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Page 3

by Delisa Lynn

  Nice, Talon. real, smooth.

  Her head bobs up and down my shaft. If she doesn’t slow down, it’ll be over before it even starts. Looking around, I spot a large rock. It’ll be perfect. “Let’s go over here, sweets. I can’t come in your mouth,” I say as I step back, her mouth makes a popping sound as she releases my hard cock. She looks at me confused. “You want me to make love to you, don’t you?” Picking her up, I carry her to the rock, trying not to trip over my pants. I lay her down, pushing our clothes under her head. “My turn,” I say as I place kisses down her sexy body. “You know how I really feel, don’t you,” I ask, not looking at her.

  “I do. It’s kind of obvious, but I wanted to hear it from you. All the guys give me shit about you all the time. They know too.”

  My mouth waters, wanting to taste her sweetness. Hovering over her heat, my tongue darts to her clit. She writhes under me. Dipping my index finger in her opening, I feel how tight she is. She lets out a moan and I almost come undone. “Fuck, I need to be inside of you.” I breathe. I waste no time, filling her with my cock. She feels like pure fucking bliss.

  “Yes.” Her moans feel my ears.

  She’s so fucking tight and feels so fucking good. “So good, baby,” I say as my cock pounds in and out of her. “I can’t hold off much longer, you just feel so good, I don’t want to stop,” I say as I bury my head between her breasts.

  “Harder,” she moans. “I want all of you,” she whispers, and I know she isn’t just meaning all of me at this moment.

  “You got me, Reese. One taste of you ruined me. I can’t deny you now, sweets. I’m yours.”

  My pace picks up and my thrusts get harder. I feel my balls tighten as I lose myself inside of her.

  There’s no going back to just friends now.

  JULY 31, 2010


  I watch her as she sleeps. It’s been a few weeks since I gave myself to her. Do I regret it? No, but I do pray to God that she never sees what I see in myself. Our mission here is over in two days, and we’re going back to the States. So far it’s been, without a doubt, one of the calmest mission’s I’ve ever been on. Tracing the small freckles that line her cheek, I lean in and kiss her. It feels good to touch a woman again, and to feel a woman’s touch.

  “Hey you,” she says as her eyes open, her skin is flushed and her eyes are hooded. “I need coffee.” She yawns.

  “Already got us some. We need to get up before someone sees us.” I say and hate that we have to hide our relationship.

  “I know, they all knew it was going to happen, but I understand that they can’t find out. Not right now, at least. So...are you going to take a leave with me when we get back? You’re entitled to it; I want you to meet my family. I want to go meet yours. Winter, has emailed me a few times, I think we will get along just fine.”

  “Where is home for you,” I ask as I lay my chin on top of her head.

  “Where ever you are,” she whispers. “My family lives in Peoria, Illinois. But my home will be the place you and I decide to move.”

  “You want to move in with me,” I ask as little shocked.

  “Of course, I have lived with you on and off the last five years, I have seen you at your highest and prayed for you at your weakest. I’ve begged God to heal you, to show you that what you needed, was right in front of you. My prayers were answered when you allowed me to love you, not just from a distance.

  “I can’t promise you that it will be a fairy tale, but Reese, I do promise that no matter what storms we endure, I will love and protect you till the day I die.”

  I watch as she wipes her tears, “Okay, soldier, enough mushy stuff. We have work to do.” Her smile spreads across her face. “But first, I need you to make me come.”

  “Aero, she can stay here. We can do this alone. The three of us can handle the mission,” I say as I feel anger boiling through me. I know that Reese is one of us, but I have a bad feeling about this last mission and I just don’t want her in the crossfire.

  “Sorry, Talon, but she is just as capable as the three of us. She signed up for this, and although she is a chick, she has a better aim than most of us. She can fire an AK faster than you.”

  Fuck, he has a point. She is damn good at her job.

  “Hey, what’s going on?” Reese’s voice booms through the room.

  “I was just telling Livingston that you are one of the best to go along on this mission,” Aero states.

  Crossing my arms, I huff. “I was telling him that you should stay behind tonight and get ready to head back to the States. Take the night off, read, or catch up on emails.”

  “With all due respect, sir, I am capable of doing my job. There’s no need for me to stay in for the night when I can assist with said mission.” The tone in her voice makes me worry, as I know she is in fact not going to sit in tonight, she is going to be right beside of the three of us.

  Right in the middle of the action.

  “I’m going to make sure the Humvees are ready for tonight and let you two discuss this in private.” Aero exits as quickly as he can.

  “You’re not doing this mission, Reese,” I say, sternly.

  “The hell I’m not. Look, just because we’re together, doesn’t give you the right to tell me how to do my job. I signed up for this, and I will be fighting alongside you and the other men. You don’t get to tell me what to do, Talon. We can’t allow anyone to see us this close. You know we’ll both get reprimanded.”

  “It is going to be dangerous, babe. I...I just can’t have you out there. I have a really bad feeling about it.” Sighing, I run my hand along her cheek. “I love you and I want you to stay safe.”

  “I know you do, but you can’t keep me from doing my job. I’ll be fine. We will be fine we’ve fought these battle for years. You and I both know what were doing, and so do the other two men.”

  “Promise me you’ll be careful and call on us for anything. And I mean anything.”

  “You worry to much, I’ll be fine. Yes, I’ll stay as safe as I can.”

  “I can’t wait until this is all over, so I can take you out on a real date, and wake up next to you every morning.”

  “Back at you. Come on, we better get ready. Aero and Lesion may have the Humvee loaded with nonsense things.”

  “See you had nothing to worry about, we all managed to be fine,” Reese says as she slides in the Humvee next to me.

  “I still can’t shake the feeling that something is going to happen. I am ready to head back to the States. We can head out in the morning.”

  “You finally going to take your leave,” Lesion asks.

  “Yeah, I haven’t seen my parents in five years.” This is the first time I’ve actually referred to them as my parents.

  “Fuck, back up man. I just saw a man throw something,” Lesion says looking behind us. “A Goddamn grenade. Drive, Livingston,” he yells.

  “Reese, stay down,” I yell, as I take my hand and push her into the floorboard.

  “Stop treating me like I am incapable of helping, Talon. Stop the Humvee, I see the man running toward the right.” She grabs her gun and opens the door. I slam the Humvee in park and jump out, chasing her.

  “Reese, come on, get back here,” I say, and I see the man lifting his rifle toward her. All I can think about is protecting her, saving her. Shot after shot, ring through my ears as my body covers hers. “I’ll save you, baby.” Is all I can manage to get out before darkness takes over, and all I feel is a burning sensation throughout my body.

  AUGUST 7, 2010


  Beep... Beep... Beep. I wish like hell these beeping machines would just blow the fuck up. I awake every hour or so, to beeping sounds all around me. I’ve been lying in this fucking bed for days now. I want to go home...but where the fuck is that? I listen to her prayers and cries, her begging me to just talk to her. I’m no fucking good for her now. If I thought I was fucked up before, I am worse now. I’m now out of the
Army for medical reasons. I have seen this happen to some of my other brothers, but I never thought it would be me lying in the damn bed, waiting for someone to speak to me about therapy.

  I just want to leave Germany and go back to Texas, there’s no way I can go back to Missouri, now anyways. My left leg was so damaged they had to amputate it from my knee down. Doctors words, “You’re very lucky, you could have been killed.” Yeah, I am so lucky...I’ve never been the one to rely on folks, and now I am stuck in this fucking bed with all these Goddamn machines.

  “Talon, can you hear me?” Reese asks again, for the twentieth time. I nod, and she proceeds. “Please don’t be mad, but they are transporting you back to Missouri. I know that’s not what you wanted, but your family is worried and they will meet us at the hospital there.”

  I feel my fist tighten around the white sheets that covers my shameful body. I’m a grown ass man and I can’t even get up and walk to the bathroom. They’ve given me bedpans, fucking bedpans, like I am ninety years old or some shit. “No.” My voice booms through the room. That little two-letter word pisses my girl off more than anything.

  “Don’t you no me, mister. You will be going back to Missouri and I am going with you. I’m taking leave. I don’t know when or if I’ll even go back, but I know that I love you and this is kind of my fault that you were injured.”

  “Injured? It’s not like I broke my hand, or my nose. I lost my fucking leg. They took me into surgery and cut the motherfucker off, Reese. It can’t be fixed. You need to just leave. I’m not going to Missouri and letting them all see me like this.”

  “I’m going to say this once, and once only, so you better listen and listen closely You...” she points to me, “are the bravest, child, man, solider that I’ve ever met. You have been through things in your life that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. You’ve not only been a co-worker the last five years, you’ve been my best friend. I have cried on your shoulder more times than I have anyone else’s. I’ve admired the man you are, and I will stand next to you through all of this. I want to be there for you at your lowest, and smiling with you through your highest. You’re not going to push me out of your life, Talon, I’m in it for the long haul.”

  I watch as her body trembles and her tears fall. God, she is so beautiful. I clear my throat. “How do you know it’s going to be okay? Have you ever lived with a missing limb?” My jaw ticks as I see her eyes bulge. “You know what,” I ask and she sits on the edge of the bed. She places her hand on mine. “I prayed to God that he would just take me, let me die. When my body laid over yours, I prayed that you’d be safe, and that me... That I would die. Have you ever loved someone so much that you would lay down and die for them? That’s how much I love you, but like this...I am no good for you. I’m no kind of man like this. I am vulnerable, and I damn sure can’t give you what you need.”

  “Talon,” she cries. “I love you just the way you are. I have been so sick since the accident and I’m so grateful that you saved my life. The truth is, I am nothing without you. Had you died, I don’t know that I could go on.” She thinks she couldn’t have, but I am living fucking proof that you can survive. No matter how much I try pushing her away she is fighting harder for me.

  “Trust me, you could’ve. It damn sure wouldn’t have been easy. I know there is no way in hell that I could live without you. I knew that if they killed you, they would be killing me too. When Amelia died...” I watch as she scoots closer to me, her head lying on my chest. “I was so fucking lost. Every day I wanted to die. I’d wake up and wonder why the hell I was still alive. Me, the man with no family, the man who had nothing, was able to live each day, breathe fresh air, listen to music, and save lives, when someone as sweet and loved as she was, had to die. Then I met you, and you were the shinning light that I needed to see. You, you saved me.”

  I feel her whimpering. “Please don’t ever think you are not worthy. You truly are the best man I know. I promise we will get through this. You and me.”

  “You talk to my parents,” I ask, I know she did since they’re shipping me to back to Missouri.

  “Yes, they are so worried, but I assured them that you were going to be fine. Ben was going to put Tina on the first flight here, but he didn’t want her to come alone.”

  “I miss them. After I left, I just couldn’t go back. Every time I was able to, I lost my nerve and just started shutting them out. All of them, and I know I was wrong. Hell, if it wasn’t for them, I would have never joined the Army.”

  “Want to call them? Let them hear your voice, so they know you’re okay,” she asks, sitting up, reaching for the phone. “Lesion, got this from somewhere, does he know your sister?”

  “Sure, we can call,” I say as I sit up straighter. I feel my leg burning—it’s been unbearably burning. I feel myself reaching to rub it, then I stop. “Wait, how would he know her,” I ask confused.

  “Your guess is as good as mine. He had her number programmed in the phone for me, and she asked how he was taking this.” Dax and Winter. No fucking way.

  “That’s just weird. I knew that he grew up in Missouri, never thought to ask what part.” I scratch the scruff on my face, it’s long and itchy. “When can I leave?”

  “In a few days. They said that I could fly with you. I had to threaten them, but it worked.” She winks. “I promise you we will get through this. I told them that you’d prefer your therapy there, verses here.”

  “You’ve taken care of everything, haven’t you,” I ask, as I know that she has. “Do they know about us?”

  “I have. I told you, I’m in this for the long run. Nope, they have their suspicions, of course, but I was able to handle everything due to the fact that you had Winter listed as your emergency contact and she gave me permission.”

  “Smart woman you are. You and her have become quite close.” I know that my sister and Amelia were the best of friends, and she was just as crushed as I was when she died. But instead of being a protector for my sister, I fled, and never checked on her.

  “I’m sure that’s one of the reasons you love me.” She kisses my lips.

  “Just one,” I retort.

  “I’m going to grab some coffee, you want anything?”

  “Nah, I’m good. I need to make a long over due phone call.”

  “Good idea, I’ll be back.”

  I nod and watch her fine ass stroll through the door. Picking the phone up. I dial the number that I have embedded in my brain, it was the first phone number I ever had. After a few rings, I hear the sweet hello of the only mother I ever knew.

  “Mom.” Is all I say.

  “Oh my God, Talon. Are you okay? We’ve been worried sick. Your friend was gracious enough to keep us updated.”

  “I’ll be fine. It’ll be hard, but I will eventually be the old me again. The person you made me to be.” I wipe a lone tear from my cheekbone. She must sense it.

  “Baby, I love you as if I birthed you myself. I know you were older when we adopted you, but you are our son. Ben and I prayed for a son like you, we didn’t care how old you were. We’ve missed you so much. When will you be here? We have the garage apartment all set up for you. Your sister has been working to get it together since she found out about the accident.”

  “Thank you, I needed that. I know you do. I was a selfish bastard for leaving the way I did. I was so mad at myself. I blamed myself, for years. You know how much Amelia meant to me. I was just...lost. I felt like I was ten years old again, and all alone.”

  “You were never alone. We’ve been right here waiting for you. For our son to come back to us.”

  “I’m back.” I sigh. “Where’s Dad?”

  “He’s at work. He will be so happy to see you.”

  “That man works harder than anyone I know.” And it’s true, he really does.

  “You know him, he loves the money. He likes the finer things in life.” She gasps. “Oh my goodness, wait till you see his new toys. He has some fancy new boat, he will b
e glad to take you fishing on”

  “That sounds good, I have missed our fishing trips.” He and I used to go every weekend.

  “Talon, I am so glad you called. I can’t stop smiling.”

  “Happy I can make your day, mom. I’m a little tired, so I’m going to let you go. I’ll see you soon, though. Give Dad and Winter my love, please.”

  “Get some rest, baby. I love you so much, please never forget that.”

  “I love you too,” I say before ending the call. Sliding the phone on the table next to me, I move back the blanket that covers my legs...leg. Looking at the bandage, on my left leg makes me ill. Feeling nauseated, I reach for the small trash can next to me. I feel the tears that I’ve been trying to hold in well in my eyes and cover my face. I’ll never be able to serve my country again. My career is over.

  SEPTEMBER 31, 2010


  “Stop fidgeting, you look fine.” I tell Reese as she wiggles in front of me.

  “No, I am meeting your grandparents for the first time. I want to look my best. Are you sure this outfit will be okay? Or should I wear something longer?”

  “Babe, you look fine. I like that purple on you.” She’s in a light purple romper, as you ladies call them. I love seeing her in regular clothes.

  “I just feel like I look huge. I haven’t been working out and you sure can tell.”

  “Are you pregnant?” The words leave my mouth without thinking. Her eyes grow wide.

  “No, not that I know of. Hell, I never thought of that. I really think it’s all your moms cooking, and the lunch dates with your sister.”

  “Well, I can’t tell that anything has changed, you look as beautiful as ever to me.” I lie, I can see she has put on a few pounds, but I am not that stupid to tell her she has gained some weight. “Look at me, I look like I ate a whole side of a cow.” I’ve been doing therapy and learning to walk with my prosthetic, and it’s been a fucking struggle. I never thought that it would be this hard, but it has pissed me off so many times. I won’t lie, I have pulled it off and thrown it more than once.


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