Spain's Road to Empire
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Tassoni, Alessandro, 382
Tavera, Cardinal Juan de, 72, 76
Tawantinsuyu, 106, 110, 128, 194, 275, 507
Taxis. See Tassis
technology and empire, 98, 201, 221, 268, 338, 389, 480, 488, 508
Tejas Indians, 424, 427, 463
Tello de Guzmán, Francisco, 217, 227
Tendilla, Iñigo López de Mendoza, 2nd count of, 20
Tenerife, 11, 12, 13, 411
Tenochtitlan, 99–105, 108, 114, 118, 128, 138, 243–244, 347, 512
tercios, 28, 56, 59–60, 68, 71–73, 79–80, 163–164, 175–176, 178, 184, 192, 301–303, 332, 333, 391, 408, 442, 490, 511
Teresa of Avila, 118, 373
Ternate, 199, 200, 223–224, 233, 327, 410
Terranova (Calabria), battle of (1502), 26
Testo, Fulvio, 382
Tewa Indians, 422
Texas, 244, 246, 362, 426, 462–464, 466–468
Texcoco, 103–104, 275, 351
Thailand, 226–227, 327
Thilo von Throta, 80
Thirty Years’ War, 320, 365, 385–386, 391, 406
Tiahuanaco, 276–277
Tidore, 198–199, 223
Timor, 198
Timucuan Indians, 255, 466, 502
Titian, 80, 185
Titicaca, Lake, 110, 276–277
Titu Cusi Yupanqui, Inca, 192, 194
Tiwa Indians, 246
Tlatelolco, 104, 356, 499
Tlaxcala, 100, 103, 114, 128, 142, 240, 245, 248
Tlaxcalans, 100–104, 115, 267, 512
Tlemcen, 31, 77
Tliliuhquitepec, 101
tobacco, 295, 420, 505
Toit, François du, 280
Tokugawa dynasty, 216, 218, 393
Toledo city, 30, 33, 45, 58, 106, 156, 189–190, 286, 304, 370, 494
Toledo, Admiral Fadrique de, 322, 393
Toledo, Francisco de, viceroy of Peru, 142, 193, 194, 195, 369, 372
Toledo, García de, 73, 156, 157
Toledo, Pedro de, viceroy of Naples, 66, 69
Toledo, Pedro de, marquis of Francavila, 382
toleration and Spanish empire, 181, 310, 397
Tordesillas, treaty of (1494), 42, 199
Torquemada, Juan de, 371
Torquemada, Tomás de, Inquisitor General, 22
Tortuga, 428
Totonac Indians, 100
Totorame Indians, 128
Towa Indians, 422
trade system of empire, 168, 297, 434, 471, 472, 476
Trani, 26
treasure fleets, 250, 328, 442
Trent, Council of, 193, 264, 377
Trevico, Marquis di, 166
Tripoli, 32, 155
Tromp, Admiral Marteen, 398, 409
Tudela, 35
Tunis, 72–75, 182, 186, 456
Tupac Amaru, Inca, 193–194
Turenne, Marshal Henri de la Tour d'Auvergne, 408, 411, 414
Turks, 14, 25, 56–59, 70–72, 76–77, 79, 155–157, 182–188, 209, 255, 304, 314, 453, 509; see also Ottoman empire
Tuscany, 65, 172, 191, 302, 367, 399, 407, 446, 448, 455, 457
Tutini, Camillo, 406
Twelve Years' Truce (1609–1621), 262, 317, 326
Tzeltal Indians, 424
Ulloa, Alfonso, 339–340
Ulloa, Antonio de, 358–359, 378, 439, 477–480, 484–485, 504
Ulloa, Francisco de, 228
Uluj Ali, 182
Union of Arms, 323, 324, 400
Union of Arras (1579), 300
United Provinces, 313, 317–320, 322, 325–326, 339, 365, 384, 387, 395, 409, 412–414, 436, 440, 446, 448, 480, 496; see also Dutch; Netherlands
Urbina, Juan de, 68
Urdaneta, Andrés de, 171, 199, 201, 210
Ursúa, Pedro de, 121
Ute Indians, 468
Utrecht, treaty of (1713), 409, 446–450, 453, 457, 470, 473
Uztáriz, Jerónimo de, 476
Valdés, Alfonso de, 52, 61
Valdivia, Pedro de, 96, 113, 119, 135, 139, 239, 243, 262
Valencia, 7, 12, 17, 22, 26, 38, 164, 181–182, 337, 393, 435, 444–445, 490, 504
Valenzuela, Leonor de, 369
Valera, Diego de, 10, 17
Valiente, Juan, 139
Valla, Lorenzo, 4
Valladolid, 6, 33, 51, 54, 58, 89, 92, 189, 199, 352, 368, 488
Valle, Count Antoine del, 444
Valleumbroso, marquis of, 506
Valois dynasty, 56, 153
Valtelline pass, 71, 173, 319, 382–383, 385–387
Valverde, Fray Vicente de, 107, 145, 498
Valverde, Governor, 467
van den Bergh, Count Hendrik, 319, 384
van den Wyngaerde, Anton, 160
van der Hagen, 214
van Diemen, Antonie, 402
van Hoelbeeck, 396
van Noort, Admiral Olivier, 262
van Spilbergen, Admiral Joris, 262
van Wytfliet, Cornelis, 160
Vargas Machuca, Bernardo de, 49, 112, 141, 392
Vargas, Diego de, 49, 112, 141, 353, 424
Varinas, marquis of, 434
Vasto, Alfonso d'Avalos, marquis di, 60, 66, 71, 73
Vázquez, Mateo, 245, 298
Velasco, Luis de, viceroy of New Spain, 257
Velázquez, Diego de, governor of Cuba, 83, 98, 100, 102, 244, 271
Velázquez, Diego de, painter, 321, 340
Vélez de la Gomera, 31, 70, 156, 163, 165, 178, 487
Vendôme, duke of, 444
Venegas, Yuce, 21
Venetian ambassadors, 64, 69, 80, 91, 153, 295, 312, 381, 434
Venezuela, 84, 118, 134, 261, 274, 356, 472, 491
Venice, 24, 38, 40, 65, 76, 174, 183, 293, 297, 323, 336, 367, 381–382, 388, 407
Veracruz 102, 431, 461, 465
Verdugo, Guillermo, 316
Vernon, Admiral Edward, 474–476
Vespucci, Amerigo, 43
Vianelli, Gerónimo, 30
viceroys in Spanish empire, 41, 56, 62, 66, 69, 75, 119, 138, 141–143, 155–156, 158–159, 161, 165, 174, 187, 190–191, 193–195, 211, 219, 228–229, 231, 245, 247, 252–253, 256–257, 260, 262–263, 278, 299, 315, 327, 345, 350, 352, 356, 368–369, 381–382, 400, 406–407, 428–429, 461, 464, 485
Vienna, 37, 54, 56, 68, 70–71, 155, 191, 314, 316, 446, 459, 489, 496, 500
Spaniards at siege of (1532), 57, 71, 79, 166, 178, 508
Vigo, incident at (1702), 443, 454
Vilcabamba, 111, 192–194, 276, 364
Villavicencio, Fray Lorenzo de, 179, 506
Villena, marquis of, 439
Visaya Islands, 201, 202, 204, 421
Vitoria, Francisco de, 492
Vives, Juan Luis, 63
Vizcaíno, Sebastián, 219, 230–231, 253,468
VOC (Dutch East India Company), 214, 315, 327
Voltaire, 476–477
Waldeck, Georg Friedrich, count of, 441
Waldseemüller, Martin, 43
Walpole, Sir Robert, 474–475
Warfusée, count of, 385
Watts, John, 309
Weiditz, Christoph, 5
Welser bankers, 54, 84–85, 118, 134, 136, 274, 403, 491
Westphalia, treaty of (1648), 409, 410, 496
wheat cultivation, 41, 123, 130, 176, 189, 205, 207, 214, 231, 273, 282, 326, 433, 434, 472
White Mountain, battle of (1620), 317, 500
White, Richard, 431
WIC (Dutch West India Company), 320, 328–329, 429–430
William III, prince of Orange, 415
Willughby, Francis, 504–505
Windward Squadron, 263
women, role of in conquests, 12, 18, 42–43, 103, 121, 182, 209, 228, 236, 239–244, 255, 285, 353, 370
Woodville, Sir Edward, 16
wool exports, 7, 40, 77, 89, 288, 295, 413, 440
Xavier, Francisco, 36, 200, 201, 232–233, 501
Yamasee Indians, 466
Yanga, 356
tribes see Igorots
Yucatán, 87, 98–99, 115–116, 122, 126, 197, 275
Zacatecas, 88, 247–248, 251, 285, 358, 426, 435
Zante, 25
Zorita, Alonso de, 499
Zuazo, Alonso, 84, 86, 97
Zumárraga, Juan de, 234, 245, 275
Zuni Indians, 246, 254, 422
Zúñiga, Baltasar de, 316–318
Zúñiga, Juan de, 186
Zurita, Jerónimo de, 9
Table of Contents
About the Author
Title Page
Copyright Page
List of Illustrations
List of Maps
Spain's Road to Empire
1: Foundations
2: The Early Western Empire
3: A New World
4: Creating a World Power
5: The Pearl of the Orient
6: The Frontier
7: The Business of World Power
8: Identities and the Civilizing Mission
9: Shoring up the Empire (1630–1700)
10: Under New Management
11: Conclusion: The Silence of Pizarro
List of Abbreviations
Select Bibliography