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Zodiac Unmasked: The Identity of America's Most Elusive Serial Killers Revealed

Page 56

by Robert Graysmith

Nelder, Al

  Nelson, Fay

  New York City Police Department

  New York Post

  New York Zodiac (Zodiac II) . See also Seda, Heriberto “Eddie”

  Ng, Charles

  Nicolai, Mel


  Norm (friend)

  Now It Can Be Told

  Noyes, Pete


  Oakland Police Department


  “Old Tom,”

  Olson, Evelyn

  Orosco, Mario

  Overstreet, Jim

  Oxnam, Bobbie

  Pacific Multi-hull Racing Association

  Palm prints. See also Fingerprints

  Panzarella, Santo “Sandy” Paul:

  on Allen

  and Armstrong

  owner of RKO Pictures

  at Science Dynamics

  testimony and opinions

  Parham, Larry

  Parker, Brant

  Pascoe, Terry

  Pearlman, Dave

  Peeler, Violet

  Pelle, Bruce R.

  Pens. See Letters, blue/black felt tip pens used

  Perry, Ralph

  Peterson, Dave

  “Phantom of Cordelia, The,”

  Phillips, Jim

  Piano, Nancy

  Pitta, Daniel

  Planetary forces, effects on psychology

  Pleasanton, Calif.

  Poisoning murders, with strychnine

  Police groupies

  Polygraph tests

  Pomeroy, Wes

  Pomona Police Department

  Popp, Bob

  Postage stamps on letters. See Letters, postage

  Practical Homicide Investigation

  Prints. See Fingerprints; Footprints; Palm prints

  Probation Officer. See Pelle, Bruce R.

  Proce, Joseph

  Prouty (handwriting analyst)

  Psychiatric tests on Allen


  Psychic trauma of survivors

  Psychological profiles of Zodiac

  Race, Mike

  Radetich, Richard

  Ramos, Bobbie

  Randol, Earl

  Raspino, Susan

  Rayfield, Clifton

  Rayfield, David

  “Red Phantom, The,”

  Reese, Mrs. (trailer court manager)


  Refugio Creek murders

  Repetto, Vince

  Rhodes, Janet Lynn

  Rice, David

  Richmond District Police

  Rinehart, Glen


  blood stone, on tape to Belli

  with “Z” emblem

  Riverside, Calif. . See also Bates, Cheri Jo; Handprinting, of Allen, on Riverside desk

  Riverside Police Department

  Riverside Press-Enterprise. See also under Letters

  RKO Pictures

  Rodifer, Robert Emmett

  Rodman, James

  Roenik, Wilfred

  Rolanda Show

  Roman, Tomas


  Ruby, Jack

  Run for the Sunn.

  Rust, Ed

  Rykoff, Thomas

  Sacramento, Calif.. See also Criminal Identification and Investigation

  Sacramento Bee


  of Allen. See also Animal torture

  evidence from Hwy. 12 car crash

  in Kursa murder

  in Lake Berryessa murders

  profile of sexual sadists

  Salem, Robert

  Saliva tests

  Sally Jesse Raphael Show

  Sanford, Byron

  San Francisco, Calif.:

  cabdriver murders. See also Stine, Paul Lee

  Caen on crime trend

  San Francisco Chronicle. See also Avery, Paul

  ad on Imperial Wizard


  on Allen after his death

  on Hines’s theory

  interview of Allen

  on Riverside murder

  building security

  interoffice memo

  letters to. See under Letters

  personals ad

  phone call to

  publication of cipher key

  Zodiac as possible employee

  San Francisco Criminal Grand Jury

  San Francisco Examiner:

  building security

  letters to. See under Letters

  strategy with Zodiac

  San Francisco Police Department (SFPD). See also Armstrong, Bill; Jurisdiction issues; Toschi, Dave

  bomb detonation

  evidence misplaced by

  evidence stolen from

  fingerprint analysis

  handprinting analysis

  manpower shortage

  re-opening of Zodiac investigation

  Stine murder investigation

  Zodiac bulletins

  Zodiac taunting of. See Zodiac, boasts

  San Jose Police Department

  San Pablo Bay

  Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Department

  Santa Rosa, Calif.:

  Allen’s trailer in. See Trailers, owned by Allen

  attempted abduction

  evidence from car wreck on Hwy. 12, Aug. , 1976,

  Sterling and Weber disappearance

  Santa Rosa Junior College

  Santa Rosa Police Department

  Santa Rosa Press Democrat, witness program

  “Sartor Cross,”

  Satan, and Zodiac


  Satten, Joseph

  Schechmeister, Bryan


  Schlossberg, Harvey

  School bus attack threats

  Schuler, Charles A.

  Schwartz, Marshall

  Science Dynamics

  Scott, Don

  Seal of Vassago

  Search warrants

  Sebastopol, Calif.

  Seda, Heriberto “Eddie,” . See also New York Zodiac

  Sex offender notification

  Sexuality, of Allen. See also Child molestation

  Sexual sadists, psychological profile

  Shepard, Cecelia

  Sheppard, Al

  Shimoda, John

  Shirisago, Fred



  worn by Allen

  worn by Zodiac

  Siebe (investigator)

  Silver, Jim

  Silverman, Gene

  Sins, Phil

  Skrapec, Candice

  Slaight, David

  Slover, Nancy

  Slugs. See Bullets

  Snook, Hal

  Sociopathic murderer. See also Sexual sadists

  Solano County Sheriff’s Department

  Son of Sam

  Son of Zodiac. See New York Zodiac

  Sonoma County Jail

  Sonoma County Sheriff’s Department

  Sonoma State College

  Sources of information

  federal, state and local law enforcement files

  newspapers and periodicals

  for New York Zodiac

  Southard, Thomas Leonard “Lee,”

  Speech patterns, of Zodiac

  Spinelli, Marco (Count Marco)

  Spinelli, Ralph

  Stabbing murders. See Knives

  Stamps on letters. See Letters, postage

  Stanislaus Sheriff’s Department

  Starr, Bernice. See Allen, Bernice

  Starr, Karen. See Allen, Karen

  Starr, Robert Hall, use of pseudonym. See also Allen, Arthur Leigh

  Starr, Ronald. See Allen, Ronald

  State Farm Insurance

  Sterling, Maureen Lee

  Stiltz, Jack E.

  Stine, Paul Lee:

  bloody shirt

  connection with Spinelli

  fingerprints from cab

  ink blot test of Allen and

p; investigation


  and police description of Zodiac

  Stone, Charles H.

  Stoner, Jeremy


  Striepeke, Don

  Strychnine poisoning


  Summaries of case


  Symbols. See Ciphers, symbols, and cryptograms


  Tahoe area

  Taunting of police. See Zodiac, boasts

  Taylor, Charles

  Tedaldi, James

  Telephone calls:

  about Zodiac

  to Belli

  breathing sound


  to police after crimes

  to victims’ families

  Television programs on Zodiac

  Theater on San Bruno Avenue

  Thiffault, William

  Thompson, Leonti


  Times-Herald. See Vallejo Times-Herald

  Timex brand watch

  Tire tracks

  Torrance, Calif.

  Toschi, Dave. See also San Francisco Police Department

  after leaving the Zodiac case

  authority for Avery to carry a gun

  on case’s 30th anniversary




  analysis of letters

  and Belli

  interviews with family

  questioning of Allen

  search of Santa Rosa property

  Stine murder

  work with Armstrong

  work with Mulanax of Vallejo P.D.

  work with Riverside P.D.

  of Zebra murders

  on missing box of evidence, 1997

  on perseverance


  relaxation activities


  State Senate commendation

  on why they did not arrest Allen

  Townsend, Donald A.

  Trailers, owned by Allen:

  Bodega Bay



  parked on neighbor’s property

  Santa Rosa

  Trauma reaction, of survivors

  Travis Air Force Base

  Treasure Island, Calif.

  Tucker, Joan

  Tucker, Phil:

  in Allen questioning

  Allen’s use of car

  Bawart on

  testimony and opinions

  Ultra-light “aeroplane,”

  Unabomber. See Kaczynski, Ted

  Union Oil of California

  Union Richfield

  Unsolved Mysteries


  U.S. Navy. See also Allen, Ethan; Mare Island; Shoes

  Vallejo, Calif.:

  Allen’s familiarity with

  Allen’s home in. See Allen, Arthur Leigh, Vallejo home


  Vallejo County Sheriff’s Department

  Vallejo Independent Press

  Vallejo Police Department (VPD). See also Jurisdiction issues; Mulanax, Jack

  Allen examination

  Allen’s employment application to

  closure of case

  Ferrin murder report

  manpower shortage

  prior arrest of Allen

  tapes on Allen

  use of Zodiac

  work with San Francisco P.D.

  Vallejo Recreation Department. See Kidder, Ted; Tucker, Phil

  Vallejo Times-Herald:

  Allen interview

  articles on Zodiac

  letters to. See under Letters

  Zodiac file stolen from

  Valley Springs Elementary School

  “Vampire, The.” See New York Zodiac

  Vance, Jack

  Vaughn, Robert

  “Vaughn,” in Ferrin’s personal directory

  Villareal, Ben

  Violent Criminal Apprehension Program

  Virgin Islands

  Voigt, Tom

  Vollmer (police chief)

  Walsh, Theresa Diane

  Warner, William T.

  Watches. See Timex brand watch; Zodiac brand watches

  Water, as murder location

  Waterman (police officer)

  Watsonville, Calif.

  Watsonville Police Department

  Weapons . See also Bombs; Bow and arrow; Guns; Knives; Rope

  Weber, Yvonne

  Webster, James W.

  Webster, William H.

  Welner, Michael

  Wesher, Bingo

  White, Archie and Beth

  White, William (police sergeant)

  White, William Langdon (neighbor)

  Whit Monday murder

  Whiz Comics

  Wiccan Rede

  Williams, Rita

  Williams, Walter “Willie the Woodcutter,”

  Williams, Wayne

  “Willy” (suspect)

  Wilson, J. R.

  Wilson, Ralph

  Wissmann, Frank


  Wogan, Harry

  Women, hatred of. See Misogyny

  Woolridge, Bob

  Writing. See Handprinting

  Yamas, G. J.

  Yamashita, Ayaka

  Yellow Submarine, The

  Yonkers, Dick

  Younger, Evelle J.

  Zebra murders

  Zelms, Eric

  Zodiac. See also Cars; Composite drawings; Sadism; Weapons


  Zodiac (cont.)

  closure of case

  clothes worn by. See Clothes, worn by Zodiac

  communication from. See Ciphers, symbols, and cryptograms; Letters; Telephone calls

  conference and case summary

  gait and body language

  linguistics of

  link to Allen

  in the Bawart Report

  the big tip

  positive identification by Mageau

  love of movies

  main suspect. See Allen, Arthur Leigh

  in the media

  murders and murder attempts

  begging to be stopped

  hair disguises

  M.O. See Modus operandi

  total number estimates


  origin of name

  people claiming to be. See Imitators of Zodiac

  physical appearance

  psychiatric profiles . See also Sadism; Schizophrenia

  referral to himself as “The Zodiac,”

  relationship with mother

  re-opening of case

  and Satan


  special skills

  speech patterns

  tape to Belli about


  use of police confusion. See Communication problems; Jurisdiction issues


  Web site on

  Zodiac (book):

  and Allen

  effects of

  police views on

  use by informants

  use by police

  use by Zodiac imitators

  Zodiac (film)

  Zodiac brand watches

  owned by Allen

  Sea Wolf #26894

  Zodiac car

  Zodiac club

  Zodiac II. See New York Zodiac

  Zodiac III

  Zodiac of New York. See New York Zodiac

  Zodieical lightn.

  Zygomatic arch

  1 The FBI believed the typewriter to be a Royal Merit Pica 508. Pica provides ten characters to the vertical inch. Elite provides twelve. The anonymous writer, working with multigenerational copies, used the larger font.

  2 Another Gacy personality was a party entertainer, Pogo the Clown. Gacy painted an oil of Zodiac in costume and auctioned it off one spring. Actor Johnny Depp owned a Gacy painting. “They told me when I got it that the proceeds went to a charity or to the victims’ fam
ilies....” Depp said. “But I found out that wasn’t the case. So I got rid of it. Fascinating from a psychological point of view, but really dark stuff.”

  3 This name has been altered.

  4 When FBI Director Louis Freeh ordered stepped-up polygraph testing of agents to bolster the bureau’s internal security system, the agency’s nine thousand agents were troubled.

  5 This name has been changed.

  6 This name has been changed.

  7 #CF 9127 FD License, Sticker # H107782.

  8 Located at the Napa Car Wash, 1200 Main Street, twenty-seven miles from Lake Berryessa.

  9 RKO, A Game of Death, directed by Robert Wise, starring John Loder and Audrey Long. Edgar Barrier played the Zaroff character, General Kreigner.

  10 Johnny Allegro in 1946 used elements of the story. In 1956, Run for the Sun, starring Richard Widmark, Jane Greer, and Trevor Howard, was set on a jungle plantation rather than an island. In 1961 came Bloodlust, another variation. Cornel Wilde’s The Naked Prey showed five years later.

  11 Two years later, Finke’s script was used again, this time starring J. Carrol Naish and Joseph Cotten. Two years after that, Les Crutchfield adapted the story as a thirty-minute program for producer-director Norman Macdonnell’s Escape.

  12 This name has been changed.

  13 It is also a diffuse glow seen in the west after twilight and in the east before dawn.

  14 LA 554 121790 43/5005 100 32.

  15 A collection of trading cards: True Crime Series Four: Serial Killers & Mass Murderers, clippings of Daily News crime stories on Zodiac, and a copy of Michael Newton’s Serial Slaughter, A History of 800 Serial Killers including a short entry on the original Zodiac.

  16 Conversation quoted in FBI report 9-49911-88, January 14, 1970.

  17 See Appendix for complete report.

  18 The FBI has been conducting forensic DNA (an acronym for deoxyribonucleic acid) testing since 1989.

  19 This name has been changed.

  20 Other Zodiac victims and relations seemingly fit this name game: Arthur David Faraday, first Northern California victim; Arthur Dean Ferrin, husband of the third Northern California victim; Bill Leigh, her boss, Santa Rosa students Lori Lee Kursa, Maureen Lee Sterling, Kim Wendy Allen.

  21 “The theory holds that Stine’s murder occurred one block further [than Washington and Maple Streets],” wrote John Douglas, “because the killer needed him at a precise point on the map. That’s why the Zodiac switched his victim choice from couples to a cabdriver. Whom else could he get to a precise set of coordinates so easily?”

  22 Mailed November 17, 1970, from Aptos, California, at 1:00 P.M.

  23 This name has been changed by request.


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