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Skylar's Guardians

Page 21

by Breanna Hayse

  “She isn’t incapable, she just chooses not to. She does not understand the impact she can make upon our world, good or bad. The podling she faced…”

  “Leeza said that the female had initiated the problem by tripping her and not offering an apology,” Tralec reiterated. “Skylar was already facing a difficult situation with an undisciplined individual. She chose to attack back, which showed the others a violent response. They do not speak her language, so I don’t care about the words she used, except they were heard by Leeza. That added to her shame.”

  “I am certain that the disrespect in her tone was not missed by anyone who heard, even though the words were not understood. This is, indeed, a dilemma. I also lean toward Leeza’s advice to show mercy, but would that make us inconsistent?”

  “Skylar has commented on several occasions that inconsistency makes her feel unsafe and uncared for. It is as though she prefers discipline to being allowed freedom from the consequences.” Tralec rubbed his temples. “I only desire to do what is best for her and our community. I know I have house authority but am not comfortable in proceeding without your support. What is decided will affect all three of us.”

  “I trust your decisions. I am too closely bound to her to be objective, so I choose to submit this to you, brother,” Troy said wearily.

  Tralec eyed Troy carefully. It was rare his pod-mate relinquished all control, and that only occurred when Troy was either ill or fatigued. Tralec nodded, understanding Troy’s reluctance. He felt the same, but they were required to move ahead for everyone’s well-being, including Skylar’s.

  “Very well. I accept responsibility for the decision. She will continue her grounding and be punished by us both. Effy?”

  “Yes, Master Tralec?”

  “Skylar is to remain restrained to her quarters. You are to continue to keep her comfortable and fed, and our instructions regarding the use of her plate remain. She may apply it for study purposes only. She is not permitted to synthesize anything or make verbal contact unless she has an emergency. Consider her in full isolation for the remainder of the two weeks.”

  “Yes, Master Tralec.”

  “Tomorrow, after we return from work, we will attend to her,” Tralec informed Troy. “Do not give into your need for pleasure. I am certain this isolation is as difficult for her as it is for us, but we must remain consistent.”

  “Agreed,” Troy said sadly. “I do miss that warm little body holding mine.”

  “As do I, but this is for her own good.”

  * * *

  The following day, the two men stood wordlessly in the empty room. Skylar had disappeared, and the biodrone denied knowledge of the human’s whereabouts. Panic seized both men as they contacted Leeza and Leannz and shared their predicament.

  “How was she able to leave the home?” Leannz asked. “You gave instructions to the drone to isolate her.”

  “I’m perplexed as well. You noticed a synthesizing plate was missing, but you are receiving no communication signal? The drone should be able to locate the device unless it has been destroyed,” Leeza added.

  “We cannot explain this,” Troy said, fighting against the dulling of his flush. “We are worried that she is in danger or hurt. We can sense she is alive, but…”

  “We will be with you shortly. Do not leave your residence,” Leannz ordered.

  The two women arrived in minutes and held the men in a close embrace as both flushed a dull blue. Leannz sat them down on the couch and announced she would send out a task force to find the little human.

  “A task force? But those are only initiated in times of emergency,” Tralec said.

  “She is part of your family and knows very little of our world,” Leeza said gently. “Remember that there is nothing more important than your family, Tralec. Nothing.”

  In less than an hour, the residence was filled with people. Skylar’s name and description were sent to every plate in every residence and office. Several Calipians left on foot to follow possible paths, while others traveled in low-flying vessels, skimming the area. To their relief, several streams of communication were forwarded with reports of having seen the little human.

  “Boys? Please sit down,” Leannz said after a quiet discussion with the task force leader. “Skylar was last seen heading toward the preserve. Why would she go that way?”

  “She said she enjoys the wilderness, but that makes no sense. We told her how dangerous the forests are here,” Tralec said, his gills changing color again.

  “Calm down,” the creator ordered. “If she has entered the forest, we can use scanners to find her. I just do not understand why she would have put herself into such danger.”

  “The human is not in danger,” a harsh mechanical voice announced.

  “What are you saying, Effy?” Troy growled. “Did you know she went to the forest?”

  “The human requested information regarding its safety in the region. It was determined the human was not in danger.”

  “Did you let her out of the house after we placed her in isolation?” Tralec demanded.

  “The human requested assistance.”

  “Play back the conversation you had with the human, Effy. Now!” Troy shouted, his voice rumbling through the residence and causing all to turn in his direction.

  “Troy! Mind yourself!” Leannz ordered.

  “I will not mind myself when this goddamned computer puts my little girl in danger!” Troy shouted again, his gills glowing with anger. “Play back that conversation now!”

  Static buzzed overhead before the sound of the synthesized voice and Skylar’s were heard. Troy slammed his palm upon a table, causing all to jump, and stormed over to the biodrone’s closet. Silence permeated the room as he make quick work of the computer, tearing it to pieces before everyone’s eyes.

  “Troy, this is why we control our emotions,” Leeza began, her hand on his shoulder. “Are you… leaking?”

  “That choking sound you are making in your throat… I cannot describe what it does to me. It is causing an aching pain here,” Leannz said quietly, touching her heart. “I did not know we had the capacity to display ourselves that way.”

  “Let’s go find your little human,” Leeza said gently, wrapping her soft arm around Troy’s heaving shoulders, tenderly wiping the wet streaks from his face.

  “Will she be found?” Tralec asked, his effect flat as his eyes also began to shed tears.

  “She will be found. I promise,” Leannz smiled, embracing him tenderly. “All will be well again. You have my word.”

  * * *

  The family was reunited by the time the last moon rolled off the horizon. Skylar found herself in the middle of the room, surrounded by the task force and volunteers, questions being thrown from all sides. Tralec translated as he held her tightly in his arms. She cradled Troy’s head in her lap, stroking his hair and trying to answer as best as she could. They wanted to know everything about her—including what had led up to her being swayed by the computer. Skylar answered honestly about her mistakes and confessed her relief that the computer had finally been destroyed. She also offered thanks to Leeza and Leannz for their help and instructions, promising them full cooperation in the future. Leannz announced to the task force that there was much to know about the little human and stated that she would institute a training academy for the creators to be better educated. Protests rose from others, demanding that all Calipians had the right to learn the ways of the human if they desired. Leannz conceded, promising to develop a means to introduce the little creature in a way so that she could live peacefully among her new community without bringing disruption to society.

  Concern was raised about the danger of biodrones having too much access and control in the lives of the Calipi people, and an investigation was launched to discover how the machines’ interaction could be lessened while enhancing Calipi personal skills. Skylar, of course, offered to give cooking classes to start. Troy announced that the sample programs were still intact a
nd that if they could access it, they would share the foods with anyone who wished to try them. Within minutes of the announcement, a brand new synthesizing unit had been donated to the household.

  Tralec rocked Skylar in his arms, kissing the top of her head as waves of grateful appreciation ran through him. “I am so grateful you are safe, baby. So grateful.”

  “I was really scared out there.” Skylar leaned against him. “Daddy?”

  “Yes, sweetheart?”

  “Am I still in trouble?”

  “Yes, darling. You are still in trouble,” he whispered into her ear.

  “I thought so. Please don’t lock me away again. It made me feel like you didn’t care about me, and I just wanted to hurt you in the only way I knew how. That is really why I ran off,” Skylar confessed shamefully.

  “You are never leaving our sight again, little one,” Troy said. “The pain of your absence caused me to leak.”

  “Papa? You leaked?” Skylar repeated.

  “He certainly did. So did your daddy,” Leannz said, sitting to Tralec’s left side. “Do not ever leave them like that again, Skylar. Turning your back to your pod is possibly the most hurtful thing you could have ever done.”

  “I bet that damn computer knew it could have been a deal-breaker, which is why it worked so hard to convince me. I never really wanted to hurt anybody, Auntie Leannz. I was just thinking of myself. I was being very selfish.”

  “I agree. Now you understand why our society conducts itself with manners and consideration,” Leannz scolded, watching as the men stood up to politely escort the task force to the door. She turned to Skylar, finger tapping her nose. “If you were my human, I would be spanking that backside until you could repeat every one of our rules and the reason behind it,” Leannz scolded.

  “Please don’t give them any ideas,” Skylar begged.

  “Not to worry, dear heart,” Leeza patted her cheek. “They have their own. And I expect you to accept whatever they give to you with grace and dignity. This is how you will prove your sincerity.”

  “Will they ever forgive me?” Skylar asked worriedly.

  “Yes, but gaining their trust again will take work. Will you do it?”

  “Yes, ma’am. I promise I will do whatever it takes to make things right again.”

  “Good girl. Go share that with them.”

  * * *

  “Daddy, what are you doing?” Skylar asked nervously after everyone had left. She was up in her room and facing two very large, very blue young men.

  “You asked us to punish you. On your back,” Tralec ordered. Anxiously, she obeyed and leaned back on her bed, where Tralec snatched both ankles in his left hand and lifted them high into the air.

  He unceremoniously peeled her tights and panties from her bottom. “Remember when you said you needed us to show you how much we care and that it sometimes meant giving you what you deserve whether we wish to or not? We agreed. We are going to have a little session of what it means to be treated like a bad baby,” he said, pulling her feet up toward her head and forced her bottom to rise slightly off the long, flat surface that was covered with an air mat. He produced the paddle given by Leeza and watched as her eyes widened in recognition.

  “No! Not that and not like this! No!” she cried out as the implement splatted firmly over the length of her stretched sit spots.

  “You don’t like that very much, do you, Skylar?”

  “No, sir! Papa!!” she called for help.

  Troy appeared on her other side, holding a thick strap in his hand. “I am not going to help you this time, little one. Daddy is punishing you for your behavior in school, and I will be punishing you for running off and breaking your promise.”

  “Can’t you just ground me? Ow! Oh God…” she yelled as the paddle flattened harshly against her tightly stretched skin again. “Stoooooop!”

  “No, Skylar. You will never be grounded again. In fact,” Tralec said firmly, holding a large, egg-shaped object in his hand that was attached to a slender stalk, “your punishment will be more inventive this time to remind you that we will always be here to give you what you need most.”

  “Not a butt plug! Daddy! Please, noooo!”

  “It is not an ordinary one either,” Tralec announced, pressing the lightly lubricated tip to her dusky hole and applying pressure as he held her spread thighs steady by leaning his chest over them. Skylar shrieked as the plug was forced through the tight entryway and disappeared with a pop inside of her. It immediately began to expand, stretching both from the inside and around the neck.

  “It hurts!” Skylar cried, wiggling to relieve the agony. “It is going to tear me in half!”

  “It will stop stretching when your tissue has reached its limits. And it is supposed to hurt, just like this is.”

  Skylar’s wails bounced off the walls as the paddle discovered its fleshy target. On her back with her thighs stretched above her, Skylar could not even reach with her hands to try to protect her bottom. She pounded her fists on the table and rocked her backside back and forth in an attempt to avoid the stinging slaps of the vicious paddle. Every stroke that Tralec branded her with was intended to remind her of the disappointment she had put them through with her behavior and lack of gratitude. It worked. These men had saved her life and had given her a future. What a pathetic wench she was to them!

  Her sobs caught in her throat as he landed stroke upon heated stroke over her taut bottom, barely aware that his paddle began to linger longer in its place across her backside before being drawn back to splatter against her flesh for the countless time. He tossed the paddle aside, replacing the instrument with his hand. Broad swats reddened every inch of her skin, occasionally catching the lower portion of her pussy as she squirmed desperately to avoid the blows.

  The abruptness with which the spanking stopped was nearly as unnerving as the sudden yanking of the large plug out of her ass and the shocking insertion of his rigid, thick primary organ in its stead. The massive cock painfully filled her and began lunging in relentless strokes, deep into her bowels as his body slapped against the roasted skin of her bottom.

  “You’re hurting me,” she whimpered, unable to enjoy the moment as the harrowing pain from her spanking was too intense.

  “This is not about you, Skylar Jeannine. It is about my claim to you,” Tralec announced through gritted teeth as his gills began to flush and his organ grew painfully tight inside of her ass. “I am claiming you as mine forever. Accept me!” he demanded, flooding her with a massive river of his juices. Skylar squalled as the fluids both stung and stimulated her, her asshole feeling stretched as though to accommodate a baseball, and her bottom as sore as if it had been set on fire.

  Tralec slipped out of her and stepped away. Skylar slowly lowered her legs, her tears not diminishing as she turned painfully to her side and grabbed her bottom.

  “We are not finished with you, Skylar,” Troy announced, gently pulling her to her feet. She had no energy to resist him as he placed her face down over several cushions. Her beet-red, bruised bottom rose in the air and presented itself for the next phase. Troy doubled the long strap in his hand, lifted his arm, and whipped it neatly over the crown of her backside.

  Skylar bellowed out her objection, her limbs stiffening as the bite penetrated her tenderized flesh. He thrashed her again, aiming carefully for the fleshy curves right between her thighs and the tops of her buttocks. White-hot pain seared her as the heavy strap left a bright red stripe in its wake. Troy delivered three more strokes of the belt to her bottom before shifting to the backs of her thighs.

  Skylar was unable to remain in place and fought to escape the intense wall of anguish that came with receiving a belting to the back of her sensitive legs. She squawked with every stroke, although the lashes to her thighs were not as hard as the ones he delivered to her bottom. The pain flooded her mind, and she could not bring anything to memory to compare with it. It felt as though the strapping went on forever, and Skylar inherently knew
that it would not stop until she came to a point of acceptance. Her heart burned as she acknowledged that her physical pain was nothing compared to the misery she had brought to these wonderful, devoted men who had only wanted to care for her in the best way possible.

  Shame and regret struck hard as the immensity of her situation came to the forefront. She had chosen, out of selfishness and fear, to hurt these people in the one area that structured their lives and brought them the greatest sense of peace, contentment, and safety. She had hurt their hearts, betrayed their trust, and voluntarily departed from their lives. According to Leannz, she had, in the eyes of the Calipians, pronounced a death sentence upon herself and, consequently, her two lovers. How could she have been so thoughtless?

  * * *

  Troy, hearing the sound of her weeping as it changed from pain to remorse, placed the strap down and resumed the spanking with his hard hand. By the time he finished, Skylar’s welted skin was crimson from the tops of her globes to nearly the back of her knees. He looked over at Tralec, who nodded. The girl would not be doing much of anything on her own for a while, especially sitting. She would be completely dependent upon them and perhaps set aside some of her defiance.

  Troy flipped the blubbering girl to her back, ignoring the cry of pain as her bottom touched the flat surface of the mattress. He kneeled onto the floor and activated the air to bring her to his eye level. Forcing her legs apart, his mouth engulfed her pussy, both pleased and surprised about the extent of its wetness.

  Skylar’s cries turned into sniffling moans as he worked her slit with his tongue. She began to stiffen, and he withdrew his mouth, replacing it with a fully extended, hard cock. He did not adjust his size as he slowly forced the massive organ into her pussy. Skylar pounded him with her fists, both protesting the invasion and demanding sexual release. His fingers dug deep into her scalded buttocks as he rode her. She tried to reach between them to stimulate herself, but Troy quickly took hold of her wrists and held them over her head.


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