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The Soldier & The Spy

Page 14

by Samantha Sommersby

  “Fun’s over boys,” Jackson announced quietly. “Time to go back to camp.”

  The men scattered like flies. Ali turned to face him, eyes downcast. “I—I’m sorry, sir.”

  “Get out of here, Ali. Go get some rest. Don’t let me catch you invading my wife’s privacy again.”

  “No, sir, I won’t,” said the young man before turning to walk away. “Sir?”

  “Yes, Ali?”

  “You won’t tell her, will you?”

  “Are you kidding? I need you on point from here to Aqaba. Now go.”

  Jackson watched Lillian run the bar of soap up the length of her arms. He felt himself instantly get hard.

  “How did I get to be so lucky?” His voice carried clearly over the water, startling her.

  Lillian turned to face him, her arms crossed protectively over her chest.

  “Shh!” She slipped deeper into the water.

  Jackson walked closer to the water’s edge “Afraid you’re a bit late, love. I’ve already seen the goodies.”

  Lillian stood back up slowly, extended her arm out in front of her, and beckoned him with a crook of her finger.

  Jackson quickly stripped off his robe. He was fully aroused. As he stepped into the water his abdominal muscles flexed at the coolness.

  “It feels exquisite,” he whispered, wading deeper into the pool and making his way over to her.

  “It’s going to feel even better here.” Lillian dragged her index finger down the valley between her breasts.

  “Of that, I have no doubt.” He was in front of her now, looking down with unrestrained lust.

  Lillian’s breasts were rising and falling rapidly as the pace of her breathing increased. The evidence of Jackson’s desire pressed between them, long and hard. He reached and cupped one of her breasts in his hand.

  “Don’t,” she whispered, softly.

  Jackson lowered his hand to his side. “What do you want?”

  Lillian rubbed the soap in her hands creating lather, then released it to float on the surface of the water. Jackson watched raptly as she massaged the lather over her breasts. She moved closer still, pressing them against his chest. Sensuously, she moved up and down his torso. Then she shifted slightly, positioning herself so that one of her legs was between his and the other draped over his hip.

  It didn’t matter that they were submerged in water. All he could focus on was the warm wetness forming between her legs as she rubbed herself against his thigh. Lillian craned her head up, letting it fall back, exposing her neck to him.

  Jackson slipped one arm around her back to support her. “Do you have any idea how exciting you are?”

  Lillian’s eyes connected with his as she rode his leg. “I’ve missed you.” She reached down between them and coated her index finger with her own juices, then brought it out of the water and lifted it towards Jackson’s mouth.

  Jackson licked his lips in anticipation, then he took her offering hungrily into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around the slick digit, cleaning it off, before beginning to suck on it, sliding it in and out.

  Lillian moaned and he felt a slight tremor begin to course through her body. He smiled in satisfaction around her finger, pleased with the effect that he obviously had on her.

  “Been thinking about me, have you?” He let go of her wrist and lowered his hand into the water, sliding it between their bodies.

  Lillian nodded, her breathing so ragged now she couldn’t speak. Jackson slipped two fingers inside of her and began pumping them in and out slowly, twisting his hand slightly to provide extra friction.


  “Shh!” Jackson brought her head to his chest. “Don’t want to wake the bloody camp, do you?”

  Lillian shook her head.

  “That’s my girl.”

  He began to palpate her engorged clit. Her breath hitched, she was close, so close. Jackson added a third finger. Her internal walls clamped down.

  “I love being inside of you, even like this,” he admitted quietly. “Touching you, stroking you, being surrounded by you.”

  He added his fourth finger. She stretched to accommodate him as he pressed firmly on her clit with the calloused pad of his thumb.

  Lillian held on, her head still buried in his chest as the long awaited and slowly built orgasm washed over her. Jackson grabbed the back of her hair and pulled, tilting her head back and leaned in, crushing his lips to hers, devouring her screams of ecstasy in a demanding kiss.

  He didn’t release her until he was sure that she was spent. Finally, when her breathing slowed and her body relaxed he pulled his fingers from her and stroked her back.

  “What about you?” She reached for his cock.

  “Don’t touch me now. Just watching you, hearing you come like that, it was all I could do to hold off. Give us a minute.”

  There was a sudden noise and Lillian spun towards it. “Probably just a sand fox.”

  Jackson wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her flush against him, taking one full, round breast in the palm of his hand. “Yeah, just a sand fox,” he repeated, softly sweeping her hair over her shoulder, baring her back. He ground his erection into her backside as he placed his hand at the base of her neck. Her head fell forward slightly and she pushed back against him.

  “Ready for another go, kitten?” he asked quietly.

  While he rolled the nipple of her left breast between the thumb and index finger of one hand, his second hand slid down the length of her back and began to massage the globes of her bottom. After a few strokes he let a finger glide down the cleft that separated them. He followed the delicious path and reached forward all the way, coating his finger with their mutual spendings before sliding it back up.

  “Too soon?” He repeated the stroke and felt her tense slightly. “I’d never hurt you,” he offered reassurance. “Never.”

  He felt her relax against him. Jackson continued to spread their fluids, first sliding his finger lightly across her rear entrance and then applying just the slightest amount of pressure as he teasingly traced circles around it.

  “Jackson, I don’t think—”

  “Shh, don’t think,” he whispered into the shell of her ear as he lifted her hips up slightly and slipped his cock between her legs, “just close your eyes and feel. Trust me.”

  Lillian followed his command. She closed her eyes and her head lolled back and rested on his shoulder. “Want you inside of me,” she murmured.

  Jackson smiled. He angled his hips, lifted her up, and brought her down slowly on his fully erect member.

  Lillian gasped.

  “This what you had in mind, love?” He pulled half-way out and then sank again, deep inside of her.

  “God, yes!”


  Lillian bit her lower lip then whispered back over her shoulder, “How can you expect me to—”

  Her thought was interrupted as Jackson pushed his finger inside. He could feel it as she initially tightened in response to the invasion.

  “Relax baby.” Jackson continued to slowly move his cock in and out of her, building to a steady rhythm. “Won’t do any more than this.” He moved his finger a bit to stretch her. “Promise, kitten. It’s going to feel so good.”

  He felt her relax again around him. “God, you’re so bloody tight!” moaned Jackson quietly as he continued to move in and out, in and out. “You feel so good, baby.”

  “For you. I’m yours,” she said. “Completely yours.”

  “Only mine?” Jackson thrust his cock deep inside of her and increased the pace of the double penetration.

  Tremors began to shake Lillian’s body. Jackson moved his hand to her other breast and pinched her pebbled nipple. “It’s so intense!”

  Her body wracked by yet another orgasm causing her to clamp down on both his cock and his finger. Lillian leaned down and bit Jackson’s shoulder. The painful sensation, coupled with the force of her climax made him completely lose control. He removed hi
s fingers from her, snaked his arm around her waist, and pushed once more into her, spilling his seed and burying his head into her neck.

  “Good Lord,” she whispered. “I bit you!”

  “Yeah, well, that was new and different!” chuckled Jackson. He tried to check his shoulder, but couldn’t quite see the wound in the dim light of the moon. “I think you might have actually broken the skin.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  Jackson took her head in his hands, leaned down, and tenderly kissed her lips.

  “Don’t give it another thought,” he murmured resting his forehead against hers.

  Lillian reached up and caressed the side of his face. “I love you.”

  “Love you, too.” He reached for her hand and kissed the inside of her palm. “Will you ever stop surprising me?”

  “I hope not.”

  “Let’s get out of here and get some rest. I promised Ahmed some help in a couple hours.”

  “Lead the way.”

  Upon reaching the shore he picked up both of their robes. Hers folded neatly and his, which had been carelessly tossed onto the sand. He flung his robe over his shoulder and helped her on with hers.

  “Thank you,” Lillian whispered. “Hold this.” She handed him the soap then pulled up her hair and squeezed out the excess water.

  “My pleasure, madam.” Jackson leaned down and placed a kiss on the tip of Lillian’s nose. “And if you’re a good little girl, I’ll pleasure you again shortly.”

  “Jackson!” she scolded, hitting him on his arm. Lillian reclaimed the soap so that Jackson could slip on his robe.

  “What? I can’t help it if I’ve got a healthy sexual appetite.”

  “Healthy!” she exclaimed teasingly as they walked hand and hand back up the path. “Is that what you’re calling it?”

  Chapter Fourteen

  “So you, Jemal, and Ali will come with us?” Hassan asked.

  “Yes,” Jackson confirmed. “That will give you six and we’ve all got horses.”

  “Let’s review the plan again. I want no mistakes.”

  “There won’t be any bloody mistakes. I’ve got lots of experience with explosives. We’ll lay the explosives, wire them to a central fuse, and it’ll go boom. Promise.”

  “We still need to work out a plan to get away quickly; they may be armed on the train. I don’t relish the idea of having any more wounded.”

  “After the wiring is all done everyone can get a head start back. Only one of us needs to stay behind to set off the fuse. I vote for Ali. He’s the smallest and he’s a great horseman. We’ll give him the fastest horse, and instruct him to light the thing and ride like hell,” Jackson suggested.

  Hassan nodded. “Good enough. Let’s check the stores and see what we need to take with us.”

  “I’ll meet you there in a few minutes, let me tell Jemal and Ali. When do you want to leave?”

  “Sundown. That way we’ll arrive shortly before daybreak. If the train comes through on time we’ll be back by tomorrow night.”

  “Anything on the train you want to try to bring back?”

  “Not now. We’ll get out and come back here. None of the men on board will survive for long. They’ll run out of supplies and die there, or they’ll venture out into the desert and die. Either way, it should be safe to return in a week or so. Another team is set to blast the rail about a dozen miles up ahead well after the train passes. That will prevent them from sending another this far for quite a while. They’ll have to rebuild the rail first,” explained Hassan.

  Jackson nodded. “Got it. See you in a bit.”

  About an hour later Jackson found Lillian with Ahmed, busy changing the bandages on the wounded.

  “Pet? May I have a word?”

  Lillian looked up from what she was doing “Of course, what is it?”

  “In private?”

  Lillian looked over at Ahmed.

  “I’ll finish, go ahead,” he said. “You should get some rest anyway.”

  Lillian nodded, and then followed Jackson out of the tent.

  “You look tired,” Jackson said, concern evident in his voice. “That’s probably mostly my fault. I should have let you get more rest.”

  “I’ll be fine.”

  “This trip is taking its toll on you. You don’t need to act so bloody tough all the time, you know. It’s all right to admit you’re tired.” He tucked a lose strand of hair behind her ear. “You have dark circles under your eyes. Have you been drinking enough water?”

  “Yes, Mother!”

  “No need to get shirty, love. I don’t mean to nag it’s just—”

  “I know. I’m sorry.” She stretched her neck and rolled her shoulders.

  “Look, we’ve got a few hours before I’ve got to go. Why don’t you let me rub your shoulders, then we can curl up and have ourselves a nap.”

  “I think I’ve heard that one before.”

  Jackson smiled. “Yeah, well this time I mean it.”

  And, what do you mean by go?”

  “Going on a short mission. Trying to further Hasimi-Bedu relations by helping to blow up a train.”


  “No worries. I won’t be gone long. We leave tonight around sunset and I’ll be back tomorrow night to tuck you in. How are the wounded?”

  “Better. Much better,” she said, stepping towards him. “I wish you didn’t have to go.”

  “Me, too. Are they going to be well enough to travel in a day or two?”

  “I don’t know. You’ll have to ask Ahmed.”

  “I’m guessing not.” They headed in the direction of their tent. Once they reached it, Jackson held open the flap so Lillian could step inside. “We’ll probably need to leave them with a small contingent. I’d prefer not to spare the men, but if they’re on the mend we don’t have much choice. I’ll work something out.”

  “Can I go with you tonight?” Lillian started to unbutton her shirt, gradually revealing more and more of her skin.

  “No,” he answered quietly. “There will just be six of us going. I want you to stay here and I want you to get some sleep. We’ll be leaving for Aqaba the night after I return. I want you rested.”

  Lillian removed her shirt, walked over to the water bucket that they had in the corner, picked up the ladle, and drank deeply. She then poured some into a bowl, retrieved a small rag, and began to wash herself.

  “You really shouldn’t bathe in front of me, you know.” Jackson looked down at the now apparent bulge in his pants.

  Lillian smiled, dropped the rag into the basin, and lowered her trousers.

  “Exercise some self-restraint. It’s good for you.”

  Jackson smirked at her and wiggled his eyebrows.

  “God! You’re hopeless! You were just scolding me and saying that I needed rest!”

  “And you do! Need rest, I mean. Lie down and close your eyes.” Jackson lowered his voice. “You won’t need to do a thing, I promise.”

  “Back! Down, tiger!”

  “Won’t even touch you.” He nodded towards their pallet. “Really, just lay back and close your eyes. I just want to look at you.”

  Lillian slowly lowered herself onto the pallet and stretched out before him.

  “Take a deep breath. Hold it.” He gave his now rock solid erection a little squeeze. “Now, let it out.” Jackson opened his trousers and his cock spilled out.

  Lillian lay there in front of him, eyes closed, hair splayed out on the pillow. She was beautiful. He slowly stroked himself in time to the rise and fall of her chest. After a couple minutes he walked over, closer to her and lowered himself onto his knees at her feet.

  “What are you doing?” she whispered, her eyes still closed.

  “Me? Nothing. Just sleep.”

  Lillian opened one eye drowsily. Upon seeing him she gasped. “You’re masturbating!”

  Jackson licked the palm of his hand, and then rubbed it over the head of his cock, giving it a strong pull. “And you’re
welcome to watch, but no joining in because I’m a man of my word, you need rest.” He spit into his hand, and then ran it up and down the length of his shaft.

  “Do you want me to watch?”

  “God, yes! Spread your legs for me, love. I want to move closer. Want to come on your gorgeous breasts. Promise to clean you off.”

  “How do you get me to agree to these things?” Lillian bent her knees up slightly and let them fall open, allowing him full view of her now moist pussy.

  “You love me,” he answered, his voice husky from passion. He moved into a kneeling position between her legs.

  “Oh yeah!” Lillian reached her arms up over her head and stretched luxuriously. “How could I forget?”

  “And you love me fucking you,” Jackson added more spit to his hand.

  “Yes,” she whispered in fascination as she watched the intensity of his strokes. “Doesn’t it hurt when you pull on it like that?”

  “Feels good. Not you. But good.”

  “Down to two word sentences, you must be getting close.”

  “Tell me. Say it.”

  “I love having you fuck me.” Lillian reclined back onto her elbows and tossed her long, brown hair over her shoulder.

  “What else? God, I’m so close…”

  “I love having you come inside of me.”

  Jackson gasped, his eyes widening.

  Lillian seductively licked her lips. “And I know I’m going to love having you come all over me.”

  Thick ropes of milky come spurted out, spilling over the top of Jackson’s hand, and landing on Lillian’s stomach and breasts.

  He couldn’t take his eyes off her as she scooted back and rose to her knees to face him. Lillian shook her hair out behind her and arched back grabbing her ankles, making her breasts jut out to almost touch his chest. His breath was still ragged as his hand reached out tentatively, wanting to touch her.

  He exercised great restraint, pausing so that his hand hovered over her left breast.

  “Go ahead,” she whispered. “Touch me. You said you’d clean me up.”

  Jackson reached out, cupping both breasts in his hand. They felt full and heavy, not to mention sticky from his spendings. He moved closer to her, massaging, running his hands across her breasts, down over her ribcage, and finally around her stomach.


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