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Letters To Luca

Page 15

by M. R. Joseph

  Kenzie parks in one of the spaces in front of the quad and I walk around towards the front of the porch. Kenzie has a look on her face that I can’t quite figure out.

  “Fuck a duck. You live here, Leighton?”

  Still confused by her reaction I realize she is staring at my porch. I turn my head and realize the porch is covered in about two dozen bouquets of Gerber Daisies. They are colorful and are situated in different multi-colored vases. I gasp and make my way on the porch to get a closer look at them all. Attached to my sliding door is an envelope. Before I even get a chance to grab it, Kenzie has it in her hands making quick work of tearing it open. She doesn’t even give me a sideways glance as she begins to read it aloud:

  “Well twist my panties sideways and call me Martha. Who the hell is Luca, and why is he calling you beautiful, and why are there a few dozen flowers from him on your front porch? Lucy, I think you have some splainin to do.”

  She talks in her best Ricky Ricardo accent and I cringe when she does so. I pluck the note from her hands and I don’t feel like answering any of her questions but I know this is Kenzie and she will hound my ass if I don’t start “splainin” things to her.

  “He’s a guy that went to my high school. He owns this place. He also lives next store. You want to know his shoe size, and what his favorite color is, too?” I open the sliding door entering my place but Kenzie is hot on my heels. I put down my bag and she does as well. I make my way to the kitchen for something to drink.

  “Not so fast. Spill, woman, or I’m going to have to kill you.”

  “What do you want me to tell you, Kenz? There’s not much to tell.”

  She laughs at me because she knows me so well. I try to keep a stoic expression on my face but when I hold the note from Luca in my hand, my thoughts go to his warm, brown eyes and I can’t help but smile knowing he took the time to do all this, to buy the flowers, set them up, and write the note.

  “Not much to tell, huh? Fine. I’ll just stalk his door until he comes home and ask him myself.”

  She wouldn’t. Yes, she would.

  “OK. I’ll tell you.” I plop down on the sofa and she does the same. “He’s incredible. He’s the sweetest, most thoughtful, and gorgeous man I have ever met. He didn’t know I existed in high school. He was popular, and captain of the baseball team. All the girls in school wanted him, and you know what I was like when I first went to college. No guy like Luca would want anything to do with me, but now… I don’t know Kenz, he… he wants me. Me. He told me so.”

  She lets out a burst of air from her lungs and shakes her head.

  “Leighton, I have never heard you talk about a guy like this before. Not even about Michael. You look all dreamy when you described him. You’ve got it bad for him and I cannot wait to get a look myself.”

  I can’t wait either, but I have some decisions to make. It would make sense not to pursue anything with him, not to lead him on. Just to walk away, but I don’t know if I can do it. Maybe I’ll keep this facade up a little longer. Maybe I’ll see where this goes, and tell him everything after I go to New York, if things work out.

  Kenzie and I are exhausted. We make grilled cheeses and watch some reality show. She falls asleep on the couch and I want to write Luca a short note, then I stop myself. What if he recognizes my handwriting from my letters? I catch myself before I even pull out the pen. I’ll send him a text instead.

  Me: Luca, I cannot thank you enough for the beautiful flowers and sweet note. Looking forward to tomorrow and beyond.

  It doesn’t take long for him to get back to me, and I’m startled by the quick response.

  Luca: I’m so glad you liked them. Saw them and thought of you :) Still at work. Ugh.

  Me: Well don’t work too hard and I’ll see you tomorrow :)

  Luca: Can’t wait. Is it tomorrow yet? :)

  Me: Ha, ha. Goodnight goofball.

  I wake up Kenzie, who is still sleeping on the couch, and tell her to go to bed. I lock everything up, brush my teeth and crawl between my sheets. My mind has void of everything except Luca. I close my eyes and imagine those chocolate brown eyes staring back at me. I’m lost in them, my mind is and I’m beginning to believe my heart already is.

  Even though I got in after one, I still get up and go for my run. Leighton’s curtains are still closed as I step onto my front porch and peak over, which means she’s still asleep. I have to make it a quick run today. I have a lot to do for the party tonight. Everything is covered at the restaurant. Staff is in place so I can sit back and relax tonight, even though I feel so anxious. I haven’t seen Leighton in a day and oddly enough, it feels like forever.

  The weather man said chance of storms overnight just as long as they stay away for most of the night. James said there’s about forty or so people coming, friends from high school, some people that we know from the restaurant, Adrianna’s friends, and Leighton’s friends, whom I’ve met. James is grabbing the keg. I grabbed some liquor from the restaurant last night that I will need to replace. The cooks from the restaurant are making a few things to feed our hungry guests. It’s been a long time since James and I threw a party. We work way too much, but since this girl came into my life, I feel like there’s more to life than just being at the restaurant.

  Maybe I throw myself in my work and spend so much time there because there’s nothing else for me to do. I hang with my friends sometimes, but some are married or have girlfriends. I spend time with my family, but it’s my family. I’m ready to share my life with someone. I’m ready for a girlfriend. I’ve been hung up on my letter girl for so long I thought no one could compare to her. That’s why I could never open my heart to anyone. I tried. Believe me, but the only thing that calmed my loneliness was getting laid. That only takes you so far though. Sex is sex, that’s it. I’m tired of feeling nothing when I’m doing it. Tired of feeling nothing but what my dick is feeling. I’m ready and what my head and my heart are telling me, it’s got to be Leighton. She’s the first girl I can honestly say that makes me forget her or at least put letter girl way in the back of my head.

  I run back off the beach and I see Leighton is sitting on the patio, her back is to me and a girl with crazy brown curly hair sitting across from her. She’s sipping on her coffee. When I approach the steps crazy hair goes wide-eyed and says, “Holy fucking hotness, Batman.”

  Is she referring to me?

  Leighton spins around in her chair and my breathing falters. Her hair is in a haphazard bun on top of her head and there are loose pieces framing her face. She doesn’t appear to have a stitch of makeup on and I think she’s more fucking beautiful than I have ever seen her. She smiles at me and crinkles her nose up just like I love it, and suddenly my pants feel just a little tighter. I jog up the steps to try and loosen things up in there.

  “Good morning, Leighton.” I walk over to the cafe table and smile down at her.

  “Good morning yourself. Have a good run?”

  “It was ok.”

  “How’s your day going so far?” She asks.

  “A lot better now.” I wink at her and her friend clears her throat and coughs very loudly.

  “Hi, I’m Luca Ferro, nice to meet you, and your name is?” I extend my hand to her.

  “I’m Mackenzie Carpenter. Nice to meet you and please call me Kenzie.”

  “Kenzie it is then. Did we go to high school together?” I feel kind of rude not remembering if we did. I don’t even remember Leighton.

  “No. Leighton and I were roommates at Penn State. I’m from Philadelphia.” Whew. I’m glad that’s settled so I can stop feeling guilty for not remembering her.

  “Luca, I hope you don’t mind but I invited Kenzie to the party tonight. I was in Philadelphia and I slept at her place and wanted to invite her.”

  “Of course I don’t mind. The more the merrier. It should be a good time. By the way, what happened in Philadelphia with your job?”

  “She got canned.” Kenzie blurts out.

�Kenzie!” Leighton looks at her angrily.

  “Oh, God, Leighton, I’m so sorry. Did you tell them what that jerk did to you the other night?”

  “I did. It didn’t make a difference. There’s a no fraternization policy. We got caught, and I got fired. I’m ok with it though. I asked for it.”

  Her attitude makes me angry, not because of what she did with that prick, but because she thinks she deserved what he did to her the other night.

  “Leighton, you didn’t ask for him to attack you and try and rip your clothes off. No one deserves that.”

  I probably said that a little more sternly than I anticipated, but I’m sorry, she needed to be told. She’s too special to even think that way. She looks up to me sweetly and quietly responds, “Thanks, Luca.”

  I know I have to get started with the things I need to do for tonight. I don’t want to leave the sight of her, but I’ll be able to spend plenty of time with her later.

  “Listen, I gotta go and prepare for tonight. I should be back in a few hours. Do you need anything while I’m out?”

  “No thank you. I’m fine. Do you need any help? I was going to take Kenzie around town and to the beach, but I could run some errands for you.”

  How fucking sweet is this girl? I don’t want her to lift a finger on her sweet little hand. I just want to grab her up off that chair, weave my fingers through those raven-colored locks and kiss her till she can’t breathe.

  “Absolutely not. You girls enjoy your day and leave everything up to me. We are going to have fun tonight.”

  “Did you download plenty of 80’s music for your guests?” She asks me and it’s so fucking adorable I can’t stand it. Oh, and her love of the same music as me, makes my pants tight again. I’m fucked.

  I put my hand to my heart. “Of course I do. I’ve got about five hundred songs. That should last all night and give James a headache. He hates it.”

  “Well he obviously doesn’t know good music when he hears it. It’s the best, so him not liking it should make for an interesting evening.” She crinkles up her nose again and I know now I need to turn and go away before I take her over my shoulder cave man style and throw her on my bed.

  “I’m pretty sure the evening will be interesting anyway.” I wink at her again in the hopes that she realizes what I mean. “Well you girls have a great day, and I’ll see you tonight. Kenzie, pleasure meeting you.” I go to shake her hand again. I grab Leighton’s and kiss her palm, gently bringing it to my mouth and Kenzie looks like she’s about to pass out.

  As I walk away and open my sliding door, I hear the girls start to giggle uncontrollably and that’s when I know I just swooned Leighton Parks.

  I get all the shit I have to get done, completed. Cups, plates, bar stuff, candles, lights to hang off everyone’s porches. James and I work quick together. We ice up the keg, set up a makeshift bar in the back near the hot tub. We hang more lights from the under hang of the small balconies in the back of the house. I haven’t seen Leighton since this morning and I’m hoping she had fun today with her friend. James strolls up to me with Grace in tow.

  “Well, every things all ready, man. Should be a good time.”

  “Hey, Grace, How are you?” I bend and kiss her cheek.

  “I’m good, Luca. Sounds like it should a good party. Is Leighton still inside her place?”

  “I haven’t seen her since this morning. Her friend Kenzie is with her.” My anticipation grows at just the thought of her walking out her door any minute now.

  “Kenzie’s here? Awesome. I love that girl. Is Wes coming?”

  “Yeah, I guess. I invited him. Why?”

  “Kenzie has a thing for him. Always has. She’s got it bad. Should be interesting.”

  I’ve never seen Wes with a girlfriend before. Kenzie’s adorable. I can’t see why Wes wouldn’t have an interest in her.

  “Hmm. Let’s see what happens. Wes is a great guy. I’d like to see him with someone nice.”

  “Kenzie is a great girl. She pulled Leighton out of the clutches of nerdville in college. I give her lots of credit.”

  So Kenzie is responsible for Leighton’s makeover and the reason I don’t’ recognize her from high school.

  People start to trickle in towards the back. A few guys we went to high school with, their dates, and or wives. A few girls we know from the restaurant, and here comes Wes.

  “Wes my man. How are you? So glad you here.” We bro hug and release.

  “Thanks for having me. Is my sister here yet?” And with that Leighton’s back door opens and she steps out. The vision I see is her in an emerald green halter sun dress. The sun is setting behind her. The rays shine around her and cast a halo around her body. Her hair is down and flows over her shoulders. She is a sight to behold. A vision of loveliness that can only be described as picturesque. She smile at me and makes her way down the steps. Kenzie is behind her. When Leighton moves off the steps, Wes spots her. I hear him gasp and make a small moan that only me, James, and Grace can hear. Grace nudges my arm after we hear Wes and says in a whisper,

  “Let the games begin.”

  Leighton walks towards Wes first and I know it’s her brother, but her gaze has been set on me since she made her way out of the house, and I feel disappointed that she didn’t say hi to me first. What am I twelve?

  She hugs Wes and Kenzie stands far from her. Grace goes over and hugs her.

  “Oh, Kenz. I missed you. It’s been almost a year. How are you?”

  “Hi Gracie Lou. I’m good. I missed everyone too.”

  “Kenzie, this is James, James this is Kenzie. She was Leighton’s roommate in college and now our adopted friend.” James shakes her hand.

  “Nice to meet you Kenzie. Penn State grad, huh?”

  “Yep. That’s how I met Leightybug here.”

  Kenzie looks a bit nervous. Her and Wes have not said hello to each other yet and it’s a bit uncomfortable. I look at Leighton, she looks to me, then to Wes. Someone’s got to talk.

  “Wes, say hi to Kenzie.” Leighton to the rescue. That’s why I love this girl. Wes’s hands are in his pockets and he slightly rocks on his heels.

  “Hey, Kenzie.”

  That’s it? That’s all he’s going to say to this girl who has stars in her eyes, who is looking at his all dreamy like. You can tell from a mile away that this girl is nutso about him. As soon as she saw his face, she blushed and bit her lip.

  “Hey, Wes. You, um, you look great. It’s good to see you.” She bites her lip. We all stare at her, waiting with baited breath for what Wes is going to say next.

  “Thanks.” He replies. Thanks! That’s’ all, again. What is up with him?

  “I’m going to grab a beer. See you guys later.” Wes walks away and we all still and look to one another.

  “What the fuck is up with Wes, Leighton?” James asks.

  “Wish I knew.” She replies. Kenzie looks as though she’s about to cry. Leighton goes to her and puts her arm around her shoulder.

  “Better watch it, Leighton, looks like I may have some kind of disease. Like the hot guy plague, or some shit like that.”

  “Kenz, my brother is an idiot. Don’t worry about him. I’ll dig the stick out of his ass soon.” Kenzie just shrugs and Leighton looks towards where Wes is grabbing a beer. He is looking at where we are all standing and Leighton gives him the stink eye.

  We all walk over to the bar and greet some more people who come in. Leighton and Grace’s friends show up. She is just so sweet towards her friends. She engulfs Candy and McKenna in hugs and I ask them what they would like to drink. I motion to the girls to come over to sit around the fire pit we put out back. The sun has set, the music is rocking, and the flames from the fire illuminate the beautiful girl in the green dress. Her eyes sparkle against the glow as she laughs and talks with her friends. I really like her friends. They are a lot of fun. I get up out of my seat next to James and ask the girls if they need refills.

  “Captain Morgan’s Rum and d
iet please Luca.” Candy asks. The girl can drink! I see Wes at the bar grabbing a bottle of water.

  “Wes, what’s up? Why don’t you come over and sit with us?” He glances over to where everyone is sitting.

  “I, uh, I’m ok. I’m just mingling. I don’t want to be that brother that hangs around his little sister’s friends.”

  “I don’t really think Leighton feels like that, Wes, but I have to just come out and ask you, what was with that whole exchange with Kenzie tonight? I don’t mean to pry, but I’m really confused. Do you not like her?”

  He downs the bottle of water in what seems like two big gulps and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.

  “I’m in fucking love with her.”

  Simply stated, dually noted and I’m shocked.

  “Huh? You love her?”

  “Yes, Leighton doesn’t know. We have been doing this flirting thing for years now. It started when me and a friend of mine went to visit Leighton at college when she was a senior. I had only met Kenzie a few times and I just thought she was my sister’s goofy roommate. Then after they graduated, they got an apartment together in Philadelphia, I started to visit a lot more often, I got to know her, and I fell in love with her, and I’m a stupid jackass.”

  “Why are you a stupid jackass? Just tell her how you feel.”

  “I’m a stupid jackass because I treat her like shit now. I’m so in love with her that I don’t know how else to act. I’ve never really had a girlfriend. Only random hookups. I just don’t have the words, so I act like a total ass when I’m around her.”

  I feel bad for Wes. He is such a good guy, and I want to see him happy with the one he loves. He should be with her. He should tell her he loves her and make her his. I really should take my own advice and stop pussyfooting around.

  “Wes, what do you have to lose by telling her how you feel? Maybe she feels the same way but because of the connection to Leighton she’s hesitate about expressing how she feels about you. Take the chance man. Don’t give up. Giving up on the idea of love is something you can’t take back. You need to seize the day.”


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