Forsaken Talisman

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Forsaken Talisman Page 4

by Ashleigh Raine

  With her remark, Craze crept his hand from her upper back, and began gently massaging the base of her spine. Twyla fought the urge to purr. Sure, he was an evil, manipulating bastard who relished causing pain with his hands. But damn, he knew how to offer pleasure with them as well.

  “Honestly, I’m not that kind of guy. We were merely catching up on lost time.”

  “Lost time? Yeah…laced with underlying threats of pain and torture, I’m sure.”

  Craze laughed. “No threats. Only promises.”

  Twyla shook her head. “Right. Then, could you do me a favor?”

  “Your wish is my command.”

  “Quit jabbing me with your cock.”

  He chuckled. “Funny, you never struck me as the type to shy away from equipment like mine.” Okay, so he had her on that one. From what she could feel, it was just as perfect as the rest of his body. Definitely long, hard and hot.

  “I’m not shying away, David. I’m just not interested.”

  “Not interested? Hmmm…I thought you liked bad guys?”

  “Don’t go there.”

  “Oh, come on.” He tilted his head closer to whisper in her ear. “If it wasn’t for me, you never would have met Freeze.”

  She wanted to step on his toe with her stiletto heel.

  “No. Actually, I just like to fuck. Bad guys are always good lays.” Her voice was a whisper as she frantically tried to think of a way to divert conversation from the topic of Freeze.

  “He was just a fuck, was he?”

  Hearing him repeat her lie nearly made her cringe. “I was under the impression that maybe if I fucked him, he’d let me escape. I didn’t know what you two had already planned. He was a really great fuck, though.” Like she would just tell him that she’d wanted Freeze from the first moment she saw him, that Freeze was the only man who’d ever challenged her in or out of bed.

  Damn him.

  “I didn’t come here tonight to hear you lie to me.” His hand slid just a touch lower onto the curve of her ass, his fingers splayed, groping her through her dress. His shaft pulsed hot and hard against her stomach.

  Two could play this game. “You had other havoc to wreak, I’m sure.” Matching the rhythm of their undulations, she slithered a little lower and cradled his cock between her breasts.

  Grabbing her by the shoulders, he pulled her up straight again, a quelling look in his eyes. “An invitation?”

  “What do you want from me? What would really turn you on?” She pressed her breasts against his chest and looked up into his midnight black eyes. Ever so slowly, she traced one finger across his closed mouth, along his chiseled jaw and up his cheek. Putting feigned lust in her eyes, she ran her tongue over her lips.

  The heat and length of his cock intensified and his eyes flashed red. Twyla swallowed a grin. He looked as though he would start sweating at any moment.

  “I don’t think I should talk about it here.” His fingers bit deeper into her ass, locking her to him. The only way they could get closer was if they were both naked. She could feel every throbbing inch of him. His unwavering stare intensified…she felt as though he were looking deep inside her. Like he sought answers that only she would have. Twyla was impressed. Most men were usually helpless when she pressed herself against them but this man was a surprisingly worthy adversary.

  “No one’s listening. What do you want from me? I see the look in your eyes. Your cock wants to fuck. Your mind wants something completely different.”

  “Right you are.” His deviously inquisitive gaze still engaged with hers.

  She remained pushed up against him, poised to meet whatever he would dish out. “I just appeal to your most base nature.”

  “I’m sure that’s what happened when I left you and Freeze alone together, right?”

  Damn him. What did he care about what she and Freeze had done?

  “You really wanna know?” The look in his eyes confirmed it, but she’d sooner die than tell him anything that might be important to him. “Well, here’s the whole story. I fucked him. He gave me his shirt and left the door open behind him. That’s it.”

  “That can’t be it. You were on the pier with the rest of the Shadow Walkers, yet you were supposed to be dead.”

  “Funny, so were you.”

  “Funny. I’m not, but Freeze is.”

  Hearing his words cut her heart like a hatchet. Damn him. And Freeze too for that matter.

  “I kinda figured that one out. Something about a fire portal and him falling through it. That usually tends to kill a person. Well, except you.” Damn! Damn! Damn! She really wished the song they were dancing to would come to an abrupt end.

  Craze’s eyebrow twitched but his eyes remained intense. “Yes, poor Freeze…he had no idea.” His hand left hers and cradled her neck. Their mouths were so close she could taste the words he spoke. “Why did he scream your name? That was the last word he said.” He paused, then grinned. “Twyla.”

  Her breath caught and she fought the urge to run away. Somehow he’d changed his voice to mimic Freeze perfectly. The melody of her name on his tongue, the sound she’d only heard in her dreams for the last three months, immediately burned an echo in her mind. Craze continued. “You should have seen the anguish on his face, too. It was like he was being ripped apart from the inside out. The flames didn’t seem to burn him at all, yet he was full of grief. Something must have happened between the two of you.”

  “Nothing. There was nothing between us.” Her words were vehement. She looked at his chest as she strengthened her composure. She’d built many walls to keep people out, but this one was threatening to fail. She forced herself to look back into his overly pleased eyes. Damn him.

  “Hmmm…Why do I think you’re lying?”

  “I don’t know. Why don’t you tell me?”

  “I’m not daft. I see your pain.”

  “And you thrive on it, don’t you?” She rubbed against him further, hoping that his cock would suck all the blood from his brain so he would stop talking about the one person she couldn’t stand talking about. The one person who, with the simple mention of his name, never failed to set her world upside down.

  Craze met her grinding with his own and ran his fingers through her short locks of dark hair. She didn’t want to fuck him, but there was definitely an air about him that really made her body rise to his challenge. Except instead of bringing him pleasure, she wanted to punish his body with hers.

  He closed the remaining distance between them with a searing kiss. She wasn’t expecting it, knew she had to fight back somehow. He was trying to blind her mind’s eye as he had done months ago, the first time she was kidnapped. He wanted answers again, wanted the truth she’d never share. This time, she knew what to do.

  As his tongue plunged into her mouth, she defiantly fought his blinding light with her own. Their minds and tongues both dueled. Feelings, thoughts, emotions rocketed through her body. She was consumed by the power and heat of magic. So much…too much.

  “The song’s over. I’m cutting in.”

  Twyla was abruptly pulled from Craze’s embrace and into Marlin’s arms. His hands slid where Craze’s once were and his warm body nudged against hers. She cast a glance at a rather surprised but clearly unvanquished Craze as he backed away. Her mind still reeled, but Marlin’s calming whispers were a lifeline, bringing her back to normalcy.

  Her senses returned. Plus a little bit more.

  “What the hell were you doing? I know you think you can take care of yourself—”

  “Umm…Marlin…I…uh…thank you for cutting in. And also, I think I just…no…I know I just did something to him and—” Words? What were those? Her flabbergasted mind was having trouble stringing them together. When she’d kissed Craze back, she had meant to teach him a lesson not to fuck with her, but instead, she got more than she’d bargained for.

  “Are you okay? Did he mess with you? I swear I’ll kill that bastard if he hurt you.”

  “No. You would
? Wait. No. That’s not it. I was…well…Dammit. Half the stuff I want to say, I can’t. And the rest, I’d need about an hour and a half to explain it so it would make enough sense to you.”

  “Twyla, what are you trying to say?” Marlin’s voice was calm, but full of concern.

  “I just learned that Craze has kidnapped someone else.”

  “What? Shit, not again.” Marlin’s jaw tightened. “Dammit. I wish we could have fuckin’ annihilated him before.”

  Twyla ignored Marlin and rewound what her mind’s eye had seen during the kiss with Craze. There was a woman screaming loudly. She was screaming in such agonizing pain. Craze was there with her, but she wasn’t screaming at him. She was screaming at something going on in her own body or mind, something he had done to her. And the bastard was clearly enjoying it.

  “Talk to me, Twyla. Tell me what you know.”

  “Yeah, he’s got another woman. She’s trapped and he’s doing some heavy wicked magic stuff to her. I think he has a new compound. He’s torturing her. I can’t explain all the details. I don’t even hardly know how the hell I got this information from him. Well, maybe I do. I dunno. This magic bullshit is really kicking my ass. Freeze didn’t exactly tell me how to use what I have…” Her voice trailed off as her body slowly succumbed to exhaustion. She wished she’d learned more from Freeze—or that she hadn’t learned anything at all. Talking about him with Craze and then using so much power against him had drained her. Her whole body felt as weak as a day old kitten.

  “Twyla? What is it? What did Freeze tell you? What’s going on?”

  “Marlin…I…I haven’t told anyone about Freeze. I don’t know what to say. The pictures are swirling in my head.” God, she wanted to cleanse her mind of everything connected with Freeze. Damn Craze for talking about him. Damn him straight to hell and then some.

  Marlin clasped her hand tightly, seemingly trying to give her some strength. She looked into his eyes, hoping in vain that he could help her sort out her mind and heart. What she needed was her purse and the amethyst tucked inside. She’d taken the crystal point from Freeze’s room and it was the only thing that had given her any kind of strength lately. She always kept it with her—except, it seemed, when she needed it most. But her damn gown just didn’t have pockets. With the amethyst’s help, maybe she could have waged an all out attack on Craze.

  “It’s gonna be okay. Stephan called a Shadow Walker meeting for after the ball tonight to discuss Craze’s return. You gotta come so you can tell Stephan and the rest of us whatever you learned.” Marlin cradled her cheek in his callused palm, ready to wipe away a tear she wouldn’t let fall. The feel of his touch was so refreshing after Craze’s closeness. He brushed his lips across her forehead, then leaned his head against hers. “I’m always available if you need something…anything. Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Dammit, I’ll be fine.” The words quietly fell from her lips as she allowed herself to sink into Marlin’s caring embrace. Somewhere, there was a defenseless woman whom Craze was torturing. Everything else going on in Twyla’s heart and mind would have to wait until the girl was rescued.

  Chapter Three

  Stephan placed his hands firmly against the tabletop as his eyes sparked. “No way we’re going in to rescue the woman tonight. Not until we know Craze’s movements and can get in and out of there safely.” Stephan turned his glare on Twyla. “What else did you get from him when he kissed you? I need more to go on.”

  Twyla returned Stephan’s glare. “I don’t normally read minds like that, okay? That’s all I got from him. I don’t wanna talk about Craze anymore. This is about the woman he’s holding.” Twyla fought the urge to get in Stephan’s face, to forcefully make him understand the necessity of rescuing the woman now. Why couldn’t he see how much this woman needed help? And what else could she tell Stephan about Craze? That his hot and powerful magical kiss was the first thing she’d actually felt for months? No, she wasn’t going to talk about that—she didn’t even want to think those thoughts. She turned from Stephan and looked at everyone else in the room, wondering if maybe she had an ally among any of them. Her eyes met Dusty’s and she recognized understanding there. Perhaps he at least saw things her way.

  Stephan leaned over the table toward Twyla. “Don’t fuck around. We don’t know exactly what’s up with Craze so we’re not going in until we have more info. You gotta tell us everything you know if we’re going to take down this asshole. Holding stuff back will only put Mariah in jeopardy again and I won’t let you do that.”

  Put Mariah in jeopardy? That had to be the most asinine thing the man could have said to her. Did he really think she would let Mariah be endangered again? What a dickhead.

  Marlin leaned forward as well, facing off with his brother, looking prepared to strike if Stephan tried anything. “Lay off, man. Twyla’s been through enough, don’t you think? She already told you everything she knows.”

  Twyla kept her voice just barely above a whisper. “Don’t you think you’re putting Mariah in jeopardy by keeping her away from this meeting? I look around this table and every other Shadow Walker is here. How soon you forget Mariah’s one as well.” Twyla’s voice rose as she released some of her pent up anger. “She’s a lot stronger than you think she is. Don’t you get it? Everything that affects you will eventually affect her. Keeping her in the dark was what almost got her killed before.” Twyla carefully refrained from going further. She’d made her point. Mariah was not the issue here. Maybe he’d get his head out of his ass long enough to realize that.

  Stephan’s gaze darkened further. “I won’t take any chances with her and my family. After what happened at the ball, she needs to lay low until we know what else Craze has up his sleeve. The last thing she needs to worry about is this.” His voice slowed as if he were talking to an indignant child. “So, what else do you know about Craze?” Stephan began drumming his fingers on the table. Twyla silently considered slamming her fist down onto them so he would stop.

  Regrouping her thoughts, Twyla attacked in the only way she could. Her words were slow and taunting. “I already told you what I know. And I would never put Mariah in danger. Did you forget that I’ve loved her a lot longer than you have?”

  “I don’t fucking believe this.” Stephan blasted out of his chair, his face red with fury. Before Stephan could move even a foot toward her, Marlin rushed to his feet and stood between the two of them.

  Twyla watched with pleasant awe at the sight of the two brothers facing off. She’d obviously hit a button. Good. Maybe Stephan would finally see it her way.

  Marlin’s voice was low as he spoke to his agitated older brother. “If you gotta let it out and punch someone else tonight, go for it, but I ain’t gonna go down like Craze.”

  Dusty stood up and situated himself between the two brothers. “Dammit, Stephan. Calm the fuck down. Mariah is safe here. We can’t say the same about the woman that Craze has. How can you willingly leave a helpless woman in his grasp? She may not have the time you want to wait. What the hell is wrong with you? It’s our job to help, not sit around with our thumbs up our asses, waiting for a convenient time.”

  Stephan shot Dusty a hard look, ran his hand over his hair and took a deep breath, visibly calming himself. “You’re right. Craze is a brutal killer. But we are not just gonna go into his house. Getting ourselves killed won’t help anyone. We gotta plan this out first.”

  Damn, the man was dense. “The woman has no time. She’s in utter agony. I really believe he’d kill her in an instant just for sport.” Twyla paused for emphasis and her tone became indicative of past events. “You already know what it’s like to be held captive by Craze. Even the great leader of the Talisman Bay Shadow Walkers nearly died at his hand. How can you honestly think this woman stands a chance?”

  A hush fell over the room as the Shadow Walkers all looked at one another. The outcome was usually grim for anyone who taunted Stephan.

  He paused and eyed her fiercely as tho
ugh he was going to reply, but he turned his attention to Jake instead. “So you did follow him home, right?”

  “Yeah, of course.” Jake glared at Stephan, then softened his expression as he turned to Twyla. “Any idea what room the woman’s in? The house ain’t that small.”

  “Not exactly. It didn’t seem like she was being kept in a regular room. I think it’s another dimensional portal, like the room down here. But I also don’t think he’s gonna keep her there much longer.”

  “All right.” Jake got up and strode to the map of Talisman Bay on the wall next to the head of the table. He grabbed a pushpin and pressed it into place. “29322 Flowing Water Drive. It’s not quite a mansion. Maybe 4,000 square feet. It’s in that new section around the corner from Twyla’s place.” He put another pin where Twyla’s house was located.

  Under his breath, Stephan cursed. “Fucking bastard must have somehow known…” He sighed hard and looked at each of the Shadow Walkers. “Dusty, you’re watchin’ his place tonight while Jake gets some shut-eye. I gotta do some quick thinking about how we’re gonna get that woman out of there. You tell me immediately if anything at all looks suspicious or if he makes like he’s even thinking about leaving.”

  “It’ll be my pleasure. Craze won’t even breathe without me knowing how deep.” Dusty grabbed his jacket and checked the pockets for weapons. Twyla’s eyes followed his movements. He shot her a quick glance and nodded. Relief washed through her body. They were both on the same team.

  Twyla turned back to Stephan as he looked intently at Fiero.

  Fiero nodded. “No worries, man. Themonius said your Watcher is ready and will be here tomorrow for certain.”

  “Good.” Stephan glanced around the room. “I’ll have the rest of this figured out in the morning. We all need some rest.” Stephan nodded at Twyla. “Especially you. I don’t know what possessed you to dance with Craze tonight, but I’m glad you got a glimpse inside his head. You should cool off a little. We’ll get the woman. I promise. But I gotta make sure it happens the right way or we could be setting ourselves up for some real bad shit.”


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