of her, too. "Why didn't you put cameras in the shelter? I'd like to know what Terrance is up to down there."
"Terrance is too smart for his own good. We completely lucked out with that one."
"Lucked out? Our last hacker was killed while trying to track down The Priest. Not very lucky for him."
The leader takes another puff of his cigar. "It still worked in our favor. His relationship with one of the world's best hackers could prove to be invaluable going forward. And, to answer your other question, I didn't put surveillance devices back in her room or in the vault because I want her to feel safe."
"Feel safe, as opposed to being safe," The Ghost states, understanding the difference. "Do you think they will find the gold down there?"
The leader shrugs. "In due time. But, for now, I think we need to discuss their next mission."
I lead Ari out of the kitchen, stopping for a moment in a spot where I know there are no cameras and holding my finger in front of my mouth to shush him.
He narrows his eyes but keeps quiet as I go straight out to the garage and down to the secret room where we find a red-eyed Terrance at work.
Once I know we can't be overheard or seen, I look deeply into Ari's eyes and allow my fingers to trace his face--a face much like my own.
"Um, you two need a room?" Terrance jokes.
We ignore his comment, Ari and I both knowing in our hearts that it's true. We are twins. He's really my brother. Tears rush to my eyes, quickly filling them, as he wraps his arms around me and pulls me into a tight hug.
"My mother had two children--twins," I whisper. "She told me that you looked perfect when you were born but that I was stubborn and didn't want to come out with you. We were born a full thirty-two minutes apart, and she was worried they would have to do a C-section. It wasn't until after I was born that they told her you had passed. She didn't know, Ari. She never would have willingly given you up. And I remember her telling me that they didn't let her see you. That they told her it would be better that way. Easier on her. That she had a beautiful baby girl. But she always regretted it, Ari. Said she should have insisted. Said it would have given her closure and allowed her to grieve."
"In the bio I was given about you, your birthday was different, and it said you had been adopted, too."
"I don't think so. No. I'm sure she was my real mother. I saw a photo of when she was pregnant."
"What are you two talking about?" Terrance asks, interrupting our tearful reunion.
"Ari and I share the same birthdate. We're twins," I say.
"Twins?" Terrance asks, studying us. "I thought it was just good casting."
"That's what we thought, too, but it's been more than that. We've felt comfortable with each other since we met; we just didn't know why."
"And Ari never seemed interested in you," Terrance adds, "which I always thought was weird, since he seems to be into any girl with a pulse. But I don't get it. If you're related, does that mean you really are Ares Von Allister's children?"
I stare at him for a moment, lost in thought, trying to put the pieces together.
"My parents never told me I was adopted," Ari says. "I'm not sure if I believe it. Maybe they are manipulating us."
"They lied to me about your birthdate, too. That's something that could have blown our covers."
"Do you think they knew you would figure it out soon enough?" Terrance asks. "And it's easy to find out if you are related. We just need
to do a simple DNA test."
"We definitely need to do that," Ari agrees. "Okay, let's talk this out, starting with my side. All my life, I was told that I was my parents' biological child."
"Do you look like them?"
"I guess I never really thought about it," he says. "But, yes, people would say I looked like my mother. She had the same color hair as me."
"Did she color her hair?"
"Uh, yeah. Why do you ask?"
"What color was it when it wasn't dyed?"
"Darker, I think."
"Did she purposely dye it a dirty blonde?"
"You two, let's try to stick with the facts," Terrance says. "Your full birth name, Ari."
"Aristotle Allister Bradford."
"Your middle name is Allister?" I ask, shocked. "Like Von Allister? Isn't that a bit of a coincidence?"
"I never thought of it that way." He bristles. "But I suppose, in retrospect, yes, it's a little unusual."
"Did your parents ever tell you why they named you that?" Terrance asks.
"I think it's pretty obvious that I was named for the Greek philosopher."
"Ares was the Greek god of war," Terrance fires back.
I'm still trying to take this all in.
"We have to go back to our birth," I say out loud.
"What do you mean?"
"Terrance, you once said that my cover goes back to birth. Maybe they aren't covers. Maybe they are the truth. Maybe that's why they're so good."
"Do you think Ares Von Allister is really your father?"
I nod my head. "As hard as it is to believe, yes. Between Ari's middle name being Allister, combined with the fact that my mother did have twins, one of whom she was told had died at birth. Look up the name Kelley Bond, Terrance. That's the name of my mother in my legend. Maybe Cassleberry was my mom's spy name. Maybe that's all I was taught."
"Or maybe you were adopted, like I was," Ari argues.
"I don't think so. This all started with her. Her death. That's when they sent me to Blackwood."
"You mean, created Blackwood for you," Terrance counters.
"Whatever. Now, stop stalling and see what you can find out or scoot over and let me try."
Terrance looks slightly offended and starts clicking away. "Where were you born?"
"District of Columbia," Ari and I say at the same time.
"Walter Reed," we reply simultaneously.
Terrance stops, looks over his glasses, and then shakes his head. "Give me a second." He clicks some more, scowls, and then clicks around again. "Okay, here we go." He turns the computer toward us. "Here's your birth certificate, Huntley Penelope Bond. Interesting that there are no Greek references in your name."
"Actually, there is," I correct. "Penelope was the wife of the hero Odysseus."
"Really? I didn't know that," Ari says.
"Didn't you study ancient Roman and Greek literature in school?" I ask him.
"Not really. I take it, you did?"
"Yes. Almost obsessively. It was a huge part of my school curriculum along with the art and history of the Renaissance."
"Did they tell you why?" Terrance asks.
"Because they wanted covert agents who could mingle with the rich and powerful, who could fit effortlessly into certain social circles. At least, that's what we were told. Obviously, we all know now that I was lied to."
"You might have been lied to, but I bet everything they taught you there was deliberate," Terrance argues.
"So at some point in my career, knowing the difference between a Bernini and a Borromini will matter?" I scoff.
"I think what he's saying, Huntley," Ari interjects, "is that someone planned your schooling in great detail. And they must have had a specific reason for it. Your life and mine were very different. Things changed when your mother was killed. Maybe someone wants revenge as much as you do. I also think your mom was involved in something big, and it's up to us to figure it out."
"Our mom," I say to him.
The room goes silent for a moment as the reality of that possibility sinks in.
Terrance watches us carefully and then looks at his computer again. "Huntley, your birth certificate shows today as your birthday, and the box is checked that you were a twin. Now, let's see if we can find Ari's." He clicks some more. "Hmm, interesting. I changed the search slightly. A Kelley Bonde, spelled with an E on the end, gave birth to Aristotle Allister Bond. His last name is spelled without the E. Probably just a typo."
"Doubtful," I say.
"There are also adoption papers," Terrance says, "showing his transfer to the Bradford family."
"What about me? Do I have adoption papers?"
"I'm not sure. Let me check."
While he does more clicking, I notice Ari staring at me. I reach out and put my hand on top of his.
"Did you ever speak a different language?" he asks me. "Like when you were growing up?"
My eyes get huge. "Yes, my mom always said I had an affinity for language because of it."
"Do you remember any of the words?"
"A lot of them. Why?"
"I did the same thing. Did you know that twins often speak to each other in a language only they understand?"
"No, I didn't know that. Tell me something."
"Eader," he says.
I don't reply. I can't. I'm instantly overwhelmed. I cover my face with my hand as tears fall. "Why did they split us up, Ari? Why did they tell my mother you'd died?"
"Your mother was a spy. My father was military. Ares was big into all of that, right? Maybe we were placed where we were for a reason."
Terrance looks up at us again. "What does it mean?"
"What does what mean?" I snap back.
"It means sister," I stutter out. "I can't believe this."
"Neither can I," Ari states numbly.
"Let me see what I can find out about Kelley Bond," Terrance says. "Give me a few minutes."
We sit in silence and wait, the gravity of the situation weighing on us both.
"What about feefer?" Ari asks, trying to kill time.
"Cat?" I reply, causing him to grin.
"I have to admit, you two are freaking me out a little," Terrance says. "Okay, so I've pulled her address--"
"You mean, she's alive?" I blurt out.
"You didn't let me finish," Terrance says, getting frustrated. "Tell you what. Why don't you two work together and see if you can find any clues in the stuff we got from Clarice's house? Take your mind off all this."
"It's not going to work, but you're right." Ari gets up and stretches. "This is driving me nuts."
While Terrance focuses on the computer, I follow Ari over to a table filled with a girl's journal, a cell phone, a computer, a stack of cash, and a shoebox.
"Tell me about all this. Like where did you find each item, and why did you bring it?"
He picks up the journal, which is leather-bound and tied with a blue ribbon. "This was in her room, and I assume girls keep all their secrets in their journals. In theory, the answers should all be here."
"Have you read it?"
"I tried. It's mostly about the guys she has dated."
"How far back does it go?"
"Nine months."
"Did you find anything about her father's death? Any mention of her sister or Montrovia?"
"I didn't get that far. Honestly, I had a hard time even concentrating. You were going after the assassin alone, and I was really worried about you."
"That's what I don't get, Ari. I was trained to thrive on my own. Why reunite me with my brother now? There's something bigger going on. I can feel it."
"I feel it, too. Remember when I told you that this was our new life? I'm starting to think it is actually our real life."
"Maybe that's why they kept saying our covers run deep. You don't really have a cover. You're just a guy who discovered he was adopted."
"Do you think
Ares is our real father?" he asks.
"It would make sense. It's about the only thing that does."
"Bingo!" Terrance shouts.
"What have you got?" I ask as we both run over to him.
"It's amazing what you can discover on social media." He pauses. "Kelley Bond is dead by the way. It says she passed away five years ago. I'm sorry."
"How did she die?" I ask.
"I'm not sure," he says, "but people were shocked. Although that's not surprising, considering her young age."
Ari and I drop our heads at the same time, the moment feeling solemn. We've both discovered who our real mother was and learned she was dead all at the same time.
"Are there photos of her?"
"Not many, which is a little odd," he admits, turning the screen toward us. "Most of her profile pictures don't show her face. Maybe she was camera shy."
"Or maybe she was hiding. Where did she live?" I ask.
"I show three former addresses in the DC area." He recites them. "Any of them sound familiar?"
"The last one. Can you pull it up on a map?"
"Sure," he says, quickly entering it.
I study the surrounding area and then slide into the seat next to him, almost pushing him off, as I blow the map up to give me more detail. Then I dramatically lay my head down on the table in disbelief.
"What?" Ari asks.
I take a deep breath and point to a spot west of the blue dot indicating Kelley Bond's last known address. "This is where we lived when my mother was killed. And this is the path I took after." I trace my finger on the map--down the street, into the neighbor's yard, down the alley, out to the main thoroughfare, and then down six blocks. "This is where I went--to my father's office." I tap the screen with my finger. "We were in the parking lot of his office when my father told me to get out of the car before it exploded." I move my finger again. "And this, here, is where I went after that. To my uncle Sam's place."
"Your uncle Sam's place is the same address as Kelley Bond's?" Terrance asks.
"Yes, it is."
"We need to figure out who Uncle Sam is and what kind of relationship he had with Kelley," Ari suggests.
Just as we're getting ready to do that, my phone pings with an encrypted message.
"A new mission," I mutter as I click to see what it says.
Then I read it out loud.