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Letters To Luca

Page 11

by M. R. Joseph

  I have to nod to agree because it’s all I can do. I so very badly want to lick those droplets of water that are dripping down that side tattoo of his. The one with the words of Shakespeare on them. I also love the one of the Blessed Mother on his arm with a date on it. I have no idea what it means, but my mind goes to tracing it with my fingers, but I can’t and I won’t.

  “Good. I’m glad we have that all cleared up. I guess I should go back and change for work. I hope you enjoy this beautiful day. Maybe I’ll see you later?”

  I nod again like an idiot. I am a professional woman who speaks to CEO’s of multimillion dollar conglomerates on a daily basis, but I can’t talk to a twenty-eight year old owner of a restaurant. He disappears into the house and I’m still standing there on the porch, frozen. I feel an ache between my legs and a fullness that I do not want to feel. I need to relieve it. I’m pretty sure my Pocket Rocket is going to be dusted off today and put to good use. I can’t pursue anything with him so who’s to say, I can’t appreciate and treat myself to a good, old-fashioned orgasm about him. I am an attractive, heterosexual, horny woman who writes romance novels that I bet woman get themselves off to all the time. I bet it’s a fact. You have to appreciate that. I know I do. I’m only human so don’t judge me.

  Well, my first phase of my plan seemed to work. The old broken hose nozzle spraying me down with water trick came together flawlessly. Just the look on her face when I took my shirt off was priceless. She looked like a starving animal and I was the meal.

  I am fully aware that her being attracted to me is not the only thing I need her to see. That’s only a small part of it. Without sounding so cocky, I already know she’s attracted to me so I can cross that off the list. We have the mutual love of poetry which I find quite odd but at the same time, totally endearing, and well, I think it’s hot. A girl who has the same acquired taste in poets as I do that’s a rarity to find. It’s just another reason why I want her.

  Did I just admit that? I did. I want her. I want Leighton Parks. She’s smart, beautiful, funny, clumsy, loves poetry, and 80’s music. What’s there not to want? Maybe she’s my one, like papa says there’s that one out there made for everyone. She may not know it yet, but I’m starting to realize it.

  My next step is to show my romantic side. I think I have a few tricks up my sleeve. I just have to play my cards right.

  I have to work today but thank God it’s Monday and it’s never busy on Mondays. I pull up to work and I go straight to my office. The restaurant closes at nine tonight. James is in charge of closing down the bar which means we will be out of here on time.

  I have mail to open and I have to make sure we are fully staffed for the night. Adrianna and Fab are on and I hope that I can just supervise and not have to work the floor. I head to my office and I see Wes waiting for me outside. I forgot he’s here to fix the broken door.

  “Hey, Wes, sorry if I’m late man, I totally forgot you were coming today.” I approach him and shake his hand.

  “No worries, I figured you’d want it done before the dinner crowd.”

  “Perfect. Thanks so much. I really appreciate it.”

  “It’s not a problem. I just really appreciate you renting your place to my sister. She seems to have settled in nicely. I heard you guys hung out last night. Did you have a good time?”

  I want to say to him I had a hell of a time and that I’m interested in his sister, but I think that’s a bit much to say right off the bat.

  “Yes. We had a good time. I hope she’s going to be happy there. You should have come out with us.”

  I know but I had worked yesterday morning then helped her move in and I was exhausted. I just wanted to make sure Leighton was going to be in good hands.”

  Oh, God was she ever in good hands. My thoughts are going to her in that little white bikini and to her damn sexy knee caps.

  “Yes. James and Grace were with us too. It turned out to be a nice night.”

  “I’m glad. Well, I better get to fixing this. I’ll let you know when I’m all finished up.”

  I let Wes get to work and I head inside towards my office. I take a look at the stack of mail and sort through it. I make a few piles, one for the accountant, one for purchasing, and one for all the restaurant’s regular bills.

  I don’t feel focused. All I’m thinking about is her. She is consuming my every thought. How can I show her my romantic side without being too forward? I need to ease into this so I don’t scare her off. I really don’t want to. I want to grab her, tell her how I feel and make her understand I want to get to know her better, to give this, whatever it is, a shot. I pick up the phone and call the one person who lives and breathes romance.

  “Ciao, Papa. Come stai?”

  “Ah, Ciao mio bel ragazzo. I am fine. I missed you yesterday, Luca.”

  “Si, papa. I’m sorry. I worked a lot last week and I had a lot to do around the house. You know me, I don’t miss Sunday dinner very often, plus I got a new tenant and I wanted to make sure she settled in ok.”

  “Oh, a woman, you say. A beautiful woman, my boy?”

  I laugh because I knew as soon as I said it was a woman, his tone would change to an inquisitive tone.

  “Yes, papa. A woman, and yes, she is beautiful, and smart, and funny. She is Wes Parks’ sister. She just moved back here from Philadelphia. We went to high school together although I don’t remember her.”

  “So you say beautiful, smart, and funny. You know all this about the girl already? It sounds like you have taken a special interest in her.”

  “Well papa, to tell you the truth, I want to get to know her better and that’s why I’m calling. I think I may have some feelings for her and I’m not sure she’s interested, but there’s something about her, Papa. I can’t put my finger on it. I’m trying to go with my gut.”

  “Luca, my precious boy, I have never heard you sound this way before. It makes me pleased to hear you talk this way, although you need to go with what your gut is telling you to do. I say go with what your heart says. You know what I always say, there’s a someone out there for everyone, a soul mate, someone who completes them. I found that in my Mia, but the good Lord wanted her more, I suppose.”

  “I know, Papa. That’s what I want. Something like what you and mamma had. I want my someone, and you’re right, I have never had these sort of feelings before. So how do I win her over?”

  Papa is laughing in his big bellied laugh on the other end and I can’t help but to smile at that laugh.

  “Oh, my boy, you don’t try and win her over, you try and win her love, her trust, but be you Luca my boy, just be you.”

  “I love you, papa. You know that, right?”

  “Si, si. I love you as well, my Luca. You bring her for family dinner soon, capisce.?”

  “Yes, papa. I understand. Ciao. I hang up with my hero and feel more determined than ever to win the heart of Leighton Parks. I need to put my plan into place and show her how good we could be together.

  I think I hear James come in so I yell out to him.

  “James? Is that you, buddy?” I can hear footsteps and then he pops his head in my office.

  “It’s me. What’s going on? Late night last night?”

  I shake my head and ease back on my office chair.

  “Not as late as you from what I heard.” James scrunches up his face at me and steps into the office.

  “You heard us?” I nod my head. “I’m sorry, man. I didn’t mean for that to happen, but it was the first time we were together and I guess we got carried away.”

  I wave my hand at him. “No need to apologize. I’m happy for you. Grace is great. You seem to really like her.” He smirks at me and I know there’s more to it than just a casual relationship.

  “Yeah, I do. I really like her. Like really, really like her. She’s fantastic. I wish I would have met her in high school. I don’t remember her. She said her and her friends were sort of a little nerdy. They didn’t hang with anyone from our cro

  “I know. I think I would of remembered Leighton if I did.”

  “But you wouldn’t have. From what Grace tells me, Leighton made herself over when she was in college. She didn’t always look the way she does, and let me agree with you on that, I would have remembered her too. She’s hot, man. Anything happen last night when Grace and I left?”

  I would like to tell him everything but I’m not like that. James is though. I don’t really kiss and tell, but something compels me to tell him at least a little. I can’t really hold it in.

  “Nothing much. We kissed, and talked, and well, I… I…”

  “You like her. Admit it, man. You can see it and I have the feeling it’s mutual. I can ask Grace if you want. I can get the low down for you.”

  I want to know but I don’t want James going to Grace for answers. I need to find out her feelings for myself.

  “No, don’t ask Grace. That’s kid stuff. I want to find out for myself, and to answer your question, yes. I’m interested. Very interested.”

  “Just be careful, man. That girl is nursing some serious wounds from that fucker in Philadelphia. Man oh man, I’d love to come face to face with him. He’s lucky Wes doesn’t know what he did to her.”

  “Who did what to whom, James?” Wes pokes his head in at the end of the conversation. He steps in my office.

  “Were you talking about Leighton? Who did what to her?”

  James and I look at each other and we aren’t sure we should let Wes know what happened. It isn’t our business.

  “James? Luca? If it has to do with Leighton, I suggest you tell me. That’s my baby sister and if someone hurt her, I need to know about it. I’d like to keep our friendship and friends don’t withhold things about one’s sister from them.”

  I have to say something. Maybe not the whole story, but I think something needs to be said.

  “Wes, we don’t know much, but apparently Leighton was seeing someone in Philadelphia and she found out he was married, so she broke it off. That’s all we know. I’m sorry.”

  I know I probably said too much already but if it was Adrianna, I’d want to know too. Wes looked angry. He clicked his jaw and flexed his huge fists.

  “Who’s the fucker? Did she say what his name is cause I’ll fucking kill him.” Wes said through clenched teeth.

  “We don’t know his name. All we know is she worked with him.” That’s all I could say and I wait for Wes’s reaction. He just shook his head and seemed to relax a bit.

  “That must be the reason she left her job. God damn it! I’ll kill the bastard. I swear it.”

  “Relax, Wes. It’s over and done with. She’s home, and she’s safe. I think she just needs time.”

  “Your right, Luca. I’ll give her space. I won’t say anything to her. I’ll let her come to me first. But Luca, since you live right next to her, can you do me a favor and maybe keep an eye on her for me. I work so much that it will be hard for me to be around all the time. Can you do that for me?”

  James eyes are as big as saucers, and I know what he’s thinking. “Of course, Wes. Anything to help you out, man.” Wes extends his hand out and shakes mine.

  “What do I owe you for the door? I’m assuming you’re done.”

  “Nothing, man. Just take good care of my sister. You’re a good man. I know you’ll look out for her.”

  “It will be my pleasure, and if you’re not taking money from me, at least let me pick up dinner for you next time you’re in, ok?”

  “Ok, I’ll agree to that. Take care, Luca. Later, James.”

  Wes leaves and I let out a rush of air from my lungs. He wants me to look after Leighton for him.

  “Well, now that’s what I call a stroke of luck. He wants you to look after the girl you like. Shouldn’t be that hard, right man?”

  “James, I think it’s time to throw a party. It may be a good way for Leighton to feel more welcome. You in? Invite Grace and tell her to invite her friends. I’ll schedule it so you and I both have off the same day. How’s Friday?”

  “Friday?” He asks shocked. “Friday is a super busy night. I make some major coin. I don’t know, man.”

  “What do you usually bring home on a Friday night after tipping?”

  “I don’t know. $300 I guess. Why?”


  “Why are you saying, done?”

  “I’ll match it. I’ll write you a check right now.”

  “Luca, you’re crazy. I can’t let you do that.”

  “James, you’re my best friend and honestly, I need to have this happen. I have to do this for Leighton.”

  “Shit, you’ve got it bad, dude. Alright, I’m not going to argue with you. Let’s do it.”

  “Good. Spread the word but not too, too crazy, got it?”

  “Got it, Boss.”

  James disappears out of my office and I know that this party may get Leighton to open her eyes to what kind of guy I am. I want it all to be perfect for her. This is what my heart is telling me to do. Her heart is in pain. Maybe if her friends are there and she knows I did this for her, well, let’s just wait and see.

  I got so much accomplished today. No phone calls, no busy office, no meetings, no gorgeous Italian baseball players to distract me. All my interviews are done, the questions have been sent off to the book reviewers, and all my emails have been taken care of. Only a few more weeks till the new book comes out and I’m super excited. This calls for a nice walk on the beach.

  I try and lock my slider and it refuses to cooperate. Damn it! I know I did something to it when I slammed it. That means I have to tell Luca. Maybe Wes can just come and fix it.

  I throw on my flip flops and shut the sliding door and make my way down to the beach. The sun has gone down and the sky is a purplish color. It’s beautiful and peaceful. There are a few people still walking their dogs and wading in the water. I like walking towards the edge of the water where the waves break. The water washes over my toes as I peacefully search for shells and beach glass. I inhale the salt air and close my eyes. I think about how crazy my life is. My books are selling like crazy. I know someday I may have to reveal that I am Brianna Maxwell, but for now, I like keeping this secret to myself, but my stomach gets a heaviness to it when I think about the secret I am keeping from Luca. My letters. That’s why it’s so hard for me to completely let myself go when I’m around him. My conscience has a problem allowing me to do so like it is punishing me for not revealing to truth.

  How could I possibly let him in? I needed to keep our relationship strictly platonic. No hanky panky, no gawking at him stretch in his running gear, no spying on him half naked in his hot tub, no wondering what the bottom half of him looks without undergarments. Nope, nada, finito.

  Still, I need my sliding door fixed. I know he’s working and I’m a little nervous with it not being able to lock. I know Luca is right next door, and James and Luca’s sister Adrianna are above me, but still, it’s not like my apartment in Philadelphia where security is around 24/7. When I get off the beach, I’ll at least write Luca a note and slip it into his mailbox to let him know it’s broke. I don’t want him to know I’m uncomfortable with it not being able to lock. I’ll just sleep with one eye open tonight and a baseball bat under the bed. You know…just in case.

  I continue to walk another mile or so and now it’s pretty dark. I should really get back. I collected a few shells that I have stuffed in the pockets of my hoodie. I’ll write the note to Luca as soon as I get back. Hopefully he can fix it first thing in the morning.

  As I approach the quad I can hear music coming from it. I could have sworn I saw James and Adrianna both leave for work earlier, and I watched Luca leave for Lucky’s. Who else could be home?

  Oh mother of God, it’s Luca sitting on his porch in a swing, a few candles burning and illuminating the features of his face. He’s nursing a beer and reading something. I walk up the three steps and I want so badly to turn and scurry into my place but I know he is unavoid
able. I take a deep breath in and make my approach.

  “Hey, Luca. Home from work already?” He looks up from whatever he’s reading.

  “Oh, Leighton, I didn’t see you there. Yes, the restaurant was really dead tonight. We only did about forty dinners. That’s unusual, but I’m not complaining. What’s going on?”

  He takes a sip of his beer and places one of his hands behind his head and I see a muscle flex as he does so, slowly. That’s just so not fair. He begins to rock back and forth on the swing casually.

  “Oh, nothing. I went for a long walk on the beach to watch the sunset and collect some shells.” He smiles at me.

  “Find anything good? When the tide comes in, it’s amazing what you’ll find.”

  “Just a few. I was just enjoying walking up and down the water’s edge.”

  “That’s my favorite. I love feeling the tiny waves crash at my feet. I love the feeling of the ocean pulling away from me.” I’m stunned because that’s exactly what I love as well, but I can’t get all enthusiastic about it to him.

  “I like that too.” I say straight out and to the point. No sugar coating that one.

  “Would you like a beer?” He asks me.

  Uh, yeah, no. No way. A few beers with him would do me some serious damage. The further I stay away from him and keeping my distance, the better. Plus, I do have to tell him about the door.

  “No thank you, but unfortunately it seems the lock to my slider is broken. I’m so sorry but do you mind taking a look at it? I know you just got off work but…” He interrupts me as he rises off the swing.

  “Leighton, please. That’s why I’m here. Let me just put this book down and grab my tool box.” He places it on the swing as he stands. Being such an avid reader and an author, I’m curious as to what he is reading.

  “If you don’t mind me asking, what is that you’re reading?”

  He picks up the book and turns it around for me to see.

  “Oh this? The complete works of Elizabeth Barrett Browning. You a fan of Browning?”

  Ok, am I being punked? Where’s that tall skinny, annoying dude with a camera waiting to jump out at me. Browning is my favorite. My poetic soul mate. She is the reason I wanted to become a writer. She is my idol, my hero. I quoted her so many times to him in my letters. I can’t believe he likes her. My words and her words affected him. They must have.


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