Book Read Free

Bad Medicine

Page 12

by Caroline Fardig

  His eyes are doing that heavy-lidded thing I like. “That’s funny, a few days ago you were telling me how much you hated me.”

  “That was a few days ago,” I reply, putting my arms around his neck and pulling him down into a kiss.

  “And now?” he asks against my lips.

  I kiss him more deeply, stopping only long enough to say, “Now I don’t hate you.”

  “I don’t hate you either,” he murmurs, trailing kisses down my neck.

  “Want to come inside?” Who said that? Oh, damn, I did. What am I thinking? I’ll tell you what I’m thinking. I’m thinking it’s been a hellishly long time since I’ve gotten any, and I’m ready.

  Staring down at me, his expression suddenly becomes serious. “Lizzie…are you sure? I don’t want to rush this if you’re not ready.”

  Well, if I hadn’t been sure before, his gentlemanly comment sealed it. I take back every bad thing I ever said about Brody Callahan. “Yeah, I’m good.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that,” he replies, nuzzling my earlobe as I fumble with the lock.

  We stagger inside, our lips locked again, and I throw my purse and keys to the floor. Brody backs me up against the nearest wall and presses his body against mine. I can tell that he’s—ahem—ready, too.

  After kissing me again, he pulls me away from the wall and picks me up, carrying me to my bedroom.


  Brody puts his arms around me, spooning me against him and kissing my neck. “And I thought you wouldn’t want to cuddle after sex.”

  I laugh. “I am a complex woman. You really shouldn’t try to guess what’s going on inside my head.”

  “Let me try. I bet you’re thinking about that one thing we did a few minutes ago.”

  Holy shit, how did he do that? He had a particular move that was quite impressive, and yes, I was thinking about just that. I cover by saying, “No, I was thinking I’m going to be late for work if I let you cuddle me any longer.”

  “Be late. I’ll write you a note. It will say you were unavoidably detained due to an overly thorough police strip search.” He kisses my cheek, his morning stubble delightfully scratchy against my skin.

  I roll over to face him. “My boss is a total drill sergeant. He’ll get in my face and yell at me if I’m late, note or not.”

  “I could arrest him for you.”

  I smile sweetly at him. “You’re so good to me. Now, get your fine ass out of my bed.”

  Brody says in mock hurt, “You’re kicking me out of bed? I feel so used.” He gets up and starts getting dressed, giving me a stellar view. He demands, “Are you staring at my ass?”


  “I seem to remember you saying something about making me breakfast if I did something to deserve it. I’d say after last night I deserve an entire buffet, don’t you think?”

  True that. He was magnificent. “You should have thought of that before you started getting frisky this morning, detective. Now there’s only time for a granola bar. To go.”

  “Next time, then.” Ooh, there’s going to be a next time? Yay. He peers across the hall, into my spare bedroom. “What’s that?” he asks, walking in there.

  I throw on a robe and follow him into my spare room. He seems very interested in my murder board. “It’s my, um…” Maybe murder board is too strong a term. “It’s my…evidence board.”

  He smiles at me condescendingly. “And it’s adorable. But, I’m going to have to confiscate it.”

  “The hell you will! Get your own evidence,” I huff.

  “You can’t have any of this displayed in your home. The medical information is confidential, and the rest of it is conjecture. It’s not safe for you to have this where anyone could walk in and find it,” he explains in his serious cop voice.

  Grrr. He’s being bossy again. “You know what? Take it. Take it all. I have digital copies of everything, anyway.”

  Brody shakes his head. “I should have known. You’re so stubborn.” He grabs me and wraps his arms around me. “I think that’s why I like you.”

  I have to try really hard to not girl out over his admission, so I hide my giddiness by giving him a big kiss. “Move it along, Callahan. Nothing more to see here.”

  Looking down at my robe, he smiles, “I’m pretty sure I saw it all.” He reaches over to my murder board and taps the two photos I took of the files I saw in Lydia’s office. “Can you email me these two?”

  “Are you saying I have some evidence you don’t?” I needle him gleefully.

  “Only because I have to obtain my evidence by legal means. Your pictures themselves wouldn’t be admissible, but if Lydia ends up being investigated, we’ll at least know what to look for.”

  “What do you mean if she’s investigated? Why am I the only one who thinks she’s a murderer?”

  Looking at me doubtfully, he explains, “Cops like to have proof. Circumstantial evidence isn’t going to cut it, especially since the deaths you’re worrying about haven’t even been classified as homicides. So, to answer your question—yes, you’re the only one who thinks she’s a murderer.”

  I give him a puzzled look. “I thought you thought so, too.”

  Smiling, he replies, “I never said that.” He gives me one last steamy kiss and heads for the door. “I’ll see you tonight, Lizzie.”

  Ooh, I’m all swoony—over Brody Callahan of all people. I am never going to be able to concentrate at work today.


  I make it to work only a few minutes late, thankfully. Bethany “greets” me at the door, saying, “You look…uh…you’re…late this morning.”

  Nothing can spoil the mood I’m in, not even Bethany, who is having a hard time coming up with something mean to say about my appearance for some inexplicable reason. I breeze past her, replying, “Thanks for the update, Captain Obvious.”

  Oops, I forgot. I’m supposed to be nicer to Bethany. I guess if you think about it, that little exchange was one of the “nicer” ones we’ve had, so it’s all good. Smiling to myself, I weave through the office to my desk, dumping my purse and keys into one of my drawers. I sit down and turn on my computer, getting the weird feeling I’m being watched. Flicking my eyes around the room, I see Julia and Hank staring at me.

  “What?” I ask them. “Do I have food in my teeth or something?”

  Julia marches up to me and looks me over closely. All of a sudden, her eyes go wide and she squeals, “You had sex, didn’t you?”

  My mouth drops open, and several heads swivel in our direction. “Julia!” I exclaim, as much shocked by her lack of office decorum as by her dead-on ESP. I lower my voice. “Wait. How did you know?”

  She grins triumphantly. “Come on, I’ve known you forever. I know what that sappy grin means. Your hair is all fluffy, and that dress is completely inappropriate for work.” I look down at myself. I guess there is a bit of cleavage showing, but I’m seeing Brody after work, so I wanted to look good. I tug the front of my dress up as best as I can to placate Julia. She continues, “You’re totally exuding sex. Isn’t she, Hank?”

  “I don’t know about all that, but I was going to say that she seems to have finally extracted the bug that’s been up her ass all winter,” says Hank.

  “Well?” Julia demands. “Who was it?”

  Not being able to contain a smile, I reply, “I don’t kiss and tell.”

  “Yes, you do.” I do. Especially to Julia.

  Hank asks, “Hey, is it that dude who sent you those flowers the other day?”

  Laughing at the absurdity of that idea, I reply, “Douchebag Todd? Hell no.”

  Julia says, “Well, I assume it’s no one in this room…” she casts a meaningful glance at Blake, who seems to be engrossed in typing something on his computer, although I’m sure he’s totally eavesdropping.

  “Nope. That ship has sailed.” I could swear I saw Blake flinch.

  She starts pacing, mumbling to herself. Hank and I are watching her, amused. You can practica
lly see the wheels turning inside her head. Suddenly she whirls toward me, an appalled look on her face. “Tell me you didn’t booty call Lee all the way from St. Louis.”

  “Please. Give me a little credit.” Truth be told, I’ve had to stop myself a couple of times from calling my ex, whom I now have a great relationship with, for that very purpose. Julia doesn’t need to know that, though.

  Throwing her hands in the air, Julia huffs, “I give up. Tell me.”

  I smile dreamily at her. “Your hunky neighbor.”

  “Brody?” She pounces on me and hugs me way too tightly. “I told you he liked you and that you two were perfect for each other!”

  I peel her off of me. “Don’t get carried away, now. It was just one night.”

  Crossing her arms, Julia gives me the mom-glare. “Now, don’t go pulling your commitment-phobe crap on Brody. He’s a good guy, and you’re not getting any younger, you know.”

  Hank chuckles. “Ooh. Burn!”

  I roll my eyes. “Spoken like a true mother. You’re a natural.”

  She wrinkles her nose at me and strokes her baby belly absentmindedly. “Well, I am thrilled for you. Are you seeing him again tonight?”

  “Yes,” I reply happily.

  Obviously done with our girl talk, Hank grumbles, “Would you two swooning females shut your yaps? I’m trying to work here.”


  I haven’t been able to quit smiling all morning, and I think it’s really beginning to freak people out. A couple of my co-workers have asked me if I’m feeling all right, and others are steering clear of me altogether. Was I really that surly before?

  Oh, who cares? I’m having a fantastic day, and I’m extra happy because I get to go over to Melody’s shop to have lunch with her and Kara. Melody is bringing food for everyone, and she is an amazing cook, even if everything she cooks is vegan. She can even make nasty stuff like tofu taste good.

  As I’m heading out the door to go meet my friends, Blake follows me and pulls me aside. Squinting in the bright sunlight, I look up at him and greet him cheerfully, “Hey, Blake. What’s up?”

  “You’re certainly in a good mood today,” he says, frowning. “Did you get the information about Lydia?”

  I had almost forgotten about that, with all the other monumental happenings of the last twenty-four hours. I reply excitedly, “Yes! I got tons of info. I even met her dad. Yikes. He is cray-cray. He shot at us—you would have loved it.” I chuckle at the memory, now not nearly as scary.


  What is he talking about? “What about us?” I ask, confused.

  “You said, ‘he shot at us’. Who’s us?” That’s his takeaway from what I just told him? Who I was with? Blake is one mystery I can’t solve.

  “Brody and me.”

  Blake grimaces. “Where were you, anyway?”

  “A little town just outside of Nashville called Hawthorne Grove. That’s where Lydia is from.”

  “You went away with that guy for the weekend?” Seriously? He’s worrying about me going away with Brody and not that I got shot at by a crazy man?

  I don’t have time for this. “Look, Blake, let’s talk about this later. I’m meeting Melody and Kara for lunch, and I’m late.”

  “Fine. But after lunch, you’re all mine.”

  “Oooo-kaaaay…” That was odd.

  I hurry down the street to Melody’s shop, Nature’s Melody. It’s one of many delightful shops lining Liberty’s beautiful town square. I love coming here. Melody makes some wonderful herbal remedies, as well as candles and beauty products, and she also sells jewelry and Wiccan tools. I walk in the door and am greeted, as usual, by Kara, who is Melody’s assistant.

  She sweeps me into a hug. “Hey, Lizzie!” She lowers her voice so Melody won’t hear. “Are you doing all right after, you know, the other night?”

  “I’m totally fine. In fact, remember the cop who—”

  “Lizzie! How are you?” exclaims Melody, coming out from the back room. She stops dead in her tracks when she sees me and a knowing smile breaks out over her face. “I can see that you’re more than fine. Who’s the lucky guy?”

  I gape, “Seriously? You, too? What, do I have a sign on my forehead that says ‘I had sex’?” Granted, Melody is quite…intuitive. If you ask her, she’s clairvoyant. If you ask me, she’s just very attentive and in tune with the world around her.

  Kara smiles. “Good for you. So who is the lucky guy?”

  “You remember the cop from the other night?”

  “Sure. He was hot,” she says.

  I smile broadly.

  Kara’s eyes bulge out. “Him? No way! You go, girlfriend.”

  Melody says, “Ladies, lunch is ready.” We all troop back to Melody’s workshop where she makes her products, and we eat standing up around her workbench. Today she has made a dish called Cilantro-Lime Tofu over Quinoa Salad. It sounds weird, but it’s delicious.

  As we’re enjoying our food, Kara says tentatively, “Lizzie, we have something to tell you. Do you remember Brad, Melinda’s old boyfriend?”

  I smile. “How could I forget the Bradster?”

  Kara hesitates. “Um, he passed away yesterday.”


  “What?” I cry, floored. “What happened?”

  Melody clears her throat. “It was a drug overdose. And…”

  “And?” I prompt.

  “He…was found in a bit of an odd…position.”

  “Is this gonna make me lose my lunch?” I ask, not liking where this conversation is headed.

  Melody winces. “Sorry. Do you want me to keep going?”

  “Yeah. I’m intrigued now.”

  “He was handcuffed to his bed. Spread eagle. Naked.” She shudders.

  Yikes. As crazy as the story is, I still feel horrible that Brad is gone. He was so young and full of life. Wait. He died of a drug overdose? How can you OD if you’re handcuffed to a bed? As I think about it, my gut says he had help. Given the events of this week, Lydia comes to mind. I don’t know why she would have crossed paths with Brad, though. They’re compete opposites.

  “Wow. That sounds kinky.” I sigh.

  If Brad had to go, he would appreciate it that his last act was kinky sex, preferably with a crazy chick. That was his thing. I can’t help feeling incredibly sad, though. Brad was kind of an idiot, but in his own way was rather likeable. He really helped me out when I needed it while trying to clear Melody’s name. I have a bad feeling he might have been murdered, and I want to see his killer brought to justice, whether it’s Lydia or not.

  Nodding, Kara says, “He liked kinky.”

  “How did you get all of this info? I haven’t heard a word about it, and I work at the paper!” Granted, it’s probably Blake’s story, and he doesn’t exactly keep me in the loop of what he’s doing these days. Plus, I’ve been in la-la land all day, so most likely I wasn’t paying a whole lot of attention to anything going on around me.

  “The police are trying to keep it quiet since the whole thing was so bizarro. They questioned Melinda, but of course she didn’t have anything to do with it. We talked to her this morning, and she filled us in on all the icky details,” explains Kara.

  I chew thoughtfully on a piece of tofu, which is not nearly as appetizing now with all of the Brad talk. I ask, “You say he overdosed, Melody?”

  Melody nods, polishing off the last of her lunch.

  I continue, “Brad didn’t do drugs, right? I mean, I didn’t know him that well, but he seemed clean. His vice was the ladies.”

  Melody says, “I never thought he was using, either. I guess he could have been, and I didn’t notice. Or, maybe it was something new for him and he didn’t realize he had taken too much.”

  I still don’t like how it feels. “If Melinda got questioned, it sounds like the police think there could have been someone else involved, especially since Brad couldn’t have handcuffed himself to the bed.”

  “You think he had help with over
dosing?” Kara asks.

  “Yes. And on that note, I need to go.” I hug both of my friends. “Thanks for lunch, Melody. Bye, girls.”

  I see myself out and hurry back toward the office. I can’t wrap my mind around the fact that Brad is dead. Totally lost in thought, I don’t notice the car keeping pace next to me. I hear a loud chirp, like a police siren, and startle. Looking toward the origin of the noise, I see Brody smiling at me through his car’s open window. He pulls the car over and parks, and I get a big, stupid grin on my face and rush over to him. I’m really happy to see him. My incessant sappiness is starting to get on my own nerves.

  Looking me up and down, he says, “Ma’am, I’m going to have to give you a ticket for stopping traffic in that dress.”

  I blush, loving every minute of his ogling. “Hey.”

  “Hey, yourself. Get in.”

  I wrinkle my nose. “No can do. I’m on my way back from lunch. I only have five minutes left.”

  “I’ll drive you.”

  “It’s like half a block.” If I get in his car with him, I won’t want to get out.

  “Quit arguing with me and get in.” He’s so sexy when he’s commanding.

  “Yes, officer.”

  I let myself into the passenger side, and he immediately grabs me and kisses the crap out of me. See? This is why I didn’t want to get in the damn car. Now I want to stay in the car, preferably in the backseat, and I don’t have that kind of time.

  I pull away, breathless, and complain, “Now I only have two minutes. Hey, how did you track me down? Were you stalking me or something?”

  Chuckling, Brody shakes his head. “Cops don’t stalk, they surveil. But I wasn’t doing that, either. I was on my way to see you at your office, and you happened to be walking down the street when I drove by. I need to talk to you about tonight. I caught a case, so I won’t be able to get away to see you. Sorry.”

  “Oh.” I’m totally bummed, but it’s not his fault, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to pull the whiny girlfriend routine. Not that I’m his girlfriend, because I’m not. “Hey, it’s no big deal. This case, it’s not Brad Wilson, is it?”


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