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Tennessee Williams: Mad Pilgrimage of the Flesh

Page 90

by John Lahr

  Flight into Egypt (Tabori), 253

  Flora Goforth (char.), 442, 444–48, 467–68, 662n

  Foote, Horton, 14, 15

  TW’s letters to, 31, 621n

  Ford, Ruth, 471, 522

  Foresman, Margaret, 491, 497

  Forster, E. M., 156

  Frank E. Campbell funeral parlor, 589

  Frankfurter Allgemeine, 553–54

  Freeman, Lucy, 354, 373, 399

  Freud, Anna, 634n

  Freud, Sigmund, 663n

  Fricks, Jack, 494

  Fugitive Kind, The (film), 330, 339–41, 339, 340, 395, 677n

  see also Battle of Angels (Williams); Orpheus Descending (Williams)

  Garbo, Greta, 152

  Gardner, Ava, 440, 466

  Garfield, John, 133–35

  Gauguin, Paul, 18

  gay liberation movement, 521

  TW attacked by, 532–34

  Gay Sunshine, 532

  TW’s letter to, 533–34

  Gazzara, Ben, 303

  Gentleman’s Agreement (film), 133

  Gershwin, Ira, 23


  TW as, 42, 65, 87, 483, 550, 554, 555, 557, 625n, 714n, 715n

  TW’s characters as, 35, 59–60, 179, 183, 205, 209, 332, 549, 555, 556, 560, 562, 563, 567, 578, 601, 628n

  Gibbs, Wolcott, 343, 369

  Gielgud, John, 156, 159–60

  Gigi (dog), 457, 493–94

  Gilman, Richard, 455

  Gionataiso, Frank, Merlo’s letters to, 165–67

  Glass Menagerie, The (film), 169, 173–74, 184, 185, 186

  bad reviews of, 187

  Breen office objections to, 225–26

  negotiations on, 111–12

  rewritten ending of, 186–87

  TW’s disparaging of, 187–88

  Glass Menagerie, The (Williams), 7, 10, 43, 51, 52–55, 73, 88, 95, 126, 355–56, 376, 468, 475, 558, 620n

  absent father in, 42, 59

  Broadway opening of, 1–4, 13–15, 32–33, 60–64, 63

  casting of, 5, 7–8

  Chicago reviews of, 12–13

  Chicago tryout of, 8–9, 11–13, 621n

  early versions of, 30, 31–32, 34–35, 39–40, 367–69

  Edwina given half of royalties on, 62–63

  ghostliness in, 59–60

  London production of, 155–57

  new dramatic style unveiled by, 65–67

  New York reviews of, 32–33, 61–62, 63–64

  quest for redemption in, 66

  road company of, 630n, 643n

  success of, 68, 69

  TW on, 5

  Glavin, Bill, 491, 493

  TW’s letters to, 501, 505–6

  TW’s relationship with, 494–97, 507–8, 705n, 707n

  Glenville, Peter, 525, 527, 539

  Gnadiges Fraulein, The (Williams), 474–75, 477–82, 481, 494–95

  reviews of, 482

  Goforth, Flora (char.), 442, 444–48, 467–68, 662n

  Golden Age, The (Vidal), 222

  Goldman, Milton, 519, 571, 587

  Goodman, Lord Arnold, 595–96

  Goodman Theatre (Chicago), 573, 579

  Gotham Book Mart, 599

  Gov’t Inspected Meat and Other Fun Summer Things (Rader), 522

  Gray, Bill, 280, 494

  Gross, Elliot M.:

  on cause of TW’s death, 587–88

  New York Times exposé of, 588

  Grotowski, Jerzy, 476

  Group Theatre, 16, 22, 130, 342, 631n, 657n

  Grove Weidenfeld, 599

  Guardian (London), 591–92

  Guggenheim, Peggy, 236

  Guys and Dolls (musical), 210

  Hack, Keith, 560

  Hadrian (char.), 75, 76–77

  Haigh, Kenneth, 564, 567

  Halberstam, David, 223

  Hall, Peter, 555, 596, 597

  Hamlin, Harry, 557

  Hammerstein, Oscar, 275

  Hancock, John, 442–43, 483, 517, 556–58, 695n

  Hannah Jelkes (char.), 414, 416, 421, 424, 440

  Harford, Carl, 497, 500

  Harper’s Bazaar, 526

  Harrison, Rex, 213–14

  Harris, Ralph, 474

  Hart, Moss, 23, 348, 372

  Hartman Theatre (Stamford), 597

  Harvard University:

  as TW’s designated literary trustee, 592

  TW’s honorary degree from, 579, 581

  TW’s papers donated to, 579, 595

  Harvey, Laurence, 238–40

  Havana, TW’s trips to, 349–50, 400

  Haydon, Julie, Glass Menagerie and, 8, 9, 10, 60

  Hayes, Helen, 114, 156, 157, 158

  Hazan, Joseph, 89, 635

  TW’s letters to, 29, 99

  Healy, Jo, 364

  Heartsong, 126

  Heavenly (char.), 378–79

  Helburn, Theresa, 20, 27

  Hellman, Lillian, 468

  Hemingway, Ernest, as character in Clothes for a Summer Hotel, 563–64

  Henderson, Bobby, 302

  Henderson, Cathy, 596

  Henderson, Mary, 164–65, 167

  Hepburn, Katharine, 414, 424–25, 468

  Herlie, Eileen, 509–10, 511

  Herlihy, James Leo, 457

  Hidden Selves (Khan), 670n–71n

  Hickey, William, 531

  Hide and Seek (film), see Baby Doll (film)

  Hill, George Roy, 412

  Hines, Robert, 450–51, 494

  Hobson, Laura Z., 348

  Hoctor, Emmett, 681n–82n

  Holly, Catharine (char.), 356, 357, 359, 367, 369, 398, 420


  anti-Communist hysteria in, 248–49

  TW in, 184–88

  Hollywood’s Tennessee (Palmer and Bray), 227

  Holman, Libby, 275

  homosexuality, homosexuals:

  bigotry toward, 222–23, 258, 534

  Brick as repressed, 304–5

  TW as, 79, 82–83, 521, 532–34, 545

  Walter Dakin as possible, 41–42

  see also gay liberation movement

  Hook, The (film), 198

  Hooks, Bobby, 470–71

  Hopkins, Konrad, TW’s letters to, 267, 272

  Hopkins, Miriam, Battle of Angels and, 22–25, 24, 27

  Horowitz, Vladimir, 348

  Hotel Elysée, 582

  House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC), Kazan’s testimony to, 248, 249, 251–52

  House Not Meant to Stand, A (Williams), 572–73, 575–79, 575, 580, 597

  reviews of, 579

  “How Can I Tell You?” (Williams), 328

  “Humble Star” (Williams), 191–92

  Hunt, William:

  Small Craft Warnings and, 521, 529

  TW’s letters to, 521–22, 527

  Hunter, Kim, 145, 151–52, 249

  Hunter, Mary, 475

  Hunter, Tab, 468–70, 471, 472

  Huston, John, 127, 298, 440, 466

  If You Don’t Dance They Beat You (Quintero), 385

  Infantile Neurosis and Other Works, An (S. Freud), 663

  Inge, William, 210, 275, 311, 348, 406, 412, 482

  Splendor in the Grass and, 390, 406, 410

  TW’s influence on, 406

  TW’s jealousy of, 311, 406

  International Creative Management (ICM), 518–19, 568, 571

  International Shoe Company, 35, 46, 56–57, 344

  In the Bar of a Tokyo Hotel (Williams), 485–90, 486, 491–92, 506

  as examination of TW’s self-loathing, 485–86

  reviews of, 492, 703n–4n

  struggle between creativity and self-destruction in, 488–89

  Ionesco, Eugene, 476, 479

  Iowa, University of, 16, 77, 78, 366

  “Iron Is the Winter” (Williams), 99

  “Iron Man” (Williams), 353

  Isherwood, Christopher, 156, 169, 302, 324, 403

  “Isolated” (Williams)
, 59

  Ivanhoe Theater (Chicago), 509

  Ives, Burl, 303, 308, 309

  Jabe (char.), 17, 19, 332, 335

  Jackson, Anne, 163, 566

  Jackson, Charles, 348

  Jacobson, Max (“Dr. Feelgood”), 431–32, 478, 494–95

  J.B. (MacLeish), 394

  Jelkes, Hannah (char.), 414, 416, 421, 424, 440

  John Buchanan (char.), 79, 94, 97, 103, 122

  Jones, Margo, 137, 158, 649n

  death of, 314

  Glass Menagerie and, 8–9, 12, 15

  Summer and Smoke directed by, 115, 125, 150, 152, 162–64

  TW on, 163

  TW’s letters to, 31–32, 100, 106, 139, 151, 221, 639n, 644n, 646n

  Jones, Robert Edmond, 1, 33

  Jordan, Richard, 557

  Jouvet, Louis, 152

  Junior Life, 59

  Jurado, Katy, 551

  Kafka, Franz, 151

  Kalem, Ted, 288, 530

  Katselas, Milton, 549

  Kauffmann, Stanley, 482

  Kazan, Athena, 242–43, 244

  Kazan, Elia, 71, 128, 132, 152, 162, 260, 274, 342, 465, 501, 549

  Academy lifetime achievement award of, 252–53

  acting style influenced by, 129–30

  Actors Studio co-founded by, 130

  All My Sons and, 129, 131

  Baby Doll and, 245–46, 317–20, 408

  as best-selling novelist, 410

  Brando on, 130

  Camino Real and, 253, 254, 256, 257, 258, 259–74

  Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and, 291–92, 302–8, 312, 313, 408–9, 673n

  Communist Party and, 243, 248–49, 251–53

  competitiveness of, 243–44, 390

  in creative break with TW, 313, 408–11

  Death of a Salesman and, 194

  directing methods of, 130, 244–45, 268–71

  director-producer relationship reinvented by, 131, 132

  dramatic collaboration of TW and, 241, 245, 261–62, 292, 296, 304, 308, 312, 313–14, 384–85, 388–89, 405, 409

  family background of, 242–43

  as father figure for TW, 245

  Gentleman’s Agreement and, 133, 194

  in growing frustration with role of director, 389–90, 673n

  HUAC testimony of, 248, 249, 251–52

  Man on a Tightrope and, 254, 259

  as most powerful director in U.S., 194, 410

  Night of the Iguana and, 435, 436

  On the Waterfront and, 262

  Orpheus Descending and, 289–91, 679n–80n

  as outsider, 242, 243

  Period of Adjustment and, 396, 405–6, 412

  personality of, 129

  as reliant on Thacher’s critical judgment, 262–63

  Rose Tattoo and, 183, 193–94, 195–96, 198–201, 203, 204, 240

  on St. Just, 157

  Selznick’s relationship with, 131, 132–33, 145, 253

  Splendor in the Grass and, 390, 406, 410

  Streetcar (film) and, 226–28, 230–32, 249

  Streetcar (play) and, 119–20, 122, 129, 139, 141, 142–43, 142, 145, 146, 149, 610n

  structural insight of, 194

  Sweet Bird of Youth and, 377, 378, 383–91, 392, 394, 399–400, 408, 673n

  TW’s correspondence with, 56, 136, 152, 153, 171, 182, 185, 192, 194, 199–200, 211, 212–13, 219, 232–33, 235, 241, 254, 255, 256, 260, 280, 290, 291–92, 294–95, 296–97, 303, 304–5, 312, 313, 319, 330, 337, 349, 352, 356, 371–72, 373, 377, 378, 388–91, 394–95, 396, 406, 408, 409, 410–11, 440, 452, 550, 567, 679n–80n, 689n

  on TW’s death, 588

  on TW’s expressed desire for children, 249–50

  on TW’s need for success, 409

  on TW’s newly relaxed manner, 371–72

  TW’s personal relationship with, 130–31, 215, 240–42, 244, 245, 253, 410–11, 412

  TW’s post-HUAC loyalty to, 253

  on TW’s psychoanalysis, 378

  on TW’s relationship with Pancho, 143

  Wild River screenplay of, 390, 410

  womanizing by, 243–44

  Kazan, George, 242

  Kazan, Molly, see Thacher, Molly Day

  Kazan, Nick, 262

  Keathley, George, 327, 327, 399, 509, 510–11, 680n

  Kelly, Grace, 312

  Kennedy, John F., assassination of, 471

  Kennedy Center Honors, 554, 567, 568–69

  Kerr, Deborah, 440, 466

  Kerr, Walter, 273, 311, 392, 440, 442, 482, 560

  TW’s letters to, 274–75, 554, 703n–4n

  Key West, Fla.:

  homophobia in, 222, 223, 534

  TW in, 116–17, 188–90, 214, 233, 277–78, 283–84, 315, 457, 473, 491, 496–97, 507–8, 540–41

  TW’s house in, 188–90, 189, 223, 324, 419, 450, 457

  TW’s sale of house in, 580–82

  Walter Dakin in, 42, 116–17, 188–89, 283–84, 414

  Williams family visits to, 219, 223

  Khan, Masud, 287, 670n–71n

  Kiely, Robert, 579

  Kiernan, Kip (Bernard Dubowsky), 89–94, 91, 413, 569

  as prototype of TW male heroes, 94

  TW’s relationship with, 90–92, 635n, 636n

  Kilgallen, Dorothy, 222

  Kilroy (char.), 254, 256, 264, 269, 271

  Kingdom of Earth (Williams), see Seven Descents of Myrtle, The (Williams)

  Kinsey, Alfred, 223

  Kluz, Mark, 525

  Knight, Shirley, 597

  Korda, Michael, 545, 713n

  Korean War, 219, 233

  Kosmonopolis, Princess (char.), 375–76, 385, 389–90

  as surrogate for TW, 380–81, 390–91

  Kowalski, Stanley (char.), 94, 95, 118–19, 122, 229

  Brando on, 137, 138

  Kazan on, 146, 942n

  Pancho as model for, 143

  TW on, 122–23

  Kowalski, Stella (char.), 99, 118–20, 122, 229

  Kramer, Hazel, 78, 632n

  Krause, Frank, 351

  Kretzmer, Herbert, 549

  Kroll, Jack, 492

  Kronenberger, Louis, 273

  Kubie, Lawrence S., 347, 680n

  professional career of, 347–48

  on Suddenly Last Summer, 370–71

  TW psychoanalyzed by, 346–47, 348–49, 350–56, 372–73, 375, 377, 395, 402, 684n

  Kunes, Steven, 579–80

  Kushner, Tony, 369, 476

  “Lady and Tennessee, The” (Lahr), xv

  Lady in the Dark (musical), 23, 348

  Lady Torrance (char.), 331–36

  La MaMa, 477

  Landesman, Rocco, 597

  Langner, Lawrence, 26, 27–28, 126, 623n

  Lanier, Sidney, 461, 473, 589

  Lasky, Floria, 520

  La Touche, John, 167, 275

  Laughlin, James, 82, 170, 502

  and Leverich’s biography of TW, 599–600

  on Rose Tattoo, 203

  St. Just and, 298–99, 300–301, 514

  TW’s correspondence with, 9–10, 27, 49, 70, 71, 105–6, 145, 154–55, 210, 211, 272, 278, 299, 300–301, 442, 492, 631n

  and TW’s death, 583

  TW’s encomium to, 582

  Laura (char.), see Wingfield, Laura (char.)

  Laurence, Paula, 157, 362, 363, 431, 474–75, 594

  Lawford, Pat Kennedy, 564, 566

  Lawrence, D. H., 1, 29

  Lawrence, Gertrude, 23, 186

  Leavitt, Richard, 346, 462

  Lee, Gypsy Rose, 22, 275

  Lee, Ming Cho, 480

  Lee, Robert, 450

  Legion of Decency, 229–32, 320

  Leigh, Vivien, 199, 228, 249

  Leighton, Margaret, 475, 480–81, 514

  in Night of the Iguana, 425, 426, 427, 428, 433, 436

  Lenya, Lotte, 275

  Lerner, Max, 686n

  LeRoy, Joseph, 491, 704n

  “Let It All Hang Out” (Williams), 51<
br />
  Letter to His Father (Kafka), 151

  Leverich, Lyle, xiii, 56, 359

  as TW’s personally authorized biographer, xiv–xv, 598–600, 601

  Levy, Dr., 503, 504, 506

  Lewis, Robert, 199

  Liebling, William, 1, 3, 112, 125, 135, 253, 310, 311, 400, 582, 639n, 677n

  death of, 516–17

  Liebling-Wood agency, 2

  Life, 476, 492

  Life, A (Kazan), 317, 390, 410

  “Life Story” (Williams), 568

  Little Foxes, The (Hellman), 468

  Living Theatre, 476

  Lobdell, David, 519, 534

  TW’s letters to, 485, 506–7, 625n

  Logan, Josh, 156, 348, 372

  London Evening Standard, 591

  Longacre Theatre, 494–95

  Look Back in Anger (Osborne), 467

  Loomis, David, 497

  Losey, Joseph, 448, 485

  Loss of a Tear Drop Diamond, The (Williams), 372

  “Love and the Rind of Time” (McCullers), 107, 639n

  Ludlam, Charles, 476

  Lumet, Sidney, 340–41, 340

  Luther (Osborne), 467

  Lyndon, Andrew, 507

  Lyon, Sue, 466

  MacGregor, Robert, 420, 455, 491, 493–94, 503

  Machiz, Herbert, 441, 454–55, 489, 492

  MacLeish, Archibald, 241, 394

  Madden, Donald, 509, 511

  Maggie (char.), see Pollitt, Maggie

  Magnani, Anna, 174, 325, 417

  on Brando, 678n

  Brando on, 339, 340–41

  in Fugitive Kind, 339–41, 339

  Orpheus Descending and, 336–37, 339

  Rose Tattoo and, 202–3, 291, 315, 317, 317, 337

  TW’s relationship with, 202–3, 315, 336–37, 376

  Mailer, Norman, 527

  Malden, Karl, 249, 318, 318

  “Malediction, The” (Williams), 633n

  Mamet, David, 715n

  Man for All Seasons, A (Bolt), 440

  Mangiacavallo, Alvaro (char.), 94, 182–83, 200, 204, 205–8, 206

  Merlo as model for, 190–91, 209, 233

  “Man in the Overstuffed Chair, The” (Williams), 253–54, 344–45

  Mankiewicz, Joseph, 290, 424

  Mann, Danny, 199

  Rose Tattoo and, 211

  Mann, Eric, 525

  Manners, Hartley, 3

  Man on a Tightrope (film), 254, 259

  Mansfield, Katherine, 29

  Man Who Bit the Sun, The (Nicklaus), 454

  “Many Writers, Few Plays” (Miller), 665n

  Mao Zedong, 219

  March, Fredric, 275

  Mark (char.), 486–90

  TW on, 489

  Martin Beck Theatre (New York), 336, 386, 392

  Massie, Jordan, 110, 111, 293, 297, 672n

  Matilda (char.), 75, 77

  Maxine Faulk (char.), 414, 425, 439–40

  Maxtone-Graham, John, 426, 427, 428–29, 433, 435

  Maxwell, Gilbert, 346, 399, 401, 449, 462, 680n, 687n

  May, Elaine, 441

  McCann, Elizabeth, 596

  McCarthy, Joseph, 222


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