Forsaken Talisman

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Forsaken Talisman Page 5

by Ashleigh Raine

  “All right. We’ll just wait and see, then.” Twyla stopped herself from fighting with Stephan any further. Arguing with him all night wasn’t going to get the woman rescued any sooner.

  “Besides, there’s nothing else you can do anyway if you already told us everything you got from Craze. But you might wanna stay here as well in case Craze wants more than just a dance with you.” Stephan sat back down in his chair. He’d gotten his way and was obviously just waiting for everyone to do as he said.

  Twyla stood up. Enough was enough. She didn’t even try to hide her anger. “No, Stephan. I don’t need to stay here under metaphysical lock and key. I’m going home. Don’t underestimate me anymore, okay? I can take care of myself.”

  The room was silent enough to hear a pin drop. Twyla gathered her purse, slung it over her shoulder and walked toward the exit, wondering if anyone would try to stop her. She took a few steps then paused. Freeze’s amethyst rattled against something in her purse and all the emotions she’d kept locked inside for the past few months finally got the best of her. She slowly turned back around, her hands clenched in tight fists at her sides. “By the way, Stephan, in case you care…because I think you probably do. If it wasn’t for me, Freeze might not have interfered with Craze’s plan to kill both you and Mariah. So don’t tell me I’m endangering her again. You barely know shit about what I’ve done on her behalf and would do again in a heartbeat if I had to. Even with every godforsaken thing that has happened to me because of it.”

  A flicker of movement from the hallway to the living quarters stopped Twyla from going further, from spilling her guts about Freeze and the hell she lived in because of him. Mariah stepped into the room, a soft robe wrapped haphazardly around her lavender nightgown, a look of quiet betrayal on her face.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Mariah walked toward her, one hand reaching out to offer comfort. But Twyla didn’t want comfort, not now. She just wanted to get the hell out of there.

  Twyla backed away from Mariah and cringed at the look of hurt crossing her friend’s face. “Now that I pointed you toward heaven, I’m in hell and I would never drag you down here with me.”

  Mariah let out a quiet gasp and tears welled in her eyes. Twyla’s heart shattered. Maybe she’d gone too far with what she had said, but she couldn’t take it back now. And maybe now Mariah would understand…or maybe she had just lost her as a friend forever.

  The room echoed silence as Twyla turned and exited the compound.

  * * * * *

  Dusty wasn’t surprised to see Twyla waiting about a block away from Craze’s house. Placing something in her purse, she smiled sheepishly as he approached. Dusty noticed silver trails along her cheeks where she hadn’t completely wiped away the evidence of her tears.

  “You ready to go in?” She walked next to him as they turned the corner onto Craze’s street.

  “Hell, yeah. I was actually surprised you waited for me. I figured I’d catch up with you as you were climbing in through a window or something.” He knew better than to ask if she was all right, but it was still on the tip of his tongue.

  “I’m not that stupid.” Twyla’s smile widened and a bit of life came back into her eyes. “Besides, I knew from the look you gave me that you also thought Stephan was full of shit. And neither one of us could do this by ourselves and you know it.”

  “Yeah, but I still would’ve tried.” Dusty laughed as Twyla rolled her eyes.

  “And you would’ve died. Real smart.” Her demeanor changed as she got down to business. “Okay, so I’ll distract Craze and you get the woman out of there.”

  “Yeah, just be careful. Are you sure you’re up to this after what happened back there?” Dusty couldn’t help it. He knew Twyla didn’t want to be coddled, but he wouldn’t just let her walk in there without making sure she really was okay.

  “I don’t need coaching. And you don’t need to worry. I’ll stall him no matter what. You just get your ass in there and find her. I’ll do whatever it takes to give you the time to get her out of there.” Twyla placed her hand on his arm. “We’re doing the right thing. Stephan’s not thinking clearly. No matter what happens, you just get the woman away from Craze.”

  “Go for it. I’m with ya all the way.” Dusty nodded.

  Twyla gave him a peck on the cheek. When she stepped away, her eyes were slightly glazed over. “This woman needs you Dusty.”

  “What—?” But before Dusty could finish asking her exactly what she meant, Twyla darted up the walkway to Craze’s house and knocked on his door. Dusty slipped behind some bushes and positioned himself near the house where he had a clear view of the front room.

  Through the window, Dusty watched Craze get up from his couch and head to the door. Dusty smirked. For once, David didn’t look perfect. His wrinkled white T-shirt was untucked from his tuxedo pants and his hair looked like he’d been running his hands through it. An empty bottle of some expensive looking wine lay on the floor near where he’d been sitting.

  Dusty felt a perverse pleasure on seeing that the wounds Stephan had dealt Craze would be visible—and painful—for at least a day or two.

  “Twyla. I didn’t expect you to take so long to hunt me down.” He looked her up and down with a sneer. “Oh, that’s right. You surround yourself with people who skulk in shadows. This is their time of night.”

  Twyla crossed her arms over her chest and met Craze stare for stare. “What the hell was that kiss about earlier? Were you trying to mindfuck me or what?”

  “No hello? Just straight to the point now, aren’t you?” He leaned against the doorframe.

  “Dammit, Craze. Can I come in?”

  Craze slowly shook his head. “I don’t think so.”

  Twyla inched closer and lowered her voice to a seductive whisper. Dusty strained to hear what she was saying. “I’ll tell you whatever you wanna know about Freeze.”

  It appeared she’d spoken the magic words. Craze moved away from the door and motioned for her to enter. She stepped inside and he closed the door behind her. Dusty listened carefully, but there was no extra click of a lock.

  Once they were inside, Dusty could no longer hear what Twyla and Craze were talking about. After a few minutes of wondering if he should try to find another way in, Twyla opened a set of French doors and Craze followed her into the backyard. Bingo! Dusty took his cue.

  He breezed through the front door and silently whizzed through the lower rooms in what felt like seconds. There was no sign of a secret door and no sign of a prisoner. He listened carefully to make sure it was still clear to get up the stairs. Just as he put his foot on the first step, the doors came back open and he heard Twyla.

  “Yeah, when I said the view was nice, I was talking about the view of the pier, not your view of my ass. Where’s the bathroom in this place?”

  Dusty threw himself into a room then realized it was the bathroom. He ducked behind the shower curtain before she got all the way into the room and closed the door.

  “How are you holding out?” Dusty whispered as he peered from around the shower curtain.

  Twyla gasped then spoke in a furious whisper. “Dammit, Dusty! Don’t startle me like that. I almost blew your cover.” She took a deep breath. “Sorry. He was being a dick. The world has no shortage of them these days. Don’t worry about me. I’ve handled much worse. Did you find the woman yet?”

  “No. You came in when I was gonna go upstairs. Can you get him somewhere out of the way?” He reached out and touched her shoulder. She looked distraught. “Am I interrupting your piss break?”

  She bit her lip and grinned. “No. I just needed a break from the bastard. Sometimes guys like him are tough to read and steer the way I want to.”

  Dusty reached over and flushed the toilet. “Well, if he starts fucking with you, scream and I’ll kick his ass. Make some noise like you’re washing your hands.”

  “Yeah.” She turned on the faucet and played with the water. “Thanks, Dusty. I’ll stall him as long
as you need. I know he just wants to talk about Freeze anyway, so I’ll just fight my way through his grilling.”

  “Okay, but you better get back out there before he suspects something.”

  Twyla dried her hands and took one more deep breath. “Here I go.” She walked out of the bathroom and turned off the light. Dusty waited anxiously. He just hoped that Craze didn’t have to take a piss.

  “Everything okay?” Craze actually sounded a bit concerned.

  “Fine. Back to my question. So you weren’t messing with my head when you kissed me? You were just caught up in the moment?”

  “Yes.” He paused. “Now it’s my turn. Why did Freeze turn against me?”

  “Because I fucked him.”

  Dusty couldn’t believe what he’d just heard. Suddenly so much about Twyla’s recent behavior made sense. He finally understood the pain in her eyes. The bastard had fucked her, hurt her, and she still hadn’t recovered.

  Twyla continued, her words syrupy slow, oozing with sarcasm. “I don’t know why he turned on you. I mean, you’re such a nice person. It’s not like you were killing people all the time or anything.”

  “So was Freeze,” Craze said with finality.

  “Hey, I do know how to pick ‘em, don’t I? Can we go back outside? I think I need some more air.” Twyla’s voice retreated.

  Dusty waited until he heard the French doors close before jumping out of the shower and heading for the stairs. His foot was on the bottom step when the doors slammed back open.

  He looked around frantically before dodging into a sparsely furnished bedroom. Dusty braced himself behind the door, listening for any hints that he’d been had. He practically jumped out of his skin when Marlin clicked-in.

  Are you already in? I hear Twyla in the backyard.

  Yeah, I’m already in. What the fuck are you doing here?

  Come on, man. You know we’re on the same team on this one. Marlin paused. And I knew you weren’t gonna listen to Stephan…I mean, I didn’t either. Look, I’m out here in my car if you need me. I ain’t leavin’ until you do.

  I’ll be out soon. Dusty clicked-out.

  He heard the sound of someone moving around inside. Then Twyla’s voice, muffled as though she were still outside. “No, Craze. I know it’s not like that. Come back out here with me. Just tell me the truth.”

  “Okay. Yeah, I did fuck with your mind. But you blocked. How the hell did you do that?” Craze accused.

  “What are you talking about?” She paused. “Craze?”

  Dusty heard the sound of glass clinking and perhaps liquid being poured.

  “So, you have no idea what you did?” His voice changed from questioning to seductive. “My finest Syrah. Drink with me Twyla. Share what you’ve learned.” Craze’s voice trailed off as the French doors closed once more.

  Dusty blasted up the stairs and rushed through the first room. It didn’t seem like Twyla would be able to hold off Craze much longer. If the creep started going for her throat, Dusty couldn’t live with himself for letting her help him with this rescue.

  He checked every wall for hidden portals, but continually came up empty-handed. His frustration mounted. He knew the woman had to be here; Twyla wouldn’t have led them false. There were only two doors left. He listened once more for Twyla and Craze. All was still silent.

  Dusty placed his hand on the next doorknob, not realizing until too late that the door was already opening. There was no time to run. He looked up in dumbfounded surprise at the familiar face staring back at him. Either he’d really had too much to drink tonight…

  But he hadn’t had anything to drink tonight. Although what else could explain the impossibility in front of him? Wide silver-blue eyes, long brown hair and lots of luscious curves teased him through the pale translucent lavender nightgown she was wearing. She looked exactly the same as the last time he’d seen her, except for a purple bruise shadowing one cheek.

  Was this who he was supposed to rescue? It had to be. But where were the chains, the locked doors? How come she wasn’t restrained? This made no sense. What the hell was Craze doing?

  Snapping out of his daze, he pushed her into the room and shut the door behind him.

  “Dusty, what the hell are you doing here?”

  “I’m takin’ you home.”

  She stepped away from him, backing closer to the bed. “I won’t go back to Stephan.”

  “Dammit, I don’t know what to say. Sorry ‘bout this.” Dusty grabbed a scarf from a coat hanging on the back of the door and, giving her no time to protest or fight, gagged her with it as quickly as possible. He secured her hands with a purse strap.

  She flailed and fought him, managing to kick him in his injured calf. Pain shot up and down his leg and he bit back a growl. There was no time for weakness. Ignoring the pain, he kept one hand on her as he undid his belt and pulled it off. Her eyes widened in fright and she thrashed harder. He bound her ankles with the belt, turning away from the betrayal he saw in her eyes.

  “I am so sorry.” He had never felt so bad about a rescue in his entire life. For the first time ever, it appeared the victim didn’t want to be saved.

  Running out the door with her over his shoulder, he clicked-in to Marlin.

  I’m runnin’ out. And you ain’t gonna believe this, but I think I just rescued Mariah.

  Chapter Four

  Marlin stayed silent for several long moments, digesting Dusty’s declaration. Struggling with the woman, Dusty tried to keep her quiet and still in order to get them out of there unscathed. Marlin finally replied, sounding shocked. What the hell are you saying, Dusty? Did I hear you right?

  Yeah, man. Pull around next door. I’m bringin’ her out and she’s pissed. Dusty ran down the stairs, the woman still fighting against him. The aching burn in his leg caused him to stumble down a step. He swallowed a curse then paused on the landing to listen for Craze and Twyla…nothing.

  She just looks like Mariah, right? There’s no way Stephan would let her out of his sight after what happened tonight. We would have known…

  Dusty left the house as quietly as he’d arrived, which wasn’t easy with the woman wiggling like crazy. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I really am. I’ll make it up to you. I promise.” He barely got the door shut behind him before tearing over to Marlin’s black Jaguar XKR. Well, whoever she is, I’m taking her to the compound.

  Marlin already had the door open for Dusty to get her into the car. His eyes widened when he got a good look at the woman in Dusty’s arms. Damn, she does look just like Mariah. Don’t take her to the compound. Let’s not get Stephan involved yet. He’s gonna kill us when he sees her and realizes we went against everything he said.

  Dusty put the seatbelt around the defiant woman. She continued to glare at him and squirm as much as she could. Yeah, I’m not lookin’ forward to that at all. But she’s the victim here. I wasn’t going to leave her there any longer. Where the hell else can I take her where she’s still gonna be safe?

  Marlin scrutinized Craze’s house. Take her to the cave. I’ll stay here and make sure Twyla gets out okay.

  Good idea. On both counts. Dusty hopped into the car and closed the door. Twyla says she can take care of herself, but if Craze finds out the woman is missing while Twyla’s still in there…it’s good you’re here for her. I’ll get the woman to the cave where she’ll at least be protected, and if anything goes wrong, I can chain her to the wall or something.

  Yeah, just don’t fuck up my car unless you really have to. Marlin laughed nervously as Dusty sped away. I’ll talk to Stephan come morning. It’ll give you some time to see what answers you can get. Let me know if you need anything else. Marlin clicked-out.

  With Marlin tracking Twyla’s every move, Dusty felt less guilty about letting her participate in the rescue. It didn’t seem like Craze really wanted to hurt Twyla, but Marlin’s presence guaranteed there’d be no chance to even try.

  Dusty looked at the tiny woman in the seat next to him. She stare
d insolently back at him. Craze had already hurt her, and Dusty vowed that he’d never let it happen again. He just wished he could remove the bruise on her cheek and her memory of how she got it.

  Dusty wondered how many wounds she had that he couldn’t see.

  He forced those thoughts away. This woman had probably faced more tortures in her time with Craze than he’d faced in years of Shadow Walker fighting. Dusty had to figure out how to make things better for her.

  She was growing tired, but she still tried to get out of the car a few times. He’d fastened the seatbelt through her bound wrists to make sure she couldn’t actually get away. He wished he could make her understand that he wouldn’t let anything happen to her. At a stoplight, he gently brushed a stray lock of hair off her forehead and she flinched. He swallowed hard.

  “You’re in luck, sweetheart. I’m not takin’ you back to Stephan. I promise I’ll keep you safe.”

  She glared at him, but Dusty saw a faint spark of hope in her eyes. No matter what abuse she’d suffered, he would find a way to bring her out of its torment.

  The beach was dark and empty as Dusty parked on a neighborhood street close to the cave. He wasn’t surprised. It was still several hours before sunrise when the early morning surfers would ride the Talisman Bay waves. Right now he’d be able to slip her into the cave unnoticed.

  Dusty shuffled the mystery woman out of the Jag, receiving a few well-placed kicks in the process. As he lifted her into his arms, one hand accidentally slid under her nightgown, landing on her bare ass. Her skin was so soft to his touch, he wanted to stay and explore it for hours, to learn every dip and curve of her body’s shape. He quickly removed his hand and cursed himself for not being careful enough. If he was going to gain her trust, feeling her up was not a good idea. No matter how damn sexy she looked…and felt.

  After smoothing out the nearly transparent fabric, he held her tightly against his chest. She did lean into him, but he figured she was just gathering her strength before trying to beat him up again. His words of comfort had apparently been dismissed, but considering he’d been an ass and accidentally groped her, he didn’t blame her.


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