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Page 4

by Casey Lane

  Ethan had managed to disentangle himself and position his chair between him and skank one and skank two when Sebastian said, “The only way this could be any better is if there was Jello. Man, I told you we needed a Jello pit!”

  “Thanks for keeping our seats warm, but you two can run along now. The boys fancy the company of us classy ladies, so you can just vamoose” Blonde Bimbo said while making shooing motions with her hands.

  “What’s so classy about camel toe?” questioned Makayla.

  “We’re not even wearing animal print. They’re so stupid,” Clone Bimbo said to Blonde Bimbo.

  Poking me in the chest, Blonde Bimbo declared, “me and Ethan are an item. I’m special to him so you need to go away.”

  “Special Ed, maybe,” I retorted, causing a full on laugh from Sebastian.

  Ethan, glaring at everyone, addressed the intruders. “Candy, listen very carefully. I told you before that I am not interested. You’re a nice girl but it’s never going to happen. Find someone else.”

  Blonde Bimbo, tears in her eyes, looked at Ethan. “That’s not true. We’re perfect for each other. I love you.”

  “You don’t even know me.”

  “This is all your fault!” Blonde Bimbo screamed as she launched herself at me…again. Her momentum caused us to fall backward onto the couch. I was grappling with the bitch, trying to control her wrists when from somewhere in the distance I distinctly heard Makayla shout, “That’s it. I’m ending this shit right now!” There was a crackling sound and I felt a sharp pain in my arm. The last thing I remember is hearing Makayla’s panicked voice, “Oh my god! I hit Lexie!”

  I am trying to wake, I’m all muddled up. My body feels heavy like I’m being weighted down. I have cotton mouth, my head is at a dull ache, and my eyes refuse to open. The cool sheets feel good against my skin. The weight on me shifts and a chilly wisp of air skates along my back. I nestle back into the gap, encountering something warm and solid. I snuggle in closer, the weight tightens, and I think, this is such a happy little place to be. As soon as that happy little thought pops into my head, my eyes immediately burst open, and my brain decides to engage. It’s pitch black. I can’t see a damn thing. I’m rapid fire blinking, trying to get my eyes to adjust to the dark while I take a mental inventory of my situation. I am in a bed. Whose bed I have no idea, but said owner of the bed is obviously spooning me. Damn, how much did I have to drink last night? I’m trying to recall the events that led to me sleeping in a strangers’ bed, clad only in my bra and panties. If I finally had sex and was too drunk to remember it, I’m gonna be pissed. Oh. My. God. What if my sloppy ass, drunk sex was bad for him? Maybe he was too drunk to notice. It couldn’t have been that bad if he’s spooning me, right? Oh my god, what if he has a butter face and my beer goggles convinced me he was hot. What if he thinks I have a butter face…

  “Will you shut up, I’m trying to sleep.”

  Goddammit! I said all of that aloud! What a minute. I know that voice.


  “Go to sleep Alexis.”

  “I can’t sleep.”


  Honestly, I did try. I mean, I was in bed with Mr. Hottie McHot Pants, Ethan Storm. Did it really matter how I ended up here? Apparently so, and that is why I cannot stop fidgeting.

  “If you don’t stop rubbing up against me, you’re going to deal with the consequences.”

  I froze, not moving a muscle. Internally there was full fledge warfare happening between my hormones and my brain. My hussy hormones really wanted to see where those consequences would lead. My conservative brain was trying to convince them what a bad idea that would be. My brain won out with its argument that we were not a floozy who jumped into bed with just anyone, anytime, and for any reason. My hormones were in the background snickering about how we were in fact doing exactly that at this precise moment. My brain and I were valiantly ignoring the Jezebels. A memory flashed and it all came rushing back.

  “Makayla used a stun gun on me! Where in the hell is she? I need to kill her!”

  “She went home with Sebastian. You’re fine. Go to sleep.”

  “What do you mean she went home with Sebastian?! She tries to murder me and then just goes off willey nilley for a booty call?!”

  “You’re not sleeping.”

  “You can sleep. Sleep all you want. I am getting dressed and getting out of here. Why don’t I have clothes on?”

  “You have clothes on.”

  “A bra and panties is not clothes.”

  “Fine, next time, I’ll take those off too.”

  That shut me up. My brain was stuck on the words ‘next time’. I still hadn’t figured out how this time happened, and he’s already talking about next time. Then I caught on to something that should have been obvious from the start. Holy shit, he undressed me. I took a moment to reevaluate my situation. I pressed back, ever so slightly, so that I could ascertain his state of undress. Bare chest. Mmmm, nice. I scooted the bottom half of my body back. I moved insignificantly enough that it would go unnoticed by Ethan, but still allow me to determine if he was wearing clothes. Bare legs and I am guessing…boxer briefs.

  Ethan’s hand began a slow ascent to cup my breast, flicking his thumb across my taut nipple that was straining the silk of my bra.

  “I told you there would be consequences,” Ethan whispered before he ran his tongue along my neck, nipping gently with his teeth and causing me to lose all cognitive ability. He shifted our bodies so that I was on my back with him pressed up against my side. Ethan tugged my cup down and his mouth closed over my nipple, pulling hard and triggering tiny electric shocks to race down my body. After a few more pulls, he inched his way up, leaving a trail of kisses in his path. His tongue stroked my lips until they parted, and he began his exploration. His hand slid south of the boarder and mine clutched his head, holding his mouth to mine. One finger slowly maneuvered in and out, when it was joined by a second, I liquefied.

  “You ok with this? Say the word and I’ll stop.”

  I let out a throaty moan in response. Ethan correctly interpreted the noise as ‘if you stop I will slaughter you in your sleep’. He made quick work of disposing of what remained of our clothing and began a more thorough exploration of my body. Falling asleep was definitely not a problem after that.

  Chapter Six

  Group Message

  Makayla – has anyone heard from Lex

  Bella – wasn’t she with you last night

  Makayla – yeah but she’s not answering my calls or texts

  Bella – haven’t talked to her since yesterday afternoon

  Jack – where are you (said very suspiciously)

  Makayla – stayed at Sebastian’s

  Jack – Lex’s Sebastian?

  Makayla – Lex is not interested in him!

  Bella – please tell me you did not ditch Lex

  Makayla – No, I did not ditch her! There was an… incident

  Jack – elaborate, NOW

  Makayla – we were drunk. The bimbo brigade showed up. There were words. I accidentally hit Lex with a stun gun. Ethan carried her away

  Jack – back up sista, what do you mean you hit her with a stun gun?

  Makayla – I didn’t mean to. It was an accident

  Bella – how in the hell do you accidentally stun gun someone? And where did you even get a stun gun?

  Makayla – it was a Xmas gift. Dad thought I needed something for protection

  Jack – and you thought Lex was a danger to you!

  Makayla – I was aiming for the blonde bimbo!

  Jack – I cannot believe you let some random guy, YOU DO NOT KNOW, take Lex! He could be a serial killer

  Makayla – Sebastian said Ethan would take care of her. Make sure she was ok

  Bella – not to state the obvious, but maybe Sebastian can call & check on her. You know, since he is friends with her abductor and all

  Makayla – good thinking, hold on

  Jack �
�� Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  Makayla – she’s fine. Still sleeping. E shut her phone off so it wouldn’t wake her

  Bella – soooo…now that we know Lex is ok…did you get you some last night ;)

  Makayla – maybe…gotta go

  Jack – SOB!! I need details!


  The bright afternoon sun is pouring through the white gossamer curtains, and I reach my arm out only to find empty space. I sit up in bed and take the opportunity to absorb my surroundings. I am bordered on three sides by bare white walls. Directly across from me, two white doors act as bookends to the black dresser. One door is slightly ajar and reveals a stark, white bathroom. I assume the closed door leads into the apartment.

  The black platform bed is centered along a deep, blood red wall. I sit up on my knees to get a better look at the three portrait style photographs that are unmistakably meant to be the focal point of the room. Each picture is of the same stunningly beautiful woman. Her nude body is tastefully posed in a way that nothing is revealed, yet is extremely intimate, and I cannot help but to wonder who she is. I mulled that around for a few minutes before I gave up and climbed out of bed to face the day.

  “It’s a nice day out.” Yep, that’s me being a dork. Ethan just glances at me with a smile that you give when indulging a small child or an incredibly insane person. In my defense, this is my very first morning after walk of shame. Ok, so it’s more like an afternoon walk since I slept the morning away. I did manage to make it to the bathroom to wash last night’s hooker face off before Ethan saw me, and let me tell you it was a good thing too because I was one scary looking mofo. I could have made a Goth girl look normal.

  Ethan, of course, was gorgeous as always. His still damp hair indicated that he had taken a shower already. He had on jeans and a tee that stretched nicely across his chest. I had donned last night’s pants but paired it with a t-shirt I stole from his closet, one that he will not be getting back. He just looked at me with his smirk and told me he would drive me home. I knew in my head that it was going to be a bit awkward after last night, but I was not prepared for this. It’s not like I was expecting a marriage proposal, but stone cold silence is a bit harsh, don’t ya think. I get it. He had an itch that I was available to scratch, but he could at least show some appreciation. This sucks. I do not like being a whore as much as I thought I would.

  The ride to my apartment is quiet with neither of us trying to break the silence. Ethan pulls his big, badass, black Escalade SUV into a space in front of my apartment complex and turns off the engine. I should probably say something, but I have no idea what. Instead, I just keep staring out the windshield at nothing.

  “You gonna get out?”

  “Oh yeah, sorry,” I say as I unbuckle my seatbelt. “Um, thanks for taking care of me last night and for…um…the other stuff too.” Oh, that was brilliant. If he didn’t already think I was a complete idiot, I just removed all doubt. I need a bridge so I can throw myself off it pronto. God this is humiliating.

  I’m halfway up the walk when my manners kick in. I turn to wave goodbye and run directly into Ethan’s formidable chest, causing him to reach out and grab my arms to prevent me from falling.

  I regain my balance and step back while saying, “you don’t have to walk me to my door.”

  “I’m not.” There’s that smirk again.

  I look at Ethan, then at the complex door, then my feet, and finally, back at Ethan. “Then what are you doing?”

  “Taking you to get something to eat.”

  “That’s funny, ‘cause it looks like we’re at my apartment.”

  “I thought maybe you’d like to get cleaned up first.”

  “Oh…yeah, ok.” Why do I turn into either a complete raving lunatic or someone who rides the short bus around him? I mean really. I am college educated. I have a successful career. People love me, damn it! I am articulate and funny. But not around him, no, around him I resemble that weird kid from second grade who eats glue and licks the window! I don’t want to be that kid!

  I let Ethan into the apartment and tell him to make himself at home while I grab the quickest shower of my life. I throw on some light make-up and take the time to blow dry my hair, but leave it long and kind of crazy. I don’t want to look like I’m trying too hard to impress him after all.

  I absolutely love my apartment. The building was an old manufacturing plant from back in the 1800’s before it was renovated into a bunch of apartments. The architecture is unbelievably cool, and the outside walls still have the original brick. It is a little on the small side, so I left the loft open instead putting up partitions to form private areas. I’m seriously rethinking that decision as I’ve just realized that I didn’t grab fresh clothes before jumping in the water.

  I wrap the longest towel I have around my body and peek out of the bathroom door. Ethan is sitting on the couch, flipping through channels. I do one of those sneaky tiptoe runs and pray that he does not turn around and catch me. The wardrobe door creaks open loud enough that the people in the next county should have no problem hearing it, and I can feel my face begin to flame. I quickly grab a white, flowy skirt, a navy blue, long sleeve Henley, and my unmentionables and bolt back into the bathroom without glancing in Ethan’s direction.

  I walk out into the main room dressed and semi calm again. I’m slipping on a pair of ballet flats when I notice the light on my answering machine blinking. I push the play button and the automated voice tells me I have two messages.

  Message one.

  Ms. Reed, this is Dr. Murdock’s office calling to remind you of your dentist appointment Tuesday at 3PM. I should probably write that down so I don’t forget, I thought as I pushed delete.

  Message two.


  There are no more messages.

  I stood there in complete shock staring at the machine. I pushed the play button again; not willing to believe what I heard was real. Ethan came up behind me, and the tension ratcheted up about one hundred degrees. We listened to the message again, and Ethan stopped me from deleting it.

  “You have any idea who that was?” he asked through clenched teeth.


  “Think Alexis. This guy knows you. You have to know who it is.”

  I shook my head and continued to stare at the machine like it would reveal the caller’s identity at any moment. I heard Ethan on his phone talking to the police. He relayed what the message said and gave them my contact information before disconnecting the call.

  “My buddy at the police station took a statement, but unless this guy makes physical contact or you recognize the voice, there’s nothing they can do. Grab some clothes. You’re staying with me tonight.”

  I did as I was told and packed an overnight bag. Ethan hovered possessively as we locked up and walked out to his SUV. He was continuously scanning the area as if imminent danger was lurking behind the nonexistent bushes. It was cute and helped me relax. It became not so cute when we were sitting in the restaurant and he kept up the bodyguard persona, glowering at anything male within eyesight. I might not have minded the cave man routine if every female in the place wasn’t exercising carte blanche to approach and flirt with him like it was their God given right. Granted, he politely rebuffed them and turned his attention back to me, but it still irritated me. I mean seriously, a water glass does not need topped off every few minutes. Oh look, here comes our charming little server now.

  “Are you ready to order?” she beams at Ethan, completely ignoring me.

  Ethan gestures to me and I order a bacon cheeseburger with fries and a diet. Yes, I do know that ordering a diet is totally an oxymoron. Ethan orders the same but add
s a salad and replaces the diet with an iced tea. Little Miss Perky assures us she’ll be right out with our drinks and then flounces away. Damn, she could give Makayla a run for her money with the hip action.

  “So,” I began while toying with my straw, “how did you and Sebastian end up in business together?”

  “His family moved in across the street when we were in high school. We played football together, and our parents became friends, so I saw him a good bit. We didn’t actually become buddies and start hanging out until college. I was going for a business degree, always knew I wanted to be my own boss. I was never good with taking directives from others,” he said with what was becoming his trademark smirk. “We eventually got an apartment with a few other guys, and one night started talking about opening a bar together. Two months after graduation, we made it happen. It was just a small place, but it became popular with the locals. We sold it for enough of a profit for a down payment to open Inferno. The rest you know. What about you? Why’d you get into marketing?”

  “It’s just something I’ve always been good at. I love creating a design and then watching it come to life. My dad was an architect, and I used to sit with him in the den for hours watching him work at his drafting table. Then he would take me out to the job site, and I watched as the pictures turned into the real thing. Buildings didn’t really appeal to me so I found my niche in advertising. I like that I have the freedom to develop a proposal that is completely traditional this week and flip to a whimsical idea on the next job.”

  Our food arrived. The waitress plunked mine down in front of me, causing a few of the fries to bounce onto the table, but took great care arranging Ethan’s for him. She told him that if he needed anything just to give her a shout, and she would be right there to service him. If he noticed her double meaning, he didn’t let it show. She was really starting to get on my nerves though.

  “What’s your family like, any brothers or sisters? Are you close?” I asked.

  Ethan smiled. “Yeah, we’re all close. I have two brothers and a baby sister. Pop is a retired cop and spends most of his time golfing. Mom’s a homemaker and spends all of her time harassing us to hurry up and give her some grandbabies to spoil. We thought we were off the hook when Stella was born, but then Adam up and moved to Atlanta, throwing the rest of us right back into the lion’s den.


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