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Dominic's Nemesis

Page 18

by D. Alyce Domain

  * * *

  “What happened to…the others, the ones who helped your mother?” Eden knew she shouldn’t ask, but she had to know. Perhaps if those monsters had gotten their comeuppance, the anger boiling in her gut would dissipate. However, she was careful to keep her expression passive, tender.

  “I imagine they met fates similar to hers. I have never returned to Italy, so I cannot say for certain. It must seem selfish of me, but I did not wish for justice. I was content merely to be safe from them. Ethan’s Uncle Quinn raised us. He has since retired to his Scottish lands.”

  A silence fell, during which she watched him meander back to the window. He stood facing the wide square aperture, as the new day broke, his shirt billowing around him in the chilly breeze. Eden was glad of the covers around her and licking warmth of the fireplace. The falcon at his shoulder fussed and fluttered until he turned and whispered in that direction. She wondered. Did he really have so much to say to the bird or was he avoiding her. Dreading her reaction. Embarrassed, even.

  “I love you.” The words came without thought, but she knew they were true the instant they left her mouth. “I’d love you even if you had a third eye and webbed feet. It’s the way you touch me, that lofty arrogance you use to hide your fears, the awe and longing I see in your eyes when you look at me. Its those things that drew me to you, and no one else.”

  He sat the falcon aside on the perch and came back to her, eyes brimming with an emotion she’d ached to see reflected back at her. Hope. As he drew to a stop at the side of the bed, new tears swelled at the site. His scars were visible, beautiful and heartbreaking at once. She scooted to the curved edge of the bed.

  “I hide them using my ability. It’s a complex illusion that radiates off my body like heat, creating a fine layer around my skin. I’ve done so for so long, it’s like breathing. I’ve tried, but the illusion does not work on my eyes.”

  Eden felt a tremor run through him at her first touch to the side of his stomach, she bent to kiss the series of parallel slash marks running from taunt muscles to the sides of his torso.


  “Come back to bed now, Dom.” She stood on her knees to push the shirt off his shoulders.

  “We don’t have to…do that again, if you’d rather not.”

  “What makes you think I’d rather not?” She kissed her way up his chest, stopping only to pay tender loving attention to an especially jagged patch of skin below his nipple.

  “I hurt you before.”

  “Not much.”

  He grasped her and pulled her against his body, cradling her close. She kissed her way up his throat until she reached the tempting lobe of his ear. She soon found herself swept up in his arms.

  He moved onto the bed, and laid her down amid the rumbled sheets. A moment later he joined her, naked and scarred. Her arms twined around him when he lay half atop her, pillowing his head on her chemise-d bosom. She fingered the variety of textures and puckers dotting his back.

  “Didn’t you…like it?” Her face colored pink waiting for his answer.

  “I was unprepared for the bliss of being with you. It was heaven…and hell. But yes, cara, I liked it.” He propped himself on his elbows to gaze at her with mix-matched jewels. “I would like to enjoy such feelings again.”

  “I would like to as well…” She smiled, quite certain she was beet red. All embarrassment abated when his lips touched hers.

  Chapter 25

  Eden tried to ignore Kathleen’s shrewd gaze as she tore into the breakfast feast Dominic had no doubt instructed the maid to bring to her room. The hot porridge, sticky bun, and heavenly cup of chocolate melted in her mouth. In her greed, she choked on a warm bite of the honey-sweetened bun when the older woman aired her thoughts.

  “Aye, so ya waited until tha babe had brought me low and ya let’ im have his way wit ya.” Kathleen halted any reply with a quelling hand, and a shake of her head. “No use denying it, lass. You’ve a glow dat would send St. Mary to tha gallows.”

  Eden forced the morsel down the wrong leg of her throat, just to be able to breath again.

  “What ‘ave ya ta say for yourself, then?”

  With a churlish sigh, she sat the tray aside and stood to face the stanch chaperon whom she’d come to regard as more of a friend. Nevertheless, she needed to set the Scotswoman straight about the previous evening’s activities. She was, after all, a grown woman, responsible for herself and her own small fortune…though admittedly she’d neglected both dreadfully.

  “I don’t know that there is anything to say…or do for that matter. The deed cannot be undone and what’s more I wouldn’t wish it reversed even if I could. There now, I have said my peace. Are you…very disappointed in me?” She knew a moment of unease.

  “Heavens no. Dominic would’ve had ya sooner or later. I would rather it were later…say, after tha wedding. Ethan, I do no’ think he cares dis way or dat. He’s been over tha moon ever since Cael fished ya water-logged bones out of tha bog. Hush, now, ya mustn’t cry.”

  Oh! She felt the tears burst forth. Kathleen pulled her into a tight hug she didn’t realize she needed. Much as she’d been prepared to go toe to toe, she was glad a battle hadn’t been necessary. Kathleen’s good opinion meant the world to her.

  “Now, ya mustn’t let him dawdle too long in gettin’ ya to tha alter.”

  “Certainly.” Eden nodded, sniffling into her shoulder. “But, he hasn’t mentioned marriage. I must wait until he asks me.”

  “Goodness, who told ya dat?” Kathleen pulled back and trained an eagle’s eye on her. “‘Member what I warned tha marriage bed leads ta, lass…Has he spilled himself inside ya?”

  Wiping at a wayward tear, she nodded. “Yes, I dare say I cherish it, the tiny part of him that he’s left with me.”

  “Aye, if it takes root, he or she will no’ remain tiny.”

  Try as she might, Eden could not drudge up an inkling of worry or regret. If a child resulted from being with Dominic…the thought alone warmed her, filling her with visions of a raven-haired boy with haunted eyes and a serious mien she would love to tease a giggle from.

  “Where is Dominic?” She asked, suddenly longing to see him.

  “He an’ tha brothers have gathered in tha library. Can no’ be good news. Whenever dat many men come together ta discuss anythin’, there are ill tidings afoot. Rest assured.”

  * * *

  Dominic shuffled his feet, the urge to bolt nagging at him. Without his spectacles in place, he suffered anxiety being the focus of so many faces at once…that they were those of his brothers eased him some. Cael’s expression dogged him, a constant source of reassurance and support. For now his brother truly knew the reason for his solitary existence, realized the difficulty of enduring strangers and their staring eyes.

  Stephan languished on the sofa, a wrinkled mess from the previous night spent atop the cushy three-seater. The relaxed pose belied the keen interest leveled from him. Dom noted that his youngest brother looked more himself, still quiet but no longer a dispirited shell. He probably had Eden to thank for that as well. A few steps away Ethan stood, a booted foot resting on the cornered edge of the ottoman. He hummed with approval.

  Dom endeavored to concentrate, ease his nerves with the one image capable of gentling his anxiety…Eden. Her visage came easily to his mind, assuaging his uncertainties. He conjured her voice…’They’re beautiful, Dom’. With her by his side, even in thought only, he stood straighter, cleared his throat and looked each of his three brothers square in the face. Dom had their undivided attention.

  “Ahem. Last evening, I received a message from Davide Greyson requesting an audience with me. For what, the letter does not specify. It does, however, also inform me that during an inspection of St. Ciaran Isis Asylum, owned by one Matthias Montgomery, a suspected blackmail log was discovered. According to Greyson, the newest entry reads Conte Dominic Ambrosi. So, I think it safe to say that our Mr. Montgomery is well informed.”
br />   “I don’t suppose there was any mention of the blackmail material to be used against you.” Ethan asked.

  “None, but I think we can all guess what advantage Montgomery intends to press. Here, read for yourself.” Dominic extracted the crumpled communiqué from his lapel pocket, and handed it off to Ethan.

  “Do you plan to receive Greyson?”

  “I would rather not.” Dominic saw in Cael that he did not agree with the decision but he seemed to both expect and accept it. “This warning of blackmail could be a ruse on Greyson’s part to press a meeting with me. He obviously knows something of Stephan’s ability. Perhaps he suspects that all of us are equally endowed. How he discovered we are related is another concern. I take it you did not inform him of our connection.”

  Cael shook his head, a frown formed over troubled amber at the thought.

  “Would you care for my opinion, big brother?”

  All three brothers eyed the youngest. Stephan’s attention never left Dominic. “It isn’t me he’s after. If Greyson really wants to see me, he need only ask. I would not refuse, even if Cael forbade it. He has never asked.”

  “That is true.” Cael confirmed. “I met with Greyson on several occasions. He spoke of it, alluded that he would be interested in helping Stephan, but he has never issued a specific request.”

  “Perhaps he has some passing interest in me, but what he really wants is an audience with you, Dom. He approached Cael about me as an incentive for you to initiate a conversation with him.”

  “But that would mean that he’s known our family background for some time.” Cael pointed out.

  “Perhaps he has, and is choosing to use it now out of desperation.” Stephan shrugged. “But, he’s not lying about the blackmail.”

  “How do you know?” Dom inquired.

  “I received a note demanding a large sum from an unspecified person.” Stephan’s eyes sparkled but his tone he kept flat and informative, as if he were relaying his agenda for the day. “Any student at the university would be too wealthy to bother with blackmail, and possibly too frightened of me to do so even were they poor enough to warrant it. Also, the person is not educated, so that rules out Greyson. In any case, the handwriting on Greyson’s message is not the same as the one I received. It only occurred to me last evening that Montgomery is the most-likely culprit, though I doubt he knows of our kinship, otherwise you’d have already received a similar request for funds upon threat of his doing some harm to me.”

  Cael immediately came to his brother’s side, an agitated hand lost in dark gold hair. “And you don’t tell me this?”

  “I am of age, and I prefer to handle my own affairs.”

  “How have you handled it?” Dom was disturbed. He’d been right to worry about Montgomery targeting Stephan.

  “I burned the note.” He shrugged, his continence not wavering from his eerie calm. “Montgomery cannot harm me. More like, his provoking me would result in my accidentally killing him. The fact that he does not realize this is why I believe his threat to expose me is a bluff.”

  “A lesser man would have panicked.” Dom admired such clarity of thought.

  “Something more will need to be done about him.” Ethan, who had thus far been a mere observer, asserted himself into the conversation.

  “Let’s wait and see what the reform board will do with him first.” Dominic could tell by his tone that Cael had become uneasy. “With each new incident, the picture we are painting of Montgomery grows more alarming. He is shrewd and that makes him dangerous. We should avoid a direct battle with him if at all possible.”

  Ethan and Stephan deferred.

  “Agreed, then.” Why borrow trouble, Dom concluded, when they already had enough to go around. “In the meantime, Gideon requires my presence in Italy. Gabriel’s condition has not improved and Uncle Fausto continues to make a nuisance of himself. I will be leaving at sunset. Also, I have invited Stephan to be my permanent houseguest and he has agreed. Cael, I realize this may come as a shock, but he is no longer a child. Stephan, I would ask that you look after Eden in my absence. You must promise me to safeguard her.”

  “She will not accompany you to Italy then?” To Dom’s surprise, Stephan showed more emotion than Cael. He sat up, then stood, an enigmatic expression on his face.

  Cael merely nodded.

  “No. I wish it, but Nonna and the donnas will not be kind to her. The situation with Gideon and Gabriel does not permit them to entertain guests. Plus, I may not be able to astral the whole way if I bring Eden along, and Gideon is impatient. Under the circumstances, there is no choice but for her to remain here. But if I know that she is protected I will rest easy.”

  “Rest easy then. I would be honored to protect what is yours.” He came forward, and offered a hand. Dominic used it to pull his brother into a brief embrace. He noted that Stephan seemed flushed…over-warm. Afterward, he watched him ambled back to the sofa, shaken.

  He directed his next statement to Ethan and Cael. “Ethan, you and Cael, stay close at hand if at all possible. Eden is not the only woman here in need of protection. There is Kathleen and the servants to think of. Montgomery is not above targeting the maids and whatnot. I’ll have none of that here. Ethan if you feel strongly enough I will understand if you extract Kathleen and protect her from you own home in town.”

  “I will stay close.” Ethan promised. “With the three of us keeping diligent watch, I believe everyone will be safe.”

  “I do not have to return immediately to town.” Cael stated.

  “That’s settled then. I have one last request. Cael, if you and Stephan would excuse us, I must speak with Ethan.”

  When they were alone, Ethan was the first to speak. “You told Cael.”

  “Yes.” He frowned. “I wouldn’t think he’d run to you and discuss it.”

  “He didn’t. Nevertheless, it is obvious he knows. Another of his headaches struck last night. Between his and Kathleen’s malaise, I scarcely slept a wink.”

  “I should have known. When I let him see…he retched.”

  Ethan returned his frown. “But that’s usually the sign of an abating migraine.”

  “This is one of the reasons I resisted telling him. He feels too much.”

  “Yes, empathy. It’s what makes him so effective with his patients. By the way, what was it you wanted to ask of me?”

  He hesitated, not sure his request wasn’t a selfish one. If Ethan had been awake the entire night attending to illness he was tired and his ability, weakened. “Never mind. You need to rest.”

  “I’m fine. The migraine was easily remedied. Kathleen, I could scarcely help except to hold her hair back. I spent most of the night standing vigil. What is it?”

  Ethan wore concern like a favorite suit. Dominic almost smiled. He’d been doing a lot of that lately…resisting the urge to smile, having the urge to begin with.

  “Eden. I would like you to take away the bruises on her throat and at her…” He did not avert his eyes, knowing what his was about to reveal. Ethan would surely guess. “…left hip and thigh.”

  Concern drained, replaced by pleasant surprise. “So that’s it, then. You de-flowered her.”

  It was as blunt a statement as he’d ever heard grace the lips of his pristine brother. Perhaps Kathleen had managed to curdle Ethan’s flawless manners at last.

  “We deflowered each other.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “Nothing, everything…I don’t know. The feelings rage in one direction and then the next. They don’t allow for common sense. I know I cannot let her go.” Just the thought of losing her caused a pang. He looked down to find his hand rubbed at the place over his heart. “She is mine now, a part of me. It…it hurts to think of being without her.”

  “Are you in love with her?” With his question, hope sprang.

  He let his hand fall to his side, trying to get control of rioting insides. “Love is not a familiar emotion. Is this how it was for you…wi
th Kathleen?”

  “Yes, at first. The feelings were confusing and powerful.” He paused. Dominic waited as he searched for his next words. “Kathleen was alluring, addictive. I had to have her, always. The want is still there, but it has tempered with time. Do not worry. If you love her, when you fall completely, you’ll know.”

  Chapter 26

  “But why must it be you?” She stamped her slipper-clad foot against the be-rugged floor, hazel orbs ablaze. “You aren’t a doctor, you can do naught but sympathize. Send Atherton or Dr. Raine.”

  “Gabriel is not sick, nor is he insane.”

  “Then what the devil is the matter with him that only you can fix?!”

  “Cara, please. He suffers. Do not force me to choose between the two of you.”

  He was beside himself. She saw the conflict raging in him. If she continued on, she could probably break him. He’d delay, at least long enough to placate her, convince her that the trip could not be avoided. But is that what she wanted? To nag at him like a shrew until he surrendered. Somehow, it did not seem a wise precedent to set for a marriage-minded lady, but she couldn’t help herself. In her head she knew her demands were bratty, unreasonable, ruthless even…her woman’s heart, however, railed against his leaving. Had she a sibling to teach her the concept of sharing, perhaps she could have resisted. At the moment, there was but room for one person in her heart and he wanted to leave her.

  “Take me with you.”

  “No.” The word slapped her in the face. He wouldn’t bend on that point, so she’d have to work on keeping him here.

  “Then, you have already chosen.”

  “That is not true. I could not.”

  She rounded on him, stalking forward, narrowing her focus to just his bejeweled orbs. “You don’t want to leave, I can see it in your eyes. You’re dreading it…being back in the very place where those vile people hurt you. Stay here with me, where you’ll be safe from the memories. Tell the one called Gideon to bring Gabriel to England. They are cruel to make you go back there.”


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