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Shafting the Halls (Shaft on Tour #4)

Page 4

by Cat Mason

  My eyes fly open when he bites down on my earlobe. I stare at the reflection in the large mirror in front of us. Grayson’s hands slide along my body, over my dress. The feeling makes me want to close them again, but the look in his eyes stops me. “Grayson, I think–”

  “No thinking, Daisy,” he corrects me. “Only feeling, listening, and seeing.” His fingers slide up my bare back, stopping at the tie around my neck. “You’re the center of my world. Don’t ever think for one minute I don’t know when you’re off-center. I know. It’s my job, as your husband, to be the one you come to. The one you talk to. You didn’t do that, and for whatever reason, I let that slide. I know now that I shouldn’t have done that. Now, I’m going to start fixing it.”


  “I love you, Daisy. You’re the most beautiful thing in my life. It’s important that you hear that, baby.” Releasing the tie, Grayson lets the dress fall down to my hips, exposing my breasts and stomach. “Do you see what I see?” he asks.

  “I see us,” I reply, starting to turn around, but he stops me.

  Gray’s hands caress my exposed skin before pushing the dress off my hips causing it to pool at my feet. Standing there, frozen, I watch him in the mirror. The candlelight flickers around us giving off just enough glow for me to see us, the rest of the room is veiled in darkness. Spreading his fingers, he caresses my abdomen before coming up to cup my breasts in his rough hands. “I know you’re having issues. I saw the plastic surgeon card in Florida, I just don’t understand why. You look amazing, you always do. I’m not getting all of you and that isn’t fair to either of us. Tonight, that changes.”

  I am speechless. All this time, he thought that I was wanting plastic surgery, when that couldn’t have been further from the truth. He has had concerns and didn’t mention them to me either. It’s hard to believe he was as nervous about this subject as I have been. The thought relaxes me a bit.

  “Let me explain, Gray.”

  “No,” Gray stops me again. “There’ll be plenty of time to talk later. For now, I want to show you something. I want you to see how the connection between us works, baby.”

  Grays fingers slip into my black lace panties, his other hand cupping my breast as his thumb brushes over my nipple. “Keep your eyes on the mirror, Wildflower. I want you to watch,” he says, his fingers parting me and finding my clit. Moving his fingers, Gray focuses all of his attention on me. His eyes lock on mine in the mirror, blazing with hunger. “Open for me.”

  Spreading my legs wider, I kick the dress out of the way with the toe of my high heeled boot. Grayson slips a finger inside me and I immediately clench around it. “Gray,” I whisper.

  His finger thrusts in and out before finding my clit again. My hips move, seeking more of his hand as I attempt to set my own rhythm. The fingers that play the guitar on stage for thousands at a time are expertly playing me. He strums my clit to a beat that drives me to the ultimate crescendo. Something cracks in me, some sort of release is building that is stronger than an orgasm. It’s more emotional. I can feel it building behind my climax and I know it will devastate me to my core, but I can’t hold back. Not from Grayson, not anymore.

  Grayson knows he is getting to me. Smiling, he nods. “That’s it, baby. Let me see you, all of you. Never hide that beauty from me. Feed off the connection between us, baby. I need you more than you’ll ever understand.” His hand leaves my breast, gripping my wrist with our symbol on it, he runs his thumb over the ink. Our vow of eternal love and devotion.

  “Grayson!” I cry out as the first wave of my orgasm crashes over me.

  Pressing kisses to my neck, Grayson sucks a patch of skin and I explode. My orgasm making me stumble, but I never look away from the mirror. I watch the erotic scene play out. The look in Grayson’s eyes that I have seen so many times before, but feels like I am seeing it for the first time.

  I’ve missed this.

  Once I am steady on my feet, Grayson releases me. “Now, for part two, you’re gonna have to use those.” Gray points to the bedside table and I have to shake my head to make sure I am really seeing what is laying there.

  Binding silks and blindfolds.

  My eyes widen in shock at the things I have seen in Cam and Aiden’s room before.

  “You haven’t climaxed with me in a while, you’ve been faking it. You were holding back,” he accuses, sounding not just angry, but hurt.

  Walking over to the bed, I sit down and begin slipping my boots off. “I’m sorry, Grayson. It isn’t you, it’s me. I swear in Florida that man came up to me on the beach and ‘offered’ his services. I felt like maybe he was seeing what everyone was just ignoring. I’ve let so much screw with my head, but sometimes I can’t stop it, even when I know better.”

  “Wait, what?” he asks, coming to sit beside me.

  Tears spill down my face as I tell Gray every detail of what happened that day at the beach. I tell him everything I have been keeping locked away, all that I have felt. Once it starts it keeps coming, it doesn’t stop. Like a tidal wave that I can’t force back, the dam bursts and emotions spill over consuming me much like he had just moments ago.


  I pull my sobbing wife into my arms, attempting to soothe her. “I wish you had told me, Daisy. I hate that you’ve carried that shit with you and I knew nothing,” I say, rubbing circles along her back. “The only thing I hate more, is that you let him get in your head in the first place. There’s nothing wrong with you, he was fishing for business.”

  “I know that, most of the time. I really do. I’m sorry I didn’t talk to you sooner,” Daisy replies, sniffling. Reaching around her, I grab tissues from the dresser, thankful I was prepared for this. She laughs before wiping away her tears. “I’m glad you were prepared for my emotional breakdown.”

  “It’s my job to take care of you,” I say, kissing her lips softly. “It’s my pleasure to love you,” I continue, trailing kisses down her jaw. “My goal in life is to make you feel like the only woman in the world, my Wildflower, because you’re the only one I see. You’ve given me everything I never thought I’d have.”

  “I love you so much, Gray.” The words leave her lips and I exhale, knowing that everything is going to be so much better now that everything is out in the open.

  “I could never love anyone more, Daisy,” I reply, grabbing the blindfolds from the table. “Now, part two.” Slipping the blindfold over her face, I cover those deep blue eyes and instantly miss them.

  But, we have a point to prove here, Gray.

  Standing to my feet, I shove my jeans and boxers down my legs before covering my eyes with the other blindfold. “I need you to trust me,” I say, reaching for her. My hands fumble before finding her shoulders. “I want you to see that our connection is not just something physical.” Lying her back on the bed, I press a kiss to her chest. “It’s so much deeper than anything like that. I’d make love to you all night, every night, if I could. Not because you’re the most fucking beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, but because you hold my heart, my soul, and I don’t want there to be any doubt in your mind, Daisy.”

  Pulling her panties down her legs, I toss them out of my way. I wrap her legs around me before sliding into her slowly, relishing in every second. Her hands fumble for me. “Touch me, Gray.”

  Sliding my hands up her hips, I pass her breasts, not stopping until I lace our fingers together above her head. I move inside her, slowly, not wanting to rush this. I want to make this last forever. My mouth finds hers and I lose myself in the sensations, the connection.

  My hips move, rocking against hers in perfect rhythm. Her pussy grips my dick causing me to growl into her mouth as I desperately try to hang on to my control. We’ve had sex, but it’s been so long since I’ve felt this with her that I am barely hanging on.

  “Grayson!” Daisy cries, yanking her hands free of mine. Her fingers claw at my back before gripping my hips, urging me on. “Please, more. Baby, I need more.”

nbsp; Slipping my arms under her thighs, I lift her legs and pump into her. Again and again, making her cry out my name. My control snaps and I drive into her, I can’t get close enough. My need outweighing my common sense. “Come for me, Daisy. Give me what’s mine, what’s only mine,” I growl.

  The lack of sight heightens everything else. I feel her muscles tightening around me, milking me as my cock swells harder with every thrust. Awkwardly, I fumble for her face. Cupping her jaw, I let one leg slide away and crash my lips to hers. Our teeth clash, tongues tangling as she cries her release into my mouth. Every ounce of what we are, what we will always be, couldn’t be more clear to me if I were looking into the depths of those beautiful blue eyes.

  Everything that happens with us is always fast, hard, and explosive. Nothing has been easy in my entire life, except loving her. Even though we have had things happen, shit going wrong in scary bad ways, that will never affect how fucking easy it is to love this woman. “You’re so damn beautiful. I don’t need my eyes to tell me that. Don’t listen to that voice in your head that tells you you’re anything less. Baby, you’re so much more than anyone deserves, especially me, but thank fuck you married me.”

  “I love you,” she pants.

  Yanking the blindfold away from my eyes, I roll us to our sides before removing hers. Those eyes wreck me, tears filling them and spilling down her cheeks. “I’ll always love you, Daisy. Always.” Pressing a kiss to her lips, I smile at her, thankful that we are back on the same page again.

  I couldn’t have asked for anything better for Christmas.


  The holiday music is playing and the booze is flowing. Ironsound has put together a kick ass holiday party. I grin at Tuesday when she looks my way, her eyes widening when she sees me in the Santa suit I was forced into wearing to this damned party. “Ho ho whore, Merry Shaftmas.”

  “What in the hell are you wearing?” she asks, pushing me away.

  “Have you been naughty this year, little girl?” I ask, waggling my brows.

  “Easy, Hunter,” Chase says, coming up behind me. “I’ve not had the privilege of seeing one of Tuesday’s traditional shots to your junk. As much as I know she’d enjoy it, I’m pretty sure it’s a good idea you walk away and get a beer.

  “All right then,” I shrug. “I know when I’m not wanted. I’ll just go find someone who will appreciate my holiday cheer.”

  Walking over to the bar, I strut my stuff in this fat man suit. “It’s the most wonderful time for free beer,” I say to the bartender.

  “You look good in red, asshole.”

  “You cheated, fucker,” I reply, when Evan claps me on the back.

  “Maybe, maybe not,” Evan shrugs before taking a pull from his beer. This man is probably the first friend I have made outside of the band and Big Man. We bonded over tattoos, bacon cheese dogs, and gungasms.

  It was meant to be in a totally hetero kinda way.

  Too many beers and one bad bet gone wrong has me all dressed up as Santa. That’s not even the best part. Nope. There’s always two sides to this shit.

  “Down that beer, tubby,” Evan says patting my pillow stuffed belly. “The mic is all ready for ya.”

  “Oh, I’m ready.” Taking my beer, I step onto the small, make shift stage they have set up with a mic and stand. Tapping the mic, I chuckle. “Ladies and Gentlemen,” I say waiting for the crowd to quiet. “In recognition of Santa Claus passing the torch to me this year,” I say, holding out my arms. “I mean, I do wear it better anyway. Right?”

  The crowd laughs and I get some whistles and cat calls. “Anyway, Christmas shall be now, and forever more, known as Shaftmas. Now, listen well, my friends, as I tell you of the night before Shaftmas,” I say, taking a long swallow of my beer as I flip Evan off. “Twas the night before Shaftmas, while I sat on the couch. My dick it was stirring, for some fucking about. The tops of her stockings taunt me from the hem of her skirt like a dare, in hopes that soon my face would be under there. The kid was in bed and Big Man on watch, while Aiden had Cam tied to the headboard, of course.” The room erupts with laughter and Cam is blushing as red as a tomato making it hard to keep a straight face as I continue. “Mack had gone out for cookies and snatch, while Chase wraps presents instead of flashing me tits. Visions of positions flash in my head, of any and all, except for in my bed. When out of nowhere the presents scatter. Her face says it all, no explanation, causing this man to jump into action. On hands and on knees, my rod finally freed, taking my woman with unapologetic need. After I’m done, her ass rosy and slapped, will head into the kitchen once she’s good and tapped. Bacon and booze she will fix without fight. Merry Shaftmas to all and to all a good night!” I shout the last words as the crowd laughs and cheers.

  Jumping down, I bump Evan’s fist before walking over to Chase who is laughing so hard she is crying. “Did you like that, Mrs. Claus?” I ask pulling her against me.

  “Why, Mr. Claus, I was just telling Tuesday that we should make this a yearly wager between you guys,” she giggles, and Tuesday nods in agreement. “Maybe involve the press and raise money for charity or something.”

  Holding out my bottle, I clank it with Evan’s when he walks up and wraps an arm around Tuesday. “Count me in,” Evan says, smugly.

  “It’s on, fucknut,” I reply and head to the bar for another beer, already planning my next Shaftmas carol. Next year will be fucking epic and every year to come. Our lives continue to grow and change, all becoming better. The future is something that I have begun to look forward to. Marriage, babies, family, all that stuff had been things I ran like hell from just a year ago. Now I embrace it and put my own spin on it.

  Life is fucking good and it’s only getting better.

  I hope you enjoyed this Holiday short. There is more to come from Shaft on Tour in 2015 along with Artistic Pricks Ink and other projects as well. This coming year is going to be very busy, but exciting. Thank you for all your love and support. To each and every one of you that read, review, support, promote: I can’t thank you enough. This story is for all of you, because so many wanted a taste of Shaft at Christmas.

  Happy Holidays

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