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Page 17

by Missouri Vaun

  “Thank you, Kathryn.”

  “For what?” Kathryn looked up to meet Aiden’s glistening eyes.

  “For everything.”

  Chapter Thirty-two

  Aiden watched from several feet away as Kathryn prepared to toss the bouquet into the small crowd gathered at the base of the broad stone steps at the front of the castle. As it was explained to Aiden by Rowan, this was Kathryn’s final task for the evening. To toss several bunches of fresh cut flowers into the crowd as a ritual of good will and abundance to her subjects. The crown had provided a feast with plenty of ale, and everyone was in top spirits. As the last bouquet was tossed, cheers went up. It was obvious that the residents of Olmstead loved their queen. And she appeared to care for them with equal fervor.

  Before Kathryn could retreat to the castle’s interior, several young families brought their infant children to the steps so that Kathryn could offer them a blessing. The more Aiden knew of Kathryn the more she felt drawn to her. The more she wanted to be the sort of person that Kathryn would admire and care for.

  Aiden watched as the chancellor and other members of the royal cabinet encircled Kathryn and ushered her back inside. Cheering erupted again from the lantern and moonlit courtyard as the revelers went back to tables for more ale. Once back inside the mezzanine, Kathryn surprised Aiden by walking over and taking her arm. She hadn’t expected Kathryn to be so open, but then she remembered how many turns they’d shared as the orchestra played. By the end of their display on the dance floor, all eyes had been on the queen and her mystery dance partner in the crimson jacket.

  “Would you mind escorting me upstairs?”

  “Of course.” Aiden couldn’t think of anything she wanted more than a chance to be alone with Kathryn again. The thought of it made her stomach begin to somersault as they climbed the grand staircase.

  “I suppose now I’ve really given everyone something to talk about.” Kathryn smiled.

  “Well, maybe they’ve had enough wine that no one will notice.” But as Aiden looked back down into the crowd, she spotted Frost’s humorless expression. She figured there wasn’t enough wine in the entire kingdom to get her to smile.

  They walked down the long corridor, past all the portraits, toward the stairs that lead to Kathryn’s private chamber in the tower. From the second floor landing, Aiden heard the orchestra begin to play again.

  “The party will go on for a while, but I needed a break. Thank you for leaving with me.” Kathryn leaned into her shoulder a little as they climbed the narrow, spiral staircase.

  “It’s my pleasure. I missed you today.” She felt Kathryn squeeze her arm.

  “I missed you too.”

  Aiden was a knot of nerves. As Kathryn lead her into her private quarters, Aiden wondered if she’d ever get to the point where Kathryn didn’t make her nervous. On the one hand, the butterflies in her stomach were nice, mostly because no one had ever made her feel them before. But on the other hand, she wanted to be able to relax. She wanted to be on even footing with Kathryn so that Kathryn would take her seriously as an equal, rather than a novice at practically everything.

  Kathryn poured a small glass of some cordial from a jeweled crystal decanter and handed it to Aiden. It had the faintest taste of blackberries as she sipped it.

  A fire had been lit in anticipation of Kathryn’s return to her chamber, and the flames danced shadows around the spacious room. The tower windows were tall but narrow and reached almost to the floor. Aiden leaned through one of the openings, braced against the wide stone windowsill, and looked out over the nighttime landscape. She could see the tile and thatch roofs of the village dwellings below and beyond that the open, grassy field that surrounded the exterior wall of Starford Keep. Beyond that lay thick forest and darkness.

  She felt Kathryn’s hand on her shoulder, pulling her attention back to the softly lit room. Kathryn began to open the buttons of Aiden’s jacket, and she let her. Kathryn’s pale delicate fingers mesmerized Aiden as they slowly worked each of the ornate metal fasteners free. Aiden felt herself shiver as she imagined Kathryn’s fingertips against her skin.

  “Will you stay with me tonight?”

  Aiden nodded. She traced the outline of Kathryn’s face tenderly with her fingers. “I’m not sure I deserve you.”

  “Oh, Aiden, I was just thinking the same thing.”

  Kathryn slid her hands inside Aiden’s jacket and slipped it from her shoulders. Her heart thumped so loudly in her chest that she was sure Aiden must have been able to hear it. She didn’t want to think about who deserved what or whom. Or who was worthy or unworthy. She didn’t want to be the queen of Olmstead. She wanted the freedom to simply be a girl falling in love.

  “Let’s don’t think those things.” Kathryn fingered the front of Aiden’s shirt. “Let’s just be you and me. Let’s be together in this moment, just as us, two people who care for each other.”


  Somehow saying what she’d said tilted the axis of power between them. Maybe Aiden needed to hear her say those things so that she could feel as if she were on more equal footing. The entire situation had to be intimidating for Aiden, or at least that’s what Kathryn assumed. She wanted Aiden to feel empowered to act on her impulses. Kathryn craved the intimacy she’d felt with Aiden when they’d made love. She wanted to feel that again. She wanted to linger in that rare space between night and day, between desire and possibility, between the unknown and the known.

  More than anything, Kathryn desired to be known by Aiden. This was something she was usually afraid to allow, because given her position she could never truly trust someone’s motives in getting close to her, but she felt safe with Aiden. What she felt for Aiden and with Aiden was so different from anything she’d felt with anyone before that it scared her a little, but not enough to withdraw. She relaxed against Aiden’s chest and willed herself to let her guard down. It felt good.

  Aiden bent down and kissed her. Aiden’s hands were warm as she cradled Kathryn’s face. She deepened the kiss and teased Kathryn with her tongue. Despite her inexperience, Aiden was a very good kisser. She knew how to allow a kiss to slowly build from the softest brush of her lips to possession: deep, searching, craving possession. Kathryn felt this kiss in the hard points of her breasts and the throbbing between her legs. She pressed her body against Aiden’s and decided that there were way too many layers of clothing separating them.

  “You’ll have to help me with this dress.” The dress had buttons at the back of the bodice so she needed Aiden’s assistance to take it off. She presented her back to Aiden. She could feel Aiden tugging each button free so that the shoulders of the gown began to droop. She pushed the gown down over her hips and stepped out of the garment and laid it across a small sofa nearby. A slip and corset remained.

  Once again, she turned her back to Aiden who dutifully loosened the laces, and Kathryn tossed the stiff corset on top of the dress. The thin cotton slip hung loosely about her body. Her breasts, now free of the corset, swayed as she turned into Aiden’s arms. Aiden’s hands settled on her hips as she reached back and pulled the clasp from her hair, releasing it to cascade about her shoulders.

  Aiden’s hands were strong as they explored the curve of her shoulder and then her neck. Aiden tilted Kathryn’s head up and kissed her again passionately. So passionately that Kathryn’s knees threatened to give way. She wanted to be taken. This was exactly what she’d hoped for. Aiden cupped her breast through her slip, and she moaned softly against Aiden’s mouth.

  Aiden pulled away from Kathryn. Raw desire filled her eyes. Aiden pulled her boots off and knelt in front of Kathryn. She never took her eyes from Kathryn’s as she slowly slid the hem of her slip up. Aiden eased her undergarments down and off. She shuddered when she felt Aiden’s warm mouth trail kisses up each thigh and then along the low curve of her stomach. She filled her fingers with Aiden’s hair and held on for fear she’d topple from the excruciating ecstasy of Aiden’s lips on her respon
sive skin.

  Aiden teased the place between Kathryn’s legs with her tongue, and Kathryn knew her arousal was no longer a secret. Aiden cupped her ass with her hands and pressed further with her tongue.

  “Aiden.” Kathryn’s voice was low and a little hoarse. “Please take me to bed.”

  Aiden stood, and as she did, she pulled the hem of the slip along with her until it was over Kathryn’s head and gone. The stiff fabric of Aiden’s trousers brushed against her sensitive flesh before Aiden lifted her, cradled in her arms, and carried her to the bed. Kathryn watched with rapt attention as Aiden disrobed at the side of the bed and then she slid next to Kathryn. But Kathryn wanted Aiden to finish what she’d started. She wanted Aiden between her legs.

  “Do you want me to touch you there?” Aiden must have sensed her longing. She touched Kathryn’s sex lightly as she asked the question.

  “Yes.” Kathryn opened her legs for Aiden, and she felt Aiden’s thigh against hers as Aiden moved partially on top of her.

  “I want to be here every night. Not in this room, not in this bed, but here.” Kathryn inhaled sharply as she felt Aiden’s fingers slide teasingly inside her.

  Something had shifted in Aiden. The shy, uncertain woman that Kathryn had taken to bed only the previous night had been replaced by someone else. Somehow she was more confident, more sure of herself. Kathryn liked this change. She moved against Aiden’s hand, raising her hips to meet each thrust. Aiden’s possessiveness didn’t frighten her; it only made Kathryn’s desire crest.

  “I want you so badly, Aiden. I’ve been able to think of little else today but having you in my bed. Feeling you inside.” Aiden was thrusting deeply while slowly increasing the pace and using her thumb to take Kathryn higher. “Oh, God, yes. I’m yours, Aiden. Yes.”

  Kathryn allowed herself to be swept into the vortex of swirling desire that Aiden’s exploration was creating. She tossed her secrets aside and let Aiden in.

  She felt Aiden moving against her thigh, wet and in need of release. She pulled Aiden firmly against her leg urging her to climax with her.

  “Kathryn, I’m going to—” Aiden stiffened and then shuddered on top of Kathryn as the orgasm ripped through her body. Somehow she managed to continue to thrust in and out until a moment later, Kathryn joined her, slipping over the edge into the bright light of liquid brilliance.

  She cried out and gripped Aiden’s arm with one hand while clinging to her neck with the other. A second orgasm raged through her body an instant later, while Aiden was still inside her. She closed her legs around Aiden and held on tightly as wave after wave of ecstasy coursed through her body.

  Slowly, they untangled and Aiden sank to the soft mattress beside her. Tendrils of sweat-dampened hair clung to Aiden’s forehead, and Kathryn brushed them aside. Kathryn felt cherished and content. She pressed her lips to Aiden’s forehead and pulled her close. She wanted to stay in bed forever. She wanted to keep Aiden safe.

  Kathryn lightly trailed her fingertips down Aiden’s arm.

  “What are you thinking? You seem far away.” Aiden draped her arm over Kathryn’s stomach, caressing her skin with the palm of her hand as she moved.

  Kathryn smiled weakly. “Nothing.”

  “It must have been something.”

  Kathryn didn’t want to allow the reality of their situation to intrude. She shook her head. “Really, it was nothing.”

  “Talk to me, Kathryn.” Aiden pushed for more; she obviously didn’t believe her.

  A tear gathered at the edge of Kathryn’s lashes and slid down her cheek.

  “Hey, don’t cry. Please tell me what’s wrong.” Aiden moved on top of her, bracing herself above Kathryn on her elbows.

  “I’m afraid for you.” She tried to speak around the knot rising in her throat. There, she’d said it. She’d given her fears a voice and allowed them into the sacred space between them.

  “I’m right here. Everything is going to be okay.” Aiden gently stroked her hair and kissed her tenderly. “Nothing is going to happen to me.”

  “Stay here with me.” She didn’t want Aiden to think she was weak or afraid, but it felt good to share her fears.

  “I’m here.” Aiden pulled Kathryn close. Kathryn snuggled into the curve of Aiden’s neck and willed herself to relax. The firelight flickered and ebbed to nearly nothing, and after a little while, as she lay nestled in Aiden’s arms, sleep claimed her.


  Aiden opened her eyes, and for a brief moment couldn’t get her bearings. Then she sensed the press of Kathryn’s warm body against her and a sense memory of their coupling came rushing back. She had the strongest urge to kiss Kathryn, but she seemed to be sleeping so soundly. Aiden rolled onto her side and watched Kathryn. The moonlight filtered into the room. It softly lit the contour of her pale shoulder and the curve of her hip beneath the light blanket.

  As gently as she could, Aiden slid from the bed and poured herself a glass of water from the pitcher on the table in the center of the room. She stood at the open window. As she took long gulps, she looked up at the moon’s etched surface. There were no clouds to block her view.

  One clear thought came to Aiden as she stood staring up at the night sky. She needed to travel to Belstaff. She’d clearly seen the fear in Kathryn’s face. She didn’t want to be the cause of it. And she was the only person who could do something about that.

  If she’d left Kathryn right after her escape from the cell at Eveshom, then she’d never have had to see that look of fear. But something was happening between them. Something she could deny or look away from or possibly live without, but she didn’t want to. After tonight, she only wanted more of Kathryn, not less. If she and Kathryn had any hope of being together, free from fear, then she needed to deal with Balak.

  The thought amused her.

  She’d planned to avoid any trap of responsibility the day she’d left the monastery and here she stood, naked, unarmed, seriously considering the capture of the Belstaff throne. Sex had obviously affected her ability to make wise decisions. Or maybe it enhanced it. Maybe she was thinking clearer right now than she ever had.

  Aiden smiled when she felt Kathryn kiss her shoulder. Kathryn wrapped her arms around Aiden’s waist and leaned her cheek against Aiden’s back.

  “Are you coming back to bed?” Kathryn kissed her shoulder again.

  “Yes, I’m coming back. I didn’t mean to wake you. I was thirsty.”

  Kathryn stole the glass from her hand and took a drink. Aiden rotated in Kathryn’s embrace and kissed her. Kathryn’s lips were cool from the water. Kathryn entwined her fingers with Aiden’s and tugged her back to bed.

  Chapter Thirty-three

  “Venn.” Aiden shook her shoulder. “Venn, wake up.”

  Venn blinked and glared at Aiden. “What time is it?”

  “Time to get up.”

  “That’s not an answer.” Venn rubbed her eyes and squinted toward the window. Just the faintest hint of pink was visible.

  “It’s early.”

  “I can see that. What’s going on?”

  “You ask a lot of questions for someone who’s barely awake. Get dressed. I want you to ride to Belstaff with me.”

  “What?” Venn sat up and regarded Aiden with a wide-eyed expression.

  “I’ve had an epiphany and it involves you and me riding to Belstaff. My hope is that if we leave now we’ll almost make it there by nightfall.” Aiden stood up to leave the room so Venn could dress. “I just need to do something quickly and then I’ll be back to fetch you.”

  “When you return we’ll discuss whether this is a wise choice of action or not. That’s what we’ll do.” Venn sounded grumpy. Obviously, she wasn’t a morning person.

  Aiden walked to her room, just down the hall from Venn’s. With great effort, she’d left Kathryn sleeping soundly in bed. She was afraid if Kathryn knew of her plan she’d try to talk her out of it, but she didn’t want to travel to Belstaff without leaving a note for Kathryn.
/>   She pulled out a slip of paper from the desk drawer in her room and dipped the quill into the ink. She tapped the side of the small glass jar so that she didn’t have too much ink on the nib. Aiden hesitated, her hand hovering just above the paper as she struggled for words. What did she want to say to Kathryn? Ink dripped on the paper. She wadded up the sheet and took another.

  Dearest Kathryn,

  It was very difficult to leave you this morning. More than anything, I wanted to snuggle against you and breathe you in. But there is something I must do. Not just for myself but for you also. Don’t worry. Venn is with me, and we will return in three days’ time. Think of me fondly while I am away, for I am yours.—Aiden

  On her way to deliver the envelope to Kathryn’s chamber, she passed Frost in the long hallway where all the portraits resided. She spoke a brief greeting and thought she’d get past Frost without incident, but Frost had other ideas.

  “Those are the stairs to the queen’s private quarters.” Frost stepped in front of her, blocking her path.

  “Uh, yes, I wanted to leave this letter for Kathryn.” Aiden held the envelope up in hopes that Frost would let her pass. She didn’t want to reveal to Frost that she’d just spent the night in the queen’s bed so she knew full well what lay at the top of those stairs. What she didn’t know was why Frost was lurking about at the base of the tower steps at such an unreasonably early hour.

  “I’ll be sure that she gets it.” Frost held out her hand.

  Aiden felt some reluctance to turn the letter over to Frost, but she didn’t see any other option. She wanted to retrieve Venn and be underway as soon as possible. She simply nodded and handed over the envelope.

  “Thank you. Please see that she gets the letter.”

  “May I escort you back to your quarters?” Frost clearly didn’t like the idea of Aiden roaming the castle without supervision.


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