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The Ranger Takes a Bride

Page 11

by Misty M. Beller

  Anna wanted to see her? Surely not. But Mama Sarita's eyes twinkled as she nodded toward the front door.


  Tiptoeing toward Anna's bed chamber, Alejandra met the doctor coming out.

  "Go on in, but just for a moment." He motioned into the room. "Anna needs her rest, but she insists on seeing everyone first."

  Alejandra stopped at the open door to examine the scene inside. Anna lay in the bed, eyes drooping and mussed brown hair no longer confined to a braid. In the crook of her arm lay Emmaline, her face upturned as she chattered to her mother in American. Jacob stood beside them, a sentinel on guard duty. One protective hand rested on his wife's shoulder, but his face shone with such pride it was impossible to miss.

  Edward perched on the edge of the bed beside his sister, his back to the door. What relief must he feel, seeing her well and safe?

  Alejandra searched the room for the infant. Anna's arms were empty. Panic welled in her gut. Where was the babe? Had something happened to it? But then she saw a corner of the blanket Anna had painstakingly crocheted, sticking out past Edward's arm. She crept inside, staying toward the outer edge of the room, moving around so she could get a better look at the bundle he held.

  Anna motioned her over. "Come see, Alejandra. He's finally here."

  She hated to come closer. This was their family moment. She couldn't intrude. But then the blanket in Edward's arms moved, and a little fist raised up from it. Curiosity pushed her forward, close enough she could finally see inside the bundle.

  "Oh," she breathed. He was perfect. Such delicate, tiny features. His little nose, mouth, chin… All too precious for words. He opened his eyes, a dark smoky blue, and looked at her. Not an intense focus, but a vague, fuzzy gaze. A noise came from his mouth, an incoherent babble. But the look and the sound seemed to be a greeting.

  "Hola, niño." She smiled at the babe.

  He thrust his tiny hand in her direction, and Alejandra couldn't resist caressing it. His skin was softer than anything she'd touched.

  "I think he likes you." Edward's voice was husky.

  Alejandra glanced up to see him watching her, his brown eyes glistening with extra moisture. Heat slid up her neck. She should look away, but his gaze held her.

  A dimple appeared in one of his cheeks as his mouth tipped. "God answered our prayer."

  ~ ~ ~

  The rest of the day, Alejandra watched for an opportunity to hold the babe for longer than a quick moment. But the first opportunity came that evening. Poor Anna was exhausted. The wee one seemed to be eating well and healthy, but hadn't settled down to sleep longer than a few minutes at a time. When Alejandra offered to care for the niño while his mother rested, Anna almost drifted to sleep before she could say yes.

  Now, as she sat in the rocking chair in the main room, little Martin slept in her arms. She looked down into his perfectly formed face, and that ache formed again in her chest. The same knot that had started when she'd first touched his little fist. When the babe lay in the arms of his uncle Edward.

  Had Edward's prayer made the difference in Anna's delivery? Or had she and the baby already been healthy, without the need of a God to intervene? As she watched the infant's delicate nose breathe in air, and his little mouth exhale, his tiny eyelids fluttered as a dream occupied his sleep. It was hard to imagine such a perfect babe could form without the help of a greater Power. Did God really know and care about little Martin? It seemed cruel, and a little impossible, to think He didn't. But what did that mean about her? Did God pick and choose the people He provided for?

  Before she could examine the question any closer, light boot thumps sounded in the hall. Edward peered around the open doorway, a soft smile spreading over his face when he saw them. He sidled into the room, hands in his pockets as he ambled their way.

  "There you are," he whispered when he was close enough to be heard. "I was looking for this little guy. Jacob wouldn't give him up earlier, so I thought I might get some nephew time now." He sank into the wingback chair beside Alejandra.

  He wanted to hold the baby? But little Martin had just fallen asleep. And having the tiny bundle snuggled in her arms sent a warmth through her that she was loathe to give up. But she was only the cook and housekeeper. She had to remember that.

  "Do…you want to hold him?" She couldn't bring herself to look at the man.

  "No." A hint of a chuckle laced his voice. "I wouldn't dare disturb either of you."

  Her gaze shot to his face. He was looking at the babe with such love shining in his eyes, it squeezed the breath from her chest.

  Edward extended a hand to brush the feather soft hair that stuck out from the blanket wrapped around Martin's head. "I always wanted a little brother when I was younger." His voice was soft, throaty. "Someone to help bear the brunt of Anna's mothering. Mama died when I was seven, so that's when Anna grew over protective. And bossy."

  Alejandra couldn't help another sideways glance at him. A smile curved his lips as he stared at the baby, but his focus seemed inward, somewhere far away.

  "Looking back, though. Anna had a tough lot, becoming the woman of the house when she was only twelve. She did an amazing job at it. Even if she was a bit pushy sometimes."

  A need burgeoned inside Alejandra. To defend Anna. To make sure he knew just how hard it was to grow up without a madre to love, to learn from, to be loved. And on top of the loss, she'd been expected to take over the running of a house. The cleaning and cooking. To fill such an immense void. She inhaled a strengthening breath.

  "Your sister took on a woman's work at only twelve years old. I did the same, when my mama died. It is not easy, to be stripped of your childhood and your dearest friend, and be forced into the role of a grown woman, without anyone to show you the way. Your sister is strong and did what she had to do."

  He was silent for a long moment. Had she offended him? But she didn't regret her words. He should know how amazing Anna really was. How hard her life must have been.

  "I do know that now." His voice was barely more than a whisper. "I think I knew it even then. After Papa died in the war and our house was burned to the ground, all we had was each other."

  His words pierced her chest, as if they'd been a bullet from a rifle. His father was killed, too? At the hands of soldados? But… How could he bring himself to wear the same badge? How could he become one of those that killed his own papa? None of it made sense. She opened her mouth to ask, but his words cut her off.

  "I didn't realize you were the same age as Anna when you lost your madre. How did she die? From sickness?"

  Her pulse thumped harder in her chest, as that old familiar heat washed through her. Alejandra's fingers crept up to the scar that marred her face. "No." The word croaked out. "The soldiers slayed her."

  A sharp intake of breath sounded from the chair beside her. Alejandra dropped her hand and her gaze down to the babe. She'd said too much. What possessed her to share those details? Was he angry? She didn't dare look at him.

  She had to get away before she said or did something she would forever regret. Lifting the warm bundle in her arms, Alejandra stood and placed little Martin in his uncle's arms. The babe shifted and made a noise, but his eyes never opened. She didn't dare look at Edward's face. She had to leave.

  "I need to check things in the kitchen." It was as good an excuse as any. Alejandra spun and, without a backward glance, fled the room.

  ~ ~ ~

  Edward stared at the empty doorway through which Alejandra had disappeared. When would she stop running from him? But at least she had shared some of her past this time. And the story was all too clear now. She'd touched her scar when she said the soldiers killed her mother. It must have been a horrible event. Did that explain the haunting in her eyes?

  Especially when she looked at him. Does she fear him like she must have feared the soldiers all those years ago?

  He dropped his head so it almost touched the baby bundled in his lap. Oh, God. This is something on
ly You can do. Soften her heart, Lord. Help her to forgive. Both the soldiers and…and You, Lord. Show me what I can do to help her trust again.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The next few days were a blur. Full of cooking and laundry, and cleaning when Alejandra could fit it in. Not to mention caring for that little rascal of a puppy while Edward was gone on another assignment. Emmaline became her constant companion, her own special helper and shadow, while the girl's mother adjusted to the new baby.

  Martin was a fussy niño, louder than Alejandra had expected. Mama Sarita said it was colic, and she'd appointed herself as his nurse to relieve Anna of the full weight of his frequent tearful episodes.

  With her efforts to keep the house running smoothly, Alejandra didn't get much chance to visit with her friend or the new babe. Sometimes Anna would bring him to the kitchen while Alejandra prepared the evening meal, but their conversations were never long, and Alejandra rarely had a chance to snuggle little Martin during one of his happier moments.

  So when she crept into Anna's chamber to replenish the stack of clean diapers and found Anna awake, playing with the babe, Alejandra couldn't resist staying for a moment.

  "Have you seen how big he's getting, Alejandra?"

  "Sì. His little hands are growing chubby."

  Alejandra watched over Anna's shoulder as her friend stroked a finger down Martin's cheek. He leaned into her touch, a hint of a smile flitting across his face.

  "I think it tickles him," Anna said. She looked up at Alejandra. "Sit, please. Would you like to hold him?"

  Alejandra sank onto the edge of the bed. Anna wrapped the blanket tighter around her babe, then placed him in Alejandra's arms. The little bundle was heavier than she expected, and she cradled him tighter. Martin snuggled into her side, sending a warmth flooding straight to her heart.

  "There's nothing quite like holding a baby, is there?"

  Alejandra looked up to see a sheen of moisture clouding Anna's eyes. The light there reflected the glow in her own chest.

  "When I think back to my early days on this ranch…" Anna's voice softened. "Those first few times I ran into Jacob down by the Guadalupe River, I never would have dreamed we'd be married now with two beautiful little ones. It's like a dream come true."

  Anna fell silent, then sniffed. "Have you been to see the river yet?"

  Alejandra glanced up at the change in topic. "Not yet. There's been so much to do."

  "What?" Anna's brow wrinkled. "Oh, no. We need to fix that."

  A tap on the door interrupted Anna's next statement. She glanced at Alejandra with a raised brow.

  Alejandra shrugged. Mama Sarita had taken Emmaline and the puppy for a walk since the sun was out today. Jacob was out with the rest of the vaqueros, but maybe he'd come back for something.

  "Come in," Anna called.

  Alejandra twisted to see the door as it creaked open. A rugged male face appeared in the opening. Edward. Several days' worth of beard shadowed his jaw, and tired lines etched the corners of his eyes. But her pulse picked up, just the same.

  "Edward. When did you get back? Come see how much your nephew has grown." Anna waved her brother into the room.

  "Just unsaddled Pepper, so I'm trail dirty. Had to stop in and say hola, though." His eyes met Alejandra's and locked there, as he strode around to stand beside his sister. A twinkle glistened in their depths, as if in a silent greeting intended only for her.

  She fought to pull her gaze away, but couldn't. Why did her insides flip when he looked at her?

  Edward finally dropped his focus to the babe in her arms, and Alejandra inhaled a long, quivering breath. "Hi there, niño." His tone raised a notch as he bent to speak to Martin.

  With his head down, Alejandra's gaze fell on Edward's thick brown hair, mussed into loose curls from the wind and who knew what else. Her fingers itched to run through their masses. She tightened her grip on the blanket.

  Stepping back, Edward turned to study his sister. "How are you, hermana? Feeling better?"

  Anna's mouth formed the shape of a smile, but the dark skin and lines under her eyes told a different story. "Sì. I'm well. Just tired."

  Edward nodded. "I'll leave you to rest then." He turned and started for the door.

  "Eddie, before you came in, Alejandra mentioned she still hasn't seen the Guadalupe yet. Would you mind taking her?"

  The man's eyes found Alejandra's.

  She jerked her gaze away before she became trapped again in those chocolate depths. "It's okay, Anna. I'll wait until you're well enough to go with me. You'll want to see it, too."

  Anna tossed her words aside with a wave. "That will be weeks—maybe months. Edward, there might be cinnamon pie left in the kitchen, then you could take Alejandra to the river. I told her to ride the Palomino mare any time she wants, but I don't think she's stopped working long enough."

  "No." Bile churned in Alejandra's stomach at the thought of being alone with the soldier. "I can't go now. I need to help with the baby. And Emmaline will be back any minute. I need to press the laundry, and make tortillas for dinner."

  Anna leaned forward and took the babe from Alejandra's grasp. "Mi hijo is ready to eat now, then he and I will both take a nap. Mama Sarita told me earlier that she was going to let Emmaline make shapes in the tortilla dough." She leveled a stern gaze on Alejandra. "And you are going to the river if I have to make the men tie you to a horse."

  Alejandra nibbled her lip to keep it from smiling at her friend's forcefulness. One of the things she'd missed the most lately was staring across the Rio Bravo at the giant Las Cuevas ebony tree that stood guard over the flowing water. Even now her chest tightened at the memories. She glanced up at Anna, who watched her, brows raised.

  "Sì. I will go." Was she making the right decision? He must be safe if Anna trusted him. Right?

  Her friend's face softened into a wide grin. "Good. Would you mind cutting Edward a piece of pie while he cleans up a bit? And ask Juan to saddle the Palomino for you."

  Alejandra rose from the bed and turned to find Edward watching her. His mouth curved softly, but his eyes held a mixture of emotions she couldn't quite discern.

  ~ ~ ~

  Under the brim of his hat, Edward glanced at the woman riding beside him. At last, a chance to spend time with her. God must be softening her heart—and answering his prayers. He couldn't have picked a better spot than the Guadalupe River, either. It was the prettiest place around, even in the middle of winter. He fought to keep the swell in his chest from spilling onto his face. That's where Jacob had courted Anna all those years ago, and it worked out well for them.

  A squirrel scampered across the trail in front of them, and Edward's mare flinched. The animal's muscles tightened underneath him, sending tension through the reins in his hand. He sat deep in the saddle, anchoring his weight in his heels. Animals could smell nerves, so the more a rider relaxed, the better. He shot a look at the Palomino Alejandra rode, but that mare plodded calmly with nothing more than a flick of her ear. The old girl had been down this trail more than once in her dozen years.

  His gaze drifted to Alejandra. She was so beautiful, with her delicate profile framed against the light gray of the sky behind her. Wisps of long black hair had escaped her coil, floating down her back. She sat straight and comfortable on the horse, her body settling into the rhythm as if she were part of the animal. She'd been a little unsure about the saddle when she first mounted. Were the saddles different in Mexico? His focus wandered back to her face. She'd not spoken except a few terse answers as he held the horse for her at the ranch. Maybe she'd loosened up some by now.

  "Did you ride often at the ranch where you lived in Tamaulipas?"

  The stiffening of her back was so slight he almost missed it. "Sì. We were allowed to ride Las Cuevas horses any time."

  "That's good. And they provided saddles and bridles for you to use?"

  A small shake of her head. "No. The vaqueros owned their own equipment. I rode with a halter
made of rope."

  He arched a brow. "You didn't use a saddle?" That would explain her excellent posture.

  "No. Papa needed our saddle for his work. I only rode in the mornings after my duties were finished. And I preferred to ride without the thick leather separating me from the horse, so I can better feel the animal as it speaks to me." A hint of pink brushed her cheeks, and her chin dipped slightly. Was she embarrassed about what she'd said? Or just that she'd spoken more than a single sentence without being forced? At least he'd found a topic she cared about.

  "How large was Rancho Las Cuevas? Were there many horses there?"

  "Sì. There were many thousand cattle and…" She paused, twin lines forming between her brows. "…maybe five hundred horses in all. But not so many at the outpost where we lived."

  "Did you have a favorite horse?"

  The corners of her beautiful mouth lifted slightly. "I did not get to ride the same horse always. Only what was not being used by the vaqueros. There were a few I enjoyed very much."

  Watching her face as she spoke was like observing an elegant minuet. Her eyes sparkled and her features danced across her face in perfect synchronization. If only he were standing in front of her, not riding beside, craning his neck to take in every breathtaking feature. Still, he'd relish every minute with Alejandra.

  What else could he ask about the ranch that would keep her talking? Or maybe something about her stay at the Double Rocking B? He could ask about how she was faring with Emmaline, but it was obvious the girl adored Alejandra, and the feeling seemed to be mutual. The puppy. He hadn't even seen the little guy since he'd come back from his last assignment.

  "So how's little Sol doing these days? Is he behaving himself with the new baby in the house?"

  "Sí." The smile touched her face again, a little brighter this time. When she turned and glanced at Edward from the corner of her eye, his stomach did a little flip. "He is muy bueno. Always underfoot and chewing on things he shouldn't. He steals Emmaline's doll every chance he has, and took one of Mama Sarita's shoes while she napped yesterday. But he's too cute to be angry with."


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