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Forsaken Talisman

Page 17

by Ashleigh Raine

  “Not any more.” Dusty grinned. “Thanks for takin’ that thing out, man.”

  “Hey, don’t mention it. Just taking the opportunity to show off in front of the pretty lady. ‘Sides, I know your leg still ain’t back to normal and bustin’ Zakamediuls like you just did is never easy.”

  “I’m okay. Really.” Jake lifted Dusty’s free arm and, with Skylar flanking his other side, they helped him limp along. Dammit! He cursed the short little demon all over again for wrecking his calf. Months had passed and his leg was still not to be trusted. But he didn’t want Jake or Skylar to know just how bad it was. “It’s no big deal.”

  “Yeah, right,” Skylar said as she rolled her eyes. Jake snorted. There was an instant camaraderie between the two of them.

  “See, even she knows what’s up. Oh, hey, pardon my rudeness…and Dusty’s as well. You must be Skylar. I’m Jake.”

  “I know who you are,” Skylar replied with a grin. Jake lifted an eyebrow questioningly. “Side effect of my kidnapping and memory swipe. I still have some of Mariah’s memories.”

  “Okay. That’s good. Then you know I’m pretty cool to have around, huh? You throw anything at me and I’ll take it out. Unless it’s a human female, then there’ll be a whole ‘nother kind of takin’ out goin’ on. I’m pleased to meet ya.” Jake grinned.

  Dusty felt like such a third wheel. As they shook wrong hands across Dusty’s chest, he blurted out, “She’s my fiancée.” No need for Jake to think that she was at all available.

  “Oh, even better.” Jake laughed, then winked at Dusty. “Not bad at all. You gonna start combing your hair for her now?”

  Skylar grinned. “I like his hair. It feels really good against my…when he…” She paused, her face turning a bright pink color. “It’s perfect just like the rest of him.”

  Dusty was stunned speechless. Perfect? He’d never imagined she’d ever think him to be perfect. His whole life he’d lived with and accepted that he was a screw-up. Then again, a life with Skylar in it was full of completely new experiences. He could be perfect for her because she’d given him that chance. He lifted his hand from where it rested on her shoulder and trailed his fingers caressingly down her face. She tilted her head and graced him with a heart-stopping smile.

  “Hot damn.” Jake’s mouth dropped open in playful shock. “Dusty, you better hold onto her. Real tight. I mean, she didn’t even run away from the Mardinlek. Most chicks run away in fright after just seeing your hair.” He chuckled and shook his head.

  “Yeah, bite me, Jake. And I ain’t letting Skylar go. Ever.” He dropped a kiss on top of her head before he teasingly continued, “Unless of course she wants to go to one of those panty parties or Tupperware parties or whatever. Them things scare me. Get a bunch of women together like that and…hell, they’re scarier than a pack of Zakamediuls any day.” Dusty playfully shuddered as Skylar poked him in the ribcage. “Hey, ouch!” he laughed.

  “Just for that I’m throwing a party and Jake can be my date. You up for it, Jake?”

  “Oh hell, yeah. You know I’m game. A bunch of hot women all there to check out panties and stuff.” Jake was so excited, he nearly lost grip on Dusty’s shoulder. “Hey, wait, do they model it? Like, would I get to watch a bunch of women parading around in sexy lingerie? That would kick ass. I’d so be there. You just gimme a time and a place. Hell, I’ll even help set up the party. Do you gotta blow up balloons and hang streamers for that kind of thing? Shit yeah. I’ll even order pizzas or bake some cookies. Dusty, you can help, too. That’d really be cool.”

  Dusty watched Skylar as she laughed so hard she nearly gasped for breath. He always wanted her to be this happy. “Naw, man. I mean, it’d be a waste for me. The only woman there I’d even notice would be Skylar. No one else compares.”

  Through her laughter Skylar beamed him a smile.

  Jake let out a mirthful chuckle. “Damn, you got it bad, buddy. But that’s good. I’m super happy for ya. ‘Sides, I wouldn’t really need any help with a whole party full of women. Hell, if I was the only guy there, I would be the party. Woohoo!” Jake triumphantly raised his fist in the air. “Aw yeah. You know it. I’m the man.”

  Dusty laughed. “Yeah, Jake. You are the man. Just don’t let the ladies know your technique is as bad as your jokes and you’ll be stylin’.”

  “Hey now, no chick has ever complained about my quick ride.”

  Tears of laughter streaked Skylar’s cheeks. “Wait a second here. Dusty, should I be worried that you’re familiar with Jake’s technique?”

  “Oh hell, no! I was just fuckin’ with him.” Dusty laughed and almost tripped.

  “Shit. That’s cold. Why you gotta be like that?” Jake’s smile had yet to fade as he shook his head and looked over to Skylar. “You have an open invite to come talk with me about Mr. Smooth here. I’ll tell you about all his fifth grade love affairs and the ass he made of himself in first grade with that girl…what was her name…cute redhead…Tracey! Yeah. Your man here was such a stud. He didn’t share his ice cream with her during recess. No wonder she ditched you to play hopscotch with that kid, Phillip. Hell, they’re probably married by now.”

  “Jake, I look forward to the day a woman manages to knock you for a loop,” Skylar said, still trying to catch her breath.

  “Boy, that day would kick ass. Even more than a panty party or something. ‘Cause that girl would have to be slick enough not to be wiled by my charms. Shut me down before I even get started. Kinda like you, ‘cause you got a great sense of humor. You know how fun it is to get Dusty going. I mean, there’s just so much material. I’ll bet you and I could go for hours—”

  “Home sweet home,” Dusty interrupted before Jake got too far out of hand. They’d arrived at the building and Dusty wanted to finally be alone with Skylar…in private, behind closed doors, in close quarters, where he could pretend to be more hurt than he was and see just how well she’d take care of him before he’d surprise her and start taking care of her. “But let’s go in through the back. Don’t want the neighbors to see me this way.”

  “Is there any other way in?” Jake joked as he led them around back.

  “Fuck,” Dusty muttered.

  “You okay?” Skylar asked, squeezing him a little tighter.

  “The goddamn key. It’s at the compound.”

  “I’ll take care of it,” Jake said as he leaned Dusty up against the back wall of the apartment building. “You got him?” he asked Skylar. She nodded and stayed at Dusty’s side.

  “I can stand, you know,” Dusty stated emphatically. Was Jake purposely trying to make him look like an invalid in front of Skylar?

  Jake raised an eyebrow. “Sure, superman, whatever. If you want to fall on your ass in front of your woman, that’s fine by me.”

  “He already did,” Skylar said casually. She and Jake looked at each other then burst out laughing all over again.

  “So glad I can be the scapegoat for your comedy routine.” Dusty couldn’t help but chuckle though. Yeah, he’d deserved that.

  Still laughing, Jake set to work on the lock. No one could surpass his breaking and entering skills. Jake had survived foster home after foster home by learning how to break out of the rooms he was locked into. No family could contain him. Funny how Dusty would’ve just pounded his fist through the glass, cuts be damned, but Jake would sooner work his magic with the lock or run up the side of the building before leaving any trace that something was amiss.

  When the door clicked open, Jake and Skylar hoisted Dusty back up and took him upstairs. “I have the key for this one, though.” Jake pulled a ring of keys from his pocket and tried several of them.

  “Shit, it’d be faster for you to pick it, too.” Dusty chuckled.

  “Bite me. I’m trying to figure out which one it is so I can give it to you. I gotta get back out patrolling. Ryan just clicked-in. He says he needs help on a cleanup.” Jake got the door open and handed the key to Skylar.

  “Thanks, Jake.” She
stuffed it in her pocket, then they both helped Dusty into the apartment.

  “Hey, don’t mention it. You got him okay, don’t you?” Jake asked as they walked Dusty into the bathroom and settled him on the closed toilet seat.

  “I’m sure we’ll be fine, Jake. Thanks.”

  “Okay, then. I’m outta here.” Jake smiled then clicked-in. Just call me if anything else goes wrong. I’ll be close by. Me and Ryan will cover for you. I’m thinkin’ you need some good rest right about now. And with a lady like that who still likes you even with Zakamediul guts all over the place and your hair standin’ on end, you better take the time to enjoy her. Let someone take care of you for a change.

  I’m keepin’ her as long as she’ll have me. Let everyone know where we are and especially tell Mariah that Skylar’s with me. She was really worried. Thanks, man. Dusty clicked-out as Jake headed out of the apartment, closing the door behind him.

  “So, do you have a first-aid kit?” Skylar rummaged through the cupboards below the sink.

  “It’s too big to fit under the sink. It’s in the other room.” Hell, it was the other room. “Just grab some bandages. I’m not that messed up.”

  “Okay, wait here. I want to peel off your clothes myself. I’m going to slowly and carefully inspect every inch of you to make sure you aren’t seriously injured.” The sparkle in her eyes as she grinned at him before leaving the room made him wait patiently. Well, not too patiently considering that he was fantasizing about her hands all over his skin. Hell, he’d have to inspect her, too, to make sure she wasn’t injured, of course.

  He was brought out of his reverie by Skylar’s laugh. “Dusty, you weren’t kidding! Ummm…wheelchairs, crutches, a gurney. A curio full of medicines… You’ve got enough stuff here to patch up an entire army. Have you ever even used half this stuff?”

  “Some of it. I play wheelchair basketball with a couple kids down at the Y whenever I can. They kick my ass, too.” He chuckled. “Damn, those kids got game.”

  Skylar walked back into the bathroom with both arms full of tape, gauze, rubbing alcohol and towels. Her eyes were full of passion as she stepped toward him.

  He raised an eyebrow. “You plannin’ on tying me up with all that stuff?”

  She lowered the supplies to the countertop then straddled him, her hands tangling in his hair as she smashed her lips to his.

  The kiss shot fire to his loins, and he grabbed her ass and pulled her tighter against his aching cock. He didn’t know what he’d done to deserve this…or her.

  She pulled her lips away as quickly as they’d arrived and leaned her forehead against his. “Every time I learn something new about you, I love you even more, Dusty. This is crazy. When I was younger I fantasized about a love like this, but I thought that was all it was, a fantasy. I hoped and prayed for it, but I never really expected I’d fall in love like this, so deeply I can barely breathe because my chest hurts when I look at you. Hell, there are still moments that I can’t believe you’re real and that you love me back. It’s scary and fantastic and awe-inspiring and I don’t ever want to not feel like this.”

  “So you’ll still marry me?”

  “I don’t think I’m willing to give you a choice.”

  “I don’t need a choice, Skylar. I just need you.” He spoke with such love and honesty that his own heart felt a twinge, reminding him that they’d both be in for a crazy life together. One that he wished would be easy and lacking in demon gore at every turn, but he knew that would never be the case. But as he gazed into her blue eyes, he was reassured by the love he saw there, that she’d be with him through it all. No matter how much glop she had to wade through to get to him. Dusty swore he was the absolute luckiest man on the planet.

  Their clothing made a sound like Velcro separating as Skylar peeled herself off his lap. “Come on, love. Let’s take a shower before my skin becomes permanently discolored by this gunk.”

  Turning the water on, she squealed as Dusty lifted her from behind and moved them both fully clothed under the hot spray. Immediately, green and purple colored water began streaming off their ruined clothes and swirling down the drain.

  “Ooohhhh…it feels so good to get this crap off of me.” Skylar sighed as she pulled her sweater over her head.

  Dusty lowered himself to the tiled shelf he’d had installed after his injury, letting the heated water work magic on his aches, while his woman worked her own type of magic on his libido. He undid the buttons of his jeans, giving his cock room to breathe.

  As he watched, she unclasped her bra, then peeled her jeans and panties down her legs. She bent over, untangling the wet denim from around her ankles. Dusty swallowed his groan, afraid in any way to disturb the moment. She was so damn magnificent enjoying the water, her skin turning pink from the heat.

  Eyes closed, she tilted her head back, letting the water run over her exposed breasts, down her belly and through the soft brown curls between her thighs. He wanted to bury himself between her legs, feast on her cream, and listen to her cries for more.

  Her hands, which had been resting on her shoulders, lightly skimmed down her body, coming to rest on her upper thighs. Desire flushed her skin, tightening her nipples. Did she have any idea how intoxicating it was to watch her? Dusty leaned against the tiled wall, savoring its coolness contrasting his entire being.

  With soap in one hand and shampoo in the other, Skylar approached him. “You know, I’ve always fantasized about bathing a man.” Her voice was husky, yearning as she placed the soap and shampoo on the tile shelf next to him. “Peeling off his clothes, running my soapy hands over every inch of hard muscle, stroking warm, wet skin…”

  Her touch was gentle as she straddled his thighs, spreading her pussy wide for him to see. She grasped the hem of his shirt and proceeded to bring it upward, over his head. He lifted his arms as she pressed her breasts against his chest in an effort to tug the shirt completely off. When the fabric barrier was gone, he teased one of her pebbled nipples with his tongue, then suckled it into his mouth with a low groan. More than anything he just wanted to bury himself to the hilt within her and never leave.

  He brought one hand over her other breast and she arched her back in response. Her movements were so honest, instinctual. His need echoed inside him with carnal urgency. Take her. Mate with her. Make her mine.

  “Dusty, I’m not done bathing you yet.” Her words were a breathy whisper as she slowly backed away and began inspecting each of the cuts and scrapes along his shoulders and ribs.

  Filling the palm of her hand with shampoo, she leaned over him. “Close your eyes.”

  He followed her instructions as her hands began to massage his scalp. He wondered if she realized she made a soft purring noise low in her throat as she washed him. The quiet noise nearly drove him mad. He wanted to hear her make that noise as she took his cock in her sweet, wet mouth. Dusty shifted on the tile, his balls aching in the confines of his wet jeans.

  Skylar traced over his ears, then trailed her fingers down his face and along his jaw. The mouth he’d been fantasizing about brushed across his, a quick flirting of her tongue along the seam of his lips before she stepped away. He groaned in frustration. “Tease,” he mumbled.

  She laughed, a fascinating mix of seductress and innocent. “Keep your eyes closed.” Shifting the water so it sprayed over him, she began rinsing the soap from his hair.

  Even above the scents of soap and shampoo, he could smell her musky sweet arousal. Placing his hands over her thighs, he caressed upward toward her heavenly slit, his thumbs massaging the softness leading inward. She gasped as he dipped one thumb into her wet heat. Her breathing hastened, then she gasped again when he moved his other thumb over her clit. Her hands tightened in his hair as his fingers slid through her folds. Hot cream soaked his fingers as she languidly rocked her hips to match his movements.

  He opened his eyes to watch her body respond to his touch. Her eyes were closed, lips slightly parted, her breath coming in soft pants
. Those perfect breasts of hers were still begging for his attention, the nipples tight and wanting, a deep rose in color. He took one in his mouth, teasing the hardening flesh between his teeth. More moisture seeped over his fingers and he growled his approval around her breast.

  Listening to her moans and feeling her body react to his touch was better rehabilitation than any batch of gauze and rubbing alcohol. As long as he held her, bringing her sexuality to life, he felt absolutely zero pain. He’d found his new drug. And she’d agreed to be his wife. He could have and hold her forever.

  As her pussy began to spasm around his thumb, he knew she was close. He maintained his rhythm and like music to his ears, she purred her release. Easing his motions, Dusty brought his arms around her as she lowered her mouth to his, drinking hungrily. He returned her kiss with equal fervor, reveling in her satisfaction.

  “Was that acceptable?” Dusty teased as he brushed back a few stray locks of hair that the water had stuck to her cheek.

  “More than acceptable,” she replied as she turned into his touch, drawing one of his fingers deep into the warm recesses of her mouth. Her blue eyes grew wide when she realized she could taste her juices on his finger. His cock pulsed hard against his stomach, pre-come bubbling from the small hole.

  Desire replaced the initial shock in her eyes, and her lids drooped as she sucked his finger in deeper. His Skylar had discovered her temptress side. He swallowed hard, wanting that mouth around his cock. Wanting her warm tongue to slide down his shaft, taking him deep against her throat. Wanting her to suck him hard, to taste his come, the way she was tasting her own.

  His cock was in total agreement.

  Skylar held his hand and with complete attention to detail, cleansed her fluids off every one of his fingers. Dusty broke into a sweat and it took everything within him to keep from throwing her to the floor of the shower and fucking her every which way to Sunday…then Monday, and Tuesday…


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