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Page 4

by Anna Alexander

  Satisfied that she helped at least one person fulfill their deepest desires, Amaryllis made her way to her apartment situated above the club. Her feet hurt and her dress began to stick to her skin in the most unpleasant way. What she needed was a hot bath and a long time with her favorite toy. Please may she have enough batteries on hand.

  Chapter Three

  The bay door opened, revealing a light so brilliant it brought Bale to his knees. He pulled the hood of his cloak down over his watering eyes and stepped into the knee-high grass. To his left was hill after hill of waving gold reeds. To his right ran a stream bordered by trees with deep-green-and-yellow leaves that dazzled against the blue sky. By the Gods, he had thought such color only existed in his dreams.

  He held out his hand in the sunlight and marveled at the concentration of heat that warmed his skin. Under his heavy cloak his body began to perspire. How odd. Who would have thought one could break a sweat without exerting any energy.

  The brief bout of amusement brought a frown to his lips. He was not sent to explore this new world nor was this a vacation. The only joy to be found was in succeeding on his mission.

  Turning his back on the magnificent view, he took stock of the munitions and equipment that survived the fall to Earth. The pod itself sustained the most damage, but had the potential to make the return trip if he located the necessary supplies.

  Return to Skandavia? Now there was a novel thought.

  A low, rumbling growl interrupted his inspection. Bale stepped around his craft to see a vehicle approach. The front cabin looked large enough for two, yet only held one, and the flatbed was empty. He kept a hand over the grip of his blaster and planted his feet in a battle-ready stance as the truck came to a stop.

  The driver opened the door and stepped out. “Just what do you think you’re doing there, boy? You destroyed my wheat.”

  Bale looked at the trail of scorched grain that led to his space craft. “My apologies.”

  The grizzled farmer spat a stream of brown juice at his feet. “Apologies don’t mean shit.” He raised a long-barreled rifle and aimed it at his chest. “Now get your machine and get the hell off my farm.”

  Bale drew his blaster and fired, hitting the man in the hand and knocking the rifle to the ground. He pulled the trigger again and nothing. The heat from the sun must have vaporized the gases that formed the bullets. He threw the useless piece of metal aside and ran for his target. Before he could blink, he was at the man’s side, twisting his thin arm and breaking the frail bone.

  Shock held Bale immobile. Ack jus. What was this sorcery? How was it possible to move with such quickness? He had barely touched the human, yet caused much injury.

  Mental reasoning suggested that humans, as a whole, were weak, however Bale sensed that something was definitely different about his body. Colors were sharper, his hearing more acute and his empathetic abilities were bombarded with the man’s fear that was as acrid as the scent of the urine he wet himself with. Yes, these heightened abilities would have to be more closely examined. But not now.

  “Where am I?” he asked.

  “On my farm,” the man wheezed.

  “What colony?”

  “Colony?” Under Bale’s hand, the old heart beat a frantic rhythm.

  “The name.”


  “How far are we from the city?”

  “’Bout five hours’ drive.”

  Bale shifted his hold to around the man’s throat. “Do you have a shelter?”

  The man blinked rapidly and tried to nod.

  “You will take me there and give me what I need to continue my journey. If you breathe one word of my existence to any living thing, I will slaughter every person within this colony. Do you understand?”

  “Yes. Yes.”

  Satisfied that his word would be obeyed, Bale stood and returned to his craft. He glanced at his hands then at the heavy module. Was it possible?

  He dug his boots into the earth and bent his knees. Grasping the egg-shaped craft at the base, he lifted the pod off the ground. It was heavy, no doubt, but not unmanageable. He carried it to the flatbed of the truck and set it down. The tires sank into the dirt under the extreme weight.

  Yes, this unexpected development was most certainly something that deserved his utmost consideration.

  * * * * *

  “If you wish to keep that finger, I suggest you stop pressing that damn button,” Amaryllis shouted as she stumbled down the hall.

  Good mother take her, she hadn’t slept one wink and a headache throbbed behind her eyes. She wished she could blame her hungover state on a night of drunken revelry, but since she hadn’t touched a drop of liquor the night before and had even gone to bed relatively early, the fault lay squarely on one thing. Specifically, one man. All night long her body ached and no matter how many orgasms she gave herself, satisfaction never came. Visions of a certain green-eyed warrior who smoldered with lust one moment then froze over with disdain the next tormented her, waking and sleeping.

  She tightened the belt of her robe and threw open the door and found the cause of her sleepless night standing on her doorstep. He stood in the obligatory hardass stance with his arms folded across his chest. His frown was so deep you could fill it with water and irrigate ten ranches for years.

  “Bang-bang, you’re dead,” Lucian said. “How could you open the door without checking to see who it is? You are making it too easy to kill you.”

  “I will gladly accept death, if it means being away from you,” she spat.

  He jerked back as if she slapped him. His lips tightened and a veil fell across his features as he nodded. “I’m going to ignore that remark because you look as if you are not feeling well and we did not part on the best of terms last night.”

  How dare he mention her bedraggled state! But he was right, loath that she was to admit. Snippy behavior might make her feel better for the moment, but she was a princess. If no longer in name, than at least in disposition. With the great wunderkind looking down his nose at her, she was going to have to be extra diligent controlling her emotions.

  “To what do I owe this pleasure?” she asked with a lift of her chin.

  “I’ve brought a visitor, if you’re up for an audience.”

  “Who?” She stood on tiptoe to see around his massive biceps and screeched with joy when she saw the man standing in front of the elevator. “Dhavin!”

  All thoughts of decorum disappeared like a cube of sugar in the rain as she ran full bore and leapt into the arms of her former personal guard. Dhavin laughed and swung her around twice before setting her on her feet.

  “Oh how I’ve missed you.” She planted a kiss on his lips that was in no way brotherly. His hips pressed into her belly before he pulled back with a gasp.

  A burning flush of angry heat raced up her back. Oh was the big, bad general upset? Hmm, the idea of spending the day irritating the great Lucianllanos was greatly appealing.

  “Thank you for the welcome.” Dhavin leaned close and gritted out, “Are you trying to have me killed?”

  “Don’t all women have a soft spot for their first lover?” Another hot flash lashed at her. How delicious. She threw Dhavin a saucy wink and pulled him over the threshold. “When did you arrive? Where are you staying? Oh there are so many wonderful things to show you about this world.”

  “This is not a social visit, Your Highness.” Lucian shot a daggered glare at Dhavin as he locked the door behind them. “We are here on matters of importance.”

  She heaved a deep sigh. “Fine. Please, join me in the sitting room.”

  Their thick-soled boots thumped on the hardwood floor behind her. Their steps were measured in perfect synchronization, heavy and purposeful, a testament to their years of training side by side.

  Amaryllis delicately sat upon a velvet-upholstered French antique throne chair and crossed her legs. The action split the cloth of her robe to her hip, leaving no doubt she wore nothing under the lavende
r silk.

  Not a word was spoken as both men took a moment to caress her with their gazes. Dhavin with appreciation, and Lucian, ah… Heat and wanton hunger sizzled over her skin, tightening her nipples to hard points that scraped against the soft fabric. Just as quickly as the sensation flared, it disappeared.

  “Your Highness,” Lucian began with a rough crackle. He stopped to clear his throat and tried again. “Your Highness, I can afford you a few minutes, if you wish to go dress.”

  “Oh no. You said this was important.” She swept her hand out and turned it palm up. “Gram Dhavinllanos, you may begin.”

  He stared at her with wide eyes and shook his head as if to ask if she were insane to push the general’s buttons. He dropped to one knee with a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth, then he stood and bowed at the waist. “Princess Amaryllis. I offer my condolences on the loss of your father.”

  She nodded at his gesture. “Thank you.”

  “I apologize that I bring more distressing news. You are in grave danger. Hamerkind will not rest until his crown is secure. The assassin who has been sent for you is ruthless. Bale is a soulless killer with no reason to live. He will go after you with everything he has.”

  “Yes, so Lucian informed me last eve.” A snick of memory tickled her subconscious. “Bale. Why does that name sound familiar to me now?”

  “He was part of your father’s retinue,” Lucian answered.

  Her brow rose with surprise. “And now he’s committed to kill the very thing he once fought for the honor of defending?”



  A dark flush graced his cheek. “He lost what he once held dear. But the why is not the point. You will come with us to safety until the threat is eliminated.”

  The quick change of subject did not go unnoticed. So, the great general was hiding a secret. Very intriguing. The mere fact she found it intriguing annoyed the blazes out of her. She didn’t want to find anything fascinating about the man.

  She turned back to Dhavin. “What is your proposal concerning this assassin?”

  “Well.” He snuck a quick glance at Lucian before answering, “We will take you to Cedar. It’s a little colony not far from here, but fairly remote. You will be under the care of Kristos and his mated wife.”

  “Kristos has bonded?” The news had her sitting upright with not only surprise but a touch of envy. “He bonded with a human?”

  “Yes. Brett is the sheriff. She will be able to help in your—”

  “Imprisonment,” she finished for him. “Call a spade a spade. You want to lock me away. But why do you want to risk people you care for by bringing danger to them?”

  “We will be protecting you from an advantageous location,” Lucian interjected. “You will stay safe and protected until Bale is dealt with. Then you may return.”

  “For how long will I remain in custody?”

  “For as long as it takes.”

  “I see,” she drew out slowly. “No.”

  His cheeks flushed red as he shouted, “You cannot say no.”

  “I can do whatever I want.” She rose to her feet. “All you have is information that this Bale is after me, but do you have proof that he survived the journey?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Have you seen him?”

  The muscles in his jaw twitched. “We saw what looked like a craft falling to Earth the same night Dhavin landed.”

  “But you haven’t seen him in person?” She held up her hand when she saw him gather steam. “I have too many responsibilities, too many people counting on me to just disappear for an undetermined amount of time. When you have gathered more substantial information and have a plan that involves more than me sitting on my ass in the forest, then we can speak of this again. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to bathe. I won’t be but a few minutes, and I do wish to visit with you, Dhavin. There is melon in the refrigerator and a lovely prosciutto. Please, make yourselves comfortable.” She paused to glance at both men over her shoulder. “If I need assistance, I know who not to call for.”

  Lucian stood transfixed by the swish of the princess’s hips under the shimmering robe. After she disappeared from sight, he snapped back into the present. Dhavin, however, continued to look after her with an appreciative gleam in his eyes. The knowing smirk on the other man’s lips set Lucian off. He raced across the room and slammed his cousin into the wall.

  “You had sexual relations with the princess?” he growled.

  “Get. Off me. Cousin,” Dhavin gasped, struggling with the arm digging across his windpipe.

  “You had sex with the princess?” he roared. “How stupid could you be?”

  “Get off.” Dhavin jammed two fingers under his ribs, followed with a punch to the kidneys. Once free he rubbed at this throat. “Amaryllis can be very persuasive when she wants something. At the time, she wanted me.”

  Lucian reached out and grabbed nothing but a fistful of air as Dhavin ducked to safety. “Were you insane? If you had been discovered, you would have been executed.”

  “She needed me!” He checked over his shoulder, then took a step closer to whisper in a harsh tone, “As her guard it is my job to provide for her, and she needed me. You were so wrapped up with the king, you’ve no idea what life was like for her. She wasn’t afforded the respect due her position, and it was completely undeserved.”

  “But the rules—”

  “Are sometimes worthless. Do not condemn her or me without knowing all the facts, cousin. What Amaryllis and I had was special, but also much in the past. She is my friend. Let me speak with her. I’ll convince her to come with us.”

  It galled Lucian to admit, although it was only to himself, that his cousin may be right. It was obvious he rubbed her the wrong way. The hurt she felt at his rejection the night before still stung where it had pierced his heart.

  The wide-eyed, introspective girl he remembered had been replaced with a sex bomb with devious tendencies. She was unlike any woman he’d ever met, in either world. The difference went beyond the long fall of white-blonde hair and the fathomless lavender eyes that appeared to hold the answers to his darkest fantasies. She was fearless and intelligent. A frightening combination in his opinion.

  And how could he not think about those curves? They had beguiled more than one man on Skandavia, including him, if he was truthful. At the time he had valued his position more than his libido and refused to dwell on such thoughts. But now he was entranced by her breasts and hips that were so lush, his palms itched to be filled with all that flesh and immerse himself in her softness. Sinking his cock into her had been the last thing he thought about before a restless night’s sleep and the first thing to wake him up with a raging erection that still hadn’t ceased. If she only knew how badly he wanted to give in to the temptation of her full lips, she’d probably…well, she’d probably do every wicked thing he asked, which was not going to keep her safe.

  At all cost, he must maintain his control.

  “Make her see reason.”

  Dhavin nodded. “I’ll do my best. She can be quite a handful.”

  Lucian stopped him before he left the room. Though it wasn’t his business, he had to know. “Was she worth the risk?”

  He looked in the direction of the princess’s room. A slow smile curled his lips when he turned back to Lucian. “For certain.”

  Sincerity rang from his words like a tap on the finest crystal. Envy the likes Lucian never imagined coiled around his chest, squeezing the air from his lungs. In his mind’s eye visions of his cousin and the princess rolling around naked on any available flat surface burned his brain.

  A shaft of lust speared from his gut down to his cock. The reaction was ridiculous and entirely inappropriate. He had to get his mind off the beautiful princess and on to eliminating the danger stalking them.

  A modulate ring emitted from his pocket. Lucian retrieved his phone and immediately pressed the green receiver button when he saw Kristos’
name. “What happened?

  * * * * *

  “What did he do?”

  Amaryllis glanced over her shoulder to see Dhavin leaning against the open doorway of her room with his arms crossed.

  She batted her lashes and innocently pouted. “Whatever are you talking about?”

  He rolled his eyes and stepped deeper into the room. “My cousin is the most in-control man ever created and he is now acting like a cork under extreme pressure. And you, little witch, are the fingers trying to pry him loose. What did he do?”

  She gave an elegant shrug of her shoulder. “He was just being his usual bossy, arrogant, boarhound-ass that I remember. He thinks he can give orders and I will obey as if we were at home. I suppose he will have to learn the hard way that circumstances are much different here than on Skandavia.”

  “I’m getting the impression that you are going to enjoy every tortuous moment of his lessons.”

  Her grin brightened for a moment before she tempered the relish that flared when she thought about sparring with the general. “I’m going to do my best to ignore him.”

  “Of course,” he replied in a tone that spoke of exactly how much he believed that.

  He gestured to her grand four-poster bed with red-and-orange drapery and the mahogany Chippendale settee with fat fluffy pillows nestled in the corners. “Your home is amazing. It’s so inviting and warm. You really love it here, don’t you?”

  “Oh Dhavin, I do,” she sighed. “There is so much color, so much life, especially here in America. Don’t get me wrong, there are ugly parts, much as there is ugliness in every colony, but here, almost anything is possible. It’s my home now.”

  His smile matched the brilliance shining in his eyes. “When you disappeared, I knew it was not for ill. I hoped that wherever you were sent, you would find happiness. And look at you now. I hear you’re quite the entrepreneur. A restaurant and a nightclub. Very ambitious.”

  “They have the most amazing food here, and I wanted to be a part of that, so I opened a restaurant. What have you eaten since you’ve arrived? Have you tried vegetables? There are so many different varieties. And dessert. There is an entire course devoted entirely to sweets.”


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