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Wild Girls Rule

Page 4

by Rosalie Lario

  With the pressure from the board to raise the capital he needed for the expansion, and the constant hints he was getting from Diane’s father to ‘merge’ their two empires, he was starting to feel pulled in multiple directions, and it wasn’t a good feeling. Times like this, he wished he drank. But Father had drummed it into his head that losing control like that was never good, and he had been right.

  Their mother had been a drinker. Drinking had led to other things. And look how that had ended up.

  He was beginning to think Sam had the way of things when he’d clapped him on the back at dinner the other night and boldly stated, “You need to get laid, bro.”

  When was the last time he’d had sex?

  Right. It had been months ago. With a casual partner who’d since begun seriously dating someone. Technically, now he was too.

  Maybe it’s time to take our relationship to the next level.

  Diane might not inspire insane lust on his part, but she was beautiful. It wouldn’t be too much of a hardship to find himself in bed with her. And if they didn’t quite click the way he wanted them to, he could get over that.

  She was a good woman. An intelligent woman. One who wasn’t ruled by emotion.

  Exactly the sort of partner he needed.

  As Andrew had expected, the office was empty when he arrived. Things never really got started around there until ten in the morning. He headed past the reception desk and toward his office.

  The sound of feminine, off-tune humming drifted toward him.

  What the—?

  Andrew turned the corner of the corridor leading to his office and froze.

  Hailey sat in her chair. Her delicate feet were bare and propped on the edge of her desk, and she typed away at her computer. Her hair was piled into a lazy bun atop her head, a set of pink earphones were stuck in her ears. She wore a hot pink silk dress with barely-there sleeves, and a hem that rode indecently high on her thighs.

  Jesus. He swallowed hard, silently cursing the instant erection that sprang up at the sight of her. The woman was like a walking wet dream.

  He must have made some sound or unintended movement, because her head snapped up and her eyes went wide. “Andrew!”

  Shit. He slid his briefcase to cover his front, uttering a silent prayer that she hadn’t seen any hint of his body’s instantaneous reaction to her.

  Hailey shot up straight, dropping her feet to the ground and pushing away from her computer.

  “I didn’t realize anyone would be here,” he said, his voice huskier than he’d anticipated.

  Her cheeks grew pink to match her dress. “I, uh…I accidentally spilled some water on my laptop a few days ago. Now it won’t start, and I don’t get paid until Friday, so…”

  “Ah.” Now why didn’t that surprise him in the slightest?

  She brushed a strand of loose, curling hair from her face. Her movement pressed her breasts against the silk of her dress, outlining the round globes perfectly.

  Andrew bit back a groan. This was torture. How was he supposed to keep her off his mind when she was always here, looking utterly fresh and tempting? So very alive?

  “Sorry,” she said, no doubt reading the pain in his eyes. “I hope it’s not a problem if I use the computer off work hours.”

  “Of course not. Go ahead.” Because what else could he say?

  No, because every time I see your luscious little ass in one of those tiny skirts I get a massive hard-on.

  “Thanks.” She smiled at him.

  Unnerved, he muttered, “Excuse me,” and slipped into his office. He shut the door behind him, closing his eyes at the absurdity of his situation. Here he was, head of the company his father had left him and his brothers, and he was hiding in his office from his own personal assistant. Father would be disgusted.

  James and Sam, on the other hand, would find it hilarious. Thank god they weren’t here right now.

  After spending several moments battling his body for self-control, he pushed away from the door. But he had taken no more than two steps before a knock sounded. He turned to face the door, but it flew open before he could say anything.

  Hailey came barreling inside, her feet still bare. She smacked right into him, and he dropped his briefcase. Closing his arms around her, he held her steady when she teetered off balance. Looking down, he couldn’t help but notice that her cute little toes were painted the same shade of pink as her dress.

  “Sorry.” She flushed, her brows furrowing. “I figured you’d be at your desk by now.”

  I would be if I hadn’t been busy standing by the door, thinking about your body in that dress.

  Clearing his throat, Andrew said, “Um, no.”

  She grinned up at him without bothering to move away. “I was wondering if you wanted some coffee. Either the stuff here or I could make another run to Starbucks. I could get you a pastry, too.”

  He found himself grinning back. Her smile was infectious. “Ah Starbucks, that explains it.”

  “Explains what?”

  “The muffin.” His hand took on a life of its own, moving to the tiny crumb resting on the corner of Hailey’s mouth. He brushed it away with his thumb, and her lower lip moved with his finger, spearing the pad with a hint of moisture that rocked him to his very core. His abs tightened as he imagined her sliding her lips open for a kiss. Or to let his cock inside.

  Jeez. He didn’t know what it was about grown-up Hailey, but he was like a horny teenager around this woman.

  When Hailey’s breath sucked in and her gaze went soft, he came to the stark realization that he wasn’t the only one affected. She felt it too, this chemistry that ran between them. The sizzling hot attraction that made him rock-hard for her.

  Knowing she was just as affected got him excited in ways he couldn’t explain. His eager mind took over, all too anxious to imagine him and Hailey together. On his chair…bent over the top of his desk…pressed against the wall of glass windows. She’d be adventurous, ready and willing to try anything he suggested. And oh, did he have some suggestions…

  Stop. This is futile.

  Much as Andrew might wish it were otherwise, there was no possibility of that ever happening. Not only was Hailey someone he’d known as a child, but she was also a subordinate. More importantly, they were nothing alike. Hailey could never fit into his world. She would never want to. It would be like a butterfly trying to live amidst a colony of bees.

  No, this path would only lead to disappointment, and ultimately, bitter recrimination. He had to stop thinking about her this way.

  Turning to hide the erection that was quickly becoming a permanent staple whenever Hailey was around, Andrew picked up his briefcase and strode toward his desk.

  “No,” he said, his voice clipped. “I’m fine.”

  He sat and began blindly rifling through his paperwork.

  “Um…” She gave an awkward laugh and shuffled in her spot, clearly uncomfortable at his sudden retreat. “I remember you used to like coffee. Way back when. My mom used to catch you sneaking it in her kitchen.”

  She’d tell me it would stunt my growth.

  Andrew stifled a fond grin at the memory of Hailey’s mother. The truth was he used to like a lot of things. But then… “I grew up.”

  Though she didn’t say anything in response, he sensed Hailey standing in that same spot. Felt her confusion at his hot-and-cold behavior. For one moment, he feared she’d call him on it. Ask him why. Maybe figure out the answer without his help.

  A few more moments passed before she turned and left, softly clicking the door shut behind her.

  Sighing, Andrew dropped the sheet of paper he’d randomly picked up. Placing his elbows on the desk, he buried his head in his hands.

  Life was only getting more and more complicated, and right now, he really needed it to be easier.

  Chapter Three

  “Mr. Everly has a meeting scheduled with an investor this weekend in Atlantic City. You’ll need to accompany him.”

  Hailey jerked her head up, staring at Miranda as the woman’s words penetrated. They sparked a thrum of nervous anticipation deep within her chest.

  “A weekend?” Hailey asked weakly. “Away?”

  Miranda arched one sculpted brow. “That won’t be a problem, will it? I told you the day you started you could expect the occasional weekend business trip.”

  No, it wasn’t a problem. Unless you counted the fact that, other than that one odd, sexually charged morning encounter, Andrew had barely said two words to her in the three weeks she’d been here. If he hadn’t seemed so cold and distant to everyone, she would have thought he was purposely ignoring her. As it was, her attempts to attract his attention had been fruitless. Not even her teeny Bebe mini-skirt had gotten so much as a blink of awareness from him, though it had earned her a disapproving shake of Miranda’s head, and three random date offers from men in the building.

  If there was anything Hailey hated, it was being ignored. Worse, the more it seemed like Andrew had no clue she existed, the more she wanted to shake his unflappable control. Call it a personality flaw.

  “What will I need to do?” she asked.

  “Schedule his dinner reservations, make sure his suits are properly laundered, and be there for anything else he may need.”

  “Sounds awesome.”

  More like boring and tedious, but those two words defined her life lately.

  In the few weeks she’d been working here, she’d had no other job prospects, no success in bringing Andrew out of his shell, and no sex.

  Okay, it had actually been more like six months for the latter, and that was too damn long. Her body was so starved for attention, even the guy who rolled the deli cart through the building was starting to look good…and he was pushing forty with a paunch and a receding hairline.

  Time to step it up a notch, Hailey.

  As luck would have it, it looked like she was going to be spending a weekend with Andrew. That would give her one last opportunity to break through his walls. After all, if there was anyone who needed to get laid more than her, it was probably him. The man was wound so tightly you could bounce a nickel off his ass.

  His delicious, tight ass…mmm.

  Lord, was she sex deprived.

  If her efforts this weekend were unsuccessful…well, she’d just have to admit defeat and move on. There were bound to be plenty of other men in Atlantic City. Surely she could find one to scratch the itch that had only gotten stronger since she’d started working for Andrew Everly.


  This was a bad idea.

  Andrew had known it from the start, of course. Spending a weekend with Hailey was bound to be trouble, but what was he to do? Especially after he’d hired her specifically to give Miranda a break from the weekend trips.

  Smart move, dumbass.

  Now, not only would he have to be in contact with her throughout the entire weekend, but they were also sharing the close confines of his rented car, complete with driver, the whole way up to Atlantic City.

  Her lush, exotic smell pervaded his senses. Pineapple and coconut, with a hint of vanilla. She smelled of a tropical vacation, which only made it all too easy to imagine them in some secluded Caribbean villa, spending the day buried under cool cotton sheets.


  Should have made Henry come into the city.

  Whom was he kidding? Henry lived in New Jersey, and he loved to gamble. The likelihood of talking him into meeting in Manhattan would have been very slim. And the fact remained, when soliciting funds, the one with the money called the shots. Which meant he was currently in an extreme state of discomfort.

  Hailey sat in the back seat beside him, eating a banana of all things. If that wasn’t the ultimate in food eroticism, he didn’t know what was. It took a Herculean amount of effort to keep his eyes on his paperwork, and not on her full lips as they opened to slide the fruit inside. Yet he could still see her in his peripheral vision.

  After taking another bite, she let out a soft, appreciative moan.


  He gave thanks for the pile of papers on his lap. They hid his rapidly rising cock.

  “Want some?” she purred.

  Hell, yes.

  He cleared his throat and dragged his gaze briefly from his paperwork. “No thank you.”

  She shrugged and took another small bite, crossing and uncrossing her legs as she did so. The movement slid her skirt up just a fraction, showcasing her slim, tanned thighs.

  That skirt. It was sinful. Although it was long enough to be considered office appropriate—barely—the black and white fabric had a diagonal zipper up the front, ending at the hem. All he could do was imagine dragging that zipper up.

  With his teeth.

  Then following the silky skin it bared with his tongue.

  She gave a careless shift in her seat, spreading her legs out along the floor of the car. Her dainty foot brushed against his, and he gritted his teeth against the sudden urge to toss his papers to the side and drag her into his arms. Kiss her senseless. Bare more of that honey-toned flesh to his view.

  Stop it. He had more important things to do than sit here daydreaming about Evan’s little sister while she sat innocently beside him.

  Although innocent might not be the best way to describe her. The outfits she’d been wearing into work. Some of the comments she’d made. That damn banana.

  Could she be doing all of it on purpose?

  No, a woman like Hailey wouldn’t be interested in a man like him. Would she? She’d want someone more spontaneous. More fun. Just as he needed someone more structured.

  Someone needed to catch his dick up on that, though. The erection he currently sported was near legendary.

  And that’s just from watching her eat a banana.

  He stifled a groan. This was going to be one long weekend.

  “Ooh, look!” She shifted toward her window, gazing at an amusement park they drove by. “I haven’t been to one of those in so long. Have you?”

  “No,” he said dryly. Not since his mother had…well, not for a very long time.

  Unbidden, the memory of his mother riding the Tilt-A-Whirl crept into his brain. The joy on her face, the laughter in her eyes. She’d insisted on riding every single ride with them that day, giggling at their adolescent embarrassment over having their parent accompany them. For one small moment, his heart softened. But then, just as quickly, the memory shifted into the image of his mother’s lifeless body on the couch, a needle protruding from her arm.

  Frowning at the haunting stab of pain in his chest, Andrew forced his errant thoughts away. That particular recollection was one he never cared to revisit. Better to concentrate on work. Safer.

  “We should stop.” She absently patted his leg, making the muscles in his thigh lock up.

  That was laughable. “We don’t have time.”

  “Come on.” She glanced back at him, her green eyes cajoling. “Live a little.”

  “We’re here on business.”

  The light in her eyes dimmed a fraction, and suddenly he felt like an asshole. Maybe they could stop for a moment…

  He shook his head. No, what was he thinking?

  Eyes on the prize, Everly.

  That was what his father had always said to him, and he was right. There was too much to do, and too little time. From the conversations Andrew had with Henry over the past few weeks, he was beginning to sense the man might be waffling on his investment. That was a potential problem they didn’t need right now, and it required one hundred percent of his focus.

  Amusement parks were for children, and he’d stopped being one of those a very long time ago. On that fateful day he’d woken up and walked downstairs to find his mother dead on the couch.

  Frowning, he dug his smartphone out of his pocket and began checking his email.


  “No, I’m not gambling. And I’m not drinking either.” Hailey scowled into her cell phone, as if her brother would be a
ble to see her. “I swear Evan, you treat me like such a child.”

  “No, I don’t,” he responded smoothly. “I just worry about you.”

  She knew that. It was the only thing that made his nagging marginally bearable. It was still annoying as hell, though.

  “Are you doing okay on money?” he asked.

  She let out a long sigh. “Yes. I promise.”

  “Good.” He paused for a beat. “How are things going with Andrew?”

  “Fine. Just like last time you asked.” After they’d arrived, she’d made sure his dinner reservations were set and ran a few personal errands for him, and then he’d disappeared. Left to her own devices, she’d wandered the hotel for a few hours before getting a pedicure. Then she ate a quick dinner alone and took a sunset walk on the boardwalk before coming back to her room to make some calls. She’d started with her younger cousin Lexi, who was preparing to move from North Carolina to Florida. Though they’d grown up in different states, they’d always gotten along well. It was a shame Lexi’s move was coming just when Hailey had left Florida.

  After Lexi she’d called her brother Evan for the obligatory weekly catch-up.

  “How’s mom?” She crossed the floor of the hotel room and threw herself back on her bed.

  “She’s doing okay,” he said. “I convinced her to join a bridge club, so she’s been going out a bit more.”

  “That’s good.” Their mother had taken the death of their father hard. Even though he had been working incredibly long hours to build his real estate development company and had consequently neglected his health, no one had expected him to go that young. One heart attack and boom, he was gone forever. Five years later, their mom still hadn’t quite recovered.

  “Don’t worry about her, Hailey. She’s going to be fine.”

  “I know,” she said softly. She didn’t, though. The first few months after her father’s death, she’d been really worried. Her mother had been a shell of the person she was before. That had been enough to convince Hailey that life was for living. All the sacrifices their father had made in the name of personal success, and in the end all it had gotten him was dead.

  That was never going to happen to her.


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