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Unexpected Dad: Gay Romance

Page 12

by Solet, Trina

  “You applying for the job?” Jake said while leering at him.

  “Ask me after a few drinks.”

  Tyler and Jake came out into the living room. They stood next to Jo and presented themselves to Julie for inspection.

  “How do we look?” Tyler asked.

  She tilted her head this way and that as she studied them critically.

  “OK, I guess,” she finally said with a sigh.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Guy clothes are boring,” she said.

  “She’s talking about you two,” Jo said to Tyler and Jake. Jo’s shirt seemed to be made out of some foreign currency. To Julie, that probably didn’t look all that interesting.

  “She’s talking about all of us,” Tyler told him then he turned to Julie. “You want to see us in dresses?”

  “Not you two. Jo maybe. He would look good in a dress,” Julie said.

  “You bet I would,” Jo agreed. He took everything as a compliment.

  Tyler still needed to knock on Mrs. Neiman’s door and call her over. First he said goodnight to Julie.

  “OK. Have fun with Mrs. Neiman,” Tyler said as he kissed Julie.

  “That’s impossible,” Julie objected. “She’s always turning down the TV. And she’s always looking at the clock. She can’t wait to send me to bed. Jo is much better.” Then she turned to Jo, who had not put on his jacket yet. “Keep your arms covered or you’ll be cold.”

  In answer, Jo flexed and Julie laughed.

  In some ways, it was like the old days. But really Tyler was mostly overcome with a feeling of nostalgia for all those nights stretching into mornings that he and Jake had spent together. Without intending to, Tyler made prolonged eye contact with a cute, curly haired guy. Dark hair, blue eyes, a great body, that’s what Tyler’s eyes found while his brain time traveled into the past. Encouraged by Tyler’s absentminded staring, the guy was about to make his move. Tyler saw him shift his weight, ready to come over. Just then Jake put his arm around Tyler’s waist and hooked a thumb in his belt. His fingertips were resting right next to Tyler’s crotch. The guy made a disappointed face and turned away. Tyler wasn’t sure if Jake saw the guy starting his approach or if it was just a coincidence. As soon as the guy lost interest, Jake removed his hand. Searching Jake’s face for a clue, Tyler noticed who Jake had his eye on. The young guy looked familiar.

  “Where do I know him from?” Tyler asked now eyeing the same beautifully muscled black guy with gorgeous eyes.

  “It’s the judge from...” Jake started to answer, but Tyler’s memory was already jogged.

  “The kissing contest judge,” Tyler realized.

  Then Jo joined them, and he noticed the guy too.

  “OK. We have a winner. The rest of you losers can go home now. Just get the hell out. I found him. I found the perfect man,” Jo said dreamily.

  “Who?” Jake asked since his eyes were now busy elsewhere.

  “He’s talking about the judge,” Tyler told him.

  “That’s a weird nick name,” Jo said.

  “It’s not a nickname. He was a kissing contest judge, and Jake was all over him.”

  “You soiled my angel! I’ll kill you,” Jo threatened, grabbing Jake.

  “There was only kissing,” Jake said in his defense, or it might have been a complaint.

  “I’ll have to scrub him down,” Jo said. He was now frowning at his angel.

  “You have to go meet him first.” Jake gave him a little shove to encourage him.

  After going over and talking to the guy for a while, Jo came back happy.

  “He liked me back,” he said with a sweet little grin on his face. “His name is Mikah, and we have a date.”

  “A date? You mean you’re not just going to drag him into the men’s room?” Tyler asked.

  “You shut your face and keep your mitts off,” Jo said to both of them gruffly. “We are doing this right.” He then turned and waved to Mikah who waved back and also smiled.

  Jake and Tyler both looked around them.

  “Where is our Jo? What have you done with him?” they said to Jo and shook him roughly until he backhanded them both in the solar plexus as a way of letting them know he was still their Jo.

  “Don’t manhandle me, you bitches,” he told them as they winced and gasped.

  While they grimaced, Jo shared some of his plans with them.

  “I’m going to try and convince him to let me call him Mike. So far he’s resisting.”

  “You mean he wants to keep his own name?” Tyler said.

  “Jordan and Mikah. Ugh. It’s like we’re in a boy band,” Jo said. It did sound ridiculous.

  “So you want to be Jo and Mike?” Jake asked.

  Rather than agree, Jo made a face at the names put together like that.

  “Double ugh. Jo and Mike is just too straight,” Jo said, appalled. “OK. I’ll let him be Mikah. Mikah and Jo. It sounds nice.”

  “How generous of you to let the man keep his own name,” Jake told him.

  Tyler looked from Jo to Mikah. Maybe they were perfect for each other. But how could they know so fast? Tyler looked over at Jake who grinned at him.

  After dropping off Jake and the hopelessly smitten Jo, Tyler headed home. He opened the front door slowly and took off his shoes. Mrs. Neiman was asleep on the couch. He wasn’t going to wake her, but she woke up anyway. Sitting up, she looked at him, bleary eyed then put on her glasses. After a whispered goodnight and maybe a reproachful look, she left quietly. Tyler went to the open door of Julie’s room. He looked at her sleeping. She was curled up, lying crookedly so that she was almost sideways on the bed. Her Sleepy Doll was stuffed halfway under the pillow along with Julie’s arm. Tyler stayed by the door, afraid he might wake her if he went any closer. He lingered there enjoying the feeling of coming home to a sleeping kid, his kid.

  Chapter 24

  Jake came straight from work to Tyler’s. It was obvious he didn’t have a good day. Tyler planned to get all the dirt about Jake’s bad day after he finished up his own work. In the meantime, Julie kept Jake company.

  “Jake is being grouchy to me,” Julie tattled to Tyler from the living room after only a few minutes had passed.

  “I will kick your ass!” Tyler threatened Jake. He turned but didn’t leave his computer.

  “Tell your dad to dial it down,” Jake told Julie.

  Julie came to Tyler’s office to deliver the message.

  “Dial it down, Dad,” Julie said doing as instructed by Jake even though a minute ago she was informing on him.

  “Sweetie, make up your mind. Are you mad at Jake or not?”

  Julie had to put on her thinking cap for that one.

  “If you have to think about it, then you’re not,” Tyler said to her.

  “I guess not. Jake has a good heart,” Julie said solemnly.

  “Listen to her. She is so wise,” Tyler said, making fun of her a little. Then he told her, “Leave Jake alone for now since he’s being grouchy.”

  “Wrong!” Jake yelled from the living room. Then Tyler could hear him invite Julie to sit next to him. He told her, “Ask me how my day was. Let’s see if you’re a good listener.”

  The upshot of their conversation was that some asshole at work had interfered and screwed up a project Jake was working on.

  “He shouldn’t have done that,” Julie said, sounding mad on Jake’s behalf even if she couldn’t understand most of what he told her.

  “He is my sworn enemy now,” Jake told her.

  “You have enemies?” Julie asked.

  “Sure. Don’t you?”

  “No. I don’t think kids are supposed to have enemies.”

  “You are not living unless you have a few enemies.”

  “What are you teaching her now?” Tyler asked coming to the doorway of his office to listen to them.

  “About enemies,” Julie answered then she turned back to Jake for more instructions. “So where can I get enemies?”

>   Jake shared his wisdom.

  “Oh, anywhere. At your school, at the movie theater if someone kicks the back of your seat. At the grocery store when they want to do a price check or some lady in front of you takes out her checkbook.”

  None of this struck a chord with Julie.

  “What about Mrs. Neiman?” she proposed instead.

  “No!” Tyler vetoed that while Jake said, “Sure.”

  Julie thought some more.

  “Jake, can a dog be my sworn enemy?”

  “Yeah, dogs, cats, a bird if it poops on your car,” Jake told her.

  “There’s a dog that always used to bark at me through the fence when I lived with Grandpa and Silvia.”

  “There you go. He is your sworn enemy,” Jake said decisively.

  “What do I do now?” Julie asked.

  “Nothing. You’re all set.”

  “I have a sworn enemy!” Julie boasted to Tyler, who looked over at Jake. Jake looked pleased with himself and nothing like the grouchy guy who came in earlier.

  Jake stayed until Julie was in bed, but then Tyler saw him get up as if to go. He only went into the kitchen to get himself a beer.

  “Is that one for the road?” Tyler asked as he saw that Jake was sitting down again and not leaving yet.

  “Is that a hint? Is it your bedtime too?” Jake asked.

  “I have a few more minutes,” Tyler joked as he sat down next to him. “I thought you might be going out to drink and sweat off some of that work stress.”

  “It’s more trouble than it’s worth these days. I hate it out there,” Jake said then he looked at Tyler significantly. “It’s no fun by myself. I want to make fun of someone. I turn, and you aren’t there to appreciate my razor sharp wit.”

  “That razor sharp thing is all in your imagination. Plus when we’re at a club, I can’t even hear anything you’re saying to me.”


  “Just take Jo with you,” Tyler suggested.

  “That better be a joke,” Jake said.

  Tyler didn’t see why. He and Jo hung out all the time, though usually with Tyler there.

  “OK. Talk. What’s going on with you?” Tyler asked. Since Jake wasn’t going to get rid of his stress the fun way, they might as well talk about it.

  “What? You heard me tell Julie about my day,” Jake said.

  “That’s not what this is about. You hanging out with us instead of going out, that’s not you, Jake.”

  “It’s not you either, Ty.”

  “I have Julie. What’s your excuse?”

  “Why do I need one? I used to come by all the time before too,” Jake pointed out.

  That was true, but he was staying longer now. It seemed like he had given up trying to have fun without Tyler. But even that shouldn’t have kept him in after a stressful day.

  “So you are really not going out?” Tyler asked not quite believing it.

  “Why would I go anywhere else? If I feel bad, you guys make me feel better.” Jake enunciated his words for the benefit of Tyler’s slow comprehension. “This isn’t complicated so try to keep up. I want to be where you are.”

  “That sounds kind of...” Tyler started to say.

  “I know. But it’s true. And it’s not a sacrifice for me to be with you and Julie. I like you. I like the kid.” Jake shifted over until he was leaning his head on Tyler’s chest. “Now, I had a bad day. Stop interrogating me and treat me nice.”


  When Tyler got his current apartment, he and Jake had sex for the fourth time. This place had been his second choice. Tyler’s first choice had everything – views in two directions, amazing surfaces from floors to counters to walls. When his mom showed it to him, she called the apartment a work of art. Tyler had to agree. As he looked around such a great place, he felt proud to be able to afford it. Of course the location wasn’t ideal. But then Tyler stopped to rethink that. As far as work was concerned, he could live anywhere. He didn’t need to be within walking distance of anything. He could just hop in his car. This place was ideal in every way except one.

  Because he lived so close to Tyler’s old apartment, Jake could drop by whenever he felt like it. He might come in straight from work so he could bitch about what a bad day he had. They would go out from there and sometimes go back there to crash afterwards. Tyler would miss that too much. He had to get a place closer to Jake even if it wasn’t as perfect as this one.

  Tyler’s next choice was in a building only ten minutes from Jake’s. It was a spacious apartment but without all the extras that made the one further away so appealing. As things stood, the other one was a better apartment for only a little more money. But it was too far from Jake. Tyler’s decision was made. His mother almost disowned him when he told her he was passing up that great place she found for him.

  After all the papers were signed, Tyler was a little moody as he toured his new place. It was nice, and it was where he wanted to be, but he was too aware of his reason for not taking that other one. And the reason was stalking him through the empty rooms that still smelled like fresh paint.

  As if he really was stalking Tyler, Jake caught up to him and grabbed him from behind. He kissed Tyler’s neck and worked his coat off his shoulders.

  “And what is this?” Tyler asked him while he watched his coat fly across the room.

  “You were in a bad mood. I’m cheering you up,” Jake said. He was undoing the buttons of Tyler’s shirt now. Before taking the shirt off, he ran his hands over Tyler’s chest. Staying within Jake’s arms, Tyler turned so they could kiss. Jake kissed him like he would devour him. Then he pulled back to let Tyler breathe.

  “It’s been too long,” Jake gasped.

  If Tyler had any doubts about how much Jake wanted him, there was his answer. Now he was tugging at his belt and his zipper, impatient to get his pants off, and Tyler was doing the same to him.

  “We need to deflower this place,” Jake said.

  “Room by room,” Tyler agreed breathlessly.

  “Sounds like a plan. And give it to me good. If you do it right, none of your neighbors will ever be able to look you in the eye,” Jake told him.

  Jake slid down, kissing Tyler’s body along the way. He moaned as he took Tyler’s cock in his mouth. After taking him deep, Jake used only his tongue, driving Tyler crazy. He went back to sucking when Tyler’s moans became desperate, and his hands gripped Jake roughly. The pull of Jake’s mouth was tight and hot. It felt great, but Jake didn’t let him come. He stopped to go searching through the pockets of his coat for condoms and lube.

  “You better have them,” Tyler said as he waited impatiently and looked out the completely uncovered windows. He didn’t think anyone could actually see in.

  Jake had come prepared and soon he was on his hands and knees ready for Tyler. It was wonderful to feel the familiar hardness of Jake’s body under him again. Pushing in, Tyler let out a long moan. It felt too good. The sounds Jake made, the grunts and moans, urged him on. As their bodies became slick with sweat, Tyler’s thrusts gained urgency and power. He felt unstoppable especially when he heard Jake say his name with such passion. Then Tyler felt the satisfaction of coming deep inside him. Tyler had lasted longer than he thought he could, now he pumped in and out of Jake slowly, not wanting to stop.

  Jake hadn’t come yet. Tyler watched him lie back, ready to be sucked off. Tyler went to it eagerly, loving the taste and feel of Jake in his mouth. Jake’s rock hard cock was a pleasure to Tyler. Feeling himself getting hard again, Tyler tightened his grip on Jake’s cock. It didn’t take long for Tyler’s enthusiastic sucking to bring Jake to a loud orgasm. As always, swallowing everything Jake had to give was a challenge, but Tyler did it. He smiled triumphantly at Jake after every drop was gone.

  After they kissed lazily for a while, Jake looked over into the next room.

  “That takes care of the bedroom,” Jake said. “Now I think that big room over there is just asking for it.”

You’re asking for it,” Tyler told him. Jake was lying with his long legs spread out. His big cock was semi hard, but ready to be brought back to life fully. His arms were folded behind his head, and he had a fuck me look on his face.

  They moved to the next room. They kissed for a long time and rolled around on the expanse of the living room floor. Tyler only managed to pull his mouth away from Jake when their aching cocks started to demand attention.

  Tyler wanted Jake on his back so he could enjoy the hardness of Jake’s cock in his mouth as he prepared him. After their bedroom activities, Jake didn’t need it, but Tyler wanted to finger him for a while anyway. He gave Jake’s balls a few licks then he moved into position.

  Tyler liked Jake either way. But Jake on his back meant seeing his eyes flash at that first strong push of Tyler’s cock inside him. It meant watching his mouth open for a moan that grew louder as Tyler reached his depths. It meant watching his chest rise and fall, watching him fight for control so he could come with Tyler. It was a nice long fuck giving Tyler time to build up from slow, hard pounding to thrusts that slammed faster and even harder. Jake lost his fight for control, but Tyler was right there with him, coming, happy, then exhausted. He let himself drop on top of Jake as he groaned.

  “Now that was a workout,” Jake said.

  “I’m not exercise equipment,” Tyler told him as he lovingly kissed his face and neck.

  “Sure you are. You’re a sex machine,” Jake insisted. He was still breathing hard.

  “It’s a good thing you never go to the gym. You would just climb on whatever guy happen to be lying around.”

  “You make the gym sound good,” Jake said and rolled him over.

  Jake was lying half on top of him, one of his legs between Tyler’s. His face was buried in the crook of Tyler’s neck. Just as Tyler was thinking that Jake had gone quiet because he was asleep, Jake said, “Thank you for not moving too far away.”

  The fourth time he and Ty had sex, Jake made his move because of gratitude and appreciation, and some urges and feelings he chose not to name. He was relieved when Ty decided to move to that place so close by. Jake felt like he had been holding a breath and now he could let it go. In truth, no distance would have stopped him from going to Ty. It was the obvious, deliberate choice on Ty’s part to stay close that touched Jake more than he could say. But what Jake felt had to be expressed so he made his move in Ty’s empty apartment.


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