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Forsaken Talisman

Page 3

by Ashleigh Raine

  The only thing to do was to set it down as casually as he’d picked it up. He stepped through the crowd hovering around the hors d’oeuvre table. As he was about to discard the evidence, a hand brushed against his shoulder. He’d been caught. He turned with an apologetic smile, glass still in hand, trying to think up an appropriate excuse.

  But it wasn’t one of the guys, reprimanding him for his mistake. This was even worse.

  Wide green eyes stared up at him in surprise, and pouty lips he still remembered the taste of, struggled to smile up at him. Kendra. Dear, sweet, run-away-before-things-could-get-too-serious Kendra.

  He waited to feel a stab of heartache, yet looking down at her, he hardly felt any regret that she’d dumped him. When they’d been together, he had thought he loved her, thought he wanted to marry her. But the fact that he’d had to think about it should have been his first clue. His instinct had always guided him without fail. He knew when something was right and didn’t hesitate to act on it. And as he watched her now, he wondered why he had ever thought she was the woman for him.

  A man stepped up next to Kendra, placing an arm possessively around her. Dusty eyed the large ring on her finger where his ring should have been. Between seeing her flustered expression and the guy’s confused stare, Dusty made a startling realization. He was actually looking at a cleaned up version of himself.

  Kendra’s blush deepened at his long appraisal. “Wow! Dusty! It’s been…” Her pretty green eyes were alight, but he remembered that look. She didn’t really wanna talk to him. She just wanted some more cheese cubes.

  “Two years, actually. Nice to see you.” He thought about just walking away, dismissing this woman the same way she’d so easily dismissed him. But she interrupted his departure. “This is my husband Donald.” Kendra looked between the two of them, her pouty lower lip now being worried between her front teeth.

  “Call me Donnie.” Her husband extended his hand in greeting.

  “Hey, congratulations.” Dusty shook Donnie’s hand and enjoyed squeezing it a little tighter than necessary. Dusty looked from Kendra’s uncomfortable smile to her husband’s pale-faced quiet shock. Donnie seemed to realize the same thing Dusty had. “It looks like you’re finally happy, huh?” She had wanted him, just not exactly in his faulty packaging.

  “Well, yeah…” she stammered. “I am now.”

  “Now?” Dusty raised an eyebrow.

  “All guys are fixer-uppers. Just some—” She bit her tongue and her eyes bugged as she realized what she was saying.

  “Need less fixing than I did, right?”

  She didn’t reply as a dark blush stained her cheeks. Dusty nodded at her husband—who was looking a tad green to match her red—and walked away. He actually felt better about pawning the ring he would have given her. But unfortunately, the truth still hurt.

  He cursed Kendra for reminding him of his flaws, then looked at the unfortunate vice he still carried in his hand. The champagne was like a beacon of temptation, calling out for him to indulge. Just one sip…one glass…one bottle.


  Summoning a server, Dusty placed his still full glass of champagne on the man’s tray and headed for the dance floor. Surely there had to be a way to resurrect this evening. Except his sore calf reminded him that dancing wouldn’t be the way to do it. He sat down at a table near the edge of the dance floor. He figured the sour old biddy sitting there couldn’t bust a move either. She smiled at him and he couldn’t help but return the grin. She looked about as grumpy as he felt. He stole two pieces of chocolate torte from a passing waiter. There was silently understood appreciation as he handed one to the woman.

  Tonight was a night best left forgotten in the morning.

  * * * * *

  Today was a day Mariah would never forget.

  She couldn’t help the smile that seemed permanently frozen on her face. Her cheeks actually ached, but everything was so right, so perfect with Stephan, she couldn’t keep it inside.

  Stephan turned toward her and their eyes met. He smiled and winked at her before he turned back to the crowd and continued on with the dance auction.

  More than a dozen bachelorettes had offered themselves up, and male wallets had emptied. The Family Violence Prevention Fund would be getting a hefty donation check.

  Twyla was up now, the last woman willing to sacrifice a dance for charity. The bidding was going higher and higher, and Mariah couldn’t help but clap and laugh as Twyla soaked in all the attention, strutting herself around the stage. She was smiling, enjoying herself and Mariah felt a smidgen of relief. Maybe Twyla was finally healing. She’d never shared details of her final hours of captivity, had only hinted at the way her life had changed. But now it looked like she might be ready to move forward.

  “Fifteen thousand dollars,” an older, dapper-looking gentleman called out from the back.

  Twyla waved and blew him a kiss.

  Stephan looked the room over. “Is that all we can get for this beauty up here? Come on, guys. This woman knows how to shake it…just ask my brother, he hasn’t left her alone all night.”

  The crowd laughed as Marlin waved and called out, “Yeah, that’s why I’m sitting this one out. She wore me out.”

  “Twenty-five thousand dollars. I enjoy being worn out by a woman.” Dusty stepped to the front of the crowd, a charming, crooked grin across his face.

  “Going once, going twice…Harold, I’m giving you one last chance to up the ante…” Stephan glanced at the older gentleman who’d bid earlier.

  Harold grinned, his ruddy cheeks a bit redder than they’d been before. “As much as I’d love to dance with that beautiful woman, I’d also like to sleep in the same bed as my wife tonight. I think I’d better back off.”

  Twyla pouted at Harold, then turned her attention to Dusty who took her hand and helped her step off the stage as Stephan finished up with his duties.

  Mariah sat back with a smile. Dusty would be good for Twyla…and Twyla would be good for Dusty. Perhaps…

  Leslie Winters, Talisman Bay’s mayor, stepped up to the microphone. She was a striking woman in her early forties, her hair prematurely gray, adding to her striking appearance. She was tall and classy and a powerhouse in Talisman Bay. They’d shared dinner a few times, at a few different events, and Mariah admired her.

  Stephan moved to the side, talking to a few others on the charity committee. Things were wrapping up for the evening. A few more dances, a few more thank yous and they’d be able to leave. Mariah was ready to take her fiancé home and show him how much she loved him. She stood up, walking toward the stage and Stephan when Leslie began speaking. Mariah stopped moving, not wanting to be a distraction, and stood quietly in an alcove listening to what Leslie had to say.

  “Thank you, everyone, for coming out tonight. We’ve outdone ourselves this year, and The Family Violence Prevention fund will be receiving a check in excess of one million dollars from all of your contributions.” A smattering of applause filled the air. The band began playing softly in the background. “But now I’m going to step back, allow the final dances to begin. I just want to remind everyone that we’ll be accepting donations the rest of the night if anyone—”

  “One million dollars. One million dollars to dance with the stunning woman in front of me.”

  The voice washed over her, so close his warm breath caressed the back of her neck. Mariah froze and her entire body went cold. She knew that voice, would never forget that voice, relived it in her nightmares.

  Craze was back.

  Chapter Two

  Stephan faced his nemesis and reached for his weapons before he remembered he didn’t have anything with him. Security was too tight at these events; he couldn’t have even gotten in a pocketknife.

  Craze was here. Standing behind Mariah. And Stephan was unprepared.

  He cursed under his breath. He knew better. He was a Shadow Walker and this was the type of mistake that got people killed.

  Leslie Winters’
voice brought him out of his blind rage. “Mr. Strickland. I’m so happy you were able to join us. I was afraid you weren’t going to make it this evening.”

  Stephan could hear the smile in Leslie’s voice, although he didn’t remove his stare from Craze and Mariah. She had grown pale, the only outward expression betraying her fear. Only Stephan knew her well enough to recognize the signs.

  Craze—the man biology had made Stephan’s brother but circumstance and destiny had made an enemy—smiled and the room lit up with women sighing, giggling and whispering. A new, tall, handsome, and obviously wealthy man had entered their midst. He continued smiling at the crowd, before turning his attention first to Leslie, then Stephan. His grin widened as he looked Stephan in the eye and spoke. “One of my recent acquisitions required extra attention. But there was no way I was going to miss out on this…” his calculating gaze swept the room “…magnificent event.”

  Craze’s overconfident stare returned to his half-brother. “I’m a big supporter of the Family Violence Prevention Fund. Family is very important.” His attention shifted back to Leslie and he winked. “And you’re supposed to call me David.”

  Leslie giggled. Leslie, the mayor with the backbone of steel, the woman who as a young attorney had scared several gang members straight, had actually giggled. “David Strickland everyone. Most of you have probably heard of Strickland Enterprises. They’re involved with just about everything, luxury hotels to real estate development to computer software engineering. David has just moved to Talisman Bay. And, ladies, he’s quite the charmer, as Mariah’s going to find out.”

  “No. No way in hell is Mariah dancing with him.” Stephan turned his attention to Leslie. Why couldn’t she see through David’s charming façade? But of course no one here knew him like Stephan did, no one knew what the scheming bastard was capable of.

  Leslie tittered, but gave Stephan a quelling look. “Why Stephan, you never struck me as the jealous type. One million dollars to charity for a five-minute dance with Mariah. Then she’s yours again.” Leslie dismissed him and cued the band. “Thank you again, everyone, for your generous contributions. Enjoy the rest of your evening.”

  It was done. David laid one hand on Mariah’s back and led her to the center of the dance floor. And Stephan could do nothing but watch.

  Twyla and I are set to shadow them. I’ll be within grabbing distance if he tries anything. Dusty’s voice brought Stephan out of enraged numbness and he open-clicked-in to everyone.

  Jake, Ana, Craze is back. I want you outside the reception hall as back up in case he tries anything. Marlin, stay near the back exit. I wouldn’t put it past him to try to get Mariah out of here. Dusty, do whatever it takes to stay near them. Ryan, I know you’re dancing with Jill, but do your best to stay between Craze and the main exit.

  We’re on our way, Jake replied. Take it easy, man. We got your back.

  Dusty spoke next. Twyla and I are on it. You better believe we’re not gonna let anything happen to Mariah.

  Don’t worry about me and Jill, I’ve got my focus on Craze, Ryan said, pure determination in his voice.

  And I’ve got the back exit covered, bro. He ain’t getting outta here with Mariah. Marlin paused. What are you gonna do?

  I’m gonna take care of my family by taking out the enemy. Stephan clicked-out, unwilling to listen to the alarmed responses. He made sure everyone was in place, then stood at the edge of the dance floor and locked his gaze on Craze and Mariah.

  Mariah appeared remarkably calm. Craze’s hand rested low on her bare back. He leaned in to whisper to her, brushing his lips over her ear. Mariah stiffened and Stephan stepped forward, ready to attack, but they continued dancing.

  Stephan felt helpless. His anger and wrath practically boiled over. He wanted to rip David’s head from his body, remove the smug grin from his face, end the torture that Craze’s presence represented. But nothing could be done. Not here. Not now. Not in front of the citizens of Talisman Bay who Stephan had to protect from his secret.

  And that was the kicker. How could he protect them when their biggest danger stood welcome in their midst? This was his community and somehow David had managed to make himself a member of it. The rage deepened. Quickly, his gaze swept the room to be sure Craze was acting alone.

  A photographer from the Talisman Bay Report darted through the crowd, snapping photos. David pulled Mariah into a close embrace, and with one hand, lifted her chin and peered into her eyes. The photographer snapped the picture of the dancing couple as David closed the distance and pressed his lips to Mariah’s.

  Stephan lunged in primal fury.

  The crowd parted around him as he pulled the pretender from Mariah, and slammed his fist into David’s smirking face. Stephan heard nothing, saw nothing, knew nothing but that he had to kill Craze and he had to do it now.

  But the execution was flawed.

  Stephan was wrenched from his prey, who now lay on the ground, wiping blood from his mouth. Several arms held him back, pulling him farther away from Craze. Something cold slammed around one wrist, then the other.

  He was handcuffed and surrounded. He frantically searched for Mariah, but in all the chaos, he couldn’t see her. He was being led away and he didn’t know if she was safe.

  Dusty! Mariah, where’s Mariah?

  She’s with Twyla; she’s fine. Dusty’s disappointment was palpable. What the fuck were you thinking?

  Stephan ignored Dusty’s question as he was shoved into a chair. One of the hired security guards glared down at him. One of the security guards he had hired to watch the crowd this evening. Stephan shook his head in disgust. How the hell was he going to get himself out of this one?

  Mariah weaved her way through the crowd of people, Twyla at her side. She pushed past the guard, sat on Stephan’s lap, kissed him then wrapped her arms around him.

  She whispered into his ear, “Oh, Stephan. Why did you do that? Why?” She squeezed him tighter. “I love you. I need you by my side, not in jail. We have to fight this battle away from prying eyes.”

  Stephan closed his eyes, resting his head on Mariah’s shoulder. “I know. I just couldn’t handle his hands and mouth on you. Not again.”

  “Let him go.”

  Stephan lifted his head and faced David, who stood over him, a handkerchief pressed to his lip. Stephan fought the urge to smile. David was going to have a split lip and a black eye marring his perfect features.

  But he should have been dead.

  David faced the security guard, but his voice was loud enough for the surrounding crowd to hear. “Uncuff him. I’m not pressing charges. This man is obviously very protective of his woman. And how could anyone blame him? She’s beautiful, and I’ll admit my interest in her…as I’m sure several other men here would do as well.” He grinned at the hovering crowd. “But take it from me, guys. Don’t show your interest unless you enjoy a strong right hook.”

  Several men laughed knowingly and approached him. David was surrounded, hands slapped backs, and men shook his hands. In one moment, he was fully accepted into Talisman Bay society. Stephan looked on in amazement. David was smart. Very smart.

  David spoke again to the crowd surrounding him. “Someone tell the band to start playing again. The night is young, there’s no reason we should stop celebrating. We’re donating over two million dollars that will go to help protect families and prevent domestic violence. Talisman Bay should be proud. Let’s have a good time.” The music resumed and a few couples sauntered back to the dance floor.

  The handcuffs were removed and Stephan wrapped his arms protectively around Mariah and stood up, lifting her to her feet in the process. They were leaving now. No way were they going to spend any more time here. He expected he wouldn’t be welcome anyway. Leslie was going to have his ass, and he had no idea how he was going to explain his actions.

  David approached, his hand outstretched in truce. “No hard feelings. I don’t want to start off this relationship on the wrong foot…or fis
t.” He smiled as the watching crowd chuckled. “I concede defeat in this round.”

  Stephan was stuck. He had to offer his hand or be further damaged in Talisman Bay society. And he wouldn’t let Craze win in his town. He tried not to glare at David, but this was far from over. Stephan vowed next time, he’d kill the bastard.

  He took the offered hand and shook it. Craze stepped closer, keeping one hand locked in Stephan’s and placing his other hand on Stephan’s shoulder. “I’m sure we’ll be seeing a lot of each other, and working closely together on many projects.” His voice lowered so only Mariah and Stephan could hear him. “I hope you’re ready, bastard little brother, because round two of this game has already begun.”

  * * * * *

  “All right, David, or whatever you’re calling yourself these days. You’re dancing with me, now.” Twyla elbowed a couple of eager, flirting females out of the way to get to him. David Strickland may have sugarcoated his way into Talisman Bay, but the miscreant would always be Craze to her. And she’d be damned if she’d let him go without at least taking her best shot at him on Mariah’s behalf.

  He charmed the women with a smile. “Sorry, ladies. Perhaps the next one?” He took Twyla’s hand and began to sway with her to the music, closing the distance between their bodies.

  “Do you always have to be a dickhead?” Twyla rested her free hand on his upper chest near his shoulder. His muscles were firm beneath her fingers. Damn, he had a nice body. Add a black tuxedo and red bowtie and he was almost tempting. Too bad he was such a creep.

  “Who me?” He grinned. His lip was still a little swollen, his eye a reddish-purple color. Twyla bet he was going to be hurting in the morning. “I was the one who was attacked for no reason.”

  “Sure, David. You were groping his fiancée.”


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