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Skylar's Guardians

Page 16

by Breanna Hayse

  Away from the beachhead, the waves gently lapped over their bodies in a soothing rhythm. Troy floated on his back, bringing Skylar completely out of the water. He pulled her further up his body in order to suckle her breasts while he anchored his own legs around Tralec’s thighs to stabilize himself. Tralec leaned forward, running his mouth over the bruised globes of Skylar’s bottom, occasionally nipping the edges of her crest and running the tip of his tongue down the center.

  “I need to insert,” Troy said huskily, his primary tool rising for attention.

  “I as well. Bring her down.”

  “Don’t change your natural size. We need lube…” Skylar said, her breath quick and short as she felt probing of her bottom hole. “Holy moly, what are you doing back there!”

  “My glenach provides moisture.”

  “And pleasure! Oh, damn…” she groaned as Troy’s primary tool slipped slowly into her pussy, filling her fully while his glenach began to suck and massage her clit. Her moans increased as she felt Tralec press the head of his primary organ against her rosebud. In its natural state, the rod was thicker and longer than a regular penis, and the slow impalement caused her not just glorious pleasure, but delicious pain.

  “I want you to move your tools with your bodies instead of letting them move independently,” Skylar declared. “I like the feel of your bodies moving around me, in and out. I want to feel you pump me. Yes… that’s how… oh…”

  Skylar tilted her head back, her neck fully arched as Troy ran his thick thumbs along her chin line and down the sides of her neck, burying his lips in the top of her head as his gills began to rise to a high flush. Behind her, Tralec dug his fingers into her hips, his strokes becoming more intense as he, too, began to flush brightly. Skylar’s nails dug against Troy’s sides as she absorbed the demanding shafts ramming into her, the feel of their flesh slapping and withdrawing from hers while they gave into their bodily instincts. Their organs began to grow and swell to an enormous size as they drove into her body, stimulated by the pressure of the other’s rod moving within. Skylar found herself suspended between them, the two sets of hands directing the angles of her body as they slammed against her. The vestigial mouths continued to grab and stroke her clit and the cleft of her ass, the sensation magnified by the tingles caused by the moving waters. Skylar’s body tensed, and she held her breath as she bore down and clamped the invading appendages with her internal muscles. A deafening scream followed—so loud was her release that it was barely muffled by the sound of the pounding surf.

  Her yells were joined by two male voices as they simultaneously shot their fluids deep inside, once again making their claim. Skylar moaned as the juices penetrated the pores within, raising her awareness, sensation, and pleasure. It was like being injected with an aphrodisiac, and she climaxed three more times before the tools slipped from her body. The three floated in the waves as the waters gently cleansed their bodies and refreshed their energy.

  “That was unbelievable,” Skylar said, her head leaning against Tralec’s chest as Troy floated on his back with his eyes closed.

  “I do not know it if was due to the water currents or that instruction you gave, but that was a greater pleasure than I have ever had. I feel… satisfied,” Troy said, catching his breath.

  “I think we might have stimulated some more play,” Tralec chuckled, pointing out several couples and trios copulating. “They really must try kissing. I find that using the mouth is very sensual.”

  “Let’s get onto the beach and show them what to do,” Troy chuckled, taking long, leisurely strokes toward the shore.

  “Are you serious? I can barely move,” Skylar sighed happily.

  Tralec hauled himself through the wave fronts, carrying a giggling Skylar like a football on his hip. He swung her over Troy, who had plopped down on his back in the sand. By then, all seven moons were high overhead and warmth radiated around them. Skyler sat on Troy’s stomach and began to run her hands along the corners of his shoulders, occasionally dropping him a kiss on the chin.

  Tralec lowered his body next to Troy’s and placed his arms under his head, closing his eyes to the light of the moons. Skylar leaned over to kiss his chest and then wriggled her body between them. She, too, closed her eyes and sighed loudly, content and at peace. A smile covered her face.

  “Why are you smiling, baby girl? Are you happy?” Troy asked.

  “How did you know I was smiling? Your eyes are closed.”

  “Our connection with you increases each time we give you our fluids. Answer Papa.”

  “Yes, Daddy,” Skylar nuzzled him with her little nose. She turned her head and kissed the side of Troy’s chest, pleased to see that it had started to pick up some color from the moonlight. “Yes, Papa. I am very happy. I really am. I love you guys.”

  She refused to allow her joy to flee when neither answered back. She knew their feelings for her ran deep and there was no way she would allow a cultural expression of affection come in the way of truth. They would learn to say how they felt, in time. She would make sure of that.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “I am telling you, it still hates me,” Skylar said after emerging from another icy shower that had suddenly reverted to a warmer temperature when Troy had entered the chamber. “Stay in here so I can get all this sand out of my hair and not freeze to death.”

  “Skylar, honey, Effy is repaired. There was a virus that infiltrated her system when she downloaded the files and data from your planet.”

  “Figures I would be the one to make a stupid computer sick,” Skylar grumped, returning to the hot shower. She stepped out when done and stretched her arms to be dried by the blower. “Okay, so if it is fixed, then explain to me why my bath still runs cold when you aren’t there and why she keeps making food that tastes like lima beans and Brussels sprouts when she knows I hate those flavors. You found my samples. Why can’t I have real food?”

  “No one said you could not, sweetheart,” Tralec said, joining them on Skylar’s bed and briefly kissing her on the lips before pulling a blanket around her shoulders. She sighed as his purple-hued eyes glittered next to the warm, golden skin. He definitely looked much more healthy and appealing with a ‘tan.’

  “I wasn’t told ‘no’ to having real food, just in getting it. It refused to give me anything I asked for.”

  “You know to tell us if there is a problem, little one,” Troy added, his skin also glowing with a lovely, post-beach tan.

  “Effy refuses to synthesize ingredients for me so I can cook.”

  “Effy? Is this true?” Troy asked.

  “Yes, Master Troy.”

  “Why are you denying Skylar food?” Tralec asked.

  “The human is not being denied nourishment. It is being denied food products from its planet.”

  “Why is that?” Troy asked, a frown on his face.

  “In order for the human to prepare meals, it must have access to sharp instruments and a hard heat source. This unit has determined those items to be of potential danger to the human.”

  “Do you hear how your robot talks about me? It is not my mother!”

  “Hush a moment,” Tralec ordered. “Effy, you were given several samples of prepared meals. Why did you not provide them for Skylar?”

  “The human did not request prepared samples.”

  “Effy, I wish you to access the data banks and determine what meals you are capable of synthesizing on your own. Skylar will tell you what she likes and you will provide it, properly prepared when she requests it.”

  “But I want to cook myself,” Skylar whined.

  “No, the drone’s analysis was correct regarding your safety. You will not perform your own meal preparations.”

  “You’re so mean.” Skylar stomped her foot.

  “How does it feel to sit, young lady? Still tender?” Tralec asked. “It has been less than one day since you received that spanking from me, hasn’t it?”

  “Yes, sir,” Skylar scowled, resist
ing Troy as he captured her in his heavy arms and held her down next to him on the bed.

  “Why are you cranky? Didn’t you have fun at the beach?”

  “It was wonderful! I’m cranky because this stupid robot of yours has a problem with me and keeps pulling crap to annoy me.”

  “It is a machine. It cannot think on its own.”

  “Maybe not, but it can adopt responses to certain stimuli, right? On Earth, we have these toys called Furbys. Some people think they’re creepy, but I love them. Anyway, the more you interact with it, the bigger vocabulary it develops. After a while, it is like they are actually responding to you.”

  “I doubt this is the same. Let’s get you dressed. We are going over to see Leeza and Leannz this evening.”

  “But Daddy, I’m tired and…”

  “We have an engagement and we will attend. Why must you give in to an argument so often, child?” Tralec asked, accepting the panties and tights from Troy. “Lie back and put your legs up.”

  “I wish you would allow me to dress myself,” Skylar said, obeying him.

  “You enjoy our dressing you, just as you enjoy Troy feeding you and the fact that you are carried around everywhere,” Tralec informed her. “Keep still.”

  Skylar struggled against the tights, earning herself a sharp smack on the outside of her left thigh. “Ow! I do not enjoy that stuff!”

  “Baby girl,” Troy said patiently, holding her feet still so that Tralec could finish sliding the tights up over her bottom and hips, “you forget we have a bond with you. We can sense what brings you pleasure and what doesn’t. We can also tell when you lie. In our culture, lying is as bad of an offense as murder. You know that.”

  “That is ridiculous! A lie never killed anyone!”

  “It destroys trust and relationship. It is forbidden. Those who lie are separated from the community.”

  “Isn’t that a death sentence? What kind of monsters are you?”

  “Ease up with the name-calling, young lady. There is a reason certain things are strictly enforced. Confessing to a mistake or a wrongdoing will result in a penalty. The disciplinary action, while uncomfortable for the individual, is better faced than exclusion,” Tralec said, wrestling Skylar to put the t-shirt over her head. “Please stay still and stop fighting me.”

  “Let me dress myself then! No! Daddy! Noooo!” Skylar cried out as she, once again, found herself lying prone across his knees, her tights-covered bottom being smacked solidly.

  “Either you are a slow learner or these spankings are not getting through to you,” Troy sighed as Skylar looked up at him from Tralec’s lap, her expression no less than pathetic.

  “I think it’s a bit of both, brother. Are you going to cooperate now?”

  “Yes, sir,” Skylar moped. Tralec placed her back on the bed and continued to dress her in a little blue jumper. She resisted smacking his hand as he reached under the little dress to pull her t-shirt down to adjust it. “What happens to the pod-mates if there is a separation? I thought you needed each other to survive.”

  “We do. It is a death sentence for both, unless the non-offender has either another single to incorporate with or is accepted into someone else’s pod.”

  “Do people invite them? It’s so cruel to punish someone else for something they didn’t do.”

  “Most of us have many friends and strong alliances to fall back on. Those who don’t are often invited to work with the mentors and assist with podlings. That provides the interaction required to survive.”

  “But what about thriving? Can they be happy without their pod-mate?”

  “No. Joy is abolished. It is a very, very hurtful thing to happen. That is why our people are very careful to not transgress in that manner.”

  Skylar contemplated the society, wrinkling her nose as Troy took a brush to her unruly hair. They refused to allow her to cut the thick, dark tresses that were even curlier since being exposed to the new environment. He pulled it to a single ponytail and secured it with a ribbon that he had personally synthesized.

  “I still don’t like you doing everything for me.”

  “Why do you insist on denying what you enjoy? Explain this to us,” Troy demanded, taking her hand and leading her to the stairway. He lifted her to carry her down, with Tralec at his heels.

  “I like it sometimes, but not all the time. It’s like chocolate. I like chocolate, but I can’t eat it constantly.”


  “I’ll make you chocolate if your stupid computer stops playing ‘keep-away’ with the human. Can I cook if you are there to supervise?” Skylar asked hopefully.

  “We will consider it. You will behave tonight, yes?” Tralec asked, straightening her dress.

  “Yes! Why are you so nervous? You know this woman and you say you trust her.”

  “It is not Leeza that concerns him,” Troy said solemnly. “It is Leannz. She is a creator. It is the highest position found on Calipi.”

  “Like a president?” Skylar blinked in confusion.

  “More like a god.”

  * * *

  Skylar fidgeted nervously as they took the building’s transportation to Leeza and Leannz’s quarters located on the other side of the complex. The entrance was open for their arrival, and the three were greeted with warm smiles and quick hugs by the two elderly women.

  Leannz was, of course, identical in appearance to her pod-mate Leeza. She was also very pleasant and warm, with the only difference being in how she carried herself. Leeza was commanding, but Leannz was regal. She was a queen among her people, and there was no doubt who was in charge.

  “Skylar? Did you have pleasure today?” Leeza asked, lifting the tiny human into her arms and stroking her hair.

  “Yes, thank you. Your English is incredible,” Skylar remarked, astounded.

  “It is a simple language. Your daddy sent us manuals. We study them.”

  “Oh, great.” Skylar gave Troy and Tralec a despondent look. “You are teaching her about age-play and domestic discipline? Why?”

  “Because it is the basis of what you are to us. It is a beginning,” Tralec said stiffly.

  Leannz placed her hand on his shoulder and said something in Calipish. She then patted his cheek and beckoned to Skylar as she sat on a chair. “Come to Aunt Leannz.”

  Aunt? Skylar tried not to groan aloud. There was no escaping the manuals now. Leeza put her down, and she walked over to Leannz and stood between her knees. The woman touched her face, studying her features, and then said something to Tralec.

  “She wants to see you naked, Skylar.”

  “No, Daddy. Papa, please help me,” Skylar pleaded.

  Troy said something to the three, eliciting a nod. He then turned to Skylar. “I explained that you were still in a transitional mode and needed time to develop trust. Leannz made a comment, though, that as a creator, she is also a physician. She needs to learn about your anatomy in the event you fall ill.”

  “Is she worried about me making everyone here sick?”

  “No, your DNA has no effect on ours. She was surprised that several of our medications worked on you, though, and wishes to study that.”

  “I’m not getting naked for her.”

  “You will do as you are told,” Tralec said firmly. “I have agreed to give you some time, but your participation is non-negotiable. No one is going to hurt you, Skylar.”

  “Is she going to use that evaluator thing on me?”

  “That is highly likely.”

  “Daddy, I don’t need more probing. Haven’t I gotten enough?”

  “Stop whining. You will mind me.”

  “Papa?” Skylar turned to Troy. “Help me!”

  “You heard the man. This is important. Otherwise, he would not insist on it.”

  “You’re mean.”

  “Yes, we know,” Troy sighed, turning back to talk with the two women and his pod-mate.

  Skylar sat cross-legged with her chin in her hands for several minutes, alrea
dy bored out of her skull. She felt like the little kid who was forced to attend an adult visit. She looked up as Leeza approached her.

  “Hungry?” she asked. Skylar shook her head and resumed pouting. Leeza patted her shoulder and spoke to the men.

  Tralec responded. “We must teach her about manners. I offer my apologies for her rudeness.”

  “I’m not being rude, Daddy!” Skylar stood up, recognizing the tone in his voice that clearly spelled trouble for her backside. “I’m not hungry!”

  “You respond with words, not by shaking your head. And you never refuse an offering made while a guest in someone’s home.”

  “I didn’t know,” Skylar said quietly. She reached up and tugged Leeza’s hand. “I’m sorry, Aunt Leeza. May I have a canister, please?”

  Leeza looked pleased and scurried to retrieve the drink for the girl. Leannz, meanwhile, sat back and observed, taking mental notes about their unusual guest.

  “Oh, shit… Did you tell her I don’t use baby bottles?” Skylar asked Tralec as Leeza appeared with a large, clear bottle filled with white liquid and a flesh-colored nipple.

  “She said she did not have a regular canister and her glasses are too large for your hands. Take the bottle and offer appreciation.”

  “But Daddy…”

  “I am losing patience, young lady. Mind me.”

  “You are cranky when you’re tired,” Skylar mumbled. She looked up at Leeza, thanking her for the beverage before reluctantly sticking the nipple in her mouth. She tried to imagine the device to be more like the sports bottles from back home rather than a large, soft-nippled baby bottle that took quite a bit of work to pull the thick drink through.


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