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Page 13

by Missouri Vaun

  “What celebration?”

  “The feast of the summer solstice.” Juliet gave Aiden a questioning look, as if she was surprised that she didn’t already know about the event. That probably did seem odd. Why else would Aiden be visiting the castle? Right?

  “Oh, yes, I didn’t realize that was tomorrow.” She tried to pretend she’d just gotten confused about the day, but Aiden suspected that Juliet saw right through her. She was a terrible liar.

  Juliet held the towel out as if she expected Aiden to climb out of the tub in front of her. Aiden was far too shy for that. She gave Juliet a confused look.

  “Go ahead, miss. I won’t bite.”

  “Um, thank you, but I can manage myself. I won’t be needing any assistance to get dressed.” Aiden sank down to her chin, hoping the suds on the surface offered her some covering.

  “As you wish.” Juliet smiled, and if Aiden wasn’t mistaken, there was a playful glint in her eyes. She tossed the towel over a wooden bench near the tub and left the room.

  The bath water was lukewarm at best now so Aiden wasted no time climbing out after Juliet’s exit. She wrapped the towel around her shoulders and used one end of it to dry her hair. She looked at the clothing on the bed. She fingered the material of the white shirt, which was a similar style to the one she’d been wearing, although this shirt had no tears or obvious distress from too many washings. The trousers were a blue-gray. She liked the fit when she pulled them on. They were slim through the hips and legs and hung low, just below her waist. She tucked in the long shirttail and reached for her belt. The well worn leather of the belt and her dusty boots were in stark contrast to the clean, pressed clothing. Maybe she would have a chance to polish her boots tomorrow. But for tonight, she was hoping for some food.

  She finger combed her hair and walked toward the door. She stopped as she passed one of the narrow windows that overlooked the interior green space of the keep. It looked like a courtyard of some kind. There were rose bushes and other flowering plants, and a labyrinth of pathways wound through the greenery in every direction. It looked as if several of the pathways ended in front of a small stone chapel. She made a mental note to investigate the garden when she got the chance.

  The sun was going down, and just as she reached for the door, she heard a knock. She opened it to find Juliet carrying a candle.

  “I was coming to light the lantern for you.”

  “Thank you, but I won’t need it right away. Maybe you could direct me to the kitchen.” Now that she was clean and dressed, Aiden realized she was starving. Dry venison for two days wasn’t much.

  “Oh, dinner is being served in the great hall shortly. I’ll show you the way.” She stepped aside for Aiden to pass through the doorway. “You look very nice, if you don’t mind me saying so.”

  Aiden felt heat in her cheeks. The compliment had been unexpected. “Thank you.” She knew she was blushing. At least the light in the hallway was fairly dim so perhaps Juliet hadn’t noticed.

  They walked down the lengthy hallway outside her chamber toward the grand staircase. Paintings she assumed were Kathryn’s ancestors lined the walls on both sides. She sensed their disapproval but did not look up to meet their gazes. Juliet directed Aiden to the main dining hall, and when she arrived she saw that Venn was already there. She’d bathed and dressed for dinner also. She wore tailored pants similar to Aiden’s. They fit her muscled thighs snuggly. She wore a dark gray shirt, in contrast to Aiden’s stark white. Venn had also added a leather vest. This vest looked nicely broken in, soft, with scuffs from wear. There were two ornate buttons pulled through leather loops that pulled the soft leather of the vest snug against Venn’s torso. Venn struck quite an imposing figure, and she was at ease in these environs that were so incredibly foreign to Aiden.

  Rowan joined them. She was wearing a lovely mahogany colored dress that brushed the floor as she crossed the room. She smiled warmly as she approached, and for a split second Aiden could have sworn Venn fidgeted as Rowan approached. But whatever nervousness Aiden had witnessed she quickly covered.

  The extravagantly long heavy table had place settings for four. Aiden was just about to ask Rowan a question when Kathryn entered the room, and any thought Aiden had evaporated. She was so struck by Kathryn’s beauty that she had to remind herself to close her mouth.

  Kathryn had exchanged travel clothes for an emerald dress. Like Rowan’s, the hem reached to the floor, and the layers of her slip under the skirt made soft swishing noises as she walked toward them. The bodice of the dress fit snug to her slim waist and pushed up her breasts in a tasteful display of cleavage. Her hair had been swept back and up and was gathered in place by an ornate comb.

  Venn cleared her throat and lightly bumped Aiden’s arm. Aiden had been in a trance. She realized she’d been unabashedly staring at Kathryn as she moved fluidly around the table and motioned for them to sit.

  Aiden managed to pull her chair out and take a seat, but she could hardly pull her eyes from Kathryn. She’d been transformed, and Aiden wasn’t even sure she was the same woman that she’d kissed in the small cabin aboard Nilah’s ship. If she were just meeting her now Aiden would have been far too intimidated to even speak to her. Her palms were damp. She rubbed them against her thighs under the table and tried to read cues from Venn. She was completely out of her element, and so lightheaded she feared she was moments from passing out.

  She ran an unsteady hand through her still damp hair.

  “Aiden, are you feeling all right?” asked Rowan.

  “Yes, thank you. I think I’m just a little hungry.” And I’m so taken with Kathryn that I’m forgetting to breathe. Aiden lectured herself to calm down.

  Servers began to bring dishes around to the four of them; each one contained something different, and it wasn’t long before Aiden’s plate was piled high. As she looked at her heaping plate, contrasted against the others’ more reasonable servings, she had to admit that maybe she’d gotten a little carried away. She’d never seen so much food or such a diversity of food at a single meal. Meals at the monastery had consisted of potatoes and one other vegetable; twice a week there’d be beef, lamb, or venison.

  Kathryn had to cover a laugh as she watched Aiden respond with unrestrained joy on her face to each entrée presented by the serving staff. She was trying to imagine how all of this felt to Aiden, but having grown up without ever wanting for anything, it was hard to imagine.

  Rowan had been insightful when she’d said that Aiden was incredibly open. Whatever she was feeling was written all over her face. That wouldn’t always be a bad thing. Like just now, when Kathryn had entered the room, she could tell that Aiden was attracted to her. As she drew closer, the glistening in her eyes signaled a deep and simmering desire. And as Kathryn now knew, that desire had yet to be tapped. She wanted to be the first to test those waters.

  Only now she found that she was as nervous as a schoolgirl with no experience at all. As soon as everyone began to eat, she worried that things weren’t perfect. And she wanted them to be. She’d hosted guests before, but not really since her father’s funeral, and most of that had been taken care of by the chancellor and his wife, thank goodness. Kathryn had been so laden with grief that she’d been unable to think of the simple daily needs for those visiting the keep for the funeral.

  This was an entirely different occasion. She liked Aiden. She wanted to please Aiden. But at the same time, she didn’t want to overwhelm her. In a matter of days, everything in Aiden’s world had shifted. Kathryn hoped Aiden would allow her to assist her with that adjustment.

  Thank goodness that Venn was with them, because Aiden would need a strong ally. Ever since Aiden had returned from her vision in the desert, the energy between Aiden and Venn had noticeably shifted. There was respect between them, and admiration, and maybe even love. You could see it clearly in the way they spoke to one another and in the way that Venn tutored Aiden. Once Kathryn had realized that, she could allow herself to relax a little,
knowing that Venn was there for Aiden, and she would keep her safe.

  Rowan reached across the space between them and touched her arm. When Kathryn turned to face her, Rowan mouthed the word relax.

  Kathryn smiled and felt the tension in her shoulders ease just from Rowan’s gentle suggestion.

  “I might have neglected to tell you both that there’s a summer solstice celebration here tomorrow evening. The entire kingdom is invited, and most of them will likely attend.” Kathryn took a sip of her wine. Aiden and Venn listened intently from across the table as they ate. “We’ll have a feast for the noblemen and their families in the great hall. Both of you are invited as my guests.”

  “Thank you,” Venn responded. Aiden’s mouth was full of food.

  “It’s really quite fun, one of my favorite events of the year.” Rowan’s eyes sparkled with mischief as she regarded Venn. “Long tables are set up in the courtyard in front of the main hall with all manner of food, desserts, wine, and ale. Everyone is invited to participate. There’ll be music and dancing.”

  “Dancing?” Aiden sounded uncertain.

  “Do you dance?” Rowan asked the question instead of Kathryn, but she was anxious to hear the response.

  “Um, no, I’ve never danced.”

  “I’ll have to give you a lesson then.” Venn gave Aiden a friendly slap on the back.

  Aiden gave Venn a horrified stare as if a dancing lesson was the thing she feared most in life.

  “Is this a…what I mean is, I’m not sure I have the right clothes for something like this.” Aiden took a sip of wine and leaned back in her chair. She’d done an amazing job polishing off the healthy servings of food she’d taken.

  “I’ve spoken with the tailor, and he will visit you in the morning to fit you for a jacket.” Kathryn paused. She realized in that instant that she’d arranged this without speaking with Aiden first. “I hope that isn’t a problem. I should have asked you first, but I realized while I was arranging other details for tomorrow with the chancellor that you might need a fitting.” Kathryn was accustomed to making decisions for others. She realized now that maybe she shouldn’t do that where Aiden was concerned.

  “That’s not a problem. Thank you for thinking of me.”

  I’ve hardly been able to think of anything else, is what Kathryn wanted to say, but she stopped herself. “I think he’ll be able to fit you with something you’ll like.”

  Coffee and dessert was served as they continued to talk. Every time a servant reached around Aiden’s shoulder, she jumped a little, as if caught by surprise. Kathryn found her curiosity about everything that was happening in the room endearing, her hopeful innocence like a child in a toymaker’s shop.

  “Do I need to seek out the tailor tomorrow, or will he find me?” asked Aiden.

  “He’ll announce himself tomorrow morning, and one of the stewards will show him to your quarters. That’s assuming you don’t plan to be out too early.” Kathryn’s tone was playful. She had to remind herself that Aiden was completely out of her element. She wouldn’t know even the smallest thing about life in the royal enclave.

  Venn had hardly said a word during dinner, obviously content to listen and enjoy her meal. Rowan had her work cut out for her if she was going to break through the stoic woman’s defenses.

  “There is a courtyard I could see from my window. It looks almost like someone’s flower garden.” Aiden finished the last bite of a slim slice of finely layered cake.

  “That was my mother’s garden. Would you like to see it?”

  “Yes, very much.”

  “You two should go for a walk while Venn and I finish our coffee.” Rowan clearly wanted Venn to herself for a moment, and Kathryn was grateful for the excuse to escape the formal room and the curious eyes of the castle staff.

  “Only if Aiden is finished. Are you?” asked Kathryn.

  “Yes, I’d love to see the garden.” Aiden stood and spoke to the servants standing nearby. “Thank you for a fine meal.” They nodded, acknowledging her thanks, and then Kathryn stood to lead them out of the dining hall.

  “I’ll find you tomorrow for that dance lesson.” Venn called to Aiden as she left.

  “I’d say I can’t wait, but I’m not so sure.” Aiden grinned.

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Aiden got the chance once again to admire Kathryn’s elegant emerald dress unnoticed as she followed Kathryn from the dining hall. Their footsteps echoed on the stone floors as they passed through the mezzanine and then two smaller sitting rooms before finally stepping into the courtyard. Kathryn mentioned a few details about each room as they passed through them, but Aiden could only focus on the delicate line of her shoulders and the small area of pale skin showing from the scooped neckline at the back of her dress as she followed a few feet behind.

  Kathryn’s demeanor had definitely shifted since her return to the castle. She’d been distant, serious, and politely aloof. Aiden missed the moments of casual contact they’d shared while traveling. Kissing Kathryn, holding her while they slept in the tiny cabin aboard the wind ship, now felt like nothing more than a dream. Maybe this distance between them was just a symptom of adjustment to the more formal environment here. She hoped they could get past it. Kathryn turned to face her.

  Aiden’s heart beat painfully, as if it were pounding against the walls of her chest to escape. The moonlight softly lit Kathryn’s blond hair and her delicate features; her sheer beauty was making it hard for Aiden to breathe. Kathryn was like the uncharted depths of the great Taiga Forest—mysterious, mythical, unknowable—and Aiden longed for the chance to know her.

  Kathryn seemed to be lost in the moment as well. She’d turned to face Aiden, but she hadn’t spoken. Her breathing quickened, and there was a hunger in her eyes that matched what Aiden was feeling, although she couldn’t yet give it a name.

  They were alone in the moonlit courtyard, surrounded by the perfume of roses. Aiden was drawn to Kathryn as if a tether had been strung between them, pulling her in. She tenderly traced Kathryn’s cheek with her fingers, and when Kathryn closed her eyes, Aiden kissed her.

  It was a tentative kiss at first. Aiden brushed her lips lightly across Kathryn’s, then she pressed her lips more firmly to Kathryn’s mouth. Kathryn’s lips parted, and their tongues danced and teased. Desire flamed hot inside Aiden’s chest, and before she could stop herself, she wrapped her arms around Kathryn and drew her close.

  Through the fog of want, she felt Kathryn’s hands pushing against her arms to separate them. Kathryn broke the kiss and whispered urgently against her cheek. “Not here, not in the open.”

  Aiden took a step back, releasing her. Her lips felt hot and swollen, and she ached for more. Kathryn grasped her hand and tugged her into the small, darkened stone chapel at the edge of the garden. Within seconds, they were in each other’s arms again, feverishly kissing. Aiden felt as if she couldn’t get close enough. Kathryn’s dress was beautiful, but it was also cumbersome, and the layered skirt filled the space between them, creating a barrier that Aiden couldn’t breach.

  She, on the other hand, was much more accessible to Kathryn.

  Kathryn kissed her neck through the open collar of her shirt. Kathryn’s hands were on her ass. Then Kathryn put her hand at the back of Aiden’s head and pulled her mouth down to her soft, rounded breasts, exposed above the bodice of her dress. Kathryn moaned quietly as Aiden delicately feathered kisses across her skin.

  Kathryn placed her hands on Aiden’s cheeks and tilted her head up so that she could see her eyes. Kathryn searched her face.

  “Aiden, I want you.”

  Aiden wasn’t sure what she meant; she just responded with a questioning look.

  “I want to make love to you. But only if you want that, too.” Kathryn still held her face in her hands.

  Aiden nodded and then answered softly. “Yes.”

  “We shouldn’t be seen going upstairs together.”

  Aiden nodded again. She wasn’t sure why, b
ut she figured Kathryn had her reasons.

  “You go to your room and I will come to you. Okay?” Kathryn kissed Aiden softly on the lips.

  Aiden forced herself to leave Kathryn in the shadows of the chapel. She ran her fingers through her hair and smoothed the front of her shirt. She adjusted the crotch of her trousers. She worried that anyone she passed on the way back to her quarters would know what she’d been up to. Her cheeks felt hot, and she was sure they were blazing red. She took a deep breath and stepped back into the cool interior of Starford Keep.

  Chapter Twenty-six

  Aiden had taken off her boots and her belt, but left her trousers and her shirt. She’d pulled the shirttail free. It draped around her, falling to mid-thigh. She’d paced barefoot back and forth across the room at least fifty times. Maybe Kathryn wasn’t coming. She felt lost and adrift with the waiting, and the notion that she had such a strong longing for Kathryn annoyed her. She willed herself to rise above her own base needs.

  She stopped pacing and stood in the center of the room. A fire had been lit by Juliet to chase away the cool evening air. There was water in a pitcher on the bedside table, and the lantern had also been lit. Shadows from the candle’s flame danced up the stone walls on either side of the high four-poster bed.

  Should she just get undressed and go to bed? That seemed as if it would be awkward if Kathryn did finally appear. What if making love to Kathryn meant something else? What if Aiden really had no idea what making love meant? Uncertainty threatened to relieve her of the fine evening meal she’d eaten. She poured herself a glass of water and tried to calm down. As she drank she heard a soft knock at the door.

  She rushed to open it for fear that in the twenty seconds it took her to cross the room, Kathryn would change her mind.

  Kathryn quickly slipped inside. The elegant emerald dress was gone. Kathryn was wearing a simple white linen nightgown beneath a velvet robe. Her hair was down and loosely hung past her shoulders. Aiden’s first thought was that it hadn’t been the green dress after all that was so lovely but Kathryn herself. She was just as gorgeous in a common nightgown as she’d been in the emerald dress.


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