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Dragon's Heart

Page 8

by Michelle Rabe

  He shook his head, “Your absence would be noted.”

  Serena sighed and tried to find a plausible reason to stay in her rooms until Killian could join her, but came up with nothing. “Very well.” She took Ryan’s arm when he offered it, and together they strolled to the grand ballroom.

  When they arrived at the massive double doors leading to the ballroom, Ryan released her arm and bowed to her as assorted noblemen and women drifted past in their finery, voices rising and falling as they gathered around. Serena took a deep breath and watched as a group of young noblewomen passed. They were all wearing luxurious gowns of rich materials that appeared to have miles of fabric in the skirts alone. In an instant, she felt the first stirrings of unease in her gut.

  “Don’t do that,” Ryan said as she ran her hands down her sides, smoothing her skirts.

  “Do what?”

  “Obsess over your dress.” He leaned in and whispered, “You and I both know that Killian picked it out for you.”

  “Thank you, and while it does help to be reminded of that, I still have to deal with the court harpies,” she whispered.

  “Just remember, you’ve won his heart, not them.”

  “And yet, he is not here.” She sighed, wishing he was. Serena could face any enemy, even tough arms masters; yet, a room full of noblemen and women terrified her in a very special way.

  As if sensing her unease, Ryan said, “I will let Prince Killian know you are anxiously awaiting his arrival.”

  Serena hesitated, almost asking Ryan not to tell Killian she was nervous. It seemed silly, and she was certain that a pack of chattering socialites had nothing on a battlefield or the arms masters. She shook her head and smiled before saying, “Thank you, my friend.”

  The guardsman bowed and returned her smile. “Are we still on for the hunt in the morning?” he asked.

  “Oh, Gods, yes,” Serena said before she turned to the entrance of the ballroom. She took as deep a breath as the Gods-cursed corset would allow and entered the room with her head held high. Serena emerged from a small cluster of well-dressed nobles at the top of the grand staircase.

  She walked up to the railing and stared out over the crowded ballroom. The jewels worn by the ladies twinkled in the light of the chandeliers, and the lords weren’t much less ostentatious in their finery. Serena stepped back and glanced down and the gown she wore. Even though Killian had not only asked her to wear it but had bought it for her, she felt woefully underdressed. The grand ballroom was decorated in Killian’s colors of cobalt and silver. Long tables were laden with all kinds of foods, including sweet and savory treats and seafood. Servants, carrying trays weighed down with heavy goblets of red and white wine, wove through the crowd, avoiding the revelers with deft grace. The right side of the hall was dominated by the dais where the queen’s throne and three others stood. The largest was for the queen, a smaller one for the crown prince, Mathias, and the smallest was for Killian. The remaining throne, to the right of the queen’s, held her late husband’s gold-jeweled crown. In the center of the room, well-dressed nobles swayed through the latest court dances in time to a small orchestra she couldn’t see. Around the dance floor, lords and ladies in finery of every color mingled, chatting amongst themselves.

  “My lady?” The herald’s voice broke through the general din, and Serena turned to him with a questioning expression. “Ah, Lady Harlowe. First ball, if I am not mistaken.”

  “It is.” As she studied her surroundings, her heart beat faster in her chest. I’ve been seen by the herald. It’s too late for me to flee.

  “Would you like me to announce you?”

  “Yes.” Her voice caught in her throat, and she swallowed hard before nodding. “Please.” She smiled and turned to face the country’s nobility.

  “My lords and ladies.” His voice rang out, loud enough to be heard over the strains of the musicians as they played a stately waltz. The din created by the conversations drifted among the crowd. “Lady Serena Harlowe, Governor of Lakeshire province, commissioned Lieutenant in Her Majesty’s Royal Army and,” he paused, “Sword Master.”

  By the time the herald finished, Serena was certain every eye was on her even though a glance at the floor told her it wasn’t true. Giving herself a mental shake, she made her way down the grand staircase, feeling completely out of place. All around her, highborn ladies were draped in precious gems, gold, and silver, from their hair to their wrists and even on their dresses. She wore only a pair of emerald earrings that Killian had given her and the gold signet ring used to denote her station and for sealing correspondence.

  Serena drifted through the crowd making small talk with several lords and ladies. She danced with elderly Lord Hillman, and by the time she drifted to the refreshments area, she was beginning to feel at ease.

  “Did you see what Lady Evelyn is wearing?” Katia Dennsmore’s voice cut through the din, shrill and full of spite. “The color is simply ghastly. I mean no one in their right mind would wear yellow.”

  Several of Katia’s hangers-on nodded and voiced their agreement, none daring to contradict their leader. Serena picked up a glass of sparkling wine, intending to go find a quiet place to wait, but the pack shifted and blocked her only avenue. Deciding that waiting them out would be the most feasible plan, she tucked into a shadow and settled in.

  “What about the so-called, Lady Harlowe? Who chose that cut? It’s practically scandalous. And her jewels?”

  “Where are they?” Patrice Hillman asked. The question elicited a round of derisive laughter from the other ladies. “Lakeshire is prosperous. Surely she can afford some trinkets on the taxes collected alone.”

  In her hiding place, Serena bit her tongue. Buying trinkets with tax money meant to go for the upkeep of the province and the crown was why the old Governor had been ousted and banished to a far-flung territory.

  “And she arrived unescorted,” Lady Dahlia added her nasal voice to the chorus.

  “It’s obvious she does not belong,” Katia said before she took a step to walk away.

  In her hiding place, Serena breathed a sigh of relief as the group drifted away. She squared her shoulders and headed toward the grand staircase. This has been a waste of time. Killian isn’t going to make an appearance, even though the ball is to celebrate his naming day. I don’t belong here, with or without him. I am not a noblewoman. Maybe I can pass the title on to someone else, slip away from court and become a mercenary or something. This is never going to work. We’re too different.

  Serena was lost in her own thoughts, so she hadn’t noticed Lord Jeffery Dennsmore until she bumped into him. She stumbled back a few steps, muttering an apology as she lifted the train of her skirt to keep it from tangling underfoot.

  “Dear Gods, do watch where you’re going.” He looked her up and down, and added, “girl.”

  “Lady Harlowe.” Ryan’s voice corrected from behind her right shoulder. “She is Lady Harlowe, and you would do well to remember that.”

  “Do you know who you’re,” Dennsmore’s voice lost some of its bluster as Ryan turned his gaze from Serena to him, but he pushed on, “talking to, young man?”

  “You are Lord Jeffery Dennsmore. Pardon me.” Ryan’s attention turned back to Serena, and he held out a hand to her. “His Royal Highness, Prince Killian has requested a private word with you, my lady. It is my pleasure to escort you to him.”

  Serena took his offered hand and smiled. “Thank you.”

  “Not enjoying your time alone in the pit of vipers?” Ryan asked as he led her out of the ballroom and turned to the left.

  “If you had come in there and told me I was needed on the front line of a hopeless battle,” Serena giggled and said, “I think I would have kissed you.”

  “I would have objected to more than one of those things.” Killian’s voice came out of the shadows along the right side of the corridor, a hint of laughter coloring his words.

  He’s enjoying this but will not get away with it so easily. She
turned to face him, dropping Ryan’s arm as she put one hand on her hip. The guardsman slipped into a nearby alcove giving the couple some privacy. “Maybe you shouldn’t abandon me to a room full of nobility for hours.”

  A dark look passed over Killian’s face for a moment and then was gone. “It was unavoidable.”

  “Is everything well?” Serena closed the distance between them and took Killian’s hand.

  The flicker of something she couldn’t read passed over him again before he met her eyes. “Yes. I’m just a little distracted.” He smiled and lifted Serena’s hand to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on the back of it.

  “Is it something I can help with?” she asked.

  “As a matter of fact, it is.” A mischievous twinkle sparked in Killian’s eyes as he reached into his pocket. “You can close your eyes, my love.”

  “Close my eyes?”

  Killian glanced around, satisfied they were alone when his eyes met hers. “Yes.” He brushed a light kiss on her lips.

  Serena studied him for a moment before she complied.

  “You look beautiful.” His voice was a low whisper, and she felt his hand drifting over the neckline. “However, there does seem to be something missing.” He shifted position to stand behind her.

  “Something missing?” Serena asked as she felt his arms circle her waist and begin drifting upward. “What are you doing?” She leaned into his embrace while enjoying the thrill his touch sent through her.

  “I am trying to surprise the woman I love with a gift.” His lips were at her ear, brushing against the sensitive flesh there. When his hands moved to her neck, she felt something cool and heavy at her throat. Killian’s fingers tickled the back of her neck for a few seconds before he slid his arms back around her waist. “But she keeps asking questions.”

  “I thought you liked that about me.”

  “I do, my love, I do.” Killian kissed the back of her neck sending an electric impulse all the way to her toes.

  Serena slipped out of his arms and turned around, touching the necklace that lay at her throat. Killian smiled and stepped out of the way so she could see her reflection in the wall mirror. Around her neck was the emerald and opal necklace she’d admired. “It’s your naming day, and you’re the one giving me gifts.” She smiled meeting his eyes in the reflected image.

  “I noticed you admiring it when the chest arrived from Lakeshire. You gave up something you wanted because it could be sold, and the profit used to help the people in your new province.” He offered Serena his hand. “Not many among the nobility would do that.”

  “It’s lovely.” She brushed her lips against his in a quick kiss. “Thank you.” Serena smiled and took his hand, but, for a moment, glanced away from him.

  He wrapped her up in a tight embrace, pulling her close. “Is there something bothering you?”

  “No.” She shook her head and forced a smile.

  “Aren’t we the pair?” Something over Serena’s shoulder caught his eye, and he nodded. “How about this? Tomorrow we will spend some time together, just us. I’ll tell you about my meeting, and you can tell me why you don’t want to go back to the ball,” Killian said though he had a sneaking suspicion about what had happened.

  “I’m going hunting with Ryan in the morning,” she said and a slight blush spread across her cheeks, “however, I would be happy to spend an evening with my prince.”

  “Hunting with Ryan?” He shook his head and kissed her. “Be careful, love.”

  “I always am.”

  “And know that I will be envious. I’ll be stuck in meetings, all day.” Together they walked to the ballroom, his thumb stroking the back of her hand. Serena sensed every eye on them as the herald announced Killian’s name and titles followed by a much-shortened version of hers since she had already been announced.

  It wasn’t difficult to pick out Katia and her clutch of harpies when they noticed Killian standing there with her. Though they were on the lower level, they somehow managed to look down their noses at Serena. Her right hand drifted to the necklace Killian had given her, and her left tightened on his. When the herald finished his announcement, Killian lifted her hand to his lips and pressed a kiss on the back of it. “Don’t worry, it will be fun.”

  “You’re used to these affairs. I am not.”

  “The trick is to make sure you don’t get into any important conversations. Keep it light. Try not to stick with one group too long.”

  “I’d prefer it if you stayed close.”

  “I’ll do my best, but it may not be feasible.”

  “Why didn’t we talk about this when I was being fitted for the new wardrobe?”

  “You seemed overwhelmed, so I didn’t want to make things worse,” Killian said as they stepped off the final riser.

  The couple mingled, drifting toward the center of the crowd. The prince took the lead in most conversations, Serena following with casual remarks. After about an hour, they drifted apart when Killian was drawn into a conversation with a young noble of the court. Serena found herself speaking with Lord Carrolton whose province bordered hers.

  Waylaid across the room, Killian snuck glances at Serena, beautiful in the deep green and silver gown. The emerald pendant and earrings sparkled as she moved.

  Serena smiled and replied to the young lord who held her attention. Since her investiture, she had been set upon by more nobles than she’d known existed in the whole country. She shook her head and replied to whatever the young man said while keeping an eye on Killian. Even though he was speaking with a group of nobles, he made eye contact with her on a regular basis. They had been openly courting since Serena was raised to nobility status and while it changed some things about their relationship, much remained the same.

  After she had finished speaking with Lord Carrolton, Serena promised to meet with him in the next few days. She glanced around the room and saw Killian engaged in discussion with one of the nobles she knew was pushing an offer of marriage to his only daughter. As if being rebuffed by the queen wasn’t enough, Lord Dennsmore had begun approaching Killian himself and persisted even though the prince had declined his offer on more than one occasion. Serena excused herself and started across the ballroom, sensing a fierce protectiveness deep within her begin to rise. She made polite excuses to everyone who tried to stop her. None of them had known her name or could be bothered to learn it while she was nothing more than a member of the Royal Guard in training, but with the title and the public favor of the prince, almost all the courtiers wanted to know more about her. She maneuvered through the crowd, keeping a neutral expression in place as she walked.

  When she reached his side, Killian offered Serena his arm before he bent to kiss her cheek. She smiled, linked their arms, and leaned into him. Serena didn’t miss the way Lord Dennsmore’s eyes narrowed, unable to hide his sneer. She met his gaze, a satisfied smile curling her lips, unwilling to back down.

  “You are missing the point, my lord.” Killian almost choked on the honorific that polite society required him to use. Serena wondered how forceful the lord was being in pursuing his daughter’s case.

  “Oh, and what is the point, Highness?” The lord’s tone held none of the respect expected when speaking to a member of the royal family.

  “Please, forgive my rudeness,” Serena interrupted with a slight bow to Lord Dennsmore. “I would like to steal the prince for a few moments.” She threaded her arm through Killian’s.

  “Of course.” Lord Dennsmore’s eyes tightened as he spoke, setting Serena’s nerves on edge.

  Serena nodded. “My lord.” She led Killian away from the other man as fast as she could walk in all the gowns and refinements.

  “Thank you, my love,” he whispered and took a sip from his goblet as Serena led them out to one of the balconies where she knew they could have some privacy. Ryan nodded when they passed through the doors and into the crisp night air.

  “I’m sorry I got pulled away,” she whispered, as Killian enfold
ed her in his arms, resting his chin on her shoulder.

  “Try not to do that again, my lady.” His words held an edge of nervousness that Serena wanted to chase away.

  “If it is what my prince wishes, I will not leave his side until he is safely delivered to his chambers,” she whispered just below his ear, lips teasing the sensitive flesh. She smiled, satisfied when she felt the shiver run through him. “Does that please you?”

  “Very much.” He raised the goblet to his lips and swallowed a mouthful of the deep red wine. “Would you like some?”

  “Thank you, my love.” Serena accepted it and took a long drink.

  “Can we stay out here, like this, for the rest of the evening?” Killian asked. He relished the feel of her in his arms and the peace they’d found.

  “Unfortunately, I think the others guests will notice if you, the guest of honor, are not inside.” She handed him the goblet back, and he took another drink.

  Killian sighed as she turned in the circle of his arms. “I do not want to go back and face all those lords and ladies who are thrusting their eligible daughters at me. It’s as though the only important deed in their life is to marry a prince to raise their family standing.”

  “You and I both know that’s exactly what they’ve been raised to do. Marry a suitable nobleman. The higher the station, the better.” She paused, a slight crease appearing between her brows. “The fact that you’ve reached your majority without being betrothed to one of them is cause for them to try harder.”

  “I can thank my mother for not being sworn to one of them yet.”

  “Just your mother?” Serena asked a hint of laughter.

  “Not just my mother.” The twinkle in his eyes and hint of a smile curled his lips. “There’s a certain young lady who can lay claim to some of the blame too.”

  “Well, if that’s how you feel. I will bid you goodnight, sir.” She stepped back and curtsied before trying to step past him, but Killian caught her around the waist and pulled her to him.


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