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One of the Guys

Page 11

by Dawn Doyle

  “You’re looking great, Chase. You’re still our best girl here.” She said, with a huge smile.

  It was no secret that I was Ronnie’s favorite. After all, I’d brought the club quite a few competition wins over the years.

  “Thanks, Ronnie.” I blushed. “New kids?” I asked, jerking my chin in their direction.

  “Yes. A lot of new sign-ups last week.” She looked back to the kids and then to me. “I was wondering if you could possibly go through some warm up drills with them? I’ve got a lot of paperwork to deal with. Most of them only brought their medical forms back today.”

  I looked down to the stack of papers in her hand. The medical information, and waivers, should’ve been handed in during the week prior to the new member starting. A lot of people had handed them in on their first day, in the past, but it would take Ronnie a while to get that lot on the system before they even start their first exercises.

  “No problem.” I replied. I would go through some basic drills that were sure not to cause them any injuries. Ronnie would need to get the paperwork on the system before they could do anything else.

  “You’re a lifesaver, Chase. I’ll be as quick as I can.”

  After introducing myself, it wasn’t long before the kids were following my movements with ease. Nothing difficult, just warming up with jumps, quick side steps, and jogging, followed by a series of stretching exercises.

  Once I was done with them, I turned to find Ronnie had been watching me.

  “Wow, Chase, you’re a natural with the kids. You were so professional anyone would have thought you were a coach.” Her eyebrows pinched together as if she were thinking about something. “You know, if you’re interested, you should join the USAG and take the safety cert exam. Become a coach yourself. You’d be really good at it. You could be the integration coach. You know, dealing with the kids that are ready to move onto the next level of their training.”

  I thought about it for a moment, and I realized that I would actually like that. Working with the kids had been fun, even if it had only been for fifteen minutes.

  “I will, thanks Ronnie.” I smiled, and I went off to continue with my own exercises.

  After another half hour, I was ready to go. Stretching out my tired muscles, I saw some of the new kids looking in my direction. I smiled and gave them a friendly wink as I picked up my bag to leave. I felt happier knowing that I could actually be teaching those kids in the near future. Well, at least until I went to college.

  Chapter 8

  I hadn’t received any texts from Logan, the previous night, and I knew it was because of our little ‘discussion’ after school. I wasn’t about to text him either because I was still mad at him. That went out the window when I saw him waiting at the entrance to school when my Dad dropped me at the front.

  He smiled as he watched me get out of the car, with my black cargo pants and baggy navy-blue T-shirt. The weather was getting a lot warmer, and I didn’t need a jacket.

  Hunching my shoulders to hide the bad-girls, I smiled back and walked towards him.

  “Hi.” He said, looking sheepish. His eyes glanced down before meeting mine, as if he had trouble looking at me.

  “Good morning.” I replied. “How was your practice at the cages?”

  “It was good. I hit an eighty-two.” He said, awkwardly.

  “What?” I asked. I had no idea what he was talking about.

  “Miles per hour.”

  “Oh.” I realized, then, what he meant. “That’s great, I think.”

  “It is.” He snorted a laugh. “How was gym?”

  “It was good. I actually coached the new kids through their warm up drills.”

  I told Logan all about what Ronnie had told me and he was happy for me, saying that I’d be a great coach. I was trying to get him to talk, but he still seemed distant.

  I thanked him, as we walked into the building, and he didn’t say anything else until he stopped by his homeroom.

  “Chase, Um, look I’m sorry about… you know… and after we get our results today, and the game, everything will be better, I promise.” He said with a tight smile.

  “Ok.” I replied, and I really hoped he would keep his promise. I didn’t know how much more I could take, and I had that feeling again. Something was happening, and it was almost here.

  During classes that day, we’d gotten our tests results back and we were getting the last of them during Math class. I’d been waiting for this day for so long, and now it was finally here; I was anxious. Not because of the results, but because after today, it was the end of junior year, and we were finishing for our summer vacation before senior year started.

  “Yes!” Logan shouted when we received the last results from our math teacher.

  He came up to me, picked me up and spun me around. His arms tight around me, I could feel each and every muscle as he gripped me; his firm body warm against mine.

  “Straight A’s!” He said, as he put me down. “I couldn’t have done it without you, Chase.” He beamed. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” I replied, shakily. The effects of his touch still lingering through the shivers down my spine.

  “What did you get? Oh, stupid question.” He laughed.

  I had gotten 'A' stars for all of my subjects, even chemistry. I wasn’t about to tell Logan that I’d scored higher than he did. I’d just told him we had the same. I was proud of myself for achieving my grades. I’d worked damn hard for them.

  “God Chase! You could go anywhere with your scores.” Logan added.

  “Well, there’s senior year to go yet.” I reminded him. We still had our SAT’s in the spring. Our potential scholarships depended on them.

  Logan was looking to get a sport scholarship in the college two states away, and I was hoping to get one too, in the same place. Not for sports, obviously, but for academics. We needed to keep our grades up if we had any chance of getting them.

  “You have that covered already.” Logan said, completely convinced that I would ace them. It made me all fuzzy inside that he had such confidence in me.

  The other guys came over, and they were happy with their scores too. Mostly B’s and a couple of A’s, but better than they thought. At least they’d gotten into some of the AP classes for next year, which was better for their college applications.

  “We should totally party to celebrate!” said Pike.

  Stu and Lex were in agreement. Carl just scowled.

  Here we go again!

  Before we knew it, Lex had organized a party at his house and had planned on inviting a ton of people. Especially if they won the game. You could be sure even more people would turn up. I didn’t know why his parents let him do that. Mine would go insane if I held even a small party!

  “You’re coming too, right?” Logan asked. Of course, he’d be going.

  “I don’t think so…” I began, thinking of an excuse not to go.

  “Yes you are.” He snapped, then lowered his voice. “You helped me achieve this, and you’re one of us. You have to go, no matter what happens at the game today.”

  I wanted to scream ‘Enough with the ‘you’re one of us’!’. I’m not a fucking guy!

  My chest hurt, and I wanted to cry.

  After school, Logan was visibly happier than he had been that morning, well, for the past few mornings, and I watched him as he went off with the guys to get ready for their game. The other team would be arriving soon, and it would only be a matter of minutes before parents and visitors filled the bleachers around the field, getting ready for the game.

  I waited out in the parking lot, looking round for my Mom and Bren.

  I spotted my Mom and I walked over to help her get Bren into her wheelchair. She could walk around the house, but she could only walk slowly, and short distances.

  Leading them to the field, we sat right at the front, in the designated area for wheelchair users, and waited for the players to come onto the field.

  “So, how’
s things going?” Bren asked.

  “Great, thanks. We got our results back today too.”

  “And?” She asked, smiling as if she already knew the answer. My Mom too.

  “A-stars, all subjects.” I whispered.

  “Oh honey, that’s fantastic!” My Mom said, pulling me in for a bone crushing hug.

  “Well done, sweetheart. You’re a bright girl; I knew you’d do well.” Bren beamed.

  Just then, the crowd cheered as the players came onto the field and walked to their benched areas. I watched as Logan walked out with his team.

  Walking with his tight white pants that hugged his perfect ass. The white shirts with red vertical stripes, and a red flaming tiger over the right breast pocket. He wore the same baseball cap I had, shading his blue eyes.

  He looked mouth-wateringly delicious.

  I don’t know how long I stared at his gorgeous, muscular frame when I heard somebody clearing their throat.


  I immediately turned beet red, glancing to my Mom to see whether she noticed.

  She had. Oh God.

  Fortunately, neither of them said a word, and I turned to look back at the team. Logan saw me and waved. I waved back, feeling all kinds of special that he had spotted me in the huge crowd.

  Seriously, it looked like the whole town had turned up to watch a High school baseball game.

  I don’t know what happened, exactly, with the rest of the game. I just paid attention to Logan batting and then sprinting like the road runner. He was so fast, and the other team didn’t have time to get the ball back to the bases before he’d made a home run. They adapted and started to play further afield when it was his turn to bat.

  Watching as he slid to the bases, I focused on his thigh muscles powering him along and making contact with the dirt. He was filthy, and the images I had, of helping him clean up in the shower, were far more detailed than I’d ever imagined.

  I seriously needed help, and soon; otherwise, I was going to combust.

  The crowd cheered when the Flaming Tigers won 11-4, and I stood up and whistled for my team. Logan and the guys were all congratulating each other when he turned and pointed to me, grinning. It was cute that he thought I had something to do with their win. I only wished that was true, then he’d have an excuse to keep me around even more.

  Oh my God I sound so clingy! Oh, Logan. Please stay by my side forever! Please don’t turn me away! I thought, sarcastically, admonishing myself for being so needy, internally rolling my eyes at my girlishness. All I needed to do was clasp my hands together, bat my eyes and let out a big sigh.


  As the crowd began to leave, I took the handles of Bren’s chair to turn her towards the exit. Before I could go anywhere, I heard my name being called out.

  “Chase!” Logan yelled as he ran towards us across the field.

  He seemed happier now that the game was over, and the obvious win; however, I could still tell that there was something going on.

  “Hey!” I smiled, as he approached us. “That was an awesome game.”

  “You’re quite the athlete, young man.” Beamed Bren.

  My Mom just watched the interaction between us, and I had to fight with myself not to ogle Logan in his uniform. I settled on licking my lips, and pulling the bottom one between my teeth to stop my mouth from dropping open.

  “Thanks. I’m glad you made it, Bren.” He said, shyly, before turning back to me. “We’re going to hit the showers now, but Lex said that he’d have everything set up soon.”

  “Ok. We’ll get going, and I’ll change.” I replied.

  I thought it funny how Logan was trying not to mention the party. Like my Mom wouldn’t know already. Also, it never ceased to amaze me how Lex could have a party set up at a moment’s notice. Really, he would say ’let’s have a party’ and suddenly food and drinks would appear as if by magic.

  Logan waved and ran back across to join the other guys, and I watched his magnificent butt as he did. That time I almost sighed, quickly stopping myself because of the present company.


  Getting ready for Lex’s party, I chose a pair of jeans and a vest top. The ones that hugged my body tight, making me feel uncomfortable. I had no choice, really, because it was warmer today. I reached for my dark red hoodie, putting it on, and zipped it up. I felt instantly better. The size allowed the air to circulate around inside, keeping me cooler than if I’d worn a T-shirt.

  I tied my long hair into a crown high ponytail, and applied my mascara. I didn’t look ‘girly’ by any means, but my hair swished a lot more at that height.

  Grabbing my phone and keys, I couldn’t help my mind wandering to Logan and if he was going to be back to his old self. I wasn’t going to lie, I was worried that now it was all over; he’d forget about me again. I had that niggling feeling.

  I put it out of my mind and walked down the stairs to wait for Logan. I got to the bottom, and I could hear my Mom talking in the kitchen. I stopped still when I heard whom she was talking to.


  I hadn’t even heard him knock! And why didn’t she tell me he was here?

  I tiptoed to the doorway, completely eavesdropping on their conversation.

  “…She’s not the same, Logan. Has somebody said something, or done something to her?”

  My Mom sounded worried, but why the fuck was she asking Logan instead of me? I hadn’t realized that she’d noticed anything was up.

  “Not that I know of.” He replied. “Chase hasn’t said anything to me.”

  I knew for a fact that he was lying to her. He knew all about Carl, and especially his own brother. He also knew about Sian, and that the other girls had said things about me.

  I pinched the bridge of my nose. Great, I had a headache forming.

  “Well, she doesn’t tell me anything.” My Mom continued, and I’d listened enough.

  “Tell you, what?” I asked, interrupting them.

  “Chase!” My Mom looked guilty. “You scared me. Um, I was just telling…”

  “I heard.” I glared at her. “Coming?” I said to Logan, without taking my eyes off my interfering parent.

  “Yeah.” He said, quickly, and followed me out to his car.

  “You’re Mom’s just worried about you.” He said, when we got in the car, and as usual he shifted in his seat. Obviously uncomfortable about something.

  “She’s so worried, she didn’t even ask me herself.” I said, ignoring it. “I’m sick of it.”

  “Of what?”

  “Being talked about. Nobody ever says anything to my face!”

  “I do.”

  “No you don’t, remember? For over two weeks, you thought I was mad at you. Not once did you say anything.”

  “I told you, I didn’t want to upset you.” He said, defensively.

  I didn’t have the energy to get into it again, and I really didn’t want to argue with him after the great day he’d just had.

  “Ok, can we just drop it now?” I pinched the bridge of my nose again. “I have a headache.”

  “Sure.” He sighed. “Look, I know you don’t like parties, but you’ll be fine. I’ll be with you; ok?”

  You think the party is the problem? No! You’re breaking my heart! That’s the fucking problem.

  I took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

  “Ok.” I whispered.

  The party was in full swing when we got there, and bodies were everywhere.

  “We’ll have to squeeze through.” Logan shouted over the music.

  He grabbed my hand, which sent shock waves running up my arm, and pulled me along with him to the garden. His fingers wrapped around mine felt so warm, and I savored the feeling while it lasted.

  He spotted Lex, and Pike who were talking to the rest of their team, looking very pleased with themselves.

  “Hey!” They chorused to Logan. “Hey Chase.” They said, surprising me.

  I greeted them back, and then I felt Logan dr
op my hand. I missed his touch immediately, and I wanted to reach for him again.

  Their conversation quickly turned to their next big game, and I wondered how they could possibly talk about it some more. Surely, they’d been discussing it after the game, and in the locker rooms?

  “It’s going to be the game of the year.” Adam, their team captain said.

  Adam was almost as tall as Logan, but with light brown hair and nowhere near as gorgeous.

  “Yeah, it will. My good luck charm will be there.” He said, winking at me.

  I stopped breathing as my knees weakened, and I felt a flush creep into my cheeks.

  “We need to go over our first senior game.” Adam cut in. “East Comp are a strong team and we need to focus hard to beat them.”

  I’d heard Logan, and the others, talk about East Comp high school. They weren’t in the local area, and because the Flaming Tigers had won this game, they’d be playing them after the homecoming football game.

  “Soon, ok?” Logan said, nodding to Adam, then he turned to me. “Let’s get some drinks.”

  Logan led me through Lex’s house and into the modern kitchen with all the white marble tops and glossy grey counters. The island in the center had stools on one side, like mine, and cupboards on the other.

  It was hot in there and I pulled at my jacket, attempting to fan myself. The sheer amount of people were only adding to the temperature.


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