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Letters To Luca

Page 4

by M. R. Joseph

  She knew all along. Katherine Donahey is one smart lady, and Leighton Parks is about to get a whole lot smarter.

  Well, it was the last game of the season for my team. They really out did themselves. I’m going to miss them, especially the seniors. So many people came out to support the team and got to see them win the championship. Ten to two. Val runs onto the field waving her hand and yelling my name. Her fuck me heels keep sinking in the dirt and I can’t help but laugh.

  “Luca, Luca, congratulations. What a game.”

  Val goes to hug me and it’s awkward and when she does, I pat her like an old friend and I smell her stinky perfume. Christ, what does she do, bathe in it?

  “Thanks, Val. I can’t stay to chat, the dinner rush is in a few hours and I always like to be there way ahead of everyone else.” I start to walk away.

  “Wait, Luca. When can I come in and finalize the menu for the reunion with you? Better to be prepared early.”

  “Val, it’s only been a few weeks since you sent it out. We have plenty of time. I’ll be in touch, but I really have to go.”

  “Luca, I was, well I was just wondering if you weren’t too busy on one of your days off, if you wanted to have dinner. School is over in a few days, and I’ll be off for a few weeks. We could have some fun. We could go to the beach, and maybe take a sunset dolphin cruise, like we used to. Remember?”

  “Val, we did that once. You got sea sick, remember?”

  Val looks at me as though I just told her that her puppy died. I kind of feel sorry for her and her desperation. When we were in high school, Val was the head cheerleader, and I was well, honestly, the baseball star. Val thought it was our destiny to be together. Appearances were important to her. She would always tell me as long as we had the looks and we were popular, we could go anywhere, do anything, and people would bow to us. To me, that was farfetched.

  Being popular did have its perks sometimes. Getting into bars underage, having the best table in the cafeteria, having girls fall all over you. It was nice but girls only cared about two things when it came to me, my looks, and to be the girlfriend of the star pitcher for Oceansands High Sea Otters. No one wanted to be my girlfriend because I was nice and treated them well. They just wanted what they thought I could give them. Popularity. My letter girl made me believe that I was so much more than a pretty face. Over the years, I have tried to be more sensitive to women’s feelings. I wasn’t always like that. All I cared about in high school was baseball and my family. Not in that exact order of course, but pretty close. My letter girl had something to do with my sensitive metamorphosis.

  That’s from letter 32. I memorized most of the quotes. Yep, I mind as well have a t-shirt on me that reads: Huge Pussy. So what? I could care less what anyone else thinks.

  “Val, I’ll tell you what. I’ll call you next week and we can have lunch on my next Sunday off. It’s my only day off and I usually have dinner with my family on Sunday nights. How does that sound?”

  She looks like she just struck oil, Texas tea.

  “I’m looking forward to it, Luca.”

  I smile at her and hurry off the field. I am going to be late. I am somewhat anal about my place. I am the boss and I feel better if I am there before anyone. Guess I got the good genes because Adrianna was constantly late, and Fab, well he is usually there on time but I am always finding him out back of the restaurant, making out with some chick against a wall.

  I race to the back door and head for my office. I change out of my coach’s uniform and put on my black work pants, and lime green polo that says “Lucky’s” on the front pocket. I go to my private restroom and brush teeth and wash my face. It was a hot one today and I normally would have taken a shower but I know I don’t have time for that.

  I head back to my office and sit down in my chair for a brief moment. I think back to how Val was throwing herself at me. She did it all through high school and she is still at it. I don’t want a girl like that. I want something else. I unlock one of the drawers to my desk. Only I have the key to it. I pull out a small safe and retrieve some of the letters from my girl. When I read them, they calm me, sooth me, put the biggest fucking grin on my face for the rest of the day. If I am in a happy mood, so is my staff. I pull out letter number twenty one.

  I fold it back up and place it in its envelope. It goes back in the safe, back in the drawer and is locked up and I hide the key. I hear two people arguing and I’m guessing it’s Fab and Adrianna. I get up from my chair and make my way into the hall. I was right; it was them.

  “What the hell are you two arguing about?” I ask.

  “Adrianna won’t let me use her car to take out Sarah tomorrow night. Dad is using his and you would never let me drive your BMW.”

  “Adrianna, Papa pays for that car and he specifically said at times, when you are not using it, you are to let Fab use it. You are working tomorrow night so what’s the big deal?”

  In a flustered attempt to put a bun on the top of her head, she spat out, “Because Luca, my car is not a hotel room on wheels. It is not a bed, or a fuck machine. It’s a car and I refuse to have him skankify it with one of his ho’s.”

  Fab gets into Adrianna’s face and comes back at her. “Ho? Are you calling my girlfriend a ho? Have you looked in the mirror lately, Adrianna. You spread your legs so much, sometimes you walk like you just rode a horse bare back for days.”

  They are close to killing each other when my cell rings in my pocket. “Guys, I’m taking a call, go fill the salt and pepper shakers, then when you’re done, unlock the front door. Be careful. I haven’t gotten it fixed yet. They are still arguing when I step back into my office.

  “Luca Ferro.” I answer.

  “Luca, it’s Wes. How are you?”

  “Wes, hey, how are you? Haven’t seen you in here for a few weeks. I think I owe you a poker game if memory serves.”

  “That you do, my friend. That’s not the reason I’m calling. My sister just got into town and is here for a few months and she is staying with Grace Marris right now.”

  “Oh, I know Grace. She and James are doing the flirting, slash, hook up occasionally thing. I like her. She’s cool.”

  “Yea, she’s nice. I’ve known her forever. Anyway, my sister really would like her own place. She’s pretty private and as much as she loves Grace, she wants her own space. She took a leave of absence from her job and she’s not sure when she is going back.”

  “Is this the one you said graduated with me and now is an editor for a magazine in Philadelphia?”

  “Yes, that’s her. She’s looking for a month to month rental and I was wondering if you still had that unit in the quad for rent?”

  “Absolutely. The tenants left about two weeks ago and I just had it cleaned, but I haven’t advertised it for rent in the paper yet. Does she want to see it first?”

  “Well, I haven’t told her about it yet since I wasn’t sure if it was still available, but I’ll tell her tonight and she can come by and look at it. I’ll give her your number if that’s ok and you guys can work it out.”

  “That’s great, Wes. Thanks for thinking of me. I’ll wait to hear from her.”

  “Take care, Luca. Thanks again.”

  I hang up with Wes. He helped me out a lot when I was refurbishing the quads. I remember him telling me about his younger sister. When he told me we graduated together, I really had no idea who she was. I couldn’t find my year book to find her either. He told me she was somewhat quiet. She was the editor of the paper and the yearbook. I couldn’t remember if she had interviewed me after a game back then.

  Well now I was really behind. No offense to Wes. If his sister was going to do a long term rent from me, I had to make the price right.

  Where the hell did those two get to? All the prep work better be ready. I walk into the dining room and James and another bartender are here already. The kitchen staff has arrived too. It’s well after five now and on a nice, warm day like this, we have zero customers.

  “James.” I yell to him. “Did you see Adrianna or Fab unlock the front door?”

  “Nope, sorry, dude.”

  Shit, no wonder there isn’t anyone here. Usually by this time, we have ten tables full already. I’ll kill the both of them if they forgot. I run to the door to unlock it. When I do, I slip on a stray paper napkin on the floor, my hands go flying towards the door to stop my fall, and the unlocked door flies open. I suddenly hear a loud thump as the door connects with something hard. What the hell was that? I get to my feet and turn around towards the sidewalk.

  There lying on the ground is a girl. She is out cold, and has a cut on her forehead. Holy shit! I killed her!

  I pat her face trying to bring her to, and feel for a pulse. Oh thank God, she’s not dead. My heart is pounding out of my shirt. She is sprawled on the cement. Her dark locks are surrounding her head like waves on a cement ocean. Her lips are a soft pink, and they match her cheeks. Oh God, what do I do? I start calling whoever will hear me.

  “James, Fab, Adrianna, help, come quick.”

  They all run to the front door sensing the urgency in my voice.

  “Holy shit, Luca, you killed her.”

  “Shut up, Fab.” Adrianna yells at him.

  “Wow. You knocked her out cold, man.”

  “I didn’t knock her out, the door did.”

  “Papa told you to get that door fixed.”

  “Not now, Adrianna. Help me get her up and inside. Fab, go get the first aid kit out of my office and a bag of ice.”

  I grab under her arms and James takes her legs. Adrianna goes to the sidewalk and retrieves her purse and a stack of what looks like her mail, all over the sidewalk. We hurry in and place her on top of one of the long tables not set for dinner. Fab comes back with the first aid kit and ice. I start to speak to her to try and arouse her awake.

  “Miss, Miss. Can you hear me? Please wake up.”

  I touch her face and pull back the hair from her forehead. Her skin feels so soft. I stroke her cheek slightly and it feels like satin under my fingertips. With my other hand, I blot the small amount of blood that has seeped down the side of her head. She looks so peaceful but I’m worried. What if she goes into a coma? What if she has irreparable brain damage and it’s all my fault because I forgot to get the fucking door fixed? I say a silent prayer for her to wake up and not sue me. I try to rouse her again.

  “Miss, please. Can you open your eyes? What is your name?” I hear her moan and she moves her head side to side slightly. She is groaning and I think that’s a good sign. She blinks just a few times trying to focus her eyes.

  “What is your name and should I call someone?”

  With that, she opens her eyes and I see two orbs of amber-brown with hints of green. They are an almond shape and her eyelashes seem to be so, long, they fall to the corners of her lids. I can’t stop staring at them, and I don’t know why for the life of me, but it’s like I am searching for something in them, but what?

  Oh this is a repeat of one of my favorite dreams that I sometimes still have. His face is so close to mine this time, a mere few inches away. I can see the fine smile lines in the corners of his eyes, though they seem wrought with worry. Everything is in such vivid detail. Fixating on his gorgeous features everything else is unfocused, background noise just muffled haze, and I can’t make sense of it.

  Leighton, you are seriously dreaming and you need to wake up now. It’s him. Luca Ferro’s face is mere inches from yours. His breath smells sweet, like bubble gum. His face is hovering above me. I’m dizzy and I want to speak, but I can’t form the words. Everything seems to be going in slow motion. I must be dreaming. If I am, this is a hell of a one.

  I still dream about him all time even when I was with Michael. He would invade my slumber. I always dreamed I was actually saying the things I wrote to him, right to him.

  I can smell his cologne and the laundry detergent he uses. Funny, I didn’t know you could smell things in your dreams. Of course in my dreams he would strip me naked after I declare my love and we would make crazy, passionate love on top of my letters to him. Mind as well take advantage of this before I wake up and he disappears with the disappointment of my reality.

  “Luca,” I whisper and grab him from around his neck and slowly invade his mouth with my probing tongue. He resists at first but then our tongues do a little tango. Shit, I’ll have to use this dream in my next book. It feels so real. His velvet tongue, his lips, his bubble gum flavored breath. His big, strong hand is wrapped around the back of my head, and I am relentless with my need to trace my tongue over his lips and teeth. I moan and I can hear myself. I can hear him moan a little as well. Suddenly, he gently pulls away, and my head is again placed down on the table. I close my eyes, and open them again. That’s when I hear him say, “How did you know my name is Luca?”

  Fuck me! It wasn’t a dream at all. This is real. I just kissed Luca Ferro, with tongue.

  I sit up a little too quickly and swing my legs over the side of the table and I instantly feel the need to flee. I’m still dizzy and brace myself to the table beneath me.

  “Whoa, you better take it easy. You have a nasty cut on your head. Here, put this bag of ice on it. Please.”

  I take it from him and place it on my forehead.

  “I kissed you. I am… I am so sorry. I must have been dreaming. I, um, I…” I stuttered. “Where am I? Can you tell me what happened? All I remember is walking down the street from the post office, I was sifting through my mail as I was walking and the next thing I know, I’m on this table, kissing you. I’m…so sorry.” He looked at me with his rich, chestnut colored eyes and smiled.

  “You are at Lucky’s Restaurant, and please, I should be the one apologizing. Did you say your last name was Parks?”

  I nod my head. Oh, sweet mother of all things sacred and holy, he knows my last name. My cover, blown to bits. He is Luca Ferro for fuck’s sake, and I’m just the girl whose heart he once had.

  “Are you related to Wes Parks?”

  “Yes, he’s my brother. How do you know him?”

  “He did some work on a quad of condos I have on 57th street. He actually just called me a bit ago about you.”

  I felt like I was going to vomit - just nerves wreaking havoc on my stomach. He knows my name, and he talked to Wes about me. What. The. Fuck.

  “You still haven’t answered my question, Leighton, how do you know my name?” I mentally spoke to him.

  Well for starters, I have loved you for most of my life. I’m the girl who wrote you letters for years. Now I write books about them. You will never know that because I’m not me, well I’m me, but I’m not me, who writes them. I’m Brianna Maxwell. I’m actually quite popular. You are a guy, you would never pick them up and read one. They are trashy, full of angst and smut, and all I’m doing is giving the people what they want. I quoted Shakespeare and Byron to you in the letters. You are whose heart holds mine. Well, used to.

  “I um, well, we went to high school together. I recognized you. It’s been a long time, but you still look the same.” Hopefully that little white lie helps me out.

  He scratches his head and chuckles along with the three other people around him.

  “Well, I guess that doesn’t say a lot about me then, does it.” I bow my head in embarrassment. Suddenly, I feel his finger raise my chin, and I swear my whole face is suddenly on fire. How can a tip of a finger do that to me?

  “Hey, Leighton, it’s ok. I was joking. I’m sorry I didn’t introduce you to your other rescuers. This is my sister Adrianna, my little brother Fabrizio, and this is my best friend James.”

  “Are you James Grammer?” I ask.

  “Yes. I guess you recognize me from high school too. I mean, I am a lot bigger and muscular now.”

  Luca’s sister smacks his arm.

  “No, I am Grace Marris’s friend. She talks about you all the time.” Shit! Did I just say that out loud? Maybe I do have a concussion. Grace is going to kill me. “Wh
at I meant to say was, she says she sees you sometimes in here. She comes in pretty often just to see you.” Good Lord, I did it again. James starts to laugh, and Luca joins him.

  “I think I’m just going to keep my mouth shut now.”

  James stands up straight and cocks his head at me.

  “So Grace talks about me to you, huh. I think I like that. I’m going to call her later. Glad you’re ok, Leighton. Take care of that head.” James walks away and takes his place behind the bar.

  Luca’s brother and sister excuse themselves as a few customers walk through the door. It’s just me and Luca. Alone. Looking at each other.

  “I hit you with the door.” He bows his head. “I was supposed to get it fixed last week, but didn’t get around to it. I’m sorry. Please don’t sue me. My Papa will have another heart attack.”

  Can you say, absolutely, positively, out of this world adorable! With that face, he could have bashed me over the head with a sledge hammer and I wouldn’t mind. I have to play this interaction cool. I’m this close in proximity to him and I’m almost one hundred percent sure he can see my thoughts. It’s impossible, but I can’t help feeling naked and vulnerable in his presence. My letters to him were so intimate, so personal. He knew me and what my heart wanted and needed. It was him I wanted and needed.

  “I’m not going to sue you Luca, but I’d recommend you getting that door fixed as soon as possible before someone else really gets hurt.” I give him a slight smile as I scoot off the table. Oh, wow. I feel like I’m swaying. Am I?

  “Wait, where are you going? Are you dizzy? Let me drive you home.”

  His hand is holding my elbow and I shiver like it is the freaking arctic in here. How could he make me feel hot and cold in a matter of moments?

  “Really, I’m fine. I’ll go to the urgent care on 73rd street.”

  “I’m driving you. Please allow me to since I almost killed you.”

  I laugh because he looks so damn handsome but worried that I will sue him or maybe he is truly concerned for my well-being?

  Luca helps me to his car and opens the door for me. He closes it and goes around to the driver’s side. He stands there for a moment before he climbs in and I have no idea why. When he slides into the driver’s seat, his scent captivates me. I inhale and hope he doesn’t notice.


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