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Dominic's Nemesis

Page 25

by D. Alyce Domain

  The Asylum Keeper never got to finish his thought. Stephan had him by the throat in a grip that put pressure enough on his spine to cause a yelp of pain.

  “I don’t care for your tone either, Mr. Montgomery.” Stephan delivered the words with quiet menace. “Either conduct your inquiries in a seemly manner or I shall relocate your jaw and let the other one ask the questions.”

  Face etched in fear, Montgomery managed to choke out a plea despite the strangle hold. “Pull ‘im off me, Ambrosi.”

  Tension griped the room. A bead of sweat rolled down her temple. Eden had suspected the Sphinx possessed a dark side, but never in her wildest imaginings did she glimpse even a shadow of the contained fury she saw lurking in the depths of his eyes. She found herself breathing hard, pulling at the collar of her gown. Suddenly, she felt uncomfortably warm. The room itself seemed…realization hit hard. Her eyes flew to the grate in the fireplace, still a small flame, but it shone white-hot.

  Both doctors made a move to defuse the situation, while panic sparked her into action.

  “No.” She stayed them with a word, knowing she alone could pull him back from the brink. “Let me.” Out of instinct, she looked to Dom, but he wasn’t where he had been just seconds before.

  “Stephan.” His grip tightened at the sound of her voice. “Stephan, please, I cannot reach the pitcher and I’ve grown thirsty.”

  His head tilted toward her. “We can’t have that.” He dropped his hold on the Asylum Keeper with the nonchalance of a youngster tossing aside a toy that had cease to amuse him.

  As he neared, Eden heard the sizzle of the water and hoped that it wouldn’t throw off steam.

  “Ya address an unmarried gent by ‘is Christian name? How odd.” Montgomery massaged his throat, brows draw together in thunderous hatred. If he had wanted to cause mischief before, he would most likely be out for blood now… judging from his expression. Eden saw him glance around the room, pinning each occupant, including his companion with a look that promised they would all pay for his humiliation and pay dearly.

  “Better to leave well-enough alone.” Greyson murmured the words, but Eden heard them still. He turned to Dominic, who had reappeared right where she’d last seen him. “Conte Ambrosi, I can see that all is well with the young miss. The citizen who made the report was obviously misinformed. Have no doubt, I shall relay as much to the board. I will trouble you no longer then. Montgomery, let us go.”

  “Not just yet. ‘Tis somethin’ going on ‘ere. I can smell it. Where does he sleep, then? If dat one’s in ‘is bed. And ‘ow tha devil did she get locked in tha wine cellar anyway?”

  Greyson’s elegant shoulders slumped, as if he himself had suffered a personal disappointment. “Mr. Montgomery let me remind you.” He eyed his companion pointedly. “We agreed that you were not to speak unless I or Conte Ambrosi addressed you directly and gave you leave to do so. That was the condition of your accompanying me.”

  “Its alright.” Dominic gestured. “You may as well know—I want no repeat of this—Miss Prescott and I are hand-fasted. She uses a familiar address because she and I will be wed before All Hallows. We have agreed on a six-months handfast instead of the traditional year, you see. I prefer a proper engagement, but the rules of mourning forbid it. And, too, the sad state of affairs with her English relations. I was unwilling to subject her or myself to the publicity of town, a season, bans and all that nonsense. I need hardly add that my privacy is of extreme importance to me.”

  “Is that true?” The taller man questioned.

  Eden felt color rise under the weight of Greyson’s scrutiny, and the scorn of Montgomery’s skepticism. She deliberately avoided catching anyone else’s eye lest her blush deepen.

  “Yes, we are… betrothed.” Greyson seemed to accept her answer and returned his attention to Dominic.

  “Might have done better to inform the household at least.”

  “I value my privacy, Professor, and I did not think it decent to expose Ms. Prescott to any further social difficulties. My household is very fond of the young lady and I do not believe one numbered among them requested this inquisition…eh, or, whatever it is.” Dominic turned to his companion. “This was, no doubt your handiwork. There is no use denying it, Mr. Montgomery. You have been on the estate previously, then too as an unwelcomed guest. Isn’t that so, Kathleen?”

  “Aye, ‘tis him…frightened tha wits out of myself and tha wee lass, here.”

  Dominic cleared his throat. “Professor Greyson, I have been as gracious as it is within me to be under the circumstances, but my patience is at an end, I’m afraid. Stephan, you will please see the gentleman and his… acquaintance out. Now.”

  Stephan spoke, darkly sarcastic, as he gestured for them to precede him to the door. “Always a pleasure.”

  Chapter 37

  “Where the devil did you go? Do you have any idea how reckless that was?”

  “Aye, one of ‘em could’ve noticed.” Kathleen agreed, though she put a quelling hand on her brother-in-law’s shoulder. “Cael-”

  “For a man who’s spent a lifetime protecting himself and his secrets from the world you certainly chose an odd moment to become adventurous.”

  “Stephan had everyone’s attention. There was no danger. I glanced at their souls. The opportunity might not have arisen again.” Dominic watched Cael morph from annoyed to intrigued.

  “Well…What did you see?”

  “Montgomery’s lifeforce was a tumult of ill feelings.”

  “That’s nothing we didn’t already know.” Stephan injected from his perch by the windows. “The man is not subtle.”

  “It’s more than that. His essence was not under stress. It appeared as though his natural state of being is a frenzy of rage and hatred. I would not be surprised if he had a history of violent deeds. Greyson, unfortunately, proved more difficult to read. No overt emotion. Nothing unique or identifiable about his essence.”

  “Enough about Greyson an’ dat misanthrope.” Kathleen waved them away, and squared her eyes on Dom. “‘Tis high time we speak of practical matters. I did no’ care for tha way dat one carried on but he makes a point. What of dis engagement? Do ya intend ta honor it?”

  “I admit I merely provided a convenient excuse to waylay more speculation with regards to her virtue. Moreover, Miss Prescott and I have not yet discussed marriage.”

  A chortle came from the doorway. Dominic glanced to find Ethan crossing the study’s threshold. “I believe you mean to say her lack of virtue.”

  “Aye.” Kathleen seconded her husband’s sentiment with a sharp nod. “And I wanna know what ya intentions are towards my charge? You’ve let it be known dat Ethan and I are responsible for tha wee one. So, it’ll be our hides when the lass’ middle starts ta spread before tha vows.”

  Dominic cleared his throat, as he looked down the barrel of a cocked shotgun. “Yes, that thought has occurred to me. I am a man of dignity and honor, if indeed a deplorable lack of propriety. We will be married, once she is physically and mentally fit. In the meanwhile, I suggest we have a cleric of some sort for a visit to make this hara-kiri hand-fasting a documented fact.”

  “Do not forget to ask her first, Dominic.” Stephan said. “Eden deserves a measure of consideration in her own future.”

  “And donna make tha proposal as though ya are duty-bound ta do so.” Kathleen injected. “A woman likes a ‘lil romance, ya know.”

  “But it is imperative that you convey to her the necessity for a wedding in the very near future.” Cael cautioned.

  Dom’s head swam at the myriad of advice. He looked to Ethan. “How is she?”

  “Resting. Nell is sitting with her now.”

  “Good. Cael, as soon as she is able I would like you to have another interview with her. Stephan and I will look into the possibility of a spiritual disturbance and if need be, an exorcism.”

  * * *

  The instant the door had closed behind Dr. Raine the evil-thing started pounding
on the walls of her mind. She tried to concentrate amid the assault, rebuild the numerous cracks in her foundation. Instead they broke open wider, letting the disturbing presence leak in. NO! Her mind screamed. She felt as if someone was slowly strangling off her air supply.

  “Did you think you could control me forever?”

  Ignoring the taunt, she redoubled her efforts. But she knew she was fighting a losing battle. The evil was too strong. It was only a matter of time before the evil would again possess her mind.

  “Nell.” Frantic eyes sought the jittery housemaid, fussing with the bed linens. “You must help me.”

  “Would you like a spot to eat now that all the excitement is over, then?” She quit twittering at the foot of the bed, and came to place the forgotten food tray before her.

  “Stephan, I must… speak with him.” Eden followed the girl’s movement, trying to catch her eye. But it seemed as if Nell deliberately avoided looking at her. She didn’t half blame the maid for being frightened of her. She probably would be too if the shoes were on her feet.

  “Mr. Atherton and the others are downstairs in the study having a chat. I was told not to leave you alone. Relax miss, one of ‘em will be up to check on you soon.” With that, she spooned up a steaming heap of something from the bowl. “Shall I?”

  Eden backhanded her hard across the cheek. The food spilled in a grotesque slash of chunks across the counterpane and over the side of the bed. “Bothersome chit! Quit hovering and let me be.”

  Eden gave the evil thing a hard mental strove to dislodge it…with little success. She was a prisoner in her own consciousness, a passenger in a carriage being driven by a malevolent force. Nell trembled on the floor, clutching her struck cheek. The thing sneered into that shocked expression.

  “Get gone, do you hear me!” Try as she might, Eden could not stop her features from contorting in hatred as more cruel words left her mouth. The shrill command held a note of warning, which threatened retribution if not obeyed.

  “Y-y-y-yes, Miss.” The maid stammered. “I w-w-won’t disturb you again.”

  Poor Nell. Eden made a mental note to make it up to the girl once she had better control of herself. For now, it looked as if the entity was about to get her way. Nell, scrambled off the floor, giving the bed a wide girth, as she made tracks to the opposite end of the room. To Eden’s surprise, the maid sidestepped the chamber door and instead positioned herself in the furthest corner from the bed and sat knees to her chest on the floor.

  “I said, get out.”

  Eden felt the thing’s intentions and wanted to cry. It wasn’t done with Nell yet. It wanted her gone from the room. The entity flipped back the ruined covers, flinging a spray of loose food across the other side of the counterpane. Rising on wobbly feet, she felt herself stalk towards the frightened maid. Eden saw images of her own fist pounding into the young maid’s back and a hand snatching painfully at her hair. She knew Nell. The meek girl would make no struggle, raise not a finger to her betters.

  “No, please, don’t do this.” Eden begged. “Let her alone! If you truly want her to go, allow me to talk to her. I’ll convince her.”

  “My way works best.”

  “Let us leave the room then. You can say that you’ve gone to seek another’s company. She won’t follow.”

  Undeterred, the entity was nearly upon her when a soft knock came at the chamber door. Without waiting for an answer the door opened to admit Dominic.

  Dom!” Eden wanted to run to him, throw her arms around him and stay cocooned in his gentle warmth forever. The evil thing though, staggered like a toddler just learning to walk. Though at least it did not sneer at him as it had Nell. It seemed to Eden to be eager to see him. Even trying for a smile.

  “Dominic, is it really you?” The awe and familiarity the entity put into her voice puzzled Eden. Did it know Dom outside of its knowledge of him through her memories? Up until now, she assumed the thing plaguing her was a pointless evil that chose to victimize her because she was feeble-minded. Could it be possible the evil had a premeditated agenda…that somehow involved Dominic?

  “Eden. What are you doing out of bed?” His eyes widen.

  Eden couldn’t tell if he was more surprised or worried. He was upon her in an instant, and would have lifted her into his arms…when the thing within her cringed away. Preferring to fall backward on her bottom than be touched by Dominic.


  “Keep away from me you odd-eyed fiend.” Just as quickly as the outburst sprang forth, she cut herself off. Her next words were spoken in soft dulcet tones. Eden felt a swell of hate overtake her thoughts belying the sweetness she proffered.

  “Forgive me, Dom. I don’t know what has come over me lately.”

  Blast! The evil thing had just undone weeks of careful prodding, gentle words and trust-building. Now, he had that shell-shocked expression again. Frantic to sooth the hurt and explain that the words had not come from her, but the evil thing possessing her, Eden struck out at the thing in the only manner left to her.

  “Hurt him again and I’ll make sure you regret it.” Just to prove the threat wasn’t empty, she garnered all her mental efforts to bombard the evil with images from her own memories. Much like the entity had done to her. She chose the most painful and debilitating points in her life, the deaths of her parents, the time in youth when she’d broken her ankle. Images and feelings flooded the foreign consciousness squatting in her mind. Eden smiled with satisfaction when the entity writhed under the onslaught.

  “Cara, are you hurt? You’ve a queer sort of smile.” Dom was at her side, lifting her into his arms. “I am happy to see that you’re improving, but for my sake please take it slow. Where the devil is Nell?”

  He could see her smile? Was she free of the entity’s thrall then? She tested the boundaries, probing her consciousness. No. The dark cloud in her mind still hovered, encroaching once again on her freewill. She must warn him before it overshadowed her completely.

  “Don’t trust anything I say.” She clutched at his collar pleading with her eyes.

  He frowned. “Eden?”

  By the time he had walked them to the edge of the bed, the evil had recovered.

  “What happened here?” He looked from the ruined tray to the bedding abandoned on the floor and spotted the maid hovering in the corner. “Nell?”

  “Oh, it’s nothing.” Evil Eden explained, waving a dismissive hand. “Nell accidentally upset the tray in my lap and then retreated in fear of being scolded. I was trying to reassure her that it was no harm done when you came. Run along dear and fetch someone to change the bedding.”

  * * *

  All frightened eyes and stammering voice, Nell rushed forward to clear away the tray and its fallen contents.

  “Have a fresh tray sent up as well.” Dominic called after her.

  “Yes, Master Ambrosi.” She dropped a curtsey and fled.

  Nell returned a short time later with a new tray and a younger even more skittish protégé burdened with a stack of bedding that threatened to topple with her every step. The maid deposited the new tray on the night table and the two of them made quick work of the bed.

  “Will that be all, then.”

  “Yes, you may go about your normal business.” Dom excused the two and gazed down at the bundle still in his arms. Wondering how best to begin.

  How did one propose a handfast? He hadn’t any idea how one even proposed a marriage. He tried to recall the advice that the others had given him. Kathleen had said not to treat the proposal as an obligation. Therefore, he must affect spontaneity and romance.

  Then he thought of Cael. His brother had reminded him that the need for a wedding was imminent. Yes, indeed, now more than ever. His expression softened at the memory of the life force he’d witnessed mingled with hers. His child, their child, at this moment grew inside the slight woman he now held within his arms. He felt her stiffen.

  “Dominic, you may put me down.”

  He co
mplied, setting next to her at the bed’s edge. “Eden, I’ve been thinking…about what I said earlier.”

  “You said many things earlier.”

  “I refer specifically to my mention of a hand-fasting.” He eyed her askance, wanting to gauge her reaction. “We have not discussed marriage, I know, but the incident earlier has made me see just how precarious our current…eh…arrangement is. I…that is, I mean to say that, I’ve come to realize that I wish you to be a…permanent figure on the estate. Not only that, but in my life as well. So, I wanted to ask, would you perhaps consider making our pretend hand-fast a real one?”

  “Why hand-fast? Why not a formal betrothal and marriage?”

  “For the same reasons I relayed to Greyson.” His shoulders drooped. She was not eager to enter into it as he had hoped. He loathed telling her of her condition. It seemed an underhanded means of persuasion. Of course she would say yes faced with the social ridicule that came with unwed pregnancy. He wanted her to say yes because she wanted him as her husband, not because she had no other option.

  “Recall, there is the possibility of a child to be considered.” He broached the topic feigning an indifference he did not feel. “What I propose is a two-month hand-fast. During which time, we can search for a solution to this entity business. Afterward we will be married in a traditional ceremony before God and church. Cara, will you look at me at least?”

  He caught her under the chin with his thumb and second finger. Lower lip trembling, her eyes watered with tears. “Is this arrangement so abhorrent to you?”


  Thoughtless cad! He scolded himself for being such an unfeeling fool. Even if she had not been privileged to the full measure of deference her title and status afforded her by the peerage, she was raised a lady of some import in Boston. A woman like Eden would not leap into a pagan marriage ritual not even recognized by the Church of England. If he were truthful with himself, he too preferred a traditional sort of betrothal and marriage. Particularly when the mother of his unborn child was concerned. So what was holding him back? Why not offer her what she deserved, what they both wanted…


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