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The Ranger Takes a Bride

Page 18

by Misty M. Beller

  What did that mean? Since the wonder of her Texas Ranger rescue was wearing off, she'd been trying to come to terms with his doing rough Ranger work all the time. With God's help, she would do it. But accepting his career sure would be easier if Edward would open up about his trips, and share some details. That way her imagination could be somewhat confined by reality. Maybe she'd tell him that over dinner.

  When the trail entered the woods that bordered the river, a knot tightened in Alejandra's stomach. The scenery looked too much like that awful day of her kidnapping.

  Edward glanced over and gave her an easy smile. "Almost there."

  She tried to return the smile, but had to catch her lower lip between her teeth to keep it from quivering. At last, the woods opened to the river's edge, and the trickling melody of the water seeped into her nerves, easing the tension.

  While Edward tied the horses, Alejandra spread out the quilt and unwrapped the ham sandwiches she'd put together just before they left. Maybe not the most elegant meal, but eating in the fresh air with the rustling river before them might make up for the simple fare.

  Edward motioned for her to sit before he did. As her blue skirt billowed around her legs, Alejandra couldn't help but feel like a princess.

  He slipped his hand in hers and bowed his head. "Father, thank You for this food, and I thank You most for Your daughter who prepared it. Please bless us…and give her an open heart. In Christ's name, amen."

  Alejandra's brow pinched at the last words. How could her heart be any more open than it was now? As she lifted her head and looked up at Edward, he smiled, but something about it didn't feel quite right. He looked almost…nervous.

  As she pulled her hand from his to pass out the food, chilly air touched her skin, as if her hand was damp from contact with his. Now that she thought about it, his hand had been a little clammy. Was he sick? Her gaze jerked to Edward's face. He wasn't pale. If anything, more ruddy than normal.

  He caught her examining him and raised a brow, his mouth tipping in that quirky smile she loved. "Everything okay?"

  She placed his plate in front of him on the blanket. "I was just about to ask you the same thing. Are you feeling all right?"

  "Never better." But his voice rasped, and he cleared his throat.

  "I'll make you some honey tea when we get back to the ranch." She'd have to keep an eye on him to make sure it wasn't anything serious.

  He chuckled, his voice back to its usual richness. "If you like."

  A red bird sang from the tree branch overhead while they ate. How nice to have music with dinner. The sun hadn't set, but the light held that in-between quality of early dusk. Down river, a squirrel scampered to the water's edge and chattered at them.

  Alejandra was too content with it all to finish her food, even though she'd taken half as much as she gave Edward. He hadn't finished his food either. Maybe she should have taken more time to prepare a nice dinner to go with their perfect setting.

  Finally, he wrapped the remaining portion of his sandwich in the cloth, then extended a hand for her plate. "Are you done?"

  She reached for it. "Yes, but I'll take care of all this."

  Snatching it before she could pick up the plate, he shrugged. "It's the least I can do."

  That wasn't true, especially since she was being paid to do the cleaning, but Alejandra let the comment pass.

  He tucked the food and dishes in the satchel, then leaned back on one hand, and patted the blanket beside him. "Come sit with me?"

  The suggestion started a flutter in her chest, and Alejandra scooted to his side, leaning back against the crook of his arm. They sat for long moments, no words needed to make the conversation perfect.

  He finally broke the quiet. "You asked how my trip went." As she leaned against him, the vibrato of his voice rippled through her.

  Alejandra stopped breathing for a moment, taking in his words. Edward was going to share details with her? Thank You, Lord.

  "Sì." She tried to keep her tone neutral, not show the relief coursing through her.

  He was quiet for another moment. "I resigned my commission as a Ranger."

  Alejandra sucked in her breath, turning to watch his face. He kept his focus on the water, so she could only see the outline of his strong features. "I thought you liked saving people."

  He faced her then, his lips curving up as he brushed a strand of hair from her cheek. "I do. That was the best part of the job." He exhaled a long breath and turned to watch the river again. "It's just…all the violence. And besides, with so much traveling, it'd be hard to settle down and take a wife."

  Alejandra stilled as the words swirled in her head. A wife? Was he talking about her?

  His face didn't change. He didn't look at her. And then the corner of his lip quirked, forming that dimple she loved. When his eyes darted a glance at her, his grin was undeniable. That rascal.

  She raised her brows, giving him an impish look. "A wife?"

  With his free hand, he reached for hers and raised it to his lips. When he met her gaze, his eyes had darkened and all humor fled his face. "Yes, my love. My beautiful, brave, kind Alejandra. Will you marry me?"

  Even though she'd known what he would likely say, his words cleared every thought from her mind. Everything around them faded away as she gazed into Edward's earnest expression. Emotion welled in her chest, clogging her throat so she couldn't speak. Finally, she forced a single word through the mass.


  Edward's face shone, like the sun breaking through the clouds. His hand slipped up to her cheek, then into her hair as he leaned close to seal the promise. His lips were strong and sure, almost possessive, yet gentle. The kiss didn't last long, but when he pulled away, every nerve in Alejandra was alive.

  He searched her face, his breath coming heavier than before. "Tell me when."

  A smile found its way to her mouth. "Soon."

  For a long moment, she could do nothing but watch him. He was so handsome. With his earnest brown eyes, strong jaw…and that dimple. Her fingers crept up to touch it. A hint of stubble tickled her skin. He caught her palm and brought it to his lips, planting a kiss that sent tingles all the way through her.

  She tried to ignore the sensation, forcing her mind to other things. "So what will you do instead of Rangering?"

  "I wanted to talk to you about that." His eyes grew serious again, and he studied her. "I've been offered a job in Seguin. As sheriff." He slipped his hand around hers, brushing his thumb over the back of her hand. "I won't take it if it would make you uncomfortable. I could always build a house on the Double Rocking B. Jacob's offered me a share in the business. And you could be close to Mama Sarita."

  As she listened to his words, love surged through Alejandra. This man was made to save people. He was talented on the ranch, yes. But God had given him a gift for helping others. And he was willing to give it up if it made her uncomfortable. Thank you, God. You've given me more than I could have ever dreamed.

  She squeezed his hand. "I want you to be the sheriff, if that's where God calls you. Mama Sarita's in a good place at the ranch with Anna. I'll be by your side, helping people with you."

  His face was a mixture of emotion. Uncertainty. Wariness. A hint of hope. "Do you mean that?"

  To prove her truthfulness, she leaned forward, pulling him close for another quick kiss. As their lips parted, she met his gaze. "Every word."


  One Month Later

  The sun shone brightly as a light breeze ruffled the branches of the Live oak at the river's edge. Edward glanced at Jacob, who met his gaze with a single raised brow.

  "She's coming, Little Brother. Don't worry."

  He wasn't worried. Not really. Although he couldn't tell that by the knot in his stomach.

  The small crowd milled in the open area beside the Guadalupe River. The group mostly consisted of cowpunchers from the Double Rocking B, because the women were all riding to the river with the bride.

His bride.

  The knot tightened in his gut. Where was she?

  A group of men gathered around Juan as he held little Martin. He was almost two months old now, and just learning how to give real smiles. Amazing how a baby could make even tough cowhands go googly-eyed and talk baby-gibberish.

  A horse nickered in the distance, and Edward's attention snapped toward the sound. An enclosed carriage—the new one rented from the livery in town—stopped at the edge of the tree line. Uncle Walter descended from the box in the front, and reached to assist Aunt Laura down as well.

  At the edge of his vision, Edward barely realized that Reverend Walker had made his way from the crowd around Juan, to stand beside Edward. They were ready. And now he only needed his bride. Alejandra.

  Curtains hung in the windows of the carriage, so he couldn't catch any glimpse of the occupants. Uncle Walter moved with painful deliberation as he stepped to the door, turned the handle, and pulled it open.

  Emmaline was the first out, and after Uncle Walter helped her down the step, she sashayed across the grass. The crowd parted for her to pass through, like the little princess she was. When she reached her papa, her hand found his, and she fell into line beside him. Leaning forward, she gave Edward a beaming smile.

  Next to exit the carriage was Anna, and her appearance sent a surge of pride through him. His sister hadn't looked so nice since the day she married Jacob. She and Alejandra had become like sisters these last few months. And now they really would be.

  Anna moved to stand beside Aunt Laura, as Uncle Walter turned back to the coach door. Mama Sarita's head appeared, and she allowed Uncle Walter to hand her down. Her bearing was straight and regal, with the same willowy figure as Aunt Laura. Their resemblance was even more obvious when she went to stand with her sister and Anna.

  Uncle Walter turned to the door one more time, and Edward's gut tightened. This had to be Alejandra. There was no one left. But after speaking to the occupant for a moment, Uncle Walter turned away, and moved to where the women stood. He extended his arm, and Mama Sarita motioned for Aunt Laura to take it.

  The couple approached the wedding guests, with Anna and Mama Sarita falling into step behind them. When they neared the front of the crowd, Anna took her place across from Jacob, leaving an empty spot for Alejandra between her and the pastor. It was all like a rehearsed dance, but the waiting was enough to drive Edward mad.

  "Patience, man." Jacob muttered under his breath, just loud enough for Edward to hear.

  Patience. Edward inhaled deeply, then blew out the spent air. It seemed like he'd been patient for months.

  And then the carriage door opened wider, and Alejandra appeared. Her magnificence stole his breath. Raven black hair framed her face, with long tendrils escaping down her back. The white lace on her gown flounced in waves down the skirt and around her collar, bringing out the rich bronze of her skin. Beautiful. Breathtaking. Amazing. Words couldn't begin to describe her. Or the effect she had in his chest.

  As she approached, Alejandra floated like an angel, her gaze never wavering from his own. Her mouth tipped in a sweet smile, her eyes sparkling. His bride.

  When she neared, her hand slipped into his, and Edward raised it to his lips. Reverend Walker spoke, and Edward had to force his gaze from Alejandra, as they turned to face the pastor. The clergyman began the ceremony and a feeling of awareness washed over Edward. He was standing here with Alejandra. Very soon, she would be his bride. How many times over the last months had he prayed for this moment? It wasn't until he'd fully submitted to God's will, that the Lord had brought them together. Thank you, Father.

  When the minister spoke his name, Edward's attention snapped back to the man's words.

  "Edward Thomas Stewart, wilt thou have this woman to be thy wedded wife, to live together after God’s ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony? Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honor, and keep her, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live?"

  "I will." He spoke the words with the certainty that coursed through his chest.

  As Alejandra made the same promise, he gave her hand a light squeeze. Did she still harbor any worries? Any regrets?

  When she spoke her vows, Alejandra met his gaze, her voice strong and sure. Edward fought the urge to pull her in his arms. Patience. For now, he could simply enjoy the moment. The start of the rest of their lives together.

  He slipped the gold band on her finger, and raised her hand to plant another kiss. Her eyes sparkled with extra moisture, and she nibbled her lower lip. An adorable habit.

  At last, Reverend Walker gave him permission to kiss his bride. Time seemed to slow, as everything except Alejandra faded away. Edward fitted his left hand behind her back, and cradled her cheek with his right. She raised her face to him, her eyelids drifting closed in trusting abandon. He savored the sight, then lowered his lips to hers. Just a single, powerful kiss. But her lips sparked in him the desire for much more. Later.

  As her eyes flickered open, their dark depths glazed in wonder. It was only through force of will that he didn't go back for another kiss. Alejandra blinked, as if coming back to her surroundings. Good to know the kiss affected her as much as it did him. She glanced around at their friends and family, pink stealing into her cheeks.

  They were greeted with hugs and congratulations, and after a few minutes, Jacob gathered everyone to ride back to the ranch house for a post-wedding meal and celebration.

  Edward snagged Alejandra's hand and led her to where he'd tied Pepper. "Are you sure you'd rather not ride in the wagon? I'm certain the ladies would make room for us both."

  "I'd rather ride with you." That cute blush fanned her cheeks again, and Edward couldn't help a grin.

  "Me, too." He mounted, and she pulled up behind him, wrapping both arms around his waist. A simple act of trust. He'd protect that trust with every last breath in his body.

  The rest of the group mounted and started for the trail through the woods, but Edward halted his gelding at the edge of the river. Alejandra's grip tightened around him as they gazed over the water.

  After a long moment she spoke. "Anna was right."

  He waited for her to continue, then finally prompted. "Anna?"

  "She said if I would trust God, He promised to give me a hope and a future."

  Edward swallowed down a lump as she rested her head against his back.

  "God kept His promise when He gave me you."

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  About the Author

  Misty Beller was raised on a farm in South Carolina, so her Southern roots run deep. Growing up, her family was close, and they continue to keep that priority today. Her husband and two daughters now add another dimension to her life, keeping her both grounded and crazy.

  God has placed a desire in Misty’s heart to combine her love for Christian fiction and the simpler ranch life, writing historical novels that display God’s abundant love through the twists and turns in the lives of her characters.

  Writing is a dream come true for Misty. Her family—both immediate and extended—is the foundation that holds her secure in that dream.

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  Check out the other book in

  Misty M. Beller’s

  Texas Rancher Trilogy:

  Book 1

  Also look for

  Misty M. Beller’s

  Mountain Dreams Series:

  Book 1

  Book 2

  Book 3

  Book 4




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