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Passion In Paradise 2: Paradise Revival

Page 9

by Jaci Burton

  “That’s it, baby, you’re almost there,” he said. “Come with me. I wanna feel you come on my cock.”

  She couldn’t hold back as the contractions overwhelmed her. Her pussy clamped strongly around Tony’s shaft, wave after wave of delirious heaven squeezing every drop of pleasure out of her.

  She arched her back and howled her pleasure.

  With a loud groan and a final thrust, Tony pushed and held deep inside her. Morgan felt the pulsing contractions of his orgasm and squeezed him, tightening around him until he let out a string of yells as loud as the crashing thunder outside.

  Exhausted, she fell onto his chest, listening to the frenetic pounding of his heart, so similar to her own raging beat.

  When she could move again she reached over and untied his arms, then climbed off and sat at the bottom of the bed, watching him.

  “That was amazing.” Tony sat up and rubbed his wrists and flexed his fingers.

  “Yes, it was.” And now that it was over, Morgan didn’t know what to say or do. Part of her wanted to ask him to hold her. It had been so long since a man had cradled her in his arms. The other part was either too shy or simply too afraid to let him put his arms around her. At least right now. But she trusted him so much more now than she had before, and with every passing moment she knew the next step would be to experience sex unbound—her and Tony together, with no barrier to him touching her.

  She was ready for this. But when would it happen?

  “So,” he asked with a huge grin, “you ready for round two?”

  Chapter Nine

  Tony wondered what thoughts lurked inside Morgan’s head. She sat at the edge of the bed chewing her lower lip, uncertainty knitting her brows. Hell, he’d only suggested another round of sex. It wasn’t like he’d asked her to marry him.

  “I’ll be right back.” She scooted off the bed and slipped on her robe, then left the room without another word.

  Completely satiated, he laced his fingers behind his head and leaned against the pillows. Damn, but the woman was good in bed. He’d expected her to be reluctant, even a bit shy considering what she’d been through. But she was wild, and at that he suspected she’d held back a little.

  Held back? God, if she really let loose she might kill him. He couldn’t help the smirk plastered on his face at that thought. What a way to go. Fucked to death.

  But now where was she? Should he get up and go after her? Was she upset? She hadn’t seemed that way. Pensive, maybe, but not really upset.

  And why the hell did he care? If he wasn’t careful, next thing he’d be doing would be falling in love with her. His relationship with Morgan had to be all about sex, and nothing more. Emotion wouldn’t, couldn’t, come into play. She wasn’t looking for a permanent relationship, and he wasn’t either. So he had to keep reminding himself not to worry so much about how she felt about things. If she enjoyed the sex as much as he did, then great. If not, then they’d stop. No big deal.

  Rain pelted the windows, the wind just as strong as it had been several hours ago. Well, if he was going to be stuck inside during a tropical rainstorm, at least he couldn’t complain about the company.

  Said company returned bearing a tray filled with cheese, fruits and drinks.

  “Thought you might be hungry,” she said.

  Her hair was tousled and fell across her shoulders in red waves. Her cheeks were flushed and her smile lit up the storm-darkened room. She looked ravishing and made him hungry. But not for the goodies on the tray. He was starving for the delectable treats hidden underneath her robe.

  Morgan sat on the edge of the bed, openly appraising his naked body, her eyes like a caress over him. She lifted a piece of sliced mango and slid it into his mouth. His cock sprang to life, twitching its way to a full erection in a record few seconds.

  The taste was sweet, the juices running down his chin. Morgan surprised him by leaning in and licking the mango juice off his chin.

  “Mmm, good,” he said.

  “You like mangoes?” she asked in a throaty voice that went straight to his penis.

  “I like you licking me.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  She followed up the mango by popping a few grapes into his mouth.

  “I like this feeding thing. Makes me feel all powerful, like you’re my slave.”

  Her blue eyes smoldered. “You like being the master, then?”

  “Oh yeah. Then again, I didn’t mind being tied up either. I’m pretty much an equal opportunity guy.”

  She laughed and it knifed through his senses, churning his insides.

  “Tell me about your work,” she asked.

  “Nothing much to tell. I write.”

  “When did you decide to become a writer?” She handed him a glass of juice.

  He took a long swallow, then shrugged. “I majored in journalism at NYU, convinced I was going to be the next Woodward or Bernstein.”

  “And you changed your mind?”



  “I didn’t like reporting news. It was boring.” He hadn’t thought about his old job in a long time, but talking about it now reminded him how much his goals had changed since college. What if he had stayed with the newspaper? Where would he be now?

  “So, you decided to go freelance?”

  “Yeah. I liked the idea of travel, and I didn’t care much for being told how to write my articles. I don’t deal with authority that well.”

  A smile curved her lips. “I could see that about you.”

  “You could?”

  “Yeah.” She slid a slice of mango into her mouth, the fruit disappearing slowly between her lips.

  Tony shuddered, remembering the feel of those lips sucking on his shaft. His cock ached with the need to be inside her again. “What about you? What did you want to do?”

  “After I met David, my life completely changed. I never even had a chance to finish college.”

  “What were you going to major in?”

  “International studies. I had some thoughts about law, or maybe teaching. Although I loved travel, so I figured international business would be a good place to start.”

  Funny how much they had in common, including the love of travel. “Why didn’t you finish college after you got married?”

  The smile left her face. “David didn’t want me out of his sight that much. Attending college would mean I was exposed to too many people. People who might find out what he was doing to me and try to stop it.”

  Tony ached for what Morgan had lost. “You could finish now.”

  She shrugged. “What’s the point? I’m doing exactly what I want to do, and I don’t need a degree to do it.”

  “Is this really what you want to do? Run a sex resort?”

  Her eyes flashed like hard sapphires. “What’s wrong with what I do? I’m not ashamed of it, and I make a damn good profit. Paradise is a successful business that I built from the ground up. I’m very proud of what I’ve accomplished.”

  Boy, she was fire and brimstone when she got riled. “You’re sexy as hell when you’re pissed off, you know.”

  Her mouth hung open in surprise, and Tony resisted the urge to plant a kiss on her luscious lips.

  “Excuse me?”

  Nothing like being caught off guard in the middle of righteous indignation. “Your eyes sparkle, your cheeks color, and your entire body stiffens like you’re ready for a brawl. It’s sexy. I like a woman with a little fire in her belly.”

  She dipped her chin and half lowered her lashes, almost as if the compliment embarrassed her.

  “What’s wrong?”


  He reached out for her, hesitating a second before sliding his hand in hers. She looked up at him.

  “Morgan, what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. It’s just that David used to…punish me when he thought I was out of line.”

  That now familiar anger at the mention of her ex-husband lit a fire
of its own deep inside him. Someday, he’d find a way to make that prick pay. “I’m not David. And I like your sassy little mouth.”

  Her eyes widened. “You do?”

  Swiping his thumb across her full lower lip, he nodded. “Hell yeah. I’m a journalist. We love a good argument, a little debate, maybe even a spot of controversy. I’d never think badly of you because you stood up for yourself. I’d be damn disappointed if you didn’t.”

  She stared at him as if she couldn’t quite fathom what he’d said. “You confuse me.”

  “I do? How?”

  “You’re not like most men.”

  “Thank God for that. I thrive on being unique.”

  A cute little snort erupted out of her mouth. “See? That’s exactly what I’m talking about. You make me think, you make me laugh, and…”

  He leaned up and pulled a strand of her flaming hair across his fingers. “And?”

  This time she didn’t drop her gaze, but held his intently. “You excite me.”

  And there went his penis, waving in the air, trying to garner her attention. “I hope so. Because you light the fires of hell inside me.”

  She blushed and tilted her head to the side, exposing her slender neck. Taking a chance, he leaned forward and pressed a light kiss against the pulse point there. Her heartbeat danced madly against his tongue. But she didn’t back away, and didn’t seem to be in any hurry to move, even though he wasn’t restrained.

  “I want to touch you,” he whispered against her neck, unable to tear his lips away from her silken throat.

  She hesitated for a second before answering. “Then touch me.”

  Breathing a sigh of relief at getting the go ahead, he pressed his tongue harder against her neck, lapping up her sweet taste, then trailed his mouth down to her collarbone and over her shoulder. She shuddered when his teeth lightly nipped the tender skin there.

  “Tell me to stop at any time, and this is over.” It was important that she knew he wouldn’t make her go on if things got scary for her.

  “I will.”

  He pulled away for a brief moment to set the tray on the floor beside the bed, then grasped her hands and pulled her toward him. She went willingly, even when he turned her around so her back nestled against his chest. The soft silk of her robe brushed against his chest, and her wriggles as she got comfortable placed her delectable ass right smack against his erection.

  Waiting for her to balk at the intimacy of the position, she only sighed and seemed to settle in against him. Tony ignored the pulsating need to plunge his cock between the cheeks of her lush buttocks, and concentrated on taking things slowly. Making this pleasurable and non-threatening for Morgan was paramount.

  And why he took so much care with her was something he refused to ponder. He’d think about that later. Much later.

  Humidity hung in the air, the relentless storm sending the sweet smell of tropical rain through the shuttered windows. Darkness had long ago descended on them, but Tony really had no idea what time it was. For all he knew, it could be the next day.

  He didn’t care. He had Morgan to himself and planned to enjoy every moment of it.

  “Let’s lose this robe,” he murmured against her ear. When she nodded her agreement and untied the sash holding the white silk together, he slipped it off her shoulders, following its descent down her arms with his hands.

  “Your skin is so soft I can barely feel it.” He took care to whisper softly, to make his movements slow, so she wouldn’t skitter away in fright.

  “You smell like the rain outside. Sweet and clean. I want to taste all of you.” She melted under his hands, the muscles of her body completely relaxing. Her trust in him was humbling. Considering what she’d been through in her past, it was a wonder she’d even let him near her, let alone this close. No matter what it took, he’d make sure he never shattered that trust.

  Discarding the robe onto the white wicker chair next to the bed, he slipped his hands along her shoulders, lightly kneading the muscles there. When little moans and gasps escaped her lips, he pressed in a little deeper.

  “That feels good,” she murmured.

  “No, baby. Good is what follows.” He shifted and turned her so she half lay in his arms, then pressed his mouth to her lips. Her breasts pressed against his chest, the contact of her nipples searing him. He pulled her against him, not once breaking their kiss.

  With light pressure he kissed her, waited for her to give the signal she was ready for more. It didn’t take long, he thought with some satisfaction. Soon she was fitting her mouth harder against his, her tongue frantically searching for an equal partner in a combat of erotic play. He indulged her by driving his tongue into the moist recesses of her mouth until she gasped, small whimpers escaping the back of her throat.

  As he kissed her, his hand roamed freely along her back, stopping at the scars near her buttocks. She froze when he touched her, and he lifted his mouth to look into her eyes. “Does that hurt you?”

  “No. It’s just…”

  “Just what?” He didn’t move his hand away, but held it still over her scarred back.

  She stared down at his chest. “It’s embarrassing. I’m ashamed of them.”

  He tipped her chin up with his fingers. “Morgan, you didn’t put them there. Don’t ever be embarrassed that you were overpowered by some jerkoff who should be wallowing in prison for what he did to you. What happened to you isn’t your fault.”

  His words must have had some effect on her, because he saw her eyes glitter with moisture before she closed them and reached for his mouth again. The ache in his heart was difficult to ignore. The pain of humiliation she suffered shouldn’t go unpunished. But now was not the time. Now was the time for Morgan’s pleasure.

  He pulled her close again, seemingly unable to draw her as near as he’d like. When his hands slid down to cup her buttocks and press her against his shaft, she gasped and moved her hips against his hard-on. Then it was his turn to suck in a shaky breath. The feel of her nest of curls teasing the tip of his penis brought one thing and one thing only to mind—to plunge inside her moist heat.

  But not yet. Even if he was raging hard and more than ready to fuck. He trailed his fingers lightly up her spine, then over her ribs, laughing when she erupted in giggles.

  “Ticklish are you?” he asked, pressing a kiss against her lips.

  “Don’t you dare,” she warned, trying for an icy glare but only succeeding in looking more hot and sultry than she did before.

  “I’ll put that knowledge aside for later.” Then he laid her on her back and pulled away long enough to position himself over her. Her eyes widened momentarily at the submissive position he’d put her in, and he paused. Then she relaxed and spread her legs so he could kneel between them.

  “That’s my girl,” he said, never taking his eyes of hers. “Trust me. I’m going to make you scream, but nothing like what you experienced before. This is for your pleasure, Morgan. All for you.”

  Her breath hitched sharply as he circled her nipples with his fingertips, then lightly rolled the dusky peaks between his thumb and forefinger. They rose and hardened against his questing hands. He gathered the mounds together and leaned over her, taking his eyes off her face so he could feast on her breasts, first with his eyes, and then with his tongue.

  She arched her back and whimpered when he fit his mouth over one pointed peak, then drew the nub inside and sucked. He held her nipple in the warmth of his mouth and tweaked it with his tongue until she threaded her hands into his hair and pushed his mouth down harder. Taking that as a signal he suckled her deeply, then did the same to the other nipple until she was gasping for breath.

  “Please, Tony,” she said against his mouth as he took her lips in a hot kiss. “Please, now.”

  “Not yet, baby.” The sweet, honeyed scent of her sexual desire filled the room. She was hot and ready.

  But he wanted to make her more ready. He placed a pillow under her head and blazed a trail fr
om her breasts to her belly, looking up occasionally to find her gaze following his actions. He smiled at her, then moved lower until his chin brushed the soft curls between her legs.

  He settled in between her thighs. Searching her face for any sign of hesitation, he was satisfied to see her eyes glaze over with passion, her tongue swirling across her lips in anticipation. He bent down and inhaled her musky scent, which nearly drove him over the edge. His cock slid against her satiny sheets, and he imagined the feel would be similar to nestling between her legs. Soon. Very soon. But first, he had to taste her again.

  This time she’d be able to watch.

  He slid his fingers through the red curls on her mound. The rest of her was bare, which excited the hell out of him. Her labia was sleek, moist, the vanilla-tinged scent of her arousal driving him crazy. And she was wet. Very wet. Her juices glistened against the outer lips and he couldn’t resist the urge to lean in and lap them up with his tongue. The first touch of his tongue against her skin had her moaning. The little mewling whimpers she made were sexy as hell.

  Pressing a soft kiss to her silken mound, he licked her, softly, gently, until her breathing quickened with her rapid gasps. Then he covered her clit with his mouth and sucked the hardened nub inside. He held on while her hips bucked against him, taking her movements as affirmation that he was hitting her hot spots.

  Her hand found its way to his head, guiding his movements as he pleasured her. She liked the action around her clit, he noticed, especially when he sucked it between his lips. Then she’d rock against him and try to push more of her hot pussy into his mouth. He licked up her juices greedily, her sweet, musky taste making him nearly delirious to plunge his shaft into such sweet flesh.

  “God, Tony, I can’t stand it,” she said, her head thrashing from side to side as he quickened his pace. When he plunged his tongue inside her opening she bucked off the bed and groaned like a wild woman out of control.

  Oh yeah. He definitely liked seeing her out of control. Her hands threaded through his hair and yanked him against her soaked pussy, guiding his movements as he took her near the brink. Then he stopped. She looked down at him, her eyes glassy, her bottom lip clenched between her teeth. “Don’t stop,” she whimpered. “Please, don’t stop.”


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